Ethics: Littering


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Noticed a recent commercial showing various forms of litter and by the end the caption says "pick it up." As if in answer to what I've been saying all my adult life when I see and pick up litter I come across, "If not me, who? If not now, when?"

And just the other day I noticed someone on the floors above me tossed a half smoked ciggarette down onto the law outside my living room (sharp eyes) and could see it still smoldering outside. Walking out (and not for the first time living here) I stomped out the butt and brought it inside to my ashtray. Both of out of concern of a fire, but mostly because of the eyesore it was.

I like to think we'll agree on this one, but I never bet against stupid. :)
Big money fines and months of community service will cure the pigs of their littering habit.
Fear works, but setting a good/better example is good too I think. See litter, pick it up. Maybe someone'll see ya do it and think "We should all do that." maybe a parent will and whisper to their kid, "See that? That's the proper way." Never know what'll come from doing the right thing. And if nothing else, just as giving charity makes us feel good, so does doing the right things.
I suspect that the pigs see people like us picking up litter and think we're chumps.

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