EPA’s fondness for high-end furniture costs taxpayers $92 million

That's true in most state and federal offices. We want our masters to live the lives they deserve do we not?
Weasel, something gives me the impression you've worked for a humble state government at some point....

If I'm right, I bet we could trade some good stories over a few brews....
Weasel, something gives me the impression you've worked for a humble state government at some point....

If I'm right, I bet we could trade some good stories over a few brews....
You bet! But I worked for the feds, military and civil service. I did many jobs for state government though and have been in many state agencies. They act like money is no problem, plenty more where that came from.
What's worse. Pick one.
1. The cost of a drawer for pencils for $813.00
2. The cost of $73,000 for moving furniture to replace the carpet
3. Or the memo telling them to quit defecating in the halls.

(All from the report)
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Weasel, something gives me the impression you've worked for a humble state government at some point....

If I'm right, I bet we could trade some good stories over a few brews....
You bet! But I worked for the feds, military and civil service. I did many jobs for state government though and have been in many state agencies. They act like money is no problem, plenty more where that came from.
The problem I always saw in government spending during my years with them was the use it or lose it method of spending.
Come the end of the fiscal year if an agency had money left over it meant they were over funded and they could expect lower funding levels the next year. So, how do they fix this? by spending massive amounts of money on crap they dont need. that way come the end of the year they can show they are broke and didnt have high enough funding, the following budget will give them an increase to take care of the deficiency
You bet! But I worked for the feds, military and civil service. I did many jobs for state government though and have been in many state agencies. They act like money is no problem, plenty more where that came from.
Don't I know it! Worked for several outfits with state funding...it's an eye opening experience. A few movers and shakers, a lot more empire builders trying to look like a mover and shaker, and lots of guys drumming their fingers waiting for the right time to throw a paperclip towards a solution, and lots, lots more who gave up a long time ago.

But trying to get work done with the feds?? Forget about it...saw the switch from a Democratic administration to a Republican one...only then were they motivated enough to at least pretend to be working. Still quite the easter-egg hunt to find agencies who are actually trying to fulfill their stated mission.
The problem I always saw in government spending during my years with them was the use it or lose it method of spending.
Come the end of the fiscal year if an agency had money left over it meant they were over funded and they could expect lower funding levels the next year. So, how do they fix this? by spending massive amounts of money on crap they dont need. that way come the end of the year they can show they are broke and didnt have high enough funding, the following budget will give them an increase to take care of the deficiency
"Christmas in July!" Oh, that was a fun time of year!
The problem I always saw in government spending during my years with them was the use it or lose it method of spending.
Come the end of the fiscal year if an agency had money left over it meant they were over funded and they could expect lower funding levels the next year. So, how do they fix this? by spending massive amounts of money on crap they dont need. that way come the end of the year they can show they are broke and didnt have high enough funding, the following budget will give them an increase to take care of the deficiency
"Christmas in July!" Oh, that was a fun time of year!
I really liked the jackets with the agency name on them.
going to miss that.
What's worse. Pick one.
1. The cost of a drawer for pencils for $813.00
2. The cost of $73,000 for moving furniture to replace the carpet
3. Or the memo telling them to quit defecating in the halls.

(All from the report)
........from above
Come to think of it, #3 must have resulted in #2
You remember those "Dr Who"s where the aliens have 'perception filters' and so go unseen by unsuspecting humans? I think the 'cognitive dissonance' question is greater than I suspected. This thread is evidently INVISIBLE to liberals!

Poor folks can't even see it....
See, they think money grows on trees. To them, 'what's a hundred mill these days, we can borrow that easily'.
You remember those "Dr Who"s where the aliens have 'perception filters' and so go unseen by unsuspecting humans? I think the 'cognitive dissonance' question is greater than I suspected. This thread is evidently INVISIBLE to liberals!

Poor folks can't even see it....
Let us know when it's real money. That's in billions, not millions.
I'm sure the paltry tens of millions listed in this thread are the only waste in federal government, and there's certainly no way it all could possible add up to many billions!

But congratulations on your keen peripheral vision, anyway. ; )

By the way, if you're ok with your money being wasted, you're more than welcome to send some to me and I'll certainly take care of it for you! (First probably more drinks for myself and Iceweasel...but I'll get around to looking for some nice furniture after I sober up.)
Let us know when it's real money. That's in billions, not millions.
I'm sure the paltry tens of millions listed in this thread are the only waste in federal government, and there's certainly no way it all could possible add up to many billions!

But congratulations on your keen peripheral vision, anyway. ; )

By the way, if you're ok with your money being wasted, you're more than welcome to send some to me and I'll certainly take care of it for you! (First probably more drinks for myself and Iceweasel...but I'll get around to looking for some nice furniture after I sober up.)
if a liberal sends you money, don't consider it free money, consider it a tax refund.

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