Epic Twitter Thread Gives Perfect Primer On Why MAGA Doubts 2020 Election Results


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Epic Twitter Thread Gives Perfect Primer On Why MAGA Doubts 2020 Election Results

Daryl Cooper writes a clear and cogent description of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats' assault on MAGA and conservatives of America and why we "Deplorables" doubt the 2020 Election results.
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This is a fairly long read but not ridiculous in length. If you're serious about learning the truth about what happened during and after the 2020 Presidential Election, you owe it to yourself to invest a few minutes.
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Daryl Cooper writes a clear and cogent description of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats' assault on MAGA and conservatives of America and why we "Deplorables" doubt the 2020 Election results.
No. You doubt the 2020 election results because you're cult members and to do otherwise is heresy and an abandonment of all the ego you've invested.

It's not rocket science.
Why did he waste his time? We all know why you retards believe the election was stolen. Drumpf told you what to think.

First he primed you by telling you if he lost then something was fishy. Then when he lost he claimed it was rigged. Thats when he fooled you into donating to his cause and made you sign a disclaimer.
I knew you'd stick your nose in the air and refuse to read the article.

Repeated studies have been done proving that Conservatives are far more open to reading and viewing opposing views than are Liberals. Keep up the good work!
Why did he waste his time? We all know why you retards believe the election was stolen. Drumpf told you what to think.

First he primed you by telling you if he lost then something was fishy. Then when he lost he claimed it was rigged. Thats when he fooled you into donating to his cause and made you sign a disclaimer.
I knew you'd stick your nose in the air and refuse to read the article.

Repeated studies have been done proving that Conservatives are far more open to reading and viewing opposing views than are Liberals. Keep up the good work!
All the studies I have read prove that conservatives are afraid of opposing views.

Your views are not important enough for me to read about. I know already they are just whack ass conspiracy theories.
Why did he waste his time? We all know why you retards believe the election was stolen. Drumpf told you what to think.

First he primed you by telling you if he lost then something was fishy. Then when he lost he claimed it was rigged. Thats when he fooled you into donating to his cause and made you sign a disclaimer.
I knew you'd stick your nose in the air and refuse to read the article.

Repeated studies have been done proving that Conservatives are far more open to reading and viewing opposing views than are Liberals. Keep up the good work!
All the studies I have read prove that conservatives are afraid of opposing views.

Your views are not important enough for me to read about. I know already they are just whack ass conspiracy theories.

THANK YOU SINCERELY! I appreciate you going out of your way to prove my point.

People Choose News That Fits Their Views


Such readers may prefer blogs over mainstream media sources because they suspect bias in the latter, said Richard Davis, a political scientist at Brigham Young University in Utah.
"They're clearly disenchanted with traditional media," Davis said.

"That's why they read blogs in the first place - in their view, they see blogs as more accurate."

Davis worked with several independent firms to conduct nationally representative public opinion surveys of both political blog readers and journalists for his book, "Typing Politics" (Oxford University Press, 2009). He also focused on seven of the top political blogs, which at the time included Daily Kos on the left and Michelle Malkin on the right.

Such political blogs are up front with their political views, and typically "echo" the news reported by traditional journalists while adding their own spin or analysis.
But among the hardcore political junkies, 30 percent told the survey that blogs are more accurate, whereas only 8 percent said traditional media was more accurate. About 40 percent gave equal marks to both.

This trust in blogs over traditional media does not carry over to general readers, Davis cautioned. Less frequent blog readers usually give equal weight to blogs and traditional media. And overall, general readers still put more faith in traditional media.

Conservatives buck the trend.
Some findings from both researchers suggest that individual confidence and certainty play a role in what people choose to read.

People with stronger party affiliation, conservative political views, and greater interest in politics proved more likely to click on articles with opposing views, according to the Ohio State study.

"It appears that people with these characteristics are more confident in their views and so they're more inclined to at least take a quick look at the counterarguments," Knobloch-Westerwick noted.


This is a fairly long read but not ridiculous in length. If you're serious about learning the truth about what happened during and after the 2020 Presidential Election, you owe it to yourself to invest a few minutes.
Or you can just remember Biden won 306-232. It has the added benefit of being the truth.
Why did he waste his time? We all know why you retards believe the election was stolen. Drumpf told you what to think.

First he primed you by telling you if he lost then something was fishy. Then when he lost he claimed it was rigged. Thats when he fooled you into donating to his cause and made you sign a disclaimer.
I knew you'd stick your nose in the air and refuse to read the article.

Repeated studies have been done proving that Conservatives are far more open to reading and viewing opposing views than are Liberals. Keep up the good work!
All the studies I have read prove that conservatives are afraid of opposing views.

Your views are not important enough for me to read about. I know already they are just whack ass conspiracy theories.

THANK YOU SINCERELY! I appreciate you going out of your way to prove my point.

People Choose News That Fits Their Views


Such readers may prefer blogs over mainstream media sources because they suspect bias in the latter, said Richard Davis, a political scientist at Brigham Young University in Utah.
"They're clearly disenchanted with traditional media," Davis said.

"That's why they read blogs in the first place - in their view, they see blogs as more accurate."

Davis worked with several independent firms to conduct nationally representative public opinion surveys of both political blog readers and journalists for his book, "Typing Politics" (Oxford University Press, 2009). He also focused on seven of the top political blogs, which at the time included Daily Kos on the left and Michelle Malkin on the right.

Such political blogs are up front with their political views, and typically "echo" the news reported by traditional journalists while adding their own spin or analysis.
But among the hardcore political junkies, 30 percent told the survey that blogs are more accurate, whereas only 8 percent said traditional media was more accurate. About 40 percent gave equal marks to both.

