England Warns America-Don't let them take your Guns


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9ZvwPmjJu4&feature=player_embedded]England Warns America: Don't let them take your guns - YouTube[/ame]
England grabbed its citizens guns in 1997. Crime skyrocketed as the law-abiding were disarmed. The English citizens have a message for Americans — Don’t give up your guns!

Those who ignore history are bound to repeat it. Take heed America!
The late, great Charlton Heston said it best, "from my cold dead hands...."

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=5AGUiP_V0UA]Charlton Heston -My Cold DEAD Hands- NRA speech - YouTube[/ame]
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Notice it's the English PEOPLE and not the Hereditary Dictator Monarchy telling us this.

Honestly, I am surprised the people there are still allowed to speak out and warn us. That is the next thing that will come under assault.
No one wants to take guns away... But why have 50 and 100 shot magazines available to anyone other than the police and military? If the animal in Newtown only had weapons with 10 shots, maybe 10 additional kids would be alive. Maybe 10 more beautiful little angels could have enjoyed their Christmas presents. Think about it...

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