Ethnic cleansing

There were less than 400K Jews in Israel in 1948, now there are over 6 million. The Jews increased at three times the Palestinian rate. What happened?
Success vs. failure.

Yes, ethnic cleansing does promote failure among the cleansed. Thanks.
The silly ethnic cleansing™ slogan peddled by an identifiable few, really self-hating islamists, has never been moved beyond silly slogan status.

Slogan? Only some Israelis and a few partisans do not recognize the eviction of the non-Jews from Palestine as ethnic cleansing. You are certainly rowing upstream trying to convince 99% of the world otherwise. But, there will always be deniers. Many, misguided people deny that the Armenians were ethnically cleansed, for example.
There were less than 400K Jews in Israel in 1948, now there are over 6 million. The Jews increased at three times the Palestinian rate. What happened?

Israel did not exist until may 15 1948 so you are lying again, and there were 806,000 Jews in Palestine on that day. And there were 1,250,000 muslims assisted by the combined forces of the arab league. The muslims increased beyond the capabilities of nature and could only achieve those numbers by illegal immigration. The muslims then proceeded to ethnically cleanse the Jews from Jewish Palestine and stealing their lands and property. That was the ethnic cleansing that this thrtead should be about, coupled with that of the Christians at muslim hands that has seen their numbers decimated by 90% in less than 7 years.
There were less than 400K Jews in Israel in 1948, now there are over 6 million. The Jews increased at three times the Palestinian rate. What happened?
Success vs. failure.

Yes, ethnic cleansing does promote failure among the cleansed. Thanks.

Which is why the Jews are now reclaiming their lands and property in the west bank, as they are no longer cleansed from the land by the muslims. Wont be long before the Christians join ranks with the Jews and reclaim their lands and property
There were less than 400K Jews in Israel in 1948, now there are over 6 million. The Jews increased at three times the Palestinian rate. What happened?
Success vs. failure.

Yes, ethnic cleansing does promote failure among the cleansed. Thanks.
The silly ethnic cleansing™ slogan peddled by an identifiable few, really self-hating islamists, has never been moved beyond silly slogan status.

Slogan? Only some Israelis and a few partisans do not recognize the eviction of the non-Jews from Palestine as ethnic cleansing. You are certainly rowing upstream trying to convince 99% of the world otherwise. But, there will always be deniers. Many, misguided people deny that the Armenians were ethnically cleansed, for example.

And there are those that deny the Christians have been ethnically cleansed from Palestine, instead believing the lies of the muslims. The Christians have seen 90% of their numbers forced out of Palestine by the muslims
There were less than 400K Jews in Israel in 1948, now there are over 6 million. The Jews increased at three times the Palestinian rate. What happened?
Success vs. failure.

Yes, ethnic cleansing does promote failure among the cleansed. Thanks.
The silly ethnic cleansing™ slogan peddled by an identifiable few, really self-hating islamists, has never been moved beyond silly slogan status.

Slogan? Only some Israelis and a few partisans do not recognize the eviction of the non-Jews from Palestine as ethnic cleansing. You are certainly rowing upstream trying to convince 99% of the world otherwise. But, there will always be deniers. Many, misguided people deny that the Armenians were ethnically cleansed, for example.

And there are those that deny the Christians have been ethnically cleansed from Palestine, instead believing the lies of the muslims. The Christians have seen 90% of their numbers forced out of Palestine by the muslims
I have only seen that claim from sources connected to Israel.
I am starting a new thread base on one of Rocco's posts.

UN Passes Five Resolutions In Favor Of Palestine | Page 3 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

There is no "ethnic Cleansing? What are you an idiot?

Although there is no legal definition of ethnic cleansing, from its widely accepted non-technical definition [23] , it is possible to deduce some common elements. Firstly, what can be considered as a subjective element of ethnic cleansing is the fact that it is systematically carried out with a clear intent to create an ethnically homogeneous area by removing another group of people from their own territory by using force or intimidation or any other method. Secondly, the objective element of ethnic cleansing is that it is perpetrated against a particular group of people, according to their racial, ethnic, national, religious or other characteristics, which involves mass deportations or forceful transfer of people, intimidations by different methods, murder, torture, arbitrary detention, etc.​

Ethnic cleansing is not about numbers. It is about location. It is about moving people out of areas where they are not wanted. Israel does commit the violations listed above.

