Equal Pay For Women

Should women get equal pay?

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The .77 cents that Obama claims is just a bunch of election hyperbole.
It's simply not that black and white, and when you factor in the variables, the difference is not that great.

Makes a great election sound bite for low information voters though.
When I was in the military, part of My job requirements where to move cylinders of noble gasses....Neon, Argon, etc.. Three women in My unit within the division would refuse to move the cylinders because they were too 'heavy'. Yet both of them were E-4 rank, same as I was. When I complained about it, I was hauled in front of the Commander on charges of sexism. The inquiry ended badly for them.

Lets understand what equal pay for equal work means.

It means you put in the exact same hours I do.
It means you do the exact same physical work that I do.
It means you have the exact same skills I have.
It means you have the exact same amount of time on the job that I do.
and add a laundry list of many more requirements.


First of all you have no credibility so I doubt your story is true. That said, the officer in charge who puts an employee into a situation wherein they cannot physically perform puts his business/agency/command in jeopardy.
Wow...way too funny......you are claiming I have no credibility?

Government statistics show that for every dollar a woman gets in social security benefits, a man only gets 66 cents.

Does not sound very equal to me.

Apparently Obama and his supporters have never never heard of the following:

The Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA)

“This law makes it illegal to pay different wages to men and women if they perform equal work in the same workplace. The law also makes it illegal to retaliate against a person because the person complained about discrimination, filed a charge of discrimination, or participated in an employment discrimination investigation or lawsuit.”
Laws Enforced by EEOC

“The Equal Pay Act requires that men and women in the same workplace be given equal pay for equal work. The jobs need not be identical, but they must be substantially equal. Job content (not job titles) determines whether jobs are substantially equal. All forms of pay are covered by this law, including salary, overtime pay, bonuses, stock options, profit sharing and bonus plans, life insurance, vacation and holiday pay, cleaning or gasoline allowances, hotel accommodations, reimbursement for travel expenses, and benefits. If there is an inequality in wages between men and women, employers may not reduce the wages of either sex to equalize their pay.”

Equal Pay and Compensation Discrimination

Unfortunately, there are those who wish to change the law from “equal pay for substantially equal work” into something else. They want to be paid on the basis of the “importance” of their jobs. They propose, for example, that an office clerk is just as valuable to a company as an assembler on a production line and should get paid as much. The argument is foolish on its face. These women could have applied for an assembler's position but for some reason or other didn't want to. They could have earned the higher wage but didn't want to do the work required.

There is one case that told me everything I ever needed to know about “equal pay for equal work.” It happened about 20 years ago in Florida but I cannot remember whether it was in Clay or Duval County. The circumstances are these:

The labor agreement for all those who worked in the sanitation department specified that any employee, including office personnel, could be used as trash collectors in an emergency. One day there was a severe shortage of trash collectors and two female secretaries were assigned to work the back of the truck.

At the end of the day, one women was smiling because she had earned so much money. She even said she was going to apply for the position on a permanent basis. The other women was in tears. She complained about the the filth, the smell of the truck, the heavy lifting, and most of all the public humiliation she suffered because people she knew saw her riding on a garbage truck. She said she was never so embarrassed in all her life.

One of these women was actively involved in the “equal pay for equal work” campaign. This woman had previously claimed that she deserved as much pay as a garbage man because her job was just as important. If you guessed it was the woman who complained bitterly about the work she had to do, you are correct.

I may be a little bit of a hypocrite on this issue because I believe there are times when women should not have the same job requirements as a man even when they are applying for the same position. A long time ago, I worked a job that included a strength test. Each applicant was required to lift 75 pounds off the ground, transport it about 20 feet, lower it to the floor, pick it up again and return it to its original spot. When I got the job, I immediately noticed that the women could not lift those weights. When I asked whether they were given the strength test I found out they failed it but were hired anyway. Did I care? Not at all. It was a dirty job and the women got just as dirty as I did. We were all on our feet all day and the women were just as tired as I was. The heavy lifting (which was a small part of the job) was easy for me and I felt good that I was able help the gals. The other men in the workforce felt the same way.

If Obama were nearly is intelligent as the media keeps trying to portray he would have know about this very old law (I knew about it and so did lots of other people). He would also know that any “gender pay gap” is not the result of sexual discrimination but rather a host of other non-discriminatory factors. Sadly, many people will give him credit which he clearly does not deserve. I consider Obama's acts to be an insult to all the good men and women of both parties who fought a long time ago to pass laws that protected women in the work place. By taking credit for the work of others he has demonstrated that he cares only about himself.

