Esper doesn’t want troops protecting America? Deep state?

I wonder if now that they've arrested the other three cops involved in the George Floyd killing if the protesters will feel they've accomplished something.

Yes the protesters accomplished something, they killed 6 cops during the riots, and the Army brass doesn't want to send "peacekeepers" to US cities to stop the rioting and burning???? WTF do they have to do that's more important than that???
Did you read my post? There was no rioting and burning in D.C. last night. The crowd was the largest yet but it remained peaceful, policed itself. NO police have been killed there. That's why Esper said what he said, and that's why I'm saying I agree. D.C. is the only city I'm talking about. Let the National Guard and local PD's handle it in their own cities and states. There are cities still erupting--last night Philly, St. Louis, a few others. If they can't handle it, they'll ask for help.

And hold your horses, President Trump: you need Congress's approval to go charging into a state with the US military (National Guard excluded).
Sec. 15. From and after the passage of this act it shall not be lawful to employ any part of the Army of the United States, as a posse comitatus, or otherwise, for the purpose of executing the laws, except in such cases and under such circumstances as such employment of said force may be expressly authorized by the Constitution or by act of Congress;
Because the military was there lol haha you can’t make this up haha, take a kneee
They haven't been activated--they are hanging out nearby in case they're needed. Learn to read.
Lol little do you know haha
It’s been said esper is against deploying the military in America? Soo we protect Afghanistan but we can’t protect Chicago? Wtf is wrong with the deep
State? Fire this bum!

It is a non starter.
Love Trump.
But -
He knows. There is no chance.
I wonder if now that they've arrested the other three cops involved in the George Floyd killing if the protesters will feel they've accomplished something.

Yes the protesters accomplished something, they killed 6 cops during the riots, and the Army brass doesn't want to send "peacekeepers" to US cities to stop the rioting and burning???? WTF do they have to do that's more important than that???
Did you read my post? There was no rioting and burning in D.C. last night. The crowd was the largest yet but it remained peaceful, policed itself. NO police have been killed there. That's why Esper said what he said, and that's why I'm saying I agree. D.C. is the only city I'm talking about. Let the National Guard and local PD's handle it in their own cities and states. There are cities still erupting--last night Philly, St. Louis, a few others. If they can't handle it, they'll ask for help.

And hold your horses, President Trump: you need Congress's approval to go charging into a state with the US military (National Guard excluded).
Sec. 15. From and after the passage of this act it shall not be lawful to employ any part of the Army of the United States, as a posse comitatus, or otherwise, for the purpose of executing the laws, except in such cases and under such circumstances as such employment of said force may be expressly authorized by the Constitution or by act of Congress;
The Constitution specifically mentions insurrection, the President does NOT need the do nothing democrats in congress to act.
It’s been said esper is against deploying the military in America? Soo we protect Afghanistan but we can’t protect Chicago? Wtf is wrong with the deep
State? Fire this bum!

I know you russian trolls aren't familiar with the laws of the United States nor our constitution so I guess you need to be educated on this even though this law has been debated before.

Learn about the Posse Comitatus Act.

Then learn about the Insurrection Act.

Those two laws will explain why the Secretary of the Defense doesn't support trump using the US military on American citizens.

By the way, how's the weather today in moscow comrade?
You know that you go from informative to absolute fucking number when you mention Russia, yes?
You can't use the military as a police force. It goes against the Posse Comitatus Act. The are only a very few instances where the military can be deployed.

Indeed. The Insurrection Act. The one Trump is considering.

Esper's opinion is of no consequence beyond advisory. Attempting to debate the boss in public is a sure path to the exit.

No chance
I wonder if now that they've arrested the other three cops involved in the George Floyd killing if the protesters will feel they've accomplished something.

I don't think so, this is much deeper than that - that was just the straw that broke the camels back.
It’s been said esper is against deploying the military in America? Soo we protect Afghanistan but we can’t protect Chicago? Wtf is wrong with the deep
State? Fire this bum!

"It's been said"?

Esper said it.