House demolitions and forced evictions are
among Israel’s most heinous practices in the
Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). In
2011, a record year of displacement, a total of
622 Palestinian structures were demolished by
Israeli authorities, of which 36% (or 222) were
family homes; the remainder were livelihood-
related (including water storage and agricultural
structures), resulting in 1,094 people displaced,
almost double the number for 2010.

Of course similar practices have been carried out in "Israel proper" since 1948 and they continue to today.

oh... you're starting another anti-Semite thread?

what a surprise. :cuckoo:
I am starting a new thread base on one of Rocco's posts.

UN Passes Five Resolutions In Favor Of Palestine | Page 3 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

There is no "ethnic Cleansing? What are you an idiot?

Although there is no legal definition of ethnic cleansing, from its widely accepted non-technical definition [23] , it is possible to deduce some common elements. Firstly, what can be considered as a subjective element of ethnic cleansing is the fact that it is systematically carried out with a clear intent to create an ethnically homogeneous area by removing another group of people from their own territory by using force or intimidation or any other method. Secondly, the objective element of ethnic cleansing is that it is perpetrated against a particular group of people, according to their racial, ethnic, national, religious or other characteristics, which involves mass deportations or forceful transfer of people, intimidations by different methods, murder, torture, arbitrary detention, etc.​

Ethnic cleansing is not about numbers. It is about location. It is about moving people out of areas where they are not wanted. Israel does commit the violations listed above.

House demolitions and forced evictions are
among Israel’s most heinous practices in the
Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). In
2011, a record year of displacement, a total of
622 Palestinian structures were demolished by
Israeli authorities, of which 36% (or 222) were
family homes; the remainder were livelihood-
related (including water storage and agricultural
structures), resulting in 1,094 people displaced,
almost double the number for 2010.

Of course similar practices have been carried out in "Israel proper" since 1948 and they continue to today.

So again - the reason that the Palestinians are still homeless in Holy Land after 65 years is not because they've chosen faulty leadership -- not because that leadership became more well known for hijacking Airlines and getting tossed out of Jordan and Lebanon, then for nation-building -- not because when they had a chance to have a real representative govt and statemanship, they chose to war with each and kill each other in the WBank and Gaza -- not because they continue to irritate and attack Israel with ineffective methods for 65 years ---------

But it's all Israel's fault for getting on with life when then there is not a respectable partner to negotiate with on the settlement of the "occupation".. Can't wait forever for that chance to discuss terms. And if you insist on getting Pali kids killed endlessly in futile Intifadas -- instead of becoming Zionists with a passion for a Homeland -- those chances are just gonna slip away and die..

None of that has anything to do with Israel's ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

Of course it has EVERYTHING to do with the disposition of the "occupied territories". The Palis have pissed on DOZENS of opportunities to form a nation. And the reason this is STILL an occupation after 60 years is that there is no leadership formed to set down with and negotiate.

Your head is not engaged in solving any Palestinian problems. You have just made this into Israel's problem. When in reality -- the treatment and status of Palestinians in other neighboring countries is not truly any better.

Read my post again and explain to me how none of that matters..
I am starting a new thread base on one of Rocco's posts.

UN Passes Five Resolutions In Favor Of Palestine | Page 3 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

There is no "ethnic Cleansing? What are you an idiot?

Although there is no legal definition of ethnic cleansing, from its widely accepted non-technical definition [23] , it is possible to deduce some common elements. Firstly, what can be considered as a subjective element of ethnic cleansing is the fact that it is systematically carried out with a clear intent to create an ethnically homogeneous area by removing another group of people from their own territory by using force or intimidation or any other method. Secondly, the objective element of ethnic cleansing is that it is perpetrated against a particular group of people, according to their racial, ethnic, national, religious or other characteristics, which involves mass deportations or forceful transfer of people, intimidations by different methods, murder, torture, arbitrary detention, etc.​

Ethnic cleansing is not about numbers. It is about location. It is about moving people out of areas where they are not wanted. Israel does commit the violations listed above.

