Epstein was murdered by the Clintons, so was Seth Rich, Vince Foster and many others...

It’s funny that everyone who had dirt on the Clintons has died. Suicide in the woods, car accidents and heart attacks. I love the guy who shot himself in the back of the head. How does that work. It doesn’t. If you libtards don’t believe me give it a try. Clintons hit list is closing in on 50. It’s a joke and the Clintons don’t really hide it. Scary part is you pathetic brainwashed Demtards don’t want to believe it because your party and liberal news media tells you it’s not true. That’s pathetic and why President Trump will be here to 2024.

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...how long will we let the Clintons get away with murder?
Well, as long as they're part of AND protected by the Deep State, unfortunately it will be until they leave this earth. They've been in cahoots with George Soros for MANY years. He and other RICH people connected with the Deep State have protected the Clintons with their money and influence for over 30 years. The Clinton Body Count List, which is QUITE real, is quite extensive and goes back at least 30 years.
It’s funny that everyone who had dirt on the Clintons has died. Suicide in the woods, car accidents and heart attacks. I love the guy who shot himself in the back of the head. How does that work. It doesn’t. If you libtards don’t believe me give it a try. Clintons hit list is closing in on 50. It’s a joke and the Clintons don’t really hide it. Scary part is you pathetic brainwashed Demtards don’t want to believe it because your party and liberal news media tells you it’s not true. That’s pathetic and why President Trump will be here to 2024.

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Yep, the Clinton Body Count List is quite real and quite extensive. The best and most thorough list I've seen is on Conservapedia. It's a VERY long list and quite scary to realize they've gotten away with so much murder and mayhem. Of course no dim dems or loony libs will read it because they've been SO thoroughly brainwashed by our hideously biased media. They don't WANT to know the truth about this evil family.
Don't start this shit again. Haven't you ignorant NaziCons caused enough damage and grief to the Seth Rich family.

The damage was done by the Clinton murderers.....the grief is coupled with the fact the Rich family took a large amount of money to stay quiet or end up like their son. You hide behind your lies when you know the people you support are the scum of the earth.
Barr seemed to whitewash the Epstein suicide

But now real findings says most likely murder !! From the highest quality pathologists !!!!

Barr cannot hide or help the deep state now or protect U.K. royals

American men and the military will erupt if he don’t lock up the whole deep state

Half of the democrat congress

And the liberals on the Supreme Court

And American rinos
It’s funny that everyone who had dirt on the Clintons has died. Suicide in the woods, car accidents and heart attacks. I love the guy who shot himself in the back of the head. How does that work. It doesn’t. If you libtards don’t believe me give it a try. Clintons hit list is closing in on 50. It’s a joke and the Clintons don’t really hide it. Scary part is you pathetic brainwashed Demtards don’t want to believe it because your party and liberal news media tells you it’s not true. That’s pathetic and why President Trump will be here to 2024.

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so, why is AG Barr covering up Epstein's murder for the Clintons?
It’s funny that everyone who had dirt on the Clintons has died. Suicide in the woods, car accidents and heart attacks. I love the guy who shot himself in the back of the head. How does that work. It doesn’t. If you libtards don’t believe me give it a try. Clintons hit list is closing in on 50. It’s a joke and the Clintons don’t really hide it. Scary part is you pathetic brainwashed Demtards don’t want to believe it because your party and liberal news media tells you it’s not true. That’s pathetic and why President Trump will be here to 2024.

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so, why is AG Barr covering up Epstein's murder for the Clintons?

Yes Barr better be careful here. Seems to be trying not to investigate Epstein and his many people involved in this

But Barr May be playing possum

But if he don’t lock up the deep state then the majority of the men will INCLUDING Him

So does Barr have any choice ??
It’s funny that everyone who had dirt on the Clintons has died. Suicide in the woods, car accidents and heart attacks. I love the guy who shot himself in the back of the head. How does that work. It doesn’t. If you libtards don’t believe me give it a try. Clintons hit list is closing in on 50. It’s a joke and the Clintons don’t really hide it. Scary part is you pathetic brainwashed Demtards don’t want to believe it because your party and liberal news media tells you it’s not true. That’s pathetic and why President Trump will be here to 2024.

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so, why is AG Barr covering up Epstein's murder for the Clintons?

He not. It’s all falling apart for the Democratic scum. They are all worried. I’m sure as a liberal in your mind the Democrats do nothing wrong Unfortunately they are pathetic scumbags.

