ESPN reporter reveals how she feels about the working class

This shows you exactly what the world of journalism thinks about working Americans, if nothing else.
It doesn't have a damn thing to do with journalism..It has to do with attitude and trying to blame and degrade others when you made the mistake in the first place..It's a way of lying to oneself, or denial..
Everything she got in life she got through her looks

She has no talent in reporting sports
She needs a reality check..The many years I spent in radio/TV/Film and theater production, those kind of people are a dime a dozen and have such inflated egos...

Not anymore

Based on her "mean girl" act, I doubt if she will see any more air time.

I still would like to know why these teapers are upset. What happened to free speech...or does that only apply to spewing racist nonsense. Racist teaper hypocrites...hilarious.
There are Teapers under you're bed. Sleep tight tonight.
I still would like to know why these teapers are upset. What happened to free speech...or does that only apply to spewing racist nonsense. Racist teaper hypocrites...hilarious.
There are Teapers under you're bed. Sleep tight tonight.
I hope so... I truly hope so.
And most of them know the difference in "you're" and "your", unlike me.'s the interweb...not English class.
Sent e-mail to my cable TV provider today suggesting they delete ESPN from the mandatory package. They won't but when I switch over to all internet TV this fall I'll remind them.
They still won't care. Perhaps you can cry to Donald Sterling, Paula Deen and Cliven Bundy...they might care. Oh...didn't you rail against all those who criticized them for abridging their free speech? What is the difference now?
Easier to just become a cable cutter and watch Amazon, Netflix,etc. Or for even more heresy, visit an actual game rather than just watching it on TV. ;)
Gender bender at ESPN? If Britt (Brat) McHenry was a man, she'd be out of a job

Equality for all is something we should support.

That’s no grand revelation.

Yet this axiom popped fresh after watching Britt McHenry, the ESPN reporter, berate a female towing company employee on a video that went viral. McHenry got what amounted to a slap on the wrist, receiving a one- week vacation, er, suspension after the video surfaced last week.

Let us be clear here: If Chris Berman, Mike Tirico, Mike Breen or any other male ESPN voice was caught on video telling a hard working woman, “I’m on television and you’re in a f---ing trailer honey,” and adding other graphic put-downs, they would have received a lot more than one week on the bench.
It would be no surprise if they would’ve been flat-out fired. In this particular case, McHenry had gender on her side. At least that’s our perception.

The problem McHenry has now, one she has brought on herself, is the perception not only viewers, but the people she covers will have of her once she returns to the air and moving forward.

The video confirmed her entitled brat status. She delivered an assortment of choice put-downs like: “Maybe if I was missing some teeth they would hire me, huh?” And of course there’s the memorable, “Lose some weight, baby girl.”

With the world of sports, and those covering it, spending time condemning bullying on the field and in the clubhouse, the video revealed ESPN has one on its staff.
Interestingly, all of McHenry’s lines were delivered with the kind of commitment and emotion she rarely displays while working her gig.

In fact, before this video surfaced, McHenry was a relative nobody on the campus of Bristol Clown Community College.

Now she is well known. For being a self-absorbed jerk.

Raissman If Britt McHenry was a man she would be fired - NY Daily News
Nails it ! :clap2:

While McHenry’s apology starts off with a mini-defense of herself, it eventually hits the right notes, even if she never actually apologizes to the employee — the only person who deserves one. But it’s all phony. That wasn’t the attitude of someone having a bad day. That wasn’t someone frustrated by an employee at a tow-truck operator and looking to blow off a little steam. We’ve all been there and (hopefully) didn’t denigrate the man or woman responsible for not having a degree, nor rip on a cashier for simply doing her job. A bad day is cursing at someone or driving away from that tow-truck company and flipping the bird. Those are the sort of slip-ups that make us human. What McHenry did is an attitude based on power and entitlement.

ESPN got it wrong with Britt McHenry For The Win
Gender bender at ESPN? If Britt (Brat) McHenry was a man, she'd be out of a job

Equality for all is something we should support.

That’s no grand revelation.

Yet this axiom popped fresh after watching Britt McHenry, the ESPN reporter, berate a female towing company employee on a video that went viral. McHenry got what amounted to a slap on the wrist, receiving a one- week vacation, er, suspension after the video surfaced last week.

Let us be clear here: If Chris Berman, Mike Tirico, Mike Breen or any other male ESPN voice was caught on video telling a hard working woman, “I’m on television and you’re in a f---ing trailer honey,” and adding other graphic put-downs, they would have received a lot more than one week on the bench.
It would be no surprise if they would’ve been flat-out fired. In this particular case, McHenry had gender on her side. At least that’s our perception.

The problem McHenry has now, one she has brought on herself, is the perception not only viewers, but the people she covers will have of her once she returns to the air and moving forward.

The video confirmed her entitled brat status. She delivered an assortment of choice put-downs like: “Maybe if I was missing some teeth they would hire me, huh?” And of course there’s the memorable, “Lose some weight, baby girl.”

