Eric Holder Booting German Homeschoolers Out Of The Country

May 14, 2013 06:51 PM EDT
German Homeschool Family Loses Asylum Case; Home School Legal Defense Association Will Appeal

By Napp Nazworth | Christian Post Reporting

(Photo: Home School Legal Defense Association)

A U.S. appeals court sided with the U.S. Justice Department on Tuesday and denied asylum for the Romeikes. They fled from Germany after they were threatened with the possibility of losing custody of their children when they decided to homeschool and refused to send their children to the German public schools.
The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with the Justice Department, in Romeike vs. Holder, that the freedom to homeschool one's children is not among the fundamental rights protected for asylum seekers. The Home School Legal Defense Association, which represented the Romeikes in the case, said it will appeal the decision.
"We believe the Sixth Circuit is wrong, and we will appeal their decision," said Michael Farris, HSLDA founder and chairman. "America has room for this family, and we will do everything we can to help them."
According to an HSLDA press release, the court recognized parents have the right to direct the education of their children under the U.S. Constitution, but also noted that asylum is not granted to every victim of unfair treatment.

German Homeschool Family Loses Asylum Case; Home School Legal Defense Association Will Appeal

If they were Mexican they would be allowed to stay.
For what it's worth, I think they should be allow to stay and apply for citizenship.
They're not being kicked out because they homeschool. Your title is misleading. They're being kicked out because there was no reason for them to be given asylum in the first place.

Well we have a whole bunch of people to kick out based on your idea. You believe in Vaccum politics, dont ya?
If they would have just over stayed their visas we'd let them stay and even give them a "path to citizenship".

Funny how our "leaders" have no problem with illegal immigrants who want to send their kids to government schools.
They should have had an anchor baby.
If they would have just over stayed their visas we'd let them stay and even give them a "path to citizenship".

Funny how our "leaders" have no problem with illegal immigrants who want to send their kids to government schools.

That depends what nationality they are, INS seems to only deport people who are not Hispanic.
May 14, 2013 06:51 PM EDT
German Homeschool Family Loses Asylum Case; Home School Legal Defense Association Will Appeal

By Napp Nazworth | Christian Post Reporting

(Photo: Home School Legal Defense Association)

A U.S. appeals court sided with the U.S. Justice Department on Tuesday and denied asylum for the Romeikes. They fled from Germany after they were threatened with the possibility of losing custody of their children when they decided to homeschool and refused to send their children to the German public schools.
The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with the Justice Department, in Romeike vs. Holder, that the freedom to homeschool one's children is not among the fundamental rights protected for asylum seekers. The Home School Legal Defense Association, which represented the Romeikes in the case, said it will appeal the decision.
"We believe the Sixth Circuit is wrong, and we will appeal their decision," said Michael Farris, HSLDA founder and chairman. "America has room for this family, and we will do everything we can to help them."
According to an HSLDA press release, the court recognized parents have the right to direct the education of their children under the U.S. Constitution, but also noted that asylum is not granted to every victim of unfair treatment.

German Homeschool Family Loses Asylum Case; Home School Legal Defense Association Will Appeal

" Romeike vs. Holder, that the freedom to homeschool one's children is not among the fundamental rights protected for asylum seekers."

Did anyone tell Eric Holder that wanting to improve one's economic situation is ALSO not among the fundamental rights protected for asylum seekers.

Seems he didn't get the memo regarding the millions of illegal aliens that are here that also DON'T deserve to stay in the US. support this family coming as illegal aliens.

But they are letting millions of ILLEGALS in the country is WHAT

then the OP should be talking about THAT...which I will agree with wholeheartedly. The illegals SHOULD be sent packing. And I don't care if their anchor kids stay behind or not. Too bad.

But....this family applied for asylum for conditions that asylum is NOT granted for...ergo...asylum denied. Doesn't get any clearer than that.

But they are letting millions of ILLEGALS in the country is WHAT

then the OP should be talking about THAT...which I will agree with wholeheartedly. The illegals SHOULD be sent packing. And I don't care if their anchor kids stay behind or not. Too bad.

But....this family applied for asylum for conditions that asylum is NOT granted for...ergo...asylum denied. Doesn't get any clearer than that.

They are suffering from religious persecution. One of the original reasons this country was founded.

The government in their country is threatening to take their kids if they don't put their kids in their government schools.

How would you like it if you had adopted children that the government was threatening to send to foster homes because they've decided your lifestyle was a bad influence on the kids?
But they are letting millions of ILLEGALS in the country is WHAT

then the OP should be talking about THAT...which I will agree with wholeheartedly. The illegals SHOULD be sent packing. And I don't care if their anchor kids stay behind or not. Too bad.

But....this family applied for asylum for conditions that asylum is NOT granted for...ergo...asylum denied. Doesn't get any clearer than that.

They are suffering from religious persecution. One of the original reasons this country was founded.

The government in their country is threatening to take their kids if they don't put their kids in their government schools.

How would you like it if you had adopted children that the government was threatening to send to foster homes because they've decided your lifestyle was a bad influence on the kids?

How is it religious persecution?
They're not being kicked out because they homeschool. Your title is misleading. They're being kicked out because there was no reason for them to be given asylum in the first place.

