Eric Adams says that NYC is putting up ads in Florida to try to convince gay residents to move to New York

Sounds like a gigantic waste of money to me. Is there some sort of mystery about New York being, more accepting place than Florida if you happen to be something other than white, straight, and Christian?
Yes, please.


I do not care what your race, gender, or where you like to put your genitals, the cult is not welcome in Florida.
Sounds like a gigantic waste of money to me. Is there some sort of mystery about New York being, more accepting place than Florida if you happen to be something other than white, straight, and Christian?
Omg, stop it. You have no clue. Cities like Miami are like party central for gays--especially gay puerto ricans.......
And the moment you get outside of the city limits? Pure, unabashed hatred...the common currency of all red states.
No---gays do quite well out here all over. Florida is the party life all over. Most of the gays here don't give a shit for the indoctrinating little kids. And most heteros don't care if one is gay or not---they are here to enjoy life as well. And again, you have no clue what you are babbling about. Florida is pretty Laid back...
Do the two of you know that the fastest way to separate the intelligent folk from the unintelligent folk is through sarcasm?
or sheer dumbass stupidity. that does it as well when you completely misrepresent a side
While Eric Adams is spending tax dollars putting up gay signs in Florida, this is what’s going on in the NYC subway:
No---gays do quite well out here all over. Florida is the party life all over. Most of the gays here don't give a shit for the indoctrinating little kids. And most heteros don't care if one is gay or not---they are here to enjoy life as well. And again, you have no clue what you are babbling about. Florida is pretty Laid back...

Until COVID hit, my wife and I went to Florida 3 months out of the year. You are 100% accurate. Talk about world diversity! Canadians everywhere, straight, gay, young, old, rich, middle class, poor, of all different races.

Know why these people always say "don't say gay" bill? Because since Biden took office, if they didn't lie to create a controversy they could attack on, they would forever be defending, lol. It is politics 101, and whenever you see someone has to out and out lie to make a point, you know 1 of 2 things---------->they are either dumb as a box of rocks and have no business in the discussion, or they are political activists trying to gaslight everyone.

Some of these people on here are rather obvious which category they fall in, lololol!
While Eric Adams is spending tax dollars putting up gay signs in Florida, this is what’s going on in the NYC subway:

Obviously, we can't see what happens prior to or after that video, but it appears to be consensual.

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