He is correct too.
It’s been said esper is against deploying the military in America? Soo we protect Afghanistan but we can’t protect Chicago? Wtf is wrong with the deep
State? Fire this bum!

Our President is surrounded by traitors, that's all there is to it. The green communists and Chinese sympathizers are so deeply embedded in the highest halls of our political system that you can't tell a patriot from a Chicom sympathizer. Esper is about to kneel before the rioters and join much of the rest of America in falling on swords of white guilt.

He is surrounded by traitors...well, that's his administration. And he's the head of it.

Esper is a rare voice of rationality.
Trump is now saying he doubts he has to use the military. He never planned to.

This is how he governs. Say he is going to do something, some people eat it up and then does nothing.
It’s been said esper is against deploying the military in America? Soo we protect Afghanistan but we can’t protect Chicago? Wtf is wrong with the deep
State? Fire this bum!

Our President is surrounded by traitors, that's all there is to it. The green communists and Chinese sympathizers are so deeply embedded in the highest halls of our political system that you can't tell a patriot from a Chicom sympathizer. Esper is about to kneel before the rioters and join much of the rest of America in falling on swords of white guilt.

He is surrounded by traitors...well, that's his administration. And he's the head of it.

Esper is a rare voice of rationality.
So burn America down when you have the resources to protect it? Lol And you wonder why Democrats can’t win elections
It’s been said esper is against deploying the military in America? Soo we protect Afghanistan but we can’t protect Chicago? Wtf is wrong with the deep
State? Fire this bum!

Our President is surrounded by traitors, that's all there is to it. The green communists and Chinese sympathizers are so deeply embedded in the highest halls of our political system that you can't tell a patriot from a Chicom sympathizer. Esper is about to kneel before the rioters and join much of the rest of America in falling on swords of white guilt.

He is surrounded by traitors...well, that's his administration. And he's the head of it.

Esper is a rare voice of rationality.
So burn America down when you have the resources to protect it? Lol And you wonder why Democrats can’t win elections

America's not burning down.
It’s been said esper is against deploying the military in America? Soo we protect Afghanistan but we can’t protect Chicago? Wtf is wrong with the deep
State? Fire this bum!

Our President is surrounded by traitors, that's all there is to it. The green communists and Chinese sympathizers are so deeply embedded in the highest halls of our political system that you can't tell a patriot from a Chicom sympathizer. Esper is about to kneel before the rioters and join much of the rest of America in falling on swords of white guilt.

He is surrounded by traitors...well, that's his administration. And he's the head of it.

Esper is a rare voice of rationality.
So burn America down when you have the resources to protect it? Lol And you wonder why Democrats can’t win elections

America's not burning down.
So why do I see cities on fire?
You can't use the military as a police force. It goes against the Posse Act. The are only a very few instances where the military can be deployed.

Indeed. The Insurrection Act. The one Trump is considering.

Esper's opinion is of no consequence beyond advisory. Attempting to debate the boss in public is a sure path to the exit.
Doesn't the Posse Comitatus Act limit his authority? Require Congress's approval? I don't know. NPR seems to feel he can.

But the Posse Comitatus Act would seem to limit that.

Sec. 15. From and after the passage of this act it shall not be lawful to employ any part of the Army of the United States, as a posse comitatus, or otherwise, for the purpose of executing the laws, except in such cases and under such circumstances as such employment of said force may be expressly authorized by the Constitution or by act of Congress;

The insurrection act requires the governor of the state to ask for the federal government to send in troops.

The posse comitatus act prevents any US federal military from being used on US soil.

The National Guard is what is used on US soil. That is activated by each state and their governor.

Since Washington DC isn't a state and they don't have a National Guard or a governor, the federal troops can be used there in time of need. Which is why trump sent federal troops into DC and no where else.
It’s been said esper is against deploying the military in America? Soo we protect Afghanistan but we can’t protect Chicago? Wtf is wrong with the deep
State? Fire this bum!

Our President is surrounded by traitors, that's all there is to it. The green communists and Chinese sympathizers are so deeply embedded in the highest halls of our political system that you can't tell a patriot from a Chicom sympathizer. Esper is about to kneel before the rioters and join much of the rest of America in falling on swords of white guilt.