Conclusion: There are already laws on the book that prohibit discrimination against woman in pay and other job benefits. If there were any type of employment discrimination against women they should have been remedied by lawsuits. Any “gender pay gap” is not the result of sexual discrimination but rather a host of other non-discriminatory factors. If discrimination in wages really did exists I will let Obama's supporters explain why his various administrative agencies did not prosecute employers under the very old law (by the way, I don't think Bush or Clinton did either).

I will have a lot more to say on this subject later.
I believe in equal pay for equal work. There are some jobs where men, by their very makeup, are better at some jobs over females. Construction, for example.

Both male and female should be given equal pay, assuming they do equal work. That is equality in a nutshell.
PLEASE VOTE everyone you'll be suprised this issue is not along political lines but will fall along gender lines. It is a very devisive and hot button issue. The democrats did their home work. By pushing another ineqaulity issue.

One of the things I hear is that women typicaly won't ask for more money. I also hear about the maternaty leave issue they loose experience that men gain because the men don't take off as much to care for sick children , and have babies.etc.
I believe in equal pay for equal work. There are some jobs where men, by their very makeup, are better at some jobs over females. Construction, for example.

Both male and female should be given equal pay, assuming they do equal work. That is equality in a nutshell.

Say for instance you hire someone as an HR rep. You interview several candidates and find some who have the same experience and can do the work equaly well. But find that overwhelmingly the women ask for less of a starting salary. What would you do? Tell them you would pay them more because they low balled their offer at starting pay compared to the men. After all as an employer your goal is to save as much money as possible isn't it?
Apparently Obama and his supporters have never never heard of the following:

The Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA)

“This law makes it illegal to pay different wages to men and women if they perform equal work in the same workplace. The law also makes it illegal to retaliate against a person because the person complained about discrimination, filed a charge of discrimination, or participated in an employment discrimination investigation or lawsuit.”
Laws Enforced by EEOC

“The Equal Pay Act requires that men and women in the same workplace be given equal pay for equal work. The jobs need not be identical, but they must be substantially equal. Job content (not job titles) determines whether jobs are substantially equal. All forms of pay are covered by this law, including salary, overtime pay, bonuses, stock options, profit sharing and bonus plans, life insurance, vacation and holiday pay, cleaning or gasoline allowances, hotel accommodations, reimbursement for travel expenses, and benefits. If there is an inequality in wages between men and women, employers may not reduce the wages of either sex to equalize their pay.”

Equal Pay and Compensation Discrimination

Unfortunately, there are those who wish to change the law from “equal pay for substantially equal work” into something else. They want to be paid on the basis of the “importance” of their jobs. They propose, for example, that an office clerk is just as valuable to a company as an assembler on a production line and should get paid as much. The argument is foolish on its face. These women could have applied for an assembler's position but for some reason or other didn't want to. They could have earned the higher wage but didn't want to do the work required.

There is one case that told me everything I ever needed to know about “equal pay for equal work.” It happened about 20 years ago in Florida but I cannot remember whether it was in Clay or Duval County. The circumstances are these:

The labor agreement for all those who worked in the sanitation department specified that any employee, including office personnel, could be used as trash collectors in an emergency. One day there was a severe shortage of trash collectors and two female secretaries were assigned to work the back of the truck.

At the end of the day, one women was smiling because she had earned so much money. She even said she was going to apply for the position on a permanent basis. The other women was in tears. She complained about the the filth, the smell of the truck, the heavy lifting, and most of all the public humiliation she suffered because people she knew saw her riding on a garbage truck. She said she was never so embarrassed in all her life.

One of these women was actively involved in the “equal pay for equal work” campaign. This woman had previously claimed that she deserved as much pay as a garbage man because her job was just as important. If you guessed it was the woman who complained bitterly about the work she had to do, you are correct.

I may be a little bit of a hypocrite on this issue because I believe there are times when women should not have the same job requirements as a man even when they are applying for the same position. A long time ago, I worked a job that included a strength test. Each applicant was required to lift 75 pounds off the ground, transport it about 20 feet, lower it to the floor, pick it up again and return it to its original spot. When I got the job, I immediately noticed that the women could not lift those weights. When I asked whether they were given the strength test I found out they failed it but were hired anyway. Did I care? Not at all. It was a dirty job and the women got just as dirty as I did. We were all on our feet all day and the women were just as tired as I was. The heavy lifting (which was a small part of the job) was easy for me and I felt good that I was able help the gals. The other men in the workforce felt the same way.

If Obama were nearly is intelligent as the media keeps trying to portray he would have know about this very old law (I knew about it and so did lots of other people). He would also know that any “gender pay gap” is not the result of sexual discrimination but rather a host of other non-discriminatory factors. Sadly, many people will give him credit which he clearly does not deserve. I consider Obama's acts to be an insult to all the good men and women of both parties who fought a long time ago to pass laws that protected women in the work place. By taking credit for the work of others he has demonstrated that he cares only about himself.

