Enviro-wacko Loses it and Goes Off on Trucker and His Family


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011

What a stupid cow. Probably has twelve Obama stickers on her bumper.
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I swear that was an e-cigarette kit in the baggy ladies hand... Stopped to fill her lungs with something other than "clean air"...

Probably having a nic -- fit....

Could be, but it looked like a plastic pen: Probably made from a fossil fuel.

Interesting she asked what the guy did for a living, then made a big deal about "Marketing" and his need to drive the truck for that job, but never replied to his question: "what do you do?"

My guess is she works as a cashier at a gas station.
The Trucks exhaust is much less harmful than her being so overweight.
She is so concerned about pollution but not about herself being Fat.

Guess what hypocrite lady, when you have a farm you need a truck.

That was a pen she was holding not a e-cigarette and it looks more like a cell phone to me in her other hand. Both items she is holding is made from fossil fuel. Then she has the gall to call the truck driver ignorant?
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The Trucks exhaust is much less harmful than her being so overweight.
She is so concerned about pollution but not about herself being Fat.

Guess what hypocrite lady, when you have a farm you need a truck.

That was a pen she was holding not a e-cigarette and it looks more like a cell phone to me in her other hand.

Good Point; I always think of this sort of thing AFTER the incident, and wish I'd said it.
Recycling 2-year-old videos now? The denialist/ODS crowd is getting ever more desperate.

Or, as is more likely, the OP simply cut-and-pasted something he saw elsewhere, and never thought to check the date.
Ive seen that vid many times before........and that is exactly the attitude you see in all of these holier than thou climate crusader nutters. They are all miserable fucks and go haywire if people don't think like them.....you're not allowed!!

What I cant believe is the response by that truck driver. If this bitch does that to me, Im pulling my Mustang right next to her gaycar and doing the smokiest burnout shes ever fucking seen......she wont get the rubber smell out of her gaycar for months!!

All those feminist bulldogs are the most miserable people walking the planet and make it their business in life to try to make everybody else as miserable as they are.

When you see our country going in the shitter right before your eyes you can thank far left nutty-asses like that bitch......most intolerable fucks on the face of the earth.
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Recycling 2-year-old videos now? The denialist/ODS crowd is getting ever more desperate.

Or, as is more likely, the OP simply cut-and-pasted something he saw elsewhere, and never thought to check the date.


If anyone is desperate, it's the global warming eco-shitheads that are still trying to convince others that it's real, and we all must act now before it's too late.

Love it, what a self righteous wind bag, apparently she was having an epiphany about global warming and needed to vent.
Recycling 2-year-old videos now? The denialist/ODS crowd is getting ever more desperate.

Or, as is more likely, the OP simply cut-and-pasted something he saw elsewhere, and never thought to check the date.

Or maybe I just could not give a fuck less what the date was, eh, Nimrod?

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