House demolitions and forced evictions are
among Israel’s most heinous practices in the
Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). In
2011, a record year of displacement, a total of
622 Palestinian structures were demolished by
Israeli authorities, of which 36% (or 222) were
family homes; the remainder were livelihood-
related (including water storage and agricultural
structures), resulting in 1,094 people displaced,
almost double the number for 2010.

Of course similar practices have been carried out in "Israel proper" since 1948 and they continue to today.

So again - the reason that the Palestinians are still homeless in Holy Land after 65 years is not because they've chosen faulty leadership -- not because that leadership became more well known for hijacking Airlines and getting tossed out of Jordan and Lebanon, then for nation-building -- not because when they had a chance to have a real representative govt and statemanship, they chose to war with each and kill each other in the WBank and Gaza -- not because they continue to irritate and attack Israel with ineffective methods for 65 years ---------

But it's all Israel's fault for getting on with life when then there is not a respectable partner to negotiate with on the settlement of the "occupation".. Can't wait forever for that chance to discuss terms. And if you insist on getting Pali kids killed endlessly in futile Intifadas -- instead of becoming Zionists with a passion for a Homeland -- those chances are just gonna slip away and die..

The fact that a large group of Europeans colonized an area of the Middle East has nothing to do with it?

Nope.. Not in the large scheme of things. Because most every country in the Mid East region is a construct of British colonialism. The map was design over a single day's tea and crumpets break.. And those lines assured relative stability of the region for 100 years before the USA went in with phony dreams of democratization and started to break stuff..
I am starting a new thread base on one of Rocco's posts.

UN Passes Five Resolutions In Favor Of Palestine | Page 3 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

There is no "ethnic Cleansing? What are you an idiot?

Although there is no legal definition of ethnic cleansing, from its widely accepted non-technical definition [23] , it is possible to deduce some common elements. Firstly, what can be considered as a subjective element of ethnic cleansing is the fact that it is systematically carried out with a clear intent to create an ethnically homogeneous area by removing another group of people from their own territory by using force or intimidation or any other method. Secondly, the objective element of ethnic cleansing is that it is perpetrated against a particular group of people, according to their racial, ethnic, national, religious or other characteristics, which involves mass deportations or forceful transfer of people, intimidations by different methods, murder, torture, arbitrary detention, etc.​

Ethnic cleansing is not about numbers. It is about location. It is about moving people out of areas where they are not wanted. Israel does commit the violations listed above.

House demolitions and forced evictions are
among Israel’s most heinous practices in the
Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). In
2011, a record year of displacement, a total of
622 Palestinian structures were demolished by
Israeli authorities, of which 36% (or 222) were
family homes; the remainder were livelihood-
related (including water storage and agricultural
structures), resulting in 1,094 people displaced,
almost double the number for 2010.

Of course similar practices have been carried out in "Israel proper" since 1948 and they continue to today.

So again - the reason that the Palestinians are still homeless in Holy Land after 65 years is not because they've chosen faulty leadership -- not because that leadership became more well known for hijacking Airlines and getting tossed out of Jordan and Lebanon, then for nation-building -- not because when they had a chance to have a real representative govt and statemanship, they chose to war with each and kill each other in the WBank and Gaza -- not because they continue to irritate and attack Israel with ineffective methods for 65 years ---------

But it's all Israel's fault for getting on with life when then there is not a respectable partner to negotiate with on the settlement of the "occupation".. Can't wait forever for that chance to discuss terms. And if you insist on getting Pali kids killed endlessly in futile Intifadas -- instead of becoming Zionists with a passion for a Homeland -- those chances are just gonna slip away and die..

None of that has anything to do with Israel's ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

Of course it has EVERYTHING to do with the disposition of the "occupied territories". The Palis have pissed on DOZENS of opportunities to form a nation. And the reason this is STILL an occupation after 60 years is that there is no leadership formed to set down with and negotiate.

Your head is not engaged in solving any Palestinian problems. You have just made this into Israel's problem. When in reality -- the treatment and status of Palestinians in other neighboring countries is not truly any better.

Read my post again and explain to me how none of that matters..
The Palis have pissed on DOZENS of opportunities to form a nation.​

No they haven't. The only offers have been for them to cede land.
I am starting a new thread base on one of Rocco's posts.