This trust in blogs over traditional media does not carry over to general readers, Davis cautioned. Less frequent blog readers usually give equal weight to blogs and traditional media. And overall, general readers still put more faith in traditional media.

Conservatives buck the trend.
Some findings from both researchers suggest that individual confidence and certainty play a role in what people choose to read.

People with stronger party affiliation, conservative political views, and greater interest in politics proved more likely to click on articles with opposing views, according to the Ohio State study.

"It appears that people with these characteristics are more confident in their views and so they're more inclined to at least take a quick look at the counterarguments," Knobloch-Westerwick noted.

You never had a point. You and the other fucktards were conned by Drumpf. That's the only point of this thread.
You [Markle] never had a point. You and the other fucktards were conned by Drumpf. That's the only point of this thread.

What does President Trump have to do with my post? Nothing, zip, zero, nada. Nothing but childish profanities, you must be so proud. A strawman argument from a desperate and increasingly frustrated liberal.

Daryl Cooper writes a clear and cogent description of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats' assault on MAGA and conservatives of America and why we "Deplorables" doubt the 2020 Election results.
No. You doubt the 2020 election results because you're cult members and to do otherwise is heresy and an abandonment of all the ego you've invested.

It's not rocket science.
Funny how you can’t address the actual topic. Democrats lied about everything with Russia, and when put under oath they had to admit they didn’t have shit. We’re supposed to believe these liars about everything else? On the election? On Jan 6th? I think not.
You [Markle] never had a point. You and the other fucktards were conned by Drumpf. That's the only point of this thread.

What does President Trump have to do with my post? Nothing, zip, zero, nada. Nothing but childish profanities, you must be so proud. A strawman argument from a desperate and increasingly frustrated liberal.

Really? Who made up the term MAGA? Who seeded the thought that if Dump lost it was due to cheating? Your post has everything to do with Drumpf.

BTW. Educate yourself.
Daryl Cooper writes a clear and cogent description of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats' assault on MAGA and conservatives of America and why we "Deplorables" doubt the 2020 Election results.
No. You doubt the 2020 election results because you're cult members and to do otherwise is heresy and an abandonment of all the ego you've invested.

It's not rocket science.
Funny how you can’t address the actual topic. Democrats lied about everything with Russia, and when put under oath they had to admit they didn’t have shit. We’re supposed to believe these liars about everything else? On the election? On Jan 6th? I think not.
No one said you have to believe them. Just dont try and bullshit yourself into thinking Dump is going to be reinstated.
You [Markle] never had a point. You and the other fucktards were conned by Drumpf. That's the only point of this thread.

What does President Trump have to do with my post? Nothing, zip, zero, nada. Nothing but childish profanities, you must be so proud. A strawman argument from a desperate and increasingly frustrated liberal.

Really? Who made up the term MAGA? Who seeded the thought that if Dump lost it was due to cheating? Your post has everything to do with Drumpf.

BTW. Educate yourself.

Who made up MAGA? Again, what does that have to do with my post?

As for profanity. Perhaps when speaking and I don't believe that but certainly not writing. I don't ever remember stubbing my little toe and then WRITING oh shucks!
You [Markle] never had a point. You and the other fucktards were conned by Drumpf. That's the only point of this thread.

What does President Trump have to do with my post? Nothing, zip, zero, nada. Nothing but childish profanities, you must be so proud. A strawman argument from a desperate and increasingly frustrated liberal.

Really? Who made up the term MAGA? Who seeded the thought that if Dump lost it was due to cheating? Your post has everything to do with Drumpf.

BTW. Educate yourself.

Who made up MAGA? Again, what does that have to do with my post?

As for profanity. Perhaps when speaking and I don't believe that but certainly not writing. I don't ever remember stubbing my little toe and then WRITING oh shucks!
It has everything to do with your post dummy.

It takes more creativity to write a great piece of profanity.
Why did he waste his time? We all know why you retards believe the election was stolen. Drumpf told you what to think.

First he primed you by telling you if he lost then something was fishy. Then when he lost he claimed it was rigged. Thats when he fooled you into donating to his cause and made you sign a disclaimer.

Of course. Because it is RIDICULOUS to believe that Biden is so much more popular than Obama that he got so many more votes than Obama did.
The ntb take

This viral Twitter thread brilliantly encapsulates why so many conservatives still have doubts about the 2020 election results


Well hello, there, fact checkers! Don't worry, there's no QAnon conspiracies here, so you can go skittering back to your rat holes.

For the rest of you fine individuals, please enjoy this insanely accurate thread of tweets from historian and podcaster Darryl Cooper that definitively summarizes why tens of millions of conservative voters have become skeptical of not only the 2020 election, but every single institution in America.

First, if you'd rather not read the entire thing, Tucker Carlson felt this thread was so good that he dedicated air time to reading it.

The Left used to be the one warning about corruption in those institutions. Now, they label those that feel utterly betrayed by them as conspiracy theorists.

Perhaps the rest of America should pay attention before it's too late.

Red meat here

to late baby we're on auto pilot!.....heading right for the side of a mountain
Funny how you can’t address the actual topic.
The topic being that a Trump cult loser on a twitter thread put together a list of wildly delusional nonsense, and that the Trump cult losers here all fell for it hard, as they always do.

Democrats lied about everything with Russia,
That's a fine example of just one of the loopy conspiracy theories they all fell for.

We do understand that the Trump cultists here are all too brainwashed to understand that they're pushing lies. The cult told them something, therefore they believe, end of story. Facts are for dirty liberals, so they want nothing to do with them.

They need to undersatnd that they can't gaslight intelligent and honest people. We're familiar with this reality, so we know with 100% certainty that they're just making it all up.

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