Entire history books will be written about what an epic failure Obama is...

In terms of foreign policy there's little doubt obama will not be viewed positively. Cockups all over the globe as a result of his 8 years of lack of any real policy.

"Not doing stupid stuff is not a foreign policy"- Hillary Clinton
Well, if one regards treason as good foreign policy, the orange clown should make you very happy.

Is there a word for deflection when it's also nonsense?

In terms of foreign policy there's little doubt obama will not be viewed positively. Cockups all over the globe as a result of his 8 years of lack of any real policy.

"Not doing stupid stuff is not a foreign policy"- Hillary Clinton
Well, if one regards treason as good foreign policy, the orange clown should make you very happy.
Poor baby. Need a baby soother?
Another time and place and the Clinton's would have met the same fate as Nicolae and Elena Ceausescus.
Off you go now.
The leaves on the AW parking lot need sweeping up again.
In 100 years, historians will still be writing books about what an epic failure Obama was as President of the United States.

Actually, given he was proceeded by Bush and followed by Trump, Obama will be elevated.

Kind of like how Lincoln looks so much better because he is bookended by Buchanan and Andrew Johnson, the two worst presidents in our history.

Bush 41, Bill Clinton, Bush 43 and Obama are all Progressives to one degree or another, and all are NWO types.

Trump and the people he is bringing in are not. The coming changes will be most interesting.

And no, Obama will never look good except as comic relief.
Hey, billy! Happy New Year! I'm saving this post to show it back to you in the future. Right now you think Trump and his 'brought in' people is a good thing, but I'm betting that wont last. I'll speculate that America will grow in nukes, while the rest of the world grows in edu, technology, healthcare and especially science as well as other areas of progress where we have already lost our edge. Like N Korea, our military will grow as all else stagnates. You know as well as I the coal mines wont fire up, and the rust belt wont return to the world leader it once was.
The difference between Trump and Kim Jung Un? They both like golf and nuclear weapons and they both have silly haircuts but only one of them was actually elected. The world now knows what we are and it ain`t pretty.
Bush 41, Bill Clinton, Bush 43 and Obama are all Progressives to one degree or another, and all are NWO types.

Trump and the people he is bringing in are not. The coming changes will be most interesting.

And no, Obama will never look good except as comic relief.

Buddy, we live in a global world, and we are better off for it. Deal with it.

Nope. Dominoes is a dangerous game. We should make some definite changes.
Nope. Dominoes is a dangerous game. We should make some definite changes.

No, we really shouldn't. I kind of like the fact we haven't had a World War in my lifetime. Globalism is what keeps that from happening. because when countries work together, they are less likely to fight over soemthing stupid.

Yeah, they sure are working together.

Yeah, they sure are working together.

Hey. Muslims and Liberals are working together all over the world.
Ya and look how that's working out in European countries governed by LIB/Socialists.
They encouraged hundreds of thousands of illiterate/semi-literate 'young muslim men' AKA Islamics, to overrun the cities and look at the results.
Endemic hard drug dealing, endemic violent sexual assaults on girls and boys, mass unemployment.
You name the down-sides and 'young muslim men' brought them to these countries.
Why the fuck aren't these 'young muslim men' back home fighting from their homeland? Because they are fucking cowards!
Now literally everyone of these countries have 'original' populations who are taking back their homelands.
Look at the state of US inner cities run by LIBs.
Books will be written just like they are written today. Books are written that make FDR appear to be the worst President and traitor in American history. We see threads about it here at USMB. What does it mean and amount to other than bad history books can easily be published and promoted in a country that has free speech? FDR still gets rated as one of the top three in greatest Presidents and was recently rated the number one greatest. Major Memorials to him have been built in both Washington, DC and New York City.
The greatness or legacy can not be predicted or claimed until years after they have left office and the impact of their Presidency is evaluated.

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