Eric Trump: I Make my 4-Year-Old Say the Pledge of Allegiance at Bedtime Each Night

Admirable morals. As a matter of curiosity, are you also willing to severely restrict firearm possession in order to hinder the convenient mass shooting of innocents?
No because that would actually make me less moral as guns are used much more often to save an innocent life then to take one. No doubt that this shooting was terrible, but there has never been a correlation with gun restrictions and fewer violent crimes including murder.

Guns save more lives than they take; prevent more injuries than they inflict

Guns used 2.5 million times a year in self-defense. Law-abiding citizens use guns to defend themselves against criminals as many as 2.5 million times every year — or about 6,850 times a day. [1] This means that each year, firearms are used more than 80 times more often to protect the lives of honest citizens than to take lives.
1. Raising the purchase age to 21.
2. 3 - day waiting period for the background check to come back.
3. ARs off America's streets.

That should do it, you sorry redneck power head. Fuck off.
1. The average age of a mass shooter is 33.2 years old.

2. In the day of computers and the internet, background checks to the NICS can be done almost immediately. No need to wait for 3 days. We no longer use fax machines ;).
3. Most mass shootings perpetrators do not use rifles as seen under number one above.

Lack of maturity noted for your last comment.
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No. We need ARs their rounds and high-capacity magazines out of the hands of civilians.
Totally the opposite. The 2nd amendment was to protect civilians from threats including the government. Hard to protect ourselves with slingshots. Although, I am sure the left will come after those at some point as well.
No because that would actually make me less moral as guns are used much more often to save an innocent life then to take one. No doubt that this shooting was terrible, but there has never been a correlation with gun restrictions and fewer violent crimes including murder.

Guns save more lives than they take; prevent more injuries than they inflict

Using your numbers, 150 million or so have used their guns in self defense since I was born. I should know several hundred people that have done this and my newspaper should have dozens of stories every week about these incidents. Where are the 2.5 million per year police reports and why don`t I know a single person that this has happened to?
As compared to a coward who claims to believe in the pledge, but when his country calls he runs and hides. You respect that though.
hhahaha remind me when Xiden or Hunter served?

what i don’t respect is your hypocrisy…but i’ve come to expect it…jumping to defend your plantation boss
hhahaha remind me when Xiden or Hunter served?
Biden is in the same boat as Trump, both hid when their country called. Now what?
what i don’t respect is your hypocrisy…but i’ve come to expect it…jumping to defend your plantation boss.
See unlike you boot licker I don't feel the need to defend Biden. I call them like I see them. The only hypocrite is you, you defend their fake ass patriots.
Biden is in the same boat as Trump, both hid when their country called. Now what?

See unlike you boot licker I don't feel the need to defend Biden. I call them like I see them. The only hypocrite is you, you defend their fake ass patriots.
hahah you defend xiden all the time

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