Erickson On Obamacare: 'We Must Deny Them The Opportunity To Fix The Law Itself

Opportunity to fix the law? You can't fix it. It's designed to fail. Though I dont think the left anticipated it being such a cataclysmic failure.

There is only one fix for the law. REPEAL IT.

It might as well be called "Heritagecare". You saying Heritage is a hack operation?
Opportunity to fix the law? You can't fix it. It's designed to fail. Though I dont think the left anticipated it being such a cataclysmic failure.

There is only one fix for the law. REPEAL IT.

It might as well be called "Heritagecare". You saying Heritage is a hack operation?

Trying to avoid responsibility for your mess? Typical.

Why not just admit you made a mistake and repeal it?
The GOP just wants to destroy it even if they have to strap the bomb on themselves and detonate it. everything must burn because they cannot allow Obama a victory by any means necessary
Didn't the liberals say obamacare is the law of the land? Told us to get over it. Now ya'll say it needs changing? So let me hear it, obamacare is a failure. Right?
Opportunity to fix the law? You can't fix it. It's designed to fail. Though I dont think the left anticipated it being such a cataclysmic failure.

There is only one fix for the law. REPEAL IT.

It might as well be called "Heritagecare". You saying Heritage is a hack operation?

Trying to avoid responsibility for your mess? Typical.

Why not just admit you made a mistake and repeal it?

Trying to avoid responsibility for your mess? Typical.

Your theory that Republicans swallow anything put out by self-styled "conservative" think tanks like manna from heaven isn't born out by the facts, is it?

Actually, it is born out by the facts.

The individual mandate was proposed by the right wing Heritage Foundation in 1989: Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans.

Mandate all households to obtain adequate insurance. Many states now require passengers in automobiles to wear seatbelts for their own protection. Many others require anybody driving a car to have li a bility insurance. But neither the federal government nor any state requires all households to protect themselves from the potentially catastrophic costs of a serious accident or illness. Under the Heritage plan, there would be such a requirement.

We then see Republicans swallowed the manna and see the individual mandate proposed by the Senate Republicans as an alternative to HillaryCare in 1993: Health Equity and Access Reform Today Act of 1993

INDIVIDUAL MANDATE- The Secretary shall specifically make recommendations under paragraph (1) regarding establishing a requirement that all eligible individuals obtain health coverage through enrollment with a qualified health plan.

In 2007, Senator Ron Wyden, Democrat from Oregon, introduced the Healthy Americans Act, which was co-sponsored by 20 Republicans and contained an individual mandate.
Didn't the liberals say obamacare is the law of the land? Told us to get over it. Now ya'll say it needs changing? So let me hear it, obamacare is a failure. Right?

Sure if you using the logic that if anything needs fixing its a failure. :smiliehug:
Erickson never said that. The tax exempt left wing propaganda source that never sleeps put Erickson's comments into a spin machine and came up with the sentence. Erickson said "the law is the problem". He never said anything like "we must deny ten the opportunity to fix it". Lefties are like Nazis. They believe everything the state owned propaganda network feeds them in order to keep up the level of hatred that the democrat party thrives on.
Your theory that Republicans swallow anything put out by self-styled "conservative" think tanks like manna from heaven isn't born out by the facts, is it?

Actually, it is born out by the facts.

The individual mandate was proposed by the right wing Heritage Foundation in 1989: Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans.

Mandate all households to obtain adequate insurance. Many states now require passengers in automobiles to wear seatbelts for their own protection. Many others require anybody driving a car to have li a bility insurance. But neither the federal government nor any state requires all households to protect themselves from the potentially catastrophic costs of a serious accident or illness. Under the Heritage plan, there would be such a requirement.

We then see Republicans swallowed the manna and see the individual mandate proposed by the Senate Republicans as an alternative to HillaryCare in 1993: Health Equity and Access Reform Today Act of 1993

INDIVIDUAL MANDATE- The Secretary shall specifically make recommendations under paragraph (1) regarding establishing a requirement that all eligible individuals obtain health coverage through enrollment with a qualified health plan.

In 2007, Senator Ron Wyden, Democrat from Oregon, introduced the Healthy Americans Act, which was co-sponsored by 20 Republicans and contained an individual mandate.

They were just joking 3 different times, over the span of a decade...get it? :eusa_shifty: *nervous laugh*
Your theory that Republicans swallow anything put out by self-styled "conservative" think tanks like manna from heaven isn't born out by the facts, is it?

Actually, it is born out by the facts.

The individual mandate was proposed by the right wing Heritage Foundation in 1989: Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans.