UN Passes Five Resolutions In Favor Of Palestine | Page 3 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

There is no "ethnic Cleansing? What are you an idiot?

Although there is no legal definition of ethnic cleansing, from its widely accepted non-technical definition [23] , it is possible to deduce some common elements. Firstly, what can be considered as a subjective element of ethnic cleansing is the fact that it is systematically carried out with a clear intent to create an ethnically homogeneous area by removing another group of people from their own territory by using force or intimidation or any other method. Secondly, the objective element of ethnic cleansing is that it is perpetrated against a particular group of people, according to their racial, ethnic, national, religious or other characteristics, which involves mass deportations or forceful transfer of people, intimidations by different methods, murder, torture, arbitrary detention, etc.​

Ethnic cleansing is not about numbers. It is about location. It is about moving people out of areas where they are not wanted. Israel does commit the violations listed above.

House demolitions and forced evictions are
among Israel’s most heinous practices in the
Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). In
2011, a record year of displacement, a total of
622 Palestinian structures were demolished by
Israeli authorities, of which 36% (or 222) were
family homes; the remainder were livelihood-
related (including water storage and agricultural
structures), resulting in 1,094 people displaced,
almost double the number for 2010.

Of course similar practices have been carried out in "Israel proper" since 1948 and they continue to today.

So again - the reason that the Palestinians are still homeless in Holy Land after 65 years is not because they've chosen faulty leadership -- not because that leadership became more well known for hijacking Airlines and getting tossed out of Jordan and Lebanon, then for nation-building -- not because when they had a chance to have a real representative govt and statemanship, they chose to war with each and kill each other in the WBank and Gaza -- not because they continue to irritate and attack Israel with ineffective methods for 65 years ---------

But it's all Israel's fault for getting on with life when then there is not a respectable partner to negotiate with on the settlement of the "occupation".. Can't wait forever for that chance to discuss terms. And if you insist on getting Pali kids killed endlessly in futile Intifadas -- instead of becoming Zionists with a passion for a Homeland -- those chances are just gonna slip away and die..

None of that has anything to do with Israel's ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

Of course it has EVERYTHING to do with the disposition of the "occupied territories". The Palis have pissed on DOZENS of opportunities to form a nation. And the reason this is STILL an occupation after 60 years is that there is no leadership formed to set down with and negotiate.

Your head is not engaged in solving any Palestinian problems. You have just made this into Israel's problem. When in reality -- the treatment and status of Palestinians in other neighboring countries is not truly any better.

Read my post again and explain to me how none of that matters..
The Palis have pissed on DOZENS of opportunities to form a nation.​

No they haven't. The only offers have been for them to cede land.

Of course they have. What was the PLO best known for worldwide? Why were they kicked out of Jordan?
Why did they fight each other recently for control of the PA?

Please answer those. And explain to me WHEN the Palestinians ever seriously applied themselves to forming a nation..

What you see as "cleansing" -- is just that the world is not gonna wait another 100 yrs for the Palis to mature socio-politically and organize for nationhood. Balls in their court -- for the past 50 years....
The Arabs tried and failed to ethnically cleanse Jews from Palestine in 1948.

Israel is not concerned about what fringe elements think.
I am starting a new thread base on one of Rocco's posts.

UN Passes Five Resolutions In Favor Of Palestine | Page 3 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

There is no "ethnic Cleansing? What are you an idiot?

Although there is no legal definition of ethnic cleansing, from its widely accepted non-technical definition [23] , it is possible to deduce some common elements. Firstly, what can be considered as a subjective element of ethnic cleansing is the fact that it is systematically carried out with a clear intent to create an ethnically homogeneous area by removing another group of people from their own territory by using force or intimidation or any other method. Secondly, the objective element of ethnic cleansing is that it is perpetrated against a particular group of people, according to their racial, ethnic, national, religious or other characteristics, which involves mass deportations or forceful transfer of people, intimidations by different methods, murder, torture, arbitrary detention, etc.​

Ethnic cleansing is not about numbers. It is about location. It is about moving people out of areas where they are not wanted. Israel does commit the violations listed above.

House demolitions and forced evictions are
among Israel’s most heinous practices in the
Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). In
2011, a record year of displacement, a total of
622 Palestinian structures were demolished by
Israeli authorities, of which 36% (or 222) were
family homes; the remainder were livelihood-
related (including water storage and agricultural
structures), resulting in 1,094 people displaced,
almost double the number for 2010.