Well we have a whole bunch of people to kick out based on your idea. You believe in Vaccum politics, dont ya?

As far as asylum cases, I would have to see the individual cases. But since I'm sure you're talking about illegal immigration, yes there are a lot of people that should leave. But attempting to deport them is beyond a waste of money. Instead, we should be throwing the book at employers who hire illegal immigrants. Make the thought of hiring an illegal immigrant so abhorrent that there will be nothing for the illegal immigrants and they will leave of their own accord.
They're not being kicked out because they homeschool. Your title is misleading. They're being kicked out because there was no reason for them to be given asylum in the first place.

Well we have a whole bunch of people to kick out based on your idea. You believe in Vaccum politics, dont ya?

As far as asylum cases, I would have to see the individual cases. But since I'm sure you're talking about illegal immigration, yes there are a lot of people that should leave. But attempting to deport them is beyond a waste of money. Instead, we should be throwing the book at employers who hire illegal immigrants. Make the thought of hiring an illegal immigrant so abhorrent that there will be nothing for the illegal immigrants and they will leave of their own accord.

You saw how well that worked out in Georgia. I mean, it's one thing to rail about illegal immigrants, it's another to pay $5 for a head of lettuce.
The title and premise of this thread is grossly misleading and little more than another attempt to blame the Obama administration for everything the OP doesn't like.

Eric Holder isn't "booting" anybody out of the country. Immigration laws as they are currently written are doing that and the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals is merely upholding the law, as it's supposed to do.

Here's the opinion of the court and a phrase from it which sums up the whole case:

"...Congress might have written the immigration laws to grant a safe haven to people living elsewhere in the world who face government strictures that the United States Constitution prohibits. But it did not..."

The Justice Department and the office of Attorney General are tasked with enforcing laws as they are written. It is not tasked with creating law out of thin air or ignoring the law whenever they choose, even for "good" motives. In short, the AG and his department are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing and doing it legally through the court system. I can't for the life of me understand how anyone who claims to love this country and our Constitution could find fault with that.

Perhaps you'd like to explain how the Attorney General and the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals upholding the law is a bad thing.

Hogwash. The Administration's statist attitude is on display here, as is yours. There is nothing in the law that would compel the Justice Department to challenge this family's request for asylum either. A conservative administration would not have made an issue over this. Period.
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But they are letting millions of ILLEGALS in the country is WHAT

then the OP should be talking about THAT...which I will agree with wholeheartedly. The illegals SHOULD be sent packing. And I don't care if their anchor kids stay behind or not. Too bad.

But....this family applied for asylum for conditions that asylum is NOT granted for...ergo...asylum denied. Doesn't get any clearer than that.

They are suffering from religious persecution. One of the original reasons this country was founded.

The government in their country is threatening to take their kids if they don't put their kids in their government schools.

How would you like it if you had adopted children that the government was threatening to send to foster homes because they've decided your lifestyle was a bad influence on the kids?

Wrong. Please go brush up on the whole story.

They were not being threatened because they wouldn't send their kids to public schools, but because they were homeschooling, which is illegal in Germany. Private schools are perfectly legal in Germany though. And on that note, it wasn't religious persecution because there are several private christian schools in Germany that the parents could have sent their kids to.
The title and premise of this thread is grossly misleading and little more than another attempt to blame the Obama administration for everything the OP doesn't like.

Eric Holder isn't "booting" anybody out of the country. Immigration laws as they are currently written are doing that and the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals is merely upholding the law, as it's supposed to do.

Here's the opinion of the court and a phrase from it which sums up the whole case:

"...Congress might have written the immigration laws to grant a safe haven to people living elsewhere in the world who face government strictures that the United States Constitution prohibits. But it did not..."

The Justice Department and the office of Attorney General are tasked with enforcing laws as they are written. It is not tasked with creating law out of thin air or ignoring the law whenever they choose, even for "good" motives. In short, the AG and his department are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing and doing it legally through the court system. I can't for the life of me understand how anyone who claims to love this country and our Constitution could find fault with that.

Perhaps you'd like to explain how the Attorney General and the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals upholding the law is a bad thing.

Hogwash. The Administration's statist ideology is on display here, as it yours. There is nothing in the law that would compel the Justice Department to challenge this family's request for asylum either. A conservative administration would not have made an issue over this.

The court disagrees with you. But tell you what....look up our Request for Asylum policies and show us where foreigners can request asylum based on educational persecution (not being allowed to home school).
Well we have a whole bunch of people to kick out based on your idea. You believe in Vaccum politics, dont ya?

As far as asylum cases, I would have to see the individual cases. But since I'm sure you're talking about illegal immigration, yes there are a lot of people that should leave. But attempting to deport them is beyond a waste of money. Instead, we should be throwing the book at employers who hire illegal immigrants. Make the thought of hiring an illegal immigrant so abhorrent that there will be nothing for the illegal immigrants and they will leave of their own accord.

You saw how well that worked out in Georgia. I mean, it's one thing to rail about illegal immigrants, it's another to pay $5 for a head of lettuce.

If this country can't survive without illegal immigrants making slave wages, then we're fucked.

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