Erickson On Obamacare: 'We Must Deny Them The Opportunity To Fix The Law Itself

No problem, rube!

GOP Amendments to ACA. That's an Excel spreadsheet.

Now stop drinking the piss.

According to your spread sheet only for amendments submitted by a Republican are listed as "passed" The rest are by Democrats or not passed.

As the statement says, it is an incomplete list. However, it goes on to say that of 197 amendments passed, 161 were from Republicans.

Regardless, incomplete list or not, it blows the "no Republican input" talking point meme parroted by rubes clear out of the water and around the moon.

The spreadsheet doesn't say that. You must be thinking of something else.
Single payer is an inevitability now. In our lifetimes.

The GOP sold us all down the river by their inaction. All the current blustering by them is just smoke and mirrors to keep the rubes ignorant of this.

RomneyCare, and the selection of Romney as the GOP nominee, tell you everything you reallly need to know. All the rest is theater.

When you look in the window, you can't tell the difference between the men and pigs any more. Two legs good, four legs bad.

I disagree with you. Yes, it's a possibility, but I don't agree it's inevitable. It will take bipartisanship to get healthcare right, but, it will take a different president than Obama.
Obama has a one track mind with his ego and ideology.
We may have disagreements about the health care bill. That's nothing new at all here. But I want the record to reflect the efforts that have been made for over a year now to involve our colleagues across the spectrum. During the HELP Committee markup—I will mention it over and over again—we considered 287 amendments. 161 of those…accepted were Republican amendments,” said Dodd. “You can vote against the bill if you want, but don’t suggest to me that this process denied people a chance to be heard, to be involved, and to be engaged. I will not accept the notion that there’s been a refusal…to listen to bipartisan ideas as part of this bill.

[ame=]Dodd responds to Republican attacks on health care reform process - YouTube[/ame]
"The black letter of the law states that there are deadlines for implementation. Nowhere does it give the president discretion in implementing provisions."

And nowhere does it prohibit the president from exercising his executive authority.
"The black letter of the law states that there are deadlines for implementation. Nowhere does it give the president discretion in implementing provisions."

And nowhere does it prohibit the president from exercising his executive authority.

It sure did show a conflict of interests in him doing so, and one of the few things that IS transparent about this Bill.
You better hope and pray single payer never comes to pass.

The red tape, mountains of paperwork, nothing is cheap, nothing is run right Govt in charge of HC for 300 million Americans?

Good Gawd. Talk about a horror show.
You mean the law passed by the Democratic legislature in the bluest state in the union?

Putting squarely on display, Liberals will work with Conservatives on sound ideas, even if they have reservations about them.

Liberals may, but Obama won't....Obama will only go along with tweaks that bend toward a single payer system....which you and I know is what he wants.
With what is happening now regarding all the carve outs, this Bill is nothing more than a political tool. true story

There were no conservatives in MA. Romney is not a conservative. Never was.
Another boner from Swallow.
Single payer is an inevitability now. In our lifetimes.

The GOP sold us all down the river by their inaction. All the current blustering by them is just smoke and mirrors to keep the rubes ignorant of this.

RomneyCare, and the selection of Romney as the GOP nominee, tell you everything you reallly need to know. All the rest is theater.

When you look in the window, you can't tell the difference between the men and pigs any more. Two legs good, four legs bad.

I disagree with you. Yes, it's a possibility, but I don't agree it's inevitable. It will take bipartisanship to get healthcare right, but, it will take a different president than Obama.
Obama has a one track mind with his ego and ideology.

It will also take an entirely different GOP. The GOP long ago decided power trumps principles. That's exactly why we are here, stuck with ObamaCare.

But single payer will happen. In our lifetimes.
You better hope and pray single payer never comes to pass.

The red tape, mountains of paperwork, nothing is cheap, nothing is run right Govt in charge of HC for 300 million Americans?

Good Gawd. Talk about a horror show.

And to think......this was a Bill that was suppose to get healthcare coverage to just 30 million people. Now look at the boondoggle with how this administration is trying to cover 300 million, WTF happened?
Putting squarely on display, Liberals will work with Conservatives on sound ideas, even if they have reservations about them.

Liberals may, but Obama won't....Obama will only go along with tweaks that bend toward a single payer system....which you and I know is what he wants.
With what is happening now regarding all the carve outs, this Bill is nothing more than a political tool. true story

There were no conservatives in MA. Romney is not a conservative. Never was.
Another boner from Swallow.

And yet he was the 2012 Republican nominee for President!

