Eric Trump: I Make my 4-Year-Old Say the Pledge of Allegiance at Bedtime Each Night

Eric Trump is a damn liar, and his idea of patriotism is the same as his daddy who hugged the American Flags at a rally for him, and later shit on our nation on Jan 6th.
Eric Trump is a damn liar, and his idea of patriotism is the same as his daddy who hugged the American Flags at a rally for him, and later shit on our nation on Jan 6th.
Yep and the daddy was too much of a coward to go and fight for his country while other Americans were heeding the call and putting their life on the line.
Sorry I don't fall at any man's feet the way you Trump Humpers do. Can you show me where Pres. Clinton or Obama attacked another man's service record? I'll wait.
“Hillary was very rude to agents, and she didn’t appear to like law enforcement or the military,” former Secret Service agent Lloyd Bulman recalls. “She wouldn’t go over and meet military people or police officers, as most protectees do. She was just really rude to almost everybody. She’d act like she didn’t want you around, like you were beneath her.”

“Hillary didn’t like the military aides wearing their uniforms around the White House,” one former agent remembers. “She asked if they would wear business suits instead. The uniform’s a sign of pride, and they’re proud to wear their uniform. I know that the military was actually really offended by it.”
“Hillary was very rude to agents, and she didn’t appear to like law enforcement or the military,” former Secret Service agent Lloyd Bulman recalls. “She wouldn’t go over and meet military people or police officers, as most protectees do. She was just really rude to almost everybody. She’d act like she didn’t want you around, like you were beneath her.”

“Hillary didn’t like the military aides wearing their uniforms around the White House,” one former agent remembers. “She asked if they would wear business suits instead. The uniform’s a sign of pride, and they’re proud to wear their uniform. I know that the military was actually really offended by it.”
Hearsay, also Hillary wasn't POTUS.
That's a skill Trump Humpers have.
You may want to think before you post
Sorry I don't fall at any man's feet the way you Trump Humpers do. Can you show me where Pres. Clinton or Obama attacked another man's service record? I'll wait.
You're telling us you do fall at a man's feet but not like those trump jumpers do. Which tell me you fall in full deep throat mode.
Never taught that. The nuns in grade school and the priests/lay teachers in high school said not a word. High Schol also had a good percentage of African American students.
Speaking of the nuns - how were the blow jobs? I hear nuns charge a lot for those but since they're all so good at it, it's worth it!

Closing loopholes​

A House-passed bill, HR 1446, backed by Democratic Rep. Jim Clyburn of South Carolina, would close what’s known as the “Charleston loophole,” which allows some licensed gun sales to go through before a required background check is done.

Specifically, the legislation would increase the amount of time, from three business days to a minimum of 10 business days, that a federal firearms licensee must wait to receive a completed background check prior to transferring a firearm to an unlicensed person.

Using that loophole, a White gunman was able to legally purchase a firearm to kill nine people at a historically Black church in Charleston, South Carolina, in 2015.
We just need the guns of our streets. No one needs an AR.
Yet you worship the draft dodging Clinton and the terrorist asslicker obuthole.
If Trump was protesting the Vietnam war as Clinton did, I would give him a pass on evading the draft. That`s not the case here.
asslicker obuthole? How old are you anyway?
Again, which "common sense" gun law would have prevented the Uvalde shooting you reference, and smeared republicans by stepping on the back of these victims and their families.
1. Raising the purchase age to 21.
2. 3 - day waiting period for the background check to come back.
3. ARs off America's streets.

That should do it, you sorry redneck power head. Fuck off.

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