Equal Pay For Women

Should women get equal pay?

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Recently the president proposed equal pay for women. Bringing the issue up for the 2014 congressional elections. What are your views? Should the government force employers to pay women the same as men? Or should it be a private issue between the employer and employee?

I have attached a poll so VOTE! Let your opinion be known. I did a similar poll recently. Thanks.

you mean force employers to pay the same thing to all employees for the same work?

why wouldn't that be a requirement of any rational society?

or do you think I should be paid less than you for the same job?
If I'm to be paid 20% less - seriously, I'm fine with that.

Just let me go home two hours earlier. :thup:

Women with the same qualifications and in the same job, get the same pay.

The problem is totally a fabrication.....

...surprising how may smart women actually believe it.

so spaketh someone who isn't in the work force

amazing how a supposedly educated woman buys rightwing BS.
The whole women get paid 70 cents on the dollar spiel is bullshit.

Liberals don't like to do the math even though they say they are all about science

Debunking the Myth of a Mythical Gender Pay Gap | Blog, Connecting the Dots | BillMoyers.com

Mark J. Perry and Andrew G. Biggs: The '77 Cents on the Dollar' Myth About Women's Pay - WSJ.com

The Gender Pay Gap is a Complete Myth - CBS News

Wage Gap Myth Exposed -- By Feminists | Christina Hoff Sommers

Is that enough varied sources for you idiots to drop this bullshit?
Recently the president proposed equal pay for women. Bringing the issue up for the 2014 congressional elections. What are your views? Should the government force employers to pay women the same as men? Or should it be a private issue between the employer and employee?

I have attached a poll so VOTE! Let your opinion be known. I did a similar poll recently. Thanks.

you mean force employers to pay the same thing to all employees for the same work?

why wouldn't that be a requirement of any rational society?

or do you think I should be paid less than you for the same job?

My issue isn't with women getting the same pay. It is the governments involvement in business. I full well know that skills and abilities are possessed by individuals regardless of sex.
( it is important that you reflect your views in the poll) I voted it should be between the employer and employee
It's really simple! A PERSON (regardless of sex) should get paid for what he or she produces. If a woman is working in a highly strenuous situation but can't pull her weight then she should not get equal pay. However, if she produces more than the muscleman in the shop she should be paid more. Talent and ability should rule the day.
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It's really simple! A PERSON (regardless of sex) should get paid for what he or she produces. If a woman is working in a highly strenuous situation but can't pull her wait then she should not get equal pay. However, if she produces more than the muscleman in the shop she should be paid more. Talent and ability should rule the day.

I feel the same way. I want women to succeed based on ability.
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My issue isn't with women getting the same pay. It is the governments involvement in business. ]

Yes indeed. If the govt gets involved they will "equate" all sorts of jobs that are not the same or even similar. Silly guidance counselors at high schools will be renamed "people engineers" and get the same pay as airplane engineers.
It's really simple! A PERSON (regardless of sex) should get paid for what he or she produces. If a woman is working in a highly strenuous situation but can't pull her wait then she should not get equal pay. However, if she produces more than the muscleman in the shop she should be paid more. Talent and ability should rule the day.

I feel the same way. I want women to succeed based on ability.

Trouble is they don't have the ability. Men are both physically and mentally superior. So the liberals demand the govt get involved and give women more pay than they're worth.
It's really simple! A PERSON (regardless of sex) should get paid for what he or she produces. If a woman is working in a highly strenuous situation but can't pull her wait then she should not get equal pay. However, if she produces more than the muscleman in the shop she should be paid more. Talent and ability should rule the day.

I feel the same way. I want women to succeed based on ability.

Trouble is they don't have the ability. Men are both physically and mentally superior. So the liberals demand the govt get involved and give women more pay than they're worth.

I generally agree that men are generally superior physically but that doesn't make them the best choice for all jobs. I've known some truly intelligent and able women who made some really stupid men I know/knew look -- well -- really stupid. I've worked with men and women since I was 15 years old and I can tell you that not all men have a superior intellect than all women.

I've also worked with some pudgy, weak, lazy men that weren't worth their salt and have worked with some very energetic, productive women.

I will say that I don't personally like the idea of women fighting side by side with men in combat (due to the physical limitations and due to the distraction). At least I would be distracted because I'm easily attracted to women. I'm also not a big fan of women working as police officers because they will often come across powerful men who could squash them like bugs. But I have no problem with women doctors, lawyers, executives, teachers, salesmen (I say sales"men" because I'm old fashioned and hate political correctness -- sue me :)) and other intellectual jobs.
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What is the definition of the word 'Equal' in this discussion?

The definition I was thinking of was what the president meant. I think it was the same as the civil rights meaning of "equality". Although I'm not sure. Thats what I believed it to be.
And thats what I had in mind when I set up the poll questions.
People, regardless of what genitalia is between their legs..should be paid for their skills & production, not because of their genitalia. This is more divisive left wing garbage to tug at the heartstrings of liberaldumb.
People, regardless of what genitalia is between their legs..should be paid for their skills & production, not because of their genitalia. This is more divisive left wing garbage to tug at the heartstrings of liberaldumb.

I believe the government should let everyone negotiate their pay.

I posted the poll because I am finding that surprisingly most women even some conservative women see the issue differently in most cases.

The democrats have an issue that I think Hilary will start pushing more frequently, as it gets closer to election season. And from what I see so far it is divisive along gender lines.

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