Eric Idle: "I hate them intensely, I’ve always hated conservatives, I’m afraid to say I’m very prejudiced against them, they’re horrible people."

But the colonies were about to surrender,
Making up your own history to try and make yourself feel better?

the French saved their arses and the Brits withdrew.

The French navy kicked the utter shit out of the Brits.

The land battles were won by the Colonists.
But you guys don't mention this, you claim you kicked the Brits out. So what's the fuck wrong with you???? Is American state education lying to you, or does your culture feel the need you need to massage your ego??

Again, you are astoundingly ignorant and uneducated.

Other than shit from frauds like Howard Zinn, no history book fails to acknowledge the role France played in our war of independence.

I guess you shouldn't have betrayed France...

So yet again, I'm having to spank another American on their 'tiny' history. Just belt the fuck up, we're adults, get out of the playground.

Looks like the only think you're "spanking" is your wanker as you again parade your vast ignorance for us to laugh at.
Just another British celebrity reminding us Americans why it is that we kicked the British out of our country almost two and a half centuries ago, and showing us that our reasons for having done so remain just as valid to this day.

Nothing to see here. Move along.
I've known this for a long time now. John Cleese is the same way.
Only 20% of Americans own a passport, but 99% feel they the experts on other countries.

57% of all statistics are made-up bullshit.

I don't know any Americans who think that they are experts on any European countries, but there are a few obvious ignorant Brits on this forum who delusionally imagine themselves to be experts on America, and to be qualified to tell us how to run our country.

How we run our country is none of your fucking business. My ancestors fought and won two wars against yours, to establish this once and for all.
Wish he would quit beating around the bush........................

Monty Python's Eric Idle blasts anti-woke comedians, says he loathes conservatives: 'I hate them intensely'​

he protesteth too much

which means something.. just not sure what.. Maybe it means he is insecure about this animosity he has?

I mean, if he were sincere, it seems he would just state simply, in few words: I don't like conservatives

Instead we get this hateful rant...

guilty conscience? But.... but.. I never thought libtards had one of those.

so... must be another reason
British conservatives are not like American conservatives. They are actually considered 'liberal' in Britian because they favor free markets and deregulation. They are Unionist as well. Margaret Thatcher favored strong labour unions, regulation, high taxes and a welfare state. I have no idea what Idle has against them.
Thatcher wanted a welfare state?

never heard that one..
57% of all statistics are made-up bullshit.

I don't know any Americans who think that they are experts on any European countries, but there are a few obvious ignorant Brits on this forum who delusionally imagine themselves to be experts on America, and to be qualified to tell us how to run our country.

How we run our country is none of your fucking business. My ancestors fought and won two wars against yours, to establish this once and for all.
Nope, 20% of Americans own a passport, few travel the world but you sure seem damn authoritative and knowledgeable of other countries. I correct your "biased" version of American history. I go to North Carolina on average twice a year to see relatives, they understand their history, so why are you as thick as a dumb fuck?

Under Biden, you run your country badly.

As for Americans, your nothing but the off spring of your colony ancestors that came from Europe to replace native Americans. So you're basically the descendant of an illegal European immigrant. I had to correct your dumb fuck knowledge again.

Monty Python's Eric Idle blasts anti-woke comedians, says he loathes conservatives: 'I hate them intensely'​

Puckish sense of humour, as ever, this calculated to make the bounders squeal.

He can still grab 'em by the ghoulies!

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Bloody mahv'lous!
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