Erickson On Obamacare: 'We Must Deny Them The Opportunity To Fix The Law Itself

Since when is the Heritage Foundation "progressive"….


Since when did they write the law?

Its fun watching you split hairs with such skill

It's not splitting hairs, dumbshit. The GOP didnt write the law. They didnt vote for the law. They didnt sign the law.
You can bet your ass if that monstrosity had actually worked the leftards here would be crowing about how the Dems came up with this wondrous idea and the GOP opposed it.
Now that it's a complete clusterfuck you guys are trying to blame the GOP. Fat chance. You broke it, you own it.
If it's not based on that, what should it be based on? Political affiliation?

Access to basic healthcare regardless of your ability to pay, subsidized by the government, should be a fundamental right in this country similar to the right to a basic education regardless of one's ability to pay.

The free market cannot provide that.

Why should it be a right?

Why should anyone have the right to someone else's anything?

I would argue that nothing is a right that you cannot provide for yourself.

Life is a right. If you're here, you have that by default.

Liberty is a right. Man is free in his natural state. It requires outside influence to eliminate liberty.

The pursuit of happiness? Read above.

Even check out how they enumerated rights in the original 10 amendments. Find me one right in that bunch that requires someone else to provide your right for you. Even the right to bear arms isn't the right to guns. You gotta acquire the gun yourself if you want one.

The reason your "right" to healthcare is, I'm sorry to say, complete and utter bullshit, is because your right implies the subjugation of whoever is capable of providing someone with their "right" who cannot provide it themselves. In fact, it implies that those capable owe what they have to those who are not.

If I've created enough wealth to afford my health coverage and yours, but you don't make enough to secure even your own, how is it your right to subjugate me as far as is necessary to make up the difference? Give me one logical, non-dogmatic reason why your healthcare is my responsibility.
Why don't you explain yourself--"just how are the Republicans "fouling" up with Obamacare when they had nothing to do with it? Obama had a full filibuster proof congress the first two years--that's how we got Obamacare--and other poster is right--the only reason we don't have single payer is because DEMOCRATS wouldn't vote for it.

We GOP, many of us, have to understand that this is over, and Americans will continue to believe that we GOP are the party of Broken Government.

We can't win elections that way.

The Dems in Congress are so pissed at their GOP counterparts that if they get a Dem House, watch them punish the GOP congresscritters with a single payer plan.

Have you been watching the polls lately? The "trust" factor with Obama and Democrats is in the tank over Obamacare. We are watching their signature bill implode before our very eyes--and you're worried about what liberals think of Republicans?

The worst thing Republicans could do right now is go along with Democrats down this path of destruction.

Furthermore--we haven't been asked to help fix anything. Democrats are still in charge--in the senate and administration. Until Democrats ask for our ideas--then don't jump in the middle of a circular shooting match between Democrats.

The American people dislike the TeaPots and the GOP far worse than Obama and the Dems.

Don't let facts get in the way of your pie in the sky thinking.

You saying I am incorrect?

Lets get this on record.

Let's look at the facts......The democrats didn't need one republican vote to pass whatever they wanted.
Obama did want a single payer system.
If Obama had enough votes to ram that system down everyone's throat, he damn well would have done it.
Obama didn't have enough votes with his own party to get his ideology passed.

Just so. And if the GOP keeps fouling up as it has, we republicans are going to get hammered next year. Then single payer may be the next great horror.

You're a republican? Crazy.

Anyway, if you don't think this current program is going to lead to single payer, you're all out of your minds. Look at the basic outline of this bill.

Insurance companies have to start paying medical bills for people with preexisting conditions (I'd say offering coverage, but insurance coverage is a just in case measure. If you need your bills paid already, it's not insurance, it's paying your bills. Big difference) and they can't charge said people any more than those without preexisting conditions. i.e., on that end, insurance companies are guaranteed to take a financial hit. After all, if monthly premiums had prices that rivaled the cost of your medical coverage, it'd be more advantageous to pay out of pocket and nobody would bother with insurance. No matter how you bend this wording, this measure forces insurance companies to bleed money.

The intended compensation is via the individual mandate, which forces young and healthy people to buy insurance, and more than they're likely to need. Because they'll be paying in more than the insurance companies will have to pay out for them, those companies can theoretically balance the bleeding that occurs when you force them to pay peoples' medical bills who didn't acquire coverage before their incident (in this case disease/medical conditions) occurred.

So, we should still be on the same page here. Everything I've put above, whether or not you agree with the obviously negative opinion I have on these measures, is the stated, intended function of the greater part of this bill.

Check out the penalty, though. If young people who don't make a lot of money yet and are still healthy decide they don't want to drop hundreds of dollars a month to buy insurance they don't feel they need, they pay a penalty. IF you'll recall, Justice Roberts' deciding vote identified this penalty as a tax. REmember that. The penalty is a tax. The penalty is also considerably lower than the price of a years' worth of health insurance. How many kids in their late teens and early 20's do you know? I'll give you a second. . .

Now, how many of those kids do you think are the type who'll pay more than they feel they need to out of pocket to make sure that the insurance industry stays healthy? LMFAO, are you fucking kidding me? No, most of them will just let the government go ahead and pull the penalty out of their refund come tax time. EIC'll offset it lol!

