entanglement at 5 trillion degrees F


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2022
Not sure but afaik Brookhaven holds the record for the highest temperature ever achieved, something like 7 trillion degrees

But the Large Hadron Collider regularly achieves 5 trillion degrees, and there, they just visualized entanglement between quarks.

So it is not at all true that entanglement disappears at a fixed temperature. One of the interesting things about it though, is it behaves differently in different phases of matter. Part of it is because the interactions with the outside world are constrained, for example in crystals.

It is particularly educational to study entanglement in magnetic systems. These include the 5 known types of magnetism, as well as interaction with external magnetic fields. Magnetic systems have phases just like matter does, and one of the interesting phases for entanglement is called Quantum Spin Liquid.

In a quantum spin liquid the entanglement prevents the alignment of spins, prohibiting ordered patterns even at zero temperature.

Quantum Spin Liquids were first theorized in 1973 but experimentally they're only 3 years old.

The reason this becomes interesting is quantum spin liquids are theoretically possible with quarks at 5 trillion degrees F.

The conditions for initiation, transfer, and dissolution of entanglement are slowly being discovered. One of the interesting aspects is that dissipation always takes place in open systems. We are beginning to understand why.

"Quark liquids" can be generated in high energy accelerators. They carry "color fields" that create spin vortices.

The entanglements in these vortices are associated with fractional excitation states.

Another interesting tidbit is that spin behavior is directly related to neural networks via "quantum topological field theory" which describes the transfer matrices in Ising structures.

Ising structures become "adaptive" spin liquids when the non local entanglements achieve some measure of stability (that is to say, when the coupling becomes more robust than the dissipation, a situation which has already been extensively studied in non equilibrium thermodynamics).

This is probably how the vortices and color fields acquire "shape"(s).

Further reading:

Not sure but afaik Brookhaven holds the record for the highest temperature ever achieved, something like 7 trillion degrees

But the Large Hadron Collider regularly achieves 5 trillion degrees, and there, they just visualized entanglement between quarks.

So it is not at all true that entanglement disappears at a fixed temperature. One of the interesting things about it though, is it behaves differently in different phases of matter. Part of it is because the interactions with the outside world are constrained, for example in crystals.

It is particularly educational to study entanglement in magnetic systems. These include the 5 known types of magnetism, as well as interaction with external magnetic fields. Magnetic systems have phases just like matter does, and one of the interesting phases for entanglement is called Quantum Spin Liquid.

In a quantum spin liquid the entanglement prevents the alignment of spins, prohibiting ordered patterns even at zero temperature.

Quantum Spin Liquids were first theorized in 1973 but experimentally they're only 3 years old.

The reason this becomes interesting is quantum spin liquids are theoretically possible with quarks at 5 trillion degrees F.

The conditions for initiation, transfer, and dissolution of entanglement are slowly being discovered. One of the interesting aspects is that dissipation always takes place in open systems. We are beginning to understand why.

"Quark liquids" can be generated in high energy accelerators. They carry "color fields" that create spin vortices.

The entanglements in these vortices are associated with fractional excitation states.

Another interesting tidbit is that spin behavior is directly related to neural networks via "quantum topological field theory" which describes the transfer matrices in Ising structures.

Ising structures become "adaptive" spin liquids when the non local entanglements achieve some measure of stability (that is to say, when the coupling becomes more robust than the dissipation, a situation which has already been extensively studied in non equilibrium thermodynamics).

This is probably how the vortices and color fields acquire "shape"(s).

Further reading:

5 trillion degrees ?? wow ! I wonder if the partials revert back to their normal state after cooling ?
Self organization in adaptive systems occurs on the basis of correlation.

Entanglement is correlation.

The vortices in spin liquids have "degrees of entanglement", related to fractional states.

Analog Ising networks "sample" the environment every time a neuron fires. Effectively this is the same thing as a measurement.

When you have "enough" neurons (or entangled wave functions) you're basically performing a continuous measurement.

My guess is the information gets stored somewhere. It doesn't "just" dissipate, it goes somewhere specific. In the case of a real measurement it goes into the measuring device. It would make sense that the same thing happens with any other form of interaction.

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