Equality act seeks Federal persecution of Christians


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Democrats in Congress are pushing “equality” legislation that critics say would criminalize Christianity, Islam, and Judaism by forcing virtually every institution in society — including religious institutions — to hire, serve, and promote homosexuals and individuals confused about their gender. A number of analysts have warned that by enshrining “sexual orientation” in the statute, even pedophilia and pederasty could be protected. In the House of Representatives, Democrats already have more than enough co-sponsors to pass the bill. And in the Senate, they are getting very close. But a massive coalition of critics from across the political spectrum and a broad array of religious traditions is rising up to stop it before it is too late.

“Equality Act” Seeks Federal Persecution of Christians

Well it's not like they hide the lies, cheating, and stealing their leftist sheep don't care what crimes these retards do. Pushing this Christian narrative right along with hate whitey......

a lot more is coming u idiots better wake up.

So let me get this straight... Progressives don't want religious institutions having a say in government or have items of a religious nature on public property but they think government should have a say in how a religious institution operates.

What next a state run church, mosque, synagoge, etc,...?


More institutional discrimination.
The duopoly loves that shit.

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