With the world of sports, and those covering it, spending time condemning bullying on the field and in the clubhouse, the video revealed ESPN has one on its staff.
Interestingly, all of McHenry’s lines were delivered with the kind of commitment and emotion she rarely displays while working her gig.

In fact, before this video surfaced, McHenry was a relative nobody on the campus of Bristol Clown Community College.

Now she is well known. For being a self-absorbed jerk.

Raissman If Britt McHenry was a man she would be fired - NY Daily News
I doubt if ESPN will put her on the air again

Not anymore

Based on her "mean girl" act, I doubt if she will see any more air time.


She only got suspended one week.

Not anymore

Based on her "mean girl" act, I doubt if she will see any more air time.


She only got suspended one week.[/QUOTE]

Doesn't mean she will be back on he air

She was getting marginal assignments as it was
What the towing company had to say about Britt

Parking enforcement is contentious by nature. At the same time, neither Gina, our lot clerk, nor our company, have any interest in seeing Britt McHenry suspended or terminated as a result of her comments.

Ms. McHenry is our neighbor, and, as she said, to paraphrase, made remarks that were out of line. She is human and errors in judgement can be made in the heat of the moment.

Gina is a single mother of 3 children who works a difficult job to provide her family. Gina holds no ill will toward Ms. McHenry.”
Guess what...she was practicing her freedom of speech. Why should she be punished. There should be no ramifications for our words...remember?

So for you hypocrite does her rant deserve termination while other rants (Sterling) deserve nothing.

Fucking teaper hypocrites...more proof you are racist, hypocritical douchebags!
Lunatics don't understand the difference between freedom of speech..and harassment.
Pathetic...scolding a white women for going to a basketball game with a negro is freedom of speech. Calling someone toothless...toothless is harassment.

I guess the insults hit close to home for some of these useless teapers.

But just to be clear...spewing hate is freedom of speech...being upset that your car was towed and telling the truth about teaper trash...that is harassment.

If only someone, including you, knew what the hell you're ranting about.
Guess what...she was practicing her freedom of speech. Why should she be punished. There should be no ramifications for our words...remember?

So for you hypocrite does her rant deserve termination while other rants (Sterling) deserve nothing.

Fucking teaper hypocrites...more proof you are racist, hypocritical douchebags!
Lunatics don't understand the difference between freedom of speech..and harassment.
:lmao: Really...that s ho you plan to escape your obvious hypocrisy. PATHETIC. ABSOLUTELY PATHETIC! Listen to yourself...fucking hypocrite.

We overshot nutz' medtime again.
Guess what...she was practicing her freedom of speech. Why should she be punished. There should be no ramifications for our words...remember?

So for you hypocrite does her rant deserve termination while other rants (Sterling) deserve nothing.

Fucking teaper hypocrites...more proof you are racist, hypocritical douchebags!
ok, you are going on ignore, and I would advise others to add you as well, you bring nothing but idiocy to any conversation you are involved in.
Guess what...she was practicing her freedom of speech. Why should she be punished. There should be no ramifications for our words...remember?

So for you hypocrite does her rant deserve termination while other rants (Sterling) deserve nothing.

Fucking teaper hypocrites...more proof you are racist, hypocritical douchebags!
ok, you are going on ignore, and I would advise others to add you as well, you bring nothing but idiocy to any conversation you are involved in.
OMG...OMG...A lousy fucking teaper put me on ignore. What will I do?? How can I live without you responding to truth and rational though. Oh noooooooooo!



You don't understand rational though and couldn't argue yourself out of a paper bag...You would give up half way through and blame liberals, wetbacks and el negro. Teaper hypocrites are pathetic.
Guess what...she was practicing her freedom of speech. Why should she be punished. There should be no ramifications for our words...remember?

So for you hypocrite does her rant deserve termination while other rants (Sterling) deserve nothing.

Fucking teaper hypocrites...more proof you are racist, hypocritical douchebags!
Lunatics don't understand the difference between freedom of speech..and harassment.
:lmao: Really...that s ho you plan to escape your obvious hypocrisy. PATHETIC. ABSOLUTELY PATHETIC! Listen to yourself...fucking hypocrite.

We overshot nutz' medtime again.
OK...I will let you take me out for drinks...just don't try to touch me.
Amazing that the employee manages to keep her cool and remain professional.
In a just world, the video would go on to show this bitch getting her face kicked in. That would be Primo TV folks. Two thumbs up! :thup: :thup:

(Just to be clear: I'm referring to the ESPN reporter's face getting kicked in :D)
Guess what...she was practicing her freedom of speech. Why should she be punished. There should be no ramifications for our words...remember?

So for you hypocrite does her rant deserve termination while other rants (Sterling) deserve nothing.

Fucking teaper hypocrites...more proof you are racist, hypocritical douchebags!
Sterling? The basket ball team owner? That Sterling?

You don't know the difference between a private conversation and a public melt down because she thinks she's important?

For the record, the tow company came out and accepted the apology and took the stance that she should NOT be fired.

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