Epstein's Final Photo's. OMG! He Was 66?,He Looked Closer To 80.


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
God, did you see the photo, or photo's we are seeing of Epstein as the networks are covering his suicide story?
What the hell happened to his face?
No one should look like that at 66.
Hmm, maybe he smoked too much?
what else could of aged him 20 years?
:omg: :smoke: :eusa_think:
If these reports of his suicide are true, I must say that he wanted to go out with a "bang"! Smoke as much drugs as possible.
He knew he was done.

A life of debauchery will be etched on your face. Have you seen a picture of Bill Clinton without makeup? Yeeeek! :eek-52:
“Coffee, tea, or...Oh, it’s you again, Bill! Gimme a second to get these panties off...um, where’s Hillary this time and would you like to start with the two-finger swirl again?
adhesive, and he only uses the best on his rugs and uses the best hairdresser every morning.
Interesting. I just finished another post with someone who "knows" Trump raped Ivana and paid her off to change her story (she denies the rape charge).

Now here is someone else (you) who "knows" Trump has his hair piece glued to his head so no one can pull it off. That must be some great adhesive that a grown man tugging at Trump's hair can't make it budge.

This is all reminiscent of all the trolls and left wing kooks who "knew" that Trump was colluding with Russia and Putin. You all "know" so much about Trump yet cannot prove any of it.

That must frustrate you.
adhesive, and he only uses the best on his rugs and uses the best hairdresser every morning.
Interesting. I just finished another post with someone who "knows" Trump raped Ivana and paid her off to change her story (she denies the rape charge).

Now here is someone else (you) who "knows" Trump has his hair piece glued to his head so no one can pull it off. That must be some great adhesive that a grown man tugging at Trump's hair can't make it budge.

This is all reminiscent of all the trolls and left wing kooks who "knew" that Trump was colluding with Russia and Putin. You all "know" so much about Trump yet cannot prove any of it.

That must frustrate you.

An illusion , pulling on the hair, he must of practice it behind the scenes, and Ivana said she was raped by the tramp. Tramp is a male slut.
adhesive, and he only uses the best on his rugs and uses the best hairdresser every morning.
Interesting. I just finished another post with someone who "knows" Trump raped Ivana and paid her off to change her story (she denies the rape charge).

Now here is someone else (you) who "knows" Trump has his hair piece glued to his head so no one can pull it off. That must be some great adhesive that a grown man tugging at Trump's hair can't make it budge.

This is all reminiscent of all the trolls and left wing kooks who "knew" that Trump was colluding with Russia and Putin. You all "know" so much about Trump yet cannot prove any of it.

That must frustrate you.

An illusion , pulling on the hair, he must of practice it behind the scenes, and Ivana said she was raped by the tramp. Tramp is a male slut.
You are a really sick bitch.:iagree:
The Daily Beast story, which posted Monday night, said Trump’s ex-wife had once accused Trump of “rape.” She later said that the alleged rape was not in a “criminal sense.”

The divorce was granted on the grounds of “cruel and inhuman treatment” of Ivana. She also has been issued a gag order that bars her from discussing her marriage to Trump without his permission.

Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen, responding to The Daily Beast’s questions about the rape allegations, said that “you cannot rape your spouse” and threatened reporter Tim Mak.

“You write a story that has Mr. Trump’s name in it with the word ‘rape,’ and I’m going to mess your life up … for as long as you’re on this frickin’ planet … you’re going to have judgments against you, so much money, you’ll never know how to get out from underneath it,” Cohen said according to The Daily Beast. “You’re talking about the front-runner for the GOP, presidential candidate, as well as a private individual who never raped anybody. And, of course, understand that by the very definition, you can’t rape your spouse.”
Ivana Trump denies accusing Donald Trump of rape
Cohen use to fight for tramp, not anymore. Tramp hung him out to dry, just like Scaramucci.

Anthony Scaramucci


For the last 3 years I have fully supported this President. Recently he has said things that divide the country in a way that is unacceptable. So I didn’t pass the 100% litmus test. Eventually he turns on everyone and soon it will be you and then the entire country. https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1160382091592384513 …

Donald J. Trump


Anthony Scaramucci, who was quickly terminated (11 days) from a position that he was totally incapable of handling, now seems to do nothing but television as the all time expert on “President Trump.” Like many other so-called television experts, he knows very little about me.....

7:07 AM - Aug 11, 2019
Scaramucci fires back at Trump: He will 'turn on everyone' and then 'entire country'
Last edited:
An illusion , pulling on the hair, he must of practice it behind the scenes
That makes Jimmy Fallon an accomplice to Trump's trick.
Of course for rational people to consider (don't worry...not you) if Fallon was trying to make Trump look good why
do the hair pulling bit to begin with? Why bring up Trump's hair at all and even suggest it might not be real?

That's what a rational clear thinking person might wonder. If Fallon was interviewing Michael Jackson would he
bring up Jackson's clearly reconstructed face so Jackson would have to deny it? Or would Fallon not go there to begin with as his job is obviously not to humiliate celebrities so his guest lists suddenly dry up?
Try to think about that, if you possibly can.

and Ivana said she was raped by the tramp. Tramp is a male slut.
Yes. As I already said.
Ivana denies the allegation and calls it a "lawyer's stunt" to get more money, undoubtedly.
An illusion , pulling on the hair, he must of practice it behind the scenes
That makes Jimmy Fallon an accomplice to Trump's trick.
Of course for rational people to consider (don't worry...not you) if Fallon was trying to make Trump look good why
do the hair pulling bit to begin with? Why bring up Trump's hair at all and even suggest it might not be real?

That's what a rational clear thinking person might wonder. If Fallon was interviewing Michael Jackson would he
bring up Jackson's clearly reconstructed face so Jackson would have to deny it? Or would Fallon not go there to begin with as his job is obviously not to humiliate celebrities so his guest lists suddenly dry up?
Try to think about that, if you possibly can.

and Ivana said she was raped by the tramp. Tramp is a male slut.
Yes. As I already said.
Ivana denies the allegation and calls it a "lawyer's stunt" to get more money, undoubtedly.

Read post #17. No, its not a layers stunt, rape is serious and should be taken seriously.

Yes Fallon was in on it, they know the questions in advance. In order to get him back on the show, do you really think they are enemies?? Do you believe "real TV" is real.
Read post #17. No, its not a layers stunt, rape is serious and should be taken seriously.
I did. Cohen is a thug who has long since been sent away.
Ivana Trump, who should know better than anyone else, denies an actual rape.

Yes Fallon was in on it, they know the questions in advance. In order to get him back on the show, do you really think they are enemies?? Do you believe "real TV" is real.
No. I don't think Trump would get on Fallon's show to begin with if they were enemies. If you have proof Trump has a hairpiece lets see it.

If Trump had a hairpiece (IF) why would he have that Flock of Seagulls hairdo? Christ...use your brain for something
other than a counterweight.

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