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It’s funny that everyone who had dirt on the Clintons has died. Suicide in the woods, car accidents and heart attacks. I love the guy who shot himself in the back of the head. How does that work. It doesn’t. If you libtards don’t believe me give it a try. Clintons hit list is closing in on 50. It’s a joke and the Clintons don’t really hide it. Scary part is you pathetic brainwashed Demtards don’t want to believe it because your party and liberal news media tells you it’s not true. That’s pathetic and why President Trump will be here to 2024.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
so, why is AG Barr covering up Epstein's murder for the Clintons?

Yes Barr better be careful here. Seems to be trying not to investigate Epstein and his many people involved in this

But Barr May be playing possum

But if he don’t lock up the deep state then the majority of the men will INCLUDING Him

So does Barr have any choice ??

He has to tread lightly or the Clintons will have him killed. Play possum as long as you can then hammer them all at once so they don’t have time to act.

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No folks.....the clintons do not run around murdering people....that is not how it works.

How it works is that when the Clinton's have a problem they discreetly inform a fixer....we have a problem....no they do not tell the fixer to kill anyone....thus they maintain their deniability....what the fixer needs to do to the fix the problem is his prerogative.

and............again..............the fixer himself will kill no one....he just repeats the words....we have a problem. This process goes down through several layers of operatives to the point where the message is impossible to trace.....the word simply goes out....we have a problem till it gets to those who are assigned to get rid of the problem.

A very clever and sophisticated system that was concocted by the dixie mafia back when clinton was still governor of Arkansas.

As long as the problem is fixed the fixer will hear nothing from the Clintons other than the usual financial reward routed in a manner that is impossible to trace to the clintons.

Hillary's Darkest Secret EXPOSED: Clinton Fixer Revealed At Last! | National Enquirer

ARKANSAS CONNECTIONS: A Time Line of the Clinton YearsArkansas Connections: A Time-line of the Clinton Years by Sam Smith

Hillary Clinton & Bill Clinton’s Crime Family: Where Politics and the Mafia Meet | National Review

Hillary & Bill Clinton Exposed As Dixie Mafia - Revolution Television

Justice Jim Johnson of Arkansas kills himself....allegedly....a well known enemy of the Clintons.

Encyclopedia of Arkansas

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More on the Dixie mafia who were and possibly still are involved with eliminating any threat to the Clintons.

Welcome To My World: f The Dixie Mafia



The People's Republic of China, in return for at least a $3 million loan through Worthen Bank, of Little Rock Arkansas, won a slot for its spy John Huang at the Commerce Department. Later followed access to advanced U.S. military technology, access to the Long Beach Naval Base, MFN trade status, and more campaign contributions.
Peripheral Mob figures Nathan Landow, Richard Ben-Veniste, and their associates Terry Lenzner and Paul Begala became part of the secret police that would keep Clinton in office despite multiple revelations of criminal offenses. Ironically, the only member of the Clinton enforcement team who has threatened the use of Mafia methods in public is James Carville. He said on television that Kenneth Starr was just one mistake away from not having any kneecaps. "Kneecapping" is a Mafia specialty. Yet the only link between Carville and the Mafia that we have been able to find so far is his partnership with Paul Begala, who admitted in a recent deposition for the Filegate trial that he was in close and frequent contact with his friend Richard Ben-Veniste, a Mob lawyer and friend of Mobster Alvin Malnik [2]. Richard Ben- Veniste has defended several drug traffickers and money launderers for the Mafia and for the DNC. Ben-Veniste also defended Bill Clinton on the Senate Whitewater panel in 1995.
It goes without saying that a Racketeering-Influenced Corrupt Organization such as the Clinton administration cannot stay in office long without a very efficient "enforcement" component to its secret police. The methods employed by this "enforcement" team include murder. The 1993 assassination of Clinton private investigator Jerry Parks was carried out by people in Hot Springs associated with Buddy Young [3]. Of all the mysterious deaths and suicides surrounding the Clinton Secret Police, this is the only one that has been solved. That does not mean that it has been prosecuted, though, for corruption of the judicial system is another necessary component of survival. White House Director of Administration, Patsy Thomasson of the Dixie Mafia, has been implicated in several attempts on the life of Dennis Patrick, a former money launderer for the Dixie Mafia who wanted out.


The New York Times Magazine.............
Clinton Crazy
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