Eric Cantor on repealing ObamaCare - again

Damn funny coming from you.

As far as I can see, all you ever do is follow along behind me and make snotty little baby accusations. Get a grip, grow up and try actually contributing.

Or don't.

Dumb shit.

so what do you contribute besides just endless attacks on anyone who does not agree with you?......everything you put up is just another anti Republican/Conservative that contributing?......or is that just trolling? you have the balls to answer Duds?....

These are your posts from only one thread. All of your posts are this kind of trolling garbage. THAT is why I don't bother with you. Now, get lost.

he is an old fart like you would think as many times as you have Sharted you would kinda feel for the guy....just sayin.... have.....i doubt you would admit are not honest enough....

this fucking guy was over in a thread were the OP was saying he is getting tired of the place because it is just getting to be insults instead of intelligent conversation.....he was thanking the guy agreeing with him....and yet 90% of his shit posts are just attacks on..."rw's" as likes to type it.....the guy is an old fucking fart who can't remember if he fucking wiped his ass last time he shit....

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