Conclusion: There are already laws on the book that prohibit discrimination against woman in pay and other job benefits. If there were any type of employment discrimination against women they should have been remedied by lawsuits. Any “gender pay gap” is not the result of sexual discrimination but rather a host of other non-discriminatory factors. If discrimination in wages really did exists I will let Obama's supporters explain why his various administrative agencies did not prosecute employers under the very old law (by the way, I don't think Bush or Clinton did either).

I will have a lot more to say on this subject later.

Your wrong look at what he is doing. It is a hot button issue for the 2014 election campaign and he knows its divisive- he has to find a way to run against Obamacare and still be for it. Its a win/win for them. The dems are hurting bad.
Recently the president proposed equal pay for women. Bringing the issue up for the 2014 congressional elections. What are your views? Should the government force employers to pay women the same as men? Or should it be a private issue between the employer and employee?

I have attached a poll so VOTE! Let your opinion be known. I did a similar poll recently. Thanks.

another idiot hits the ground running.

men and women are paid the same, I know you know this, since it's impossible not to know by now.

unless you are a complete retard
Recently the president proposed equal pay for women. Bringing the issue up for the 2014 congressional elections. What are your views? Should the government force employers to pay women the same as men? Or should it be a private issue between the employer and employee?

I have attached a poll so VOTE! Let your opinion be known. I did a similar poll recently. Thanks.

another idiot hits the ground running.

men and women are paid the same, I know you know this, since it's impossible not to know by now.

unless you are a complete retard

Don't just post a flame then run off smug in my ignorance. Fuckin back it up.
I say women can be hired and their pay can be negotioated in the private sector- between them and the employer and government can't do a thing about it.
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I am a strong proponent of pay for performance.

What exactly is "equal pay for equal work"?
I pay a person to mow my yard. If Mary takes 2.5 hours to mow my yard and Bill takes 2 hours to mow my yard, guess which one gets paid more?
On a flat rate, they both get paid the same pay, on an hourly rate, Bill gets paid more. Is that unfair of me? Liberals would probably say I am paying Mary less because she is a female.

Now, lets say Mary mows half my yard today, but she has kids she is taking care of, so she has to mow the second half of the yard tomorrow. But Bill can mow the entire yard on one day. It might be worth it to me to pay Bill an extra $5 to get the entire job done in one day. Is that unequal pay based upon gender? Or based upon performance?

How do you handle payroll taxes when you hire people off the street? Do you have insurance to cover any industrial accident which harms your employee? Have you trained them in the proper and safe use of your equipment (should they use it)? Do you really pay by the hour, or by the project? To pay by the hour is dumb, almost as dumb as hiring people to do work who are unlicensed, uninsured and not independent contractors.
Every person I have ever hired to mow my yard is an independent contractor running his own small business. The guy that's been doing it for the last year is very aggressive about selling me additional services, he is a hard worker and wants to earn more money.
The government is not allowed to interfere in private contracts.

Sorry, wedgie......not true since FDR,,,,

1. On April 12, 1937, the United States ceased to be a republic of limited constitutional government. The Supreme Court upheld the Wagner Labor Relations Act. No longer would the enumerated powers of the Constitution apply....now we would be a European model welfare state, in which the national legislature has power to regulate industry, agriculture, and virtually all the activities of the citizens. The coda came when the court upheld the Social Security Act on May 24, 1937, and, then, the compulsory marketing quotas of the new AAA, on April 17, 1936. p. 68-69
[Wagner..., a New Deal-era senator, had authored 1935’s Wagner Act requiring collective bargaining in the private sector http://www.city-journal.org/2014/bc0404dd.html]

a. Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA), former U.S. government agency established (1933) in the Dept. of Agriculture under the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 as part of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal program. Its purpose was to help farmers by reducing production of staple crops, thus raising farm prices and encouraging more diversified farming. Farmers were given benefit payments in return for limiting acreage given to staple crops; in the case of cotton and tobacco coercive taxes forced (1934–35) farmers to cut the amounts that they marketed.
Agricultural Adjustment Administration | Infoplease.com
If I'm to be paid 20% less - seriously, I'm fine with that.

Just let me go home two hours earlier. :thup:

Women with the same qualifications and in the same job, get the same pay.

The problem is totally a fabrication.....

...surprising how may smart women actually believe it.
To these stupid bimbos, equal pay means paying english teachers the same as software engineers!

You girls want equal pay then study STEM!!!
Women with the same qualifications and in the same job, get the same pay.

The problem is totally a fabrication.....

...surprising how may smart women actually believe it.

None of these silly hens believe it. They simply go along with what they know is a brazen lie because it's in their interests to do so.

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