Like I said, RomneyCare and Romney's nomination are all you need to see through the blustering smoke and mirrors thrown up by the GOP to keep the rubes ignorant.

They sold us down the river. Wakey wakey.
"The black letter of the law states that there are deadlines for implementation. Nowhere does it give the president discretion in implementing provisions."

And nowhere does it prohibit the president from exercising his executive authority.

The executive has no authority to amend the law as written.
Dear old Ron White has it right. I can't put up the link yet but check out 'Youtube': 'You can't fix stupid'.
Wonderful metaphor for 'The First Affirmative Action President'.
"The black letter of the law states that there are deadlines for implementation. Nowhere does it give the president discretion in implementing provisions."

And nowhere does it prohibit the president from exercising his executive authority.

The executive has no authority to amend the law as written.

Link? You don't have the proof. Your opinion does not count.
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Single payer is an inevitability now. In our lifetimes.

The GOP sold us all down the river by their inaction. All the current blustering by them is just smoke and mirrors to keep the rubes ignorant of this.

RomneyCare, and the selection of Romney as the GOP nominee, tell you everything you reallly need to know. All the rest is theater.

When you look in the window, you can't tell the difference between the men and pigs any more. Two legs good, four legs bad.

I disagree with you. Yes, it's a possibility, but I don't agree it's inevitable. It will take bipartisanship to get healthcare right, but, it will take a different president than Obama.
Obama has a one track mind with his ego and ideology.

It will also take an entirely different GOP. The GOP long ago decided power trumps principles. That's exactly why we are here, stuck with ObamaCare.

But single payer will happen. In our lifetimes.
So Obamacare, passed using questionably legal methods by one party that controlled both Houses of Congress is the fault of Republicans who decided power trumps principles?
WTF are you smoking??
Liberals may, but Obama won't....Obama will only go along with tweaks that bend toward a single payer system....which you and I know is what he wants.
With what is happening now regarding all the carve outs, this Bill is nothing more than a political tool. true story

There were no conservatives in MA. Romney is not a conservative. Never was.
Another boner from Swallow.

And yet he was the 2012 Republican nominee for President!

Like I said, RomneyCare and Romney's nomination are all you need to see through the blustering smoke and mirrors thrown up by the GOP to keep the rubes ignorant.

They sold us down the river. Wakey wakey.

Being the GOP nominee does not make someone conservative. Just ask Bob Dole or John McCain.
The GOP had nothing to do with Obamacare. If you're pissed, be pissed at Democrats for foisting this "gift to the American people".
[ame=]Pelosi Says Obamacare Will Be Our "Christmas Present" - YouTube[/ame]
"The black letter of the law states that there are deadlines for implementation. Nowhere does it give the president discretion in implementing provisions."

And nowhere does it prohibit the president from exercising his executive authority.

The executive has no authority to amend the law as written.

Jake thinks that the president is really a dictator. Unfortunately most libs can't tell the difference.
And with this president sometimes I can't tell the difference either.
Tough bounce.

The democrats passed that steaming heap on a pure party line vote, locking out any and all republican input or modification. They own it.

That they stole a crappy idea from the republicans and made it their own barely charts on the relevancy meter.

They broke it, they bought it.

Oh bullshit.

They didn't "steal" it, it was REPUBLICANS that had a shit fit when Obama originally wanted to go single payer. It was REPUBLICANS that rammed it on Democrats. Then! It went to committee. Then! They refused to LET IT OUT OF COMMITTEE.

So seriously..if you are going to talk about least get the facts right.
If the truth be known, Sallow......a Bill that was a single payer wouldn't have come close to muster the votes needed to pass it. But, you go ahead with your drivel, it's expected from you. :eusa_whistle:


You saying I am incorrect?

Lets get this on record.
Putting squarely on display, Liberals will work with Conservatives on sound ideas, even if they have reservations about them.

Liberals may, but Obama won't....Obama will only go along with tweaks that bend toward a single payer system....which you and I know is what he wants.
With what is happening now regarding all the carve outs, this Bill is nothing more than a political tool. true story

There were no conservatives in MA. Romney is not a conservative. Never was.
Another boner from Swallow.

Your boyfriend is there for you to swallow, stinkbreath.

And not so very long ago, you were touting the virtues of Mr. Romney.

You'll never be able to pin down a conservative into telling you who is conservative or not. The only people they can ever name is people who aren't running.

Its like asking them to name a tea party leader. They keep it real vague and keep their hands off like a drug kingpin doesn't touch the drugs but he controls them

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