"I hire the best people".

Is your blob not capable of hiring non-traitors?
You can't use the military as a police force. It goes against the Posse Act. The are only a very few instances where the military can be deployed.

Indeed. The Insurrection Act. The one Trump is considering.

Esper's opinion is of no consequence beyond advisory. Attempting to debate the boss in public is a sure path to the exit.
Doesn't the Posse Comitatus Act limit his authority? Require Congress's approval? I don't know. NPR seems to feel he can.

But the Posse Comitatus Act would seem to limit that.

Sec. 15. From and after the passage of this act it shall not be lawful to employ any part of the Army of the United States, as a posse comitatus, or otherwise, for the purpose of executing the laws, except in such cases and under such circumstances as such employment of said force may be expressly authorized by the Constitution or by act of Congress;

The insurrection act requires the governor of the state to ask for the federal government to send in troops.

The posse comitatus act prevents any US federal military from being used on US soil.

The National Guard is what is used on US soil. That is activated by each state and their governor.

Since Washington DC isn't a state and they don't have a National Guard or a governor, the federal troops can be used there in time of need. Which is why trump sent federal troops into DC and no where else.
The act does NOT require the State to act. The President can act on his own under any situation where it is apparent the Governor is not acting in good faith to quell the situation. Both Eisenhower and Kennedy did JUST that they did not ask for or need the Congress or the Governor.
It’s been said esper is against deploying the military in America? Soo we protect Afghanistan but we can’t protect Chicago? Wtf is wrong with the deep
State? Fire this bum!

Very smart; conspiracies of people conspiring to conspire against conspirators!!!! the clever mind of deplorables....

It’s been said esper is against deploying the military in America? Soo we protect Afghanistan but we can’t protect Chicago? Wtf is wrong with the deep
State? Fire this bum!

I think right now this is the right call
The Constitution specifically mentions insurrection, the President does NOT need the do nothing democrats in congress to act.
I just read Article II and the word is never mentioned.
If it had been, they wouldn't have had to pass the Insurrection Act.

I'm no lawyer; I'll let them figure it out, but if NPR says he can do it, I guess I believe it. Wiki:

The Insurrection Act has been invoked throughout American history. In the 19th century, it was invoked during conflicts with Native Americans. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, it was invoked during labor conflicts. Later in the 20th century, it was used to enforce federally mandated desegregation,[5] with presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy invoking the Act in opposition to the affected states' political leaders to enforce court-ordered desegregation.[6] More recently, governors have requested and received support most recently following looting in the aftermath of Hurricane Hugo in 1989 and during the 1992 Los Angeles riots.[7]

In 2006, the George W. Bush administration considered intervening in the state of Louisiana's response to Hurricane Katrina despite the refusal from Louisiana's governor, but this was inconsistent with past precedent, politically difficult, and potentially unconstitutional.[2]:73–75 An amendment was made to the Insurrection Act by the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 to explicitly allow any emergency hindering the enforcement of laws, regardless of state consent, to be a cause for use of the military. Bush signed this amendment into law, but some months after it was enacted, all 50 state governors issued a joint statement against it, and the changes were repealed in January 2008.[1]
You can't use the military as a police force. It goes against the Posse Act. The are only a very few instances where the military can be deployed.

Indeed. The Insurrection Act. The one Trump is considering.

Esper's opinion is of no consequence beyond advisory. Attempting to debate the boss in public is a sure path to the exit.
Doesn't the Posse Comitatus Act limit his authority? Require Congress's approval? I don't know. NPR seems to feel he can.

But the Posse Comitatus Act would seem to limit that.

Sec. 15. From and after the passage of this act it shall not be lawful to employ any part of the Army of the United States, as a posse comitatus, or otherwise, for the purpose of executing the laws, except in such cases and under such circumstances as such employment of said force may be expressly authorized by the Constitution or by act of Congress;

NPR is wrong. The Insurrection Act overrides Posse Comitatus.

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