Eric holder sends ominous late tweet to career DOJ/FBI employees

They are is so much trouble, unfairly targeting citizens.
Confirms what was being talked about.
Yes, that is a violation of the 4th amendment.
They are is so much trouble, unfairly targeting citizens.
Confirms what was being talked about.
Yes, that is a violation of the 4th amendment.
I dont think the Deep State will allow more than a handful of second tier career bureaucrats to pay the price for these crimes, much like Scooter Libby.
They are is so much trouble, unfairly targeting citizens.
Confirms what was being talked about.
Yes, that is a violation of the 4th amendment.
I dont think the Deep State will allow more than a handful of second tier career bureaucrats to pay the price for these crimes, much like Scooter Libby.
Who is the Deep State? Who do they work for? What do their masters want to accomplish and why? Who benefits?
They are is so much trouble, unfairly targeting citizens.
Confirms what was being talked about.
Yes, that is a violation of the 4th amendment.
I dont think the Deep State will allow more than a handful of second tier career bureaucrats to pay the price for these crimes, much like Scooter Libby.
Who is the Deep State? Who do they work for? What do their masters want to accomplish and why? Who benefits?

Shadow government is called deep state, thus- the elitists in both parties who run things in D.C.
It's about money and power and it benefits them.
They are is so much trouble, unfairly targeting citizens.
Confirms what was being talked about.
Yes, that is a violation of the 4th amendment.
I dont think the Deep State will allow more than a handful of second tier career bureaucrats to pay the price for these crimes, much like Scooter Libby.
Who is the Deep State? Who do they work for? What do their masters want to accomplish and why? Who benefits?
sounds like encouragement to not cower under pressure, hold on to the truth, and tell it like it is....don't let your guard down or be lured in to not telling the whole truth and nothing but!
I think that would be classified as a 'Mothers Take' on the statement, but plausible none-the-less, :)

It must be really nice to live in a fantasy world like they do aye? Oh wait I prefer to live in reality my bad ahah.
They are is so much trouble, unfairly targeting citizens.
Confirms what was being talked about.
Yes, that is a violation of the 4th amendment.
I dont think the Deep State will allow more than a handful of second tier career bureaucrats to pay the price for these crimes, much like Scooter Libby.
Who is the Deep State? Who do they work for? What do their masters want to accomplish and why? Who benefits?

Shadow government is called deep state, thus- the elitists in both parties who run things in D.C.
It's about money and power and it benefits them.

don't waste your breath that's one of the ones who lost reality a long time ago and you won't ever get them to understand. Some just won't ever have that ability to connect the dots and get their tongue stuck off the Government's boots/ ass
Eric holder sends ominous late tweet to career DOJ/FBI employees


for STFU or else you will be Seth Riched
They are is so much trouble, unfairly targeting citizens.
Confirms what was being talked about.
Yes, that is a violation of the 4th amendment.
I dont think the Deep State will allow more than a handful of second tier career bureaucrats to pay the price for these crimes, much like Scooter Libby.
Who is the Deep State? Who do they work for? What do their masters want to accomplish and why? Who benefits?

Shadow government is called deep state, thus- the elitists in both parties who run things in D.C.
It's about money and power and it benefits them.
How does it benefit them?

who is "them"? Career long time gov't workers?
A former AG sticking his nose into an investigation and trying to influence the outcome?
Sounds dirty as all get out!!
They are is so much trouble, unfairly targeting citizens.
Confirms what was being talked about.
Yes, that is a violation of the 4th amendment.
I dont think the Deep State will allow more than a handful of second tier career bureaucrats to pay the price for these crimes, much like Scooter Libby.
Who is the Deep State? Who do they work for? What do their masters want to accomplish and why? Who benefits?

Shadow government is called deep state, thus- the elitists in both parties who run things in D.C.
It's about money and power and it benefits them.
How does it benefit them?

who is "them"? Career long time gov't workers?

Most people don't understand how the House& Senate work. Each and every member of congress is pushing for political donations when they go to each and every meeting that they attend.
They get the most powerful positions on committees based on how much money they bring into the parties and seniority rights.
Speaker of the House- Pelosi, that is exactly why she said what she did. Quote "I'm worth the trouble". She brought in the most political donations and both parties do it.
She thinks they won't vote her out because she brings in the most money to the party.
They are is so much trouble, unfairly targeting citizens.
Confirms what was being talked about.
Yes, that is a violation of the 4th amendment.
I dont think the Deep State will allow more than a handful of second tier career bureaucrats to pay the price for these crimes, much like Scooter Libby.
Who is the Deep State? Who do they work for? What do their masters want to accomplish and why? Who benefits?

Shadow government is called deep state, thus- the elitists in both parties who run things in D.C.
It's about money and power and it benefits them.
How does it benefit them?

who is "them"? Career long time gov't workers?

Most people don't understand how the House& Senate work. Each and every member of congress is pushing for political donations when they go to each and every meeting that they attend.
They get the most powerful positions on committees based on how much money they bring into the parties and seniority rights.
Speaker of the House- Pelosi, that is exactly why she said what she did. Quote "I'm worth the trouble". She brought in the most political donations and both parties do it.
She thinks they won't vote her out because she brings in the most money to the party.

That's why they are so upset.. Trump upset the apple cart.

They are is so much trouble, unfairly targeting citizens.
Confirms what was being talked about.
Yes, that is a violation of the 4th amendment.
I dont think the Deep State will allow more than a handful of second tier career bureaucrats to pay the price for these crimes, much like Scooter Libby.

I wouldn't bet on that, these are scum of the earth they stop at nothing to get what they want and at anybody's expense including death.
How does it benefit them?
who is "them"? Career long time gov't workers?
The leaders of the deep state are the leftover political appointments that go native and become fixtures of the bureaucracy. These are the people who jumped from serving their political masters to serving the corporate crony network in general and specific departments like the DoD, EPA, IRS, etc.

They are the barnacles on the federali ass that makes our government inefficient, ineffective and twists it to serve the interests of the corporations and other higher embers of the corporate crony network.

There is an old story that JFK called for a meeting of the top officers in the State Department when he first became President in '61. None of them showed up, so he set up a second meeting, and again none of them showed up. Furious, he went over to the State Department himself to rattle some cages and he got with the top State Department official and read him the riot act, but the official was not impressed. 'I am the President of the United States, the top representative of the American people!' he said, or words to that effect. 'You will do as you are told by me!'

The Official merely yawned and said, 'You will be President for four years, maybe eight.' Then he put his newspaper down, looked into Jack's eyes and said 'But *we* are eternal!'

That is the deep state, lol.
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I wouldn't bet on that, these are scum of the earth they stop at nothing to get what they want and at anybody's expense including death.

But killing people is so messy.

It is much easier to toss out some small fry and let them prove their commitment to the government and have useful soldiers for later days.
sounds like encouragement to not cower under pressure, hold on to the truth, and tell it like it is....don't let your guard down or be lured in to not telling the whole truth and nothing but!

IOW: Do what I say......don't follow my example.
Eric Holder, Obama's former Attorney General and a man who recently hinted at an interest in pursuing a 2020 bid for the White House, issued a rather ominous warning to the "career men & women" of the DOJ/FBI last night saying that their "actions and integrity will be unfairly questioned" before calling upon them to "be prepared, be strong."

Eric Holder Sends Ominous Late Night Tweet To "Career DOJ/FBI" Employees | Zero Hedge
This pos is nothing but a loser, yet he has people who would lick his shoes clean of shit. Anyone who supported Obama supports this murdering scum bag.
Is that a sign that the swamp is being drained big time, and the shit is about to hit the fan down at the DOJ?

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