Erickson On Obamacare: 'We Must Deny Them The Opportunity To Fix The Law Itself

It was okay when Heritage recommended it. It was okay when Senate Republicans proposed it, twice. It was okay when a Republican governor did it. Not only did the Republicans not run that guy out of town, they rewarded him by making him their nominee for President!

But when Obama did it, OH HELL NO!
It was a stupid idea no matter who recommended or proposed it.

Ever given that a moment's thought?

It is a simple fact the GOP is acting like a bunch of hypocrites.

As for the idea, I am on record umpteen times as being opposed to it. Want some samples?

Nevertheless, ObamaCare is here to stay, no matter what the prematurely ejaculating monkeys say. So, the GOP can bring some solutions to the table to improve this monster, or they can continue be part of the problem.
I don't think that it's necessarily here to stay or that there is any fix to it.

I also believe it's a massive mistake for republicans to be involved in any of the proposed "fixing" of that debacle, lest they have it stick to them. The democrats own it 100% and it's best kept that way.
A sample from the ACA:

All orders, determinations, rules, regulations, permits, agreements, grants, contracts, certificates, licenses, registrations, privileges, and other administrative actions that—
(A) have been issued, made, granted, or allowed to become effective by the President, any Federal agency or official thereof, or by a court of competent jurisdiction, in the performance of functions transferred under this paragraph; and
(B) are in effect at the time this section takes effect, or were final before the date of enactment of this section and are to become effective on or after such date,
shall continue in effect according to their terms until modified, terminated, superseded, set aside, or revoked in accordance with law by the President, the Secretary, or other authorized official, a court of competent jurisdiction, or by operation of law.
It was a stupid idea no matter who recommended or proposed it.

Ever given that a moment's thought?

It is a simple fact the GOP is acting like a bunch of hypocrites.

As for the idea, I am on record umpteen times as being opposed to it. Want some samples?

Nevertheless, ObamaCare is here to stay, no matter what the prematurely ejaculating monkeys say. So, the GOP can bring some solutions to the table to improve this monster, or they can continue be part of the problem.
I don't think that it's necessarily here to stay or that there is any fix to it.

I also believe it's a massive mistake for republicans to be involved in any of the proposed "fixing" of that debacle, lest they have it stick to them. The democrats own it 100% and it's best kept that way.

If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

This bullshit party over country attitude is exactly what pisses me off about the GOP today. They are more concerned about who gets credit and retaining power than helping the nation.
It was a stupid idea no matter who recommended or proposed it.

Ever given that a moment's thought?

It is a simple fact the GOP is acting like a bunch of hypocrites.

As for the idea, I am on record umpteen times as being opposed to it. Want some samples?

Nevertheless, ObamaCare is here to stay, no matter what the prematurely ejaculating monkeys say. So, the GOP can bring some solutions to the table to improve this monster, or they can continue be part of the problem.
I don't think that it's necessarily here to stay or that there is any fix to it.

I also believe it's a massive mistake for republicans to be involved in any of the proposed "fixing" of that debacle, lest they have it stick to them. The democrats own it 100% and it's best kept that way.

You are correct. Democrats own Obamacare AKA Romneycare AKA Heritagecare :thup: :rolleyes:
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It is a simple fact the GOP is acting like a bunch of hypocrites.

As for the idea, I am on record umpteen times as being opposed to it. Want some samples?

Nevertheless, ObamaCare is here to stay, no matter what the prematurely ejaculating monkeys say. So, the GOP can bring some solutions to the table to improve this monster, or they can continue be part of the problem.
I don't think that it's necessarily here to stay or that there is any fix to it.

I also believe it's a massive mistake for republicans to be involved in any of the proposed "fixing" of that debacle, lest they have it stick to them. The democrats own it 100% and it's best kept that way.

If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

This bullshit party over country attitude is exactly what pisses me off about the GOP today. They are more concerned about who gets credit and retaining power than helping the nation.
I have another little pithy saying: You can't shine shit.
Well, at last they are admitting obamacare has some deep flaws. That is progress.

The problem with the Democrats is they suffer from the following illogic:

1. We must do something.

2. This is something.

3. We must do this.

Health care costs in America were outpacing inflation for decades. Something certainly needed to be done.

Our country was fucked in this situation because on one hand, we had a party that did absolutely NOTHING about the problem. That would be the GOP.

On the other hand, we had a party that enacted a government takeover of health care. That would be the Democrats.

Now the party which chose to do nothing is whining about the other party for at least trying to do something.

The Democrats telegraphed over and over and over what they would do if they ever go the chance, and still the GOP did nothing when it had all the power and opportunity to do so. It chose instead to start a couple wars, double the national debt, enact tax cuts, and create a massive new Cabinet level State Security agency. Sieg Heil! But, gee, they just couldn't manage to address the health care crisis, at all.

We got fucked up the ass by BOTH parties. Don't ever kid yourself one of them is the good guy on this issue.

The GOP's protestations are all theater for the rubes designed to make you fail to notice they chose to do nothing about the problem when they had the chance.
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Medicare Part D (Republican Big Gov't program) had a rocky start but Dems helped the poor Repubs "fix it". One minute mark and the 2:30 mark:


Now that we have a Democratic President AND he's African American? :eek: OH HELL NO!!! :eusa_hand: He's on his own. No matter, as was mentioned, he can make Executive changes to the law. :afro:
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Well, at last they are admitting obamacare has some deep flaws. That is progress.

The problem with the Democrats is they suffer from the following illogic:

1. We must do something.

2. This is something.

3. We must do this.

Health care costs in America were outpacing inflation for decades. Something certainly needed to be done.