We then see Republicans swallowed the manna and see the individual mandate proposed by the Senate Republicans as an alternative to HillaryCare in 1993: Health Equity and Access Reform Today Act of 1993

INDIVIDUAL MANDATE- The Secretary shall specifically make recommendations under paragraph (1) regarding establishing a requirement that all eligible individuals obtain health coverage through enrollment with a qualified health plan.

In 2007, Senator Ron Wyden, Democrat from Oregon, introduced the Healthy Americans Act, which was co-sponsored by 20 Republicans and contained an individual mandate.

They were just joking 3 different times, over the span of a decade...get it? :eusa_shifty: *nervous laugh*

And then there is RomneyCare, of course, upon which ObamaCare is based. A totally owned and operated Republican program.
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It was okay when Heritage recommended it. It was okay when Senate Republicans proposed it, twice. It was okay when a Republican governor did it. Not only did the Republicans not run that guy out of town, they rewarded him by making him their nominee for President!

But when Obama did it, OH HELL NO!
back to the OP, folks, huh

Obama has the executive order to fix administrative problems without congressional approval

He does not have the right to rewrite the law. Which is what he is doing Jake.

Until either Congress or SCOTUS says otherwise, he sure does, and SCOTUS turned down Liberty University's case.

SCOTUS and or the POTUS is not going to allow a minority of Congress to dictate what is legal, period.
Opportunity to fix the law? You can't fix it. It's designed to fail. Though I dont think the left anticipated it being such a cataclysmic failure.

There is only one fix for the law. REPEAL IT.

It might as well be called "Heritagecare". You saying Heritage is a hack operation?

Trying to avoid responsibility for your mess? Typical.

Why not just admit you made a mistake and repeal it?

That you didn't understand my post is no surprise. O'care is Heritagecare by another name. NOW. Is Heritage a hack operation for coming up w/ it? Of course not because Heritage Action Network is giving you people your marching orders. They created it, now they're spending untold amts of secret rw $$$ to derail it. Why? Because a Democrat implemented it.
It was okay when Heritage recommended it. It was okay when Senate Republicans proposed it, twice. It was okay when a Republican governor did it. Not only did the Republicans not run that guy out of town, they rewarded him by making him their nominee for President!

But when Obama did it, OH HELL NO!
It was a stupid idea no matter who recommended or proposed it.

Ever given that a moment's thought?
back to the OP, folks, huh

Obama has the executive order to fix administrative problems without congressional approval

He does not have the right to rewrite the law. Which is what he is doing Jake.

You should probably read some federal laws before making such boneheaded statements. They all contain provisions requiring the Executive branch to create and/or modify federal regulations.
Didn't the liberals say obamacare is the law of the land? Told us to get over it. Now ya'll say it needs changing? So let me hear it, obamacare is a failure. Right?

Sure if you using the logic that if anything needs fixing its a failure. :smiliehug:

I'm just saying, liberals said on this forum it is the law of the the land and we could'nt change it. Now it needs to be changed, because it's a failure?
It was okay when Heritage recommended it. It was okay when Senate Republicans proposed it, twice. It was okay when a Republican governor did it. Not only did the Republicans not run that guy out of town, they rewarded him by making him their nominee for President!

But when Obama did it, OH HELL NO!
It was a stupid idea no matter who recommended or proposed it.

Ever given that a moment's thought?

It is a simple fact the GOP is acting like a bunch of hypocrites.

As for the idea, I am on record umpteen times as being opposed to it. Want some samples?

Nevertheless, ObamaCare is here to stay, no matter what the prematurely ejaculating monkeys say. So, the GOP can bring some solutions to the table to improve this monster, or they can continue be part of the problem.
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back to the OP, folks, huh

Obama has the executive order to fix administrative problems without congressional approval

He does not have the right to rewrite the law. Which is what he is doing Jake.

You should probably read some federal laws before making such boneheaded statements. They all contain provisions requiring the Executive branch to create and/or modify federal regulations.

SCOTUS ruled it was a tax. So POTUS can singlehandedly change the tax code?
He does not have the right to rewrite the law. Which is what he is doing Jake.

You should probably read some federal laws before making such boneheaded statements. They all contain provisions requiring the Executive branch to create and/or modify federal regulations.

SCOTUS ruled it was a tax. So POTUS can singlehandedly change the tax code?

All of ObamaCare is a tax? Who was talking about a tax? This is about regulations.

Obama is authorized to change those regulations assigned to the Executive branch.

Like I said, read some federal laws sometime.

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