Erdogan: UN has collapsed in face of Gaza massacre


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
UN has ‘collapsed’ in the face of Gaza killings: Erdoğan

“We will never allow Jerusalem to be usurped by Israel. We will support the struggle of our brothers until the days when Palestinian lands - which have long been occupied - will have peace and security within the borders of a free Palestinian state,” he added.
“We will not remain silent to Israel even though the world closes its eyes to this oppression,” Erdoğan said.

Turkey, as term president of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), called for an emergency OIC summit, also on May 18, in Istanbul to discuss joint action against Israel.

Hope its something worthwhile!

Turkey/Russia/Iran/China/North Korea/ few smaller countries like Qatar and Sudan vs
USA/Israel/France/Germany/England/Saudi Arabia and other zionist puppet regimes

I would certainly be pulling for the Turkey/Russia/China alliance.

Turkey/Russia/Iran/China/North Korea/ few smaller countries like Qatar and Sudan vs
USA/Israel/France/Germany/England/Saudi Arabia and other zionist puppet regimes

I would certainly be pulling for the Turkey/Russia/China alliance.
You love communists I see.

Turkey/Russia/Iran/China/North Korea/ few smaller countries like Qatar and Sudan vs
USA/Israel/France/Germany/England/Saudi Arabia and other zionist puppet regimes

I would certainly be pulling for the Turkey/Russia/China alliance.
You love communists I see.
Nope. I am fond of Dictators and anyone who stands up to the Zionist Machine.
Nobody gives a shit about israel shooting a bunch of terrorists. Except for you and a few others in their support group
Well since they toss their own people as cannon fodder, screw the Palestinians......and hey he wants to do away with the UN, I'm ok with that.

Turkey/Russia/Iran/China/North Korea/ few smaller countries like Qatar and Sudan vs
USA/Israel/France/Germany/England/Saudi Arabia and other zionist puppet regimes

I would certainly be pulling for the Turkey/Russia/China alliance.
You love communists I see.
Nope. I am fond of Dictators and anyone who stands up to the Zionist Machine.
So ewe send donations to Hamas.

Of Hamas members who initiated and continued violent protests against Israel, a nation who, in their Charter, they call for / vow their Genocide...

Hey Ergo, maybe Hamas should not pick a fight with someone who can and will beat their ass in a heartbeat.... Just a thought.
UN has ‘collapsed’ in the face of Gaza killings: Erdoğan

“We will never allow Jerusalem to be usurped by Israel. We will support the struggle of our brothers until the days when Palestinian lands - which have long been occupied - will have peace and security within the borders of a free Palestinian state,” he added.
“We will not remain silent to Israel even though the world closes its eyes to this oppression,” Erdoğan said.

Turkey, as term president of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), called for an emergency OIC summit, also on May 18, in Istanbul to discuss joint action against Israel.

Hope its something worthwhile!
Look man, I am with you on the "no more wars for Israel" motto, but that does not mean we should do anything to stop Israel from taking action.

This war between the Joooos and the Muzzies has never ended because there has never been a decisive victor. Either Israel needs to ass-fuck every muzzy country that even threatens them, or the Muzzies need to go ahead and destroy Israel.

Either way, some killing needs to start and not stop until somebody surrenders UNEQUIVOCALLY.
UN has ‘collapsed’ in the face of Gaza killings: Erdoğan

“We will never allow Jerusalem to be usurped by Israel. We will support the struggle of our brothers until the days when Palestinian lands - which have long been occupied - will have peace and security within the borders of a free Palestinian state,” he added.
“We will not remain silent to Israel even though the world closes its eyes to this oppression,” Erdoğan said.

Turkey, as term president of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), called for an emergency OIC summit, also on May 18, in Istanbul to discuss joint action against Israel.

Hope its something worthwhile!
Look man, I am with you on the "no more wars for Israel" motto, but that does not mean we should do anything to stop Israel from taking action.

This war between the Joooos and the Muzzies has never ended because there has never been a decisive victor. Either Israel needs to ass-fuck every muzzy country that even threatens them, or the Muzzies need to go ahead and destroy Israel.

Either way, some killing needs to start and not stop until somebody surrenders UNEQUIVOCALLY.
Im with you there bro. Either finish this shit or STFU
I get so tired of hearing all of the goddamn whining.
We will never allow Jerusalem to be usurped by Israel.

Well ... see ... you say that.

Look man, I am with you on the "no more wars for Israel" motto, but that does not mean we should do anything to stop Israel from taking action.
Why is it our business / why should we intervene right now?

Just as the Nobel Peace Prize Winner should never have dragged us into the middle of Syria's Civil War. Trump needs to let Israel and Hamas handle their bid'ness. If anything, we should be the dude on the outside making sure no one else sticks their nose in it.
Remember what happened to Adam and Eve? God gave them the whole world, except for one tree.
We have the whole world except for a tiny, tiny little sliver that God calls His. Erdogan would do well to take heed:

Thus says the Lord GOD, "Behold, I am against you, O Gog, prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal. "I will turn you about and put hooks into your jaws, and I will bring you out, and all your army, horses and horsemen, all of them splendidly attired, a great company with buckler and shield, all of them wielding swords; Persia, Ethiopia and Put with them, all of them with shield and helmet...

Leave Israel alone.
Why is it our business / why should we intervene right now?
Exactly. It's none of our business. We have artificially prolonged this destabilized situation by preventing a fight. We should let these fuckers kill the fuck out of each other until somebody gives up.
Not just us.... Nations like Russia and others have 'condemned' Israel for their 'violence'....when they suffer having 100+ rockets a year launched at them, suicide attacks, etc....and act to defend themselves....making very unrealistic demands on Israel, demands they would never follow themselves if attacked.

If Russia...if the US had a couple dozen rockets lobbed at us from Mexico. Would we be as tolerant as everyone demands Israel to be? Nope...Mexico would be a glass parking lot or the 51st state by week's end.....
Look man, I am with you on the "no more wars for Israel" motto, but that does not mean we should do anything to stop Israel from taking action.
Why is it our business / why should we intervene right now?

Just as the Nobel Peace Prize Winner should never have dragged us into the middle of Syria's Civil War. Trump needs to let Israel and Hamas handle their bid'ness. If anything, we should be the dude on the outside making sure no one else sticks their nose in it.
still unsure what moving people into a building has to do with people killing people in gaza?

Turkey/Russia/Iran/China/North Korea/ few smaller countries like Qatar and Sudan vs
USA/Israel/France/Germany/England/Saudi Arabia and other zionist puppet regimes

I would certainly be pulling for the Turkey/Russia/China alliance.
I wouldn't necessarily say that about France, Germany and England, but sometimes the US promises financial aid to a poorer country so they vote with Israel or abstain.
The Democrats' own John F. Kennedy gave the reason the United States is an ally of Israel:

"We shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of liberty."

Israel is a democratic / free nation where both Jews and non-Jews (Muslims / Arabs) live and work together. Unfortunately they are like Custer in a sea of hostile Indians. Kennedy recognized we must stand beside other nations in the defense of freedom and liberty or risk being taken down one at a time.

Although john F. Kennedy was the best of all the brothers, Liberals would prefer to follow Teddy's example in how to del with Israel than follow JFK's - Ya know, just leave Israel to die on their own by themselves in an over-turned car in a flooded stream while they run for safety...


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