Ok, now remember how the penalty is a tax? So when those kids who, in stead of offsetting the added costs to the insurance companies by paying more than most of them will feel they need to, decide to pay the penalty in stead, that money goes where? Not to balance the books at those evil profiteering insurance companies. No, no, no, that shit's a tax, and like all taxes, it gets kicked into the general fund!

Now, after all the demonizing that's been done of the insurance companies, can you see one single slimeball politician signing off on using any of those funds to keep Obamacare working? If that means giving it to the insurance companies to offset their new costs? Those evil fuckers? That proposal'd be political kryptonite!

So, from the point of view of the guys with the kind of capital to invest in the health insurance game, how long do you think the insurance game'll remain profitable enough to be their choice investment? How long til insurance companies start closing up shop?

As a stand-alone bill, much of what I've seen of Obamacare strikes me as asinine. As a destructive stepping-stone to single payer, though? FUCKING BRILLIANT!
Jakey Fakey is a Republican like Steny Hoyer is a Republican.
He is, however, King of the Unsubstantiated Statement.
Just watch his posts. Every one of them an imperial pronouncement of one sort or another with no proof or even logical argumentation.
We GOP, many of us, have to understand that this is over, and Americans will continue to believe that we GOP are the party of Broken Government.

We can't win elections that way.

The Dems in Congress are so pissed at their GOP counterparts that if they get a Dem House, watch them punish the GOP congresscritters with a single payer plan.

Have you been watching the polls lately? The "trust" factor with Obama and Democrats is in the tank over Obamacare. We are watching their signature bill implode before our very eyes--and you're worried about what liberals think of Republicans?

The worst thing Republicans could do right now is go along with Democrats down this path of destruction.

Furthermore--we haven't been asked to help fix anything. Democrats are still in charge--in the senate and administration. Until Democrats ask for our ideas--then don't jump in the middle of a circular shooting match between Democrats.

The American people dislike the TeaPots and the GOP far worse than Obama and the Dems.

Don't let facts get in the way of your pie in the sky thinking.

Wait wait wait. . . .

So, since the house republicans have a lower approval rate than the dems or the president currently carry, their political strategy should be to hop on the boat defending the stated purpose of the singular issue that's bringing down the dems for the last 30, 40 news cycles?

Out of all the bullshit populist positions on which I could see someone suggesting the Republicans capitulate to snatch up some of the center (left) voters that the repub establishment always seems to be trying for come presidential election time, you choose Obamacare? The sinkinest ship in the Democrat fleet is the one the Republicans should leap to to keep their party afloat?

Holy balls I've heard it all. McCain voters kill me.

This actually might even be better than this idea floating around that Republicans capitulating on amnesty and the instantaneous legitimization of millions of new Democrat voters will somehow strengthen the party.
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"The black letter of the law states that there are deadlines for implementation. Nowhere does it give the president discretion in implementing provisions."

And nowhere does it prohibit the president from exercising his executive authority.

The executive has no authority to amend the law as written.

Exactly and that is why it should be taken up in Congress to amend the law...which is their job.
Since when did they write the law?

Its fun watching you split hairs with such skill

It's not splitting hairs, dumbshit. The GOP didnt write the law. They didnt vote for the law. They didnt sign the law.
You can bet your ass if that monstrosity had actually worked the leftards here would be crowing about how the Dems came up with this wondrous idea and the GOP opposed it.
Now that it's a complete clusterfuck you guys are trying to blame the GOP. Fat chance. You broke it, you own it.

No they just offered it up as a better alternative to Hillary care and backed it for over a decade. You cant walk around with a bitch for 10 years then when someone asks about her you act like you never knew her. That's what you're trying to do.

Wat? Wat? I just promoted it for 10 years its not like I wrote it! :doubt:
Its fun watching you split hairs with such skill

It's not splitting hairs, dumbshit. The GOP didnt write the law. They didnt vote for the law. They didnt sign the law.
You can bet your ass if that monstrosity had actually worked the leftards here would be crowing about how the Dems came up with this wondrous idea and the GOP opposed it.
Now that it's a complete clusterfuck you guys are trying to blame the GOP. Fat chance. You broke it, you own it.

No they just offered it up as a better alternative to Hillary care and backed it for over a decade. You cant walk around with a bitch for 10 years then when someone asks about her you act like you never knew her. That's what you're trying to do.

Wat? Wat? I just promoted it for 10 years its not like I wrote it! :doubt:

Are you trying to make some kind of sense or are your meds failing?
The Dems wrote ACA. The Dems passed ACA. The Dems own ACA. Period.
It's not splitting hairs, dumbshit. The GOP didnt write the law. They didnt vote for the law. They didnt sign the law.
You can bet your ass if that monstrosity had actually worked the leftards here would be crowing about how the Dems came up with this wondrous idea and the GOP opposed it.
Now that it's a complete clusterfuck you guys are trying to blame the GOP. Fat chance. You broke it, you own it.

No they just offered it up as a better alternative to Hillary care and backed it for over a decade. You cant walk around with a bitch for 10 years then when someone asks about her you act like you never knew her. That's what you're trying to do.

Wat? Wat? I just promoted it for 10 years its not like I wrote it! :doubt:

Are you trying to make some kind of sense or are your meds failing?
The Dems wrote ACA. The Dems passed ACA. The Dems own ACA. Period.

And ACA came from Heritage which was developed by Republicans and backed for 10 years.

Are you denying this fact? No you're're trying to tell everyone that that fact doesn't matter.

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