Our country was fucked in this situation because on one hand, we had a party that did absolutely NOTHING about the problem. That would be the GOP.

On the other hand, we had a party that enacted a government takeover of health care. That would be the Democrats.

Now the party which chose to do nothing is whining about the other party for at least trying to do something.

The Democrats telegraphed over and over and over what they would do if they ever go the chance, and still the GOP did nothing when it had all the power and opportunity to do so. It chose instead to start a couple wars, double the national debt, enact tax cuts, and create a massive new Cabinet level State Security agency. Sieg Heil! But, gee, they just couldn't manage to address the health care crisis, at all.

We got fucked up the ass by BOTH parties. Don't ever kid yourself one of them is the good guy on this issue.
Tough bounce.

The democrats passed that steaming heap on a pure party line vote, locking out any and all republican input or modification. They own it.

That they stole a crappy idea from the republicans and made it their own barely charts on the relevancy meter.

They broke it, they bought it.
Erick Erickson On Obamacare: 'We Must Deny Them The Opportunity To Fix The Law Itself'

So, the law can work if we just tweak it…

But you want do deny the Dems the credit for fixing it -- so better no one fix it.

Win at any cost.

Obama administration officials may continue to repair the Affordable Care Act's hobbled online exchange, but right-wing pundit Erick Erickson had some advice Monday for Republicans: Don't let them "fix the law itself."

With the administration touting improvements made to, Erickson urged Republicans to stay focused on the substance of the law.

"Conservatives need to keep their focus on the law overall. The website is a reflection of a terrible law. The law is causing millions to lose insurance, millions more to pay more for insurance, and the best the Democrats can do is claim it’d work well if the GOP didn’t think nasty thoughts about it," Erickson wrote on, the website he founded.

Since the law is based on Conservative think tanks' ideas, why do they hate it so?

Wouldn't have anything to do with the black guy, would it?

The law is not based on anything other than Progressive utopianism.
Yeah all those people losing their health insurance are really racists. INcluding those who voted for Obama. Twice.
You're such an idiot. You've gone full retard on this site this morning.

No it ain't.

This was the "conservative" fix.
Why does the left care so much about what a substitute news analyst says or doesn't say? It beats talking about real issues and the politicians who control our lives and the left needs to be tuned to a high level of outrage at all times. The democrat party thrives on hatred and the tax exempt propaganda networks like Media Matters do their best to keep lock step liberals in a constant state of anger.
He does not have the right to rewrite the law. Which is what he is doing Jake.

You should probably read some federal laws before making such boneheaded statements. They all contain provisions requiring the Executive branch to create and/or modify federal regulations.

SCOTUS ruled it was a tax. So POTUS can singlehandedly change the tax code?

Frank, this is about regulations, not tax. Of course the CEO can administer the program as necessary.
Didn't the liberals say obamacare is the law of the land? Told us to get over it. Now ya'll say it needs changing? So let me hear it, obamacare is a failure. Right?

Sure if you using the logic that if anything needs fixing its a failure. :smiliehug:

I'm just saying, liberals said on this forum it is the law of the the land and we could'nt change it. Now it needs to be changed, because it's a failure?

Again if you consider anything that needs fixing to be a total failure then that's on you...but since things that need fixing includes everything under the sun including Humans themselves I'm not following that "logic"
The democrats passed that steaming heap on a pure party line vote, locking out any and all republican input or modification. They own it.

Complete bunk. I don't know who is pouring this piss, but a lot of rubes keep repeating it.

The law contained Republican amendments. The GOP offered over a hundred amendments.
The democrats passed that steaming heap on a pure party line vote, locking out any and all republican input or modification. They own it.

Complete bunk. I don't know who is pouring this piss, but a lot of rubes keep repeating it.

The law contained Republican amendments. The GOP offered over a hundred amendments.

Something besides MediaMatters or ThinkProgress?
Well, at last they are admitting obamacare has some deep flaws. That is progress.

The problem with the Democrats is they suffer from the following illogic:

1. We must do something.

2. This is something.

3. We must do this.

Health care costs in America were outpacing inflation for decades. Something certainly needed to be done.

Our country was fucked in this situation because on one hand, we had a party that did absolutely NOTHING about the problem. That would be the GOP.

On the other hand, we had a party that enacted a government takeover of health care. That would be the Democrats.

Now the party which chose to do nothing is whining about the other party for at least trying to do something.

The Democrats telegraphed over and over and over what they would do if they ever go the chance, and still the GOP did nothing when it had all the power and opportunity to do so. It chose instead to start a couple wars, double the national debt, enact tax cuts, and create a massive new Cabinet level State Security agency. Sieg Heil! But, gee, they just couldn't manage to address the health care crisis, at all.

We got fucked up the ass by BOTH parties. Don't ever kid yourself one of them is the good guy on this issue.
Tough bounce.

The democrats passed that steaming heap on a pure party line vote, locking out any and all republican input or modification. They own it.

That they stole a crappy idea from the republicans and made it their own barely charts on the relevancy meter.

They broke it, they bought it.

Oh bullshit.

They didn't "steal" it, it was REPUBLICANS that had a shit fit when Obama originally wanted to go single payer. It was REPUBLICANS that rammed it on Democrats. Then! It went to committee. Then! They refused to LET IT OUT OF COMMITTEE.

So seriously..if you are going to talk about least get the facts right.
The democrats passed that steaming heap on a pure party line vote, locking out any and all republican input or modification. They own it.

Complete bunk. I don't know who is pouring this piss, but a lot of rubes keep repeating it.

The law contained Republican amendments. The GOP offered over a hundred amendments.

Something besides MediaMatters or ThinkProgress?

Question: When he provides the link will you then believe it or make more excuses why the links cannot be correct?

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