Epstein Pilot - Trump Flew on the Lolita Express

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Why are we talking about how Trump flew on Epstein's plane one time from Palm Beach to Newark? An imbecile who is constantly bloviating about that asks why are we talking about the 26 times Clinton flew on the plane.
Trump flew on the Lolita Express more than once.

Yet you still support him.
Right, as opposed to knowing that Epstein raped teenagers and continuing to hang out with him like Clinton, Gates, etc.
Gates didn’t maintain a relationship with Epstein. Neither did Trump, but the Clinton’s did.
What are you talking about? Trump knew him for some 20 years.
He knew him until he died. Once you know someone, you know them. He knew a lot of people he no longer associates with.

i as well as almost everyone know people I haven't associated with for years for a variety of reasons. I'm not sure what your point is.
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He knew him until he died. Once you know someone, you know them. He knew a lot of people he no longer associates with.

i as well as almost everyone know people I haven't associated with for years for a variety of reasons. I'm not sure what your point is.
Uh, no, he associated with him as well during those 20 years. Your obtuseness was wasted.
So, you won't answer the question "Do you molest women?"

Guess, I now know why you support the orange douchebag. Now, fuck off, molester.
After you answer the question I asked, douchebag.

I guess now we all know why I call you a weasel and a hypocrite.
Trump flew on the Lolita Express more than once.

Yet you still support him.
No, the evidence that he flew on it once. You Dim hero Clinton, on the other hand, flew on it 23 times, at least. We have irrefutable proof that.
Cut and paste the part of the article linked in the OP stating Trump flew more than once.

It's hysterical how you can't stop lying. :lmao:

He clarified that the millionaire mogul's flights happened before he was President.

It's hysterical how you can't stop lying. :lmao:

He clarified that the millionaire mogul's flights happened before he was President.
Where was the lie in my post, Moron?
Where was the lie in my post, Moron?
In that post? You implied there wasn't more than one flight Trump was on.

In another, you called a 22 year old, "underaged."

In another, you called a 19 year old, "underaged."

In another, you called a woman who had nothing to do with Epstein, an "Epstein sex slave."

In another, you called Burkle's private jet, Epstein's private jet.

Your lies never end, do they, Dumbfuck?
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