Of course similar practices have been carried out in "Israel proper" since 1948 and they continue to today.

So again - the reason that the Palestinians are still homeless in Holy Land after 65 years is not because they've chosen faulty leadership -- not because that leadership became more well known for hijacking Airlines and getting tossed out of Jordan and Lebanon, then for nation-building -- not because when they had a chance to have a real representative govt and statemanship, they chose to war with each and kill each other in the WBank and Gaza -- not because they continue to irritate and attack Israel with ineffective methods for 65 years ---------

But it's all Israel's fault for getting on with life when then there is not a respectable partner to negotiate with on the settlement of the "occupation".. Can't wait forever for that chance to discuss terms. And if you insist on getting Pali kids killed endlessly in futile Intifadas -- instead of becoming Zionists with a passion for a Homeland -- those chances are just gonna slip away and die..

None of that has anything to do with Israel's ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

Of course it has EVERYTHING to do with the disposition of the "occupied territories". The Palis have pissed on DOZENS of opportunities to form a nation. And the reason this is STILL an occupation after 60 years is that there is no leadership formed to set down with and negotiate.

Your head is not engaged in solving any Palestinian problems. You have just made this into Israel's problem. When in reality -- the treatment and status of Palestinians in other neighboring countries is not truly any better.

Read my post again and explain to me how none of that matters..
The Palis have pissed on DOZENS of opportunities to form a nation.​

No they haven't. The only offers have been for them to cede land.

Of course they have. What was the PLO best known for worldwide? Why were they kicked out of Jordan?
Why did they fight each other recently for control of the PA?

Please answer those. And explain to me WHEN the Palestinians ever seriously applied themselves to forming a nation..

What you see as "cleansing" -- is just that the world is not gonna wait another 100 yrs for the Palis to mature socio-politically and organize for nationhood. Balls in their court -- for the past 50 years....
Why were they kicked out of Jordan?​

Better question. Why were they in Jordan?

Why did they fight each other recently for control of the PA?​

The Gaza Bombshell
I am starting a new thread base on one of Rocco's posts.

UN Passes Five Resolutions In Favor Of Palestine | Page 3 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

There is no "ethnic Cleansing? What are you an idiot?

Although there is no legal definition of ethnic cleansing, from its widely accepted non-technical definition [23] , it is possible to deduce some common elements. Firstly, what can be considered as a subjective element of ethnic cleansing is the fact that it is systematically carried out with a clear intent to create an ethnically homogeneous area by removing another group of people from their own territory by using force or intimidation or any other method. Secondly, the objective element of ethnic cleansing is that it is perpetrated against a particular group of people, according to their racial, ethnic, national, religious or other characteristics, which involves mass deportations or forceful transfer of people, intimidations by different methods, murder, torture, arbitrary detention, etc.​

Ethnic cleansing is not about numbers. It is about location. It is about moving people out of areas where they are not wanted. Israel does commit the violations listed above.

House demolitions and forced evictions are
among Israel’s most heinous practices in the
Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). In
2011, a record year of displacement, a total of
622 Palestinian structures were demolished by
Israeli authorities, of which 36% (or 222) were
family homes; the remainder were livelihood-
related (including water storage and agricultural
structures), resulting in 1,094 people displaced,
almost double the number for 2010.

Of course similar practices have been carried out in "Israel proper" since 1948 and they continue to today.

So again - the reason that the Palestinians are still homeless in Holy Land after 65 years is not because they've chosen faulty leadership -- not because that leadership became more well known for hijacking Airlines and getting tossed out of Jordan and Lebanon, then for nation-building -- not because when they had a chance to have a real representative govt and statemanship, they chose to war with each and kill each other in the WBank and Gaza -- not because they continue to irritate and attack Israel with ineffective methods for 65 years ---------

But it's all Israel's fault for getting on with life when then there is not a respectable partner to negotiate with on the settlement of the "occupation".. Can't wait forever for that chance to discuss terms. And if you insist on getting Pali kids killed endlessly in futile Intifadas -- instead of becoming Zionists with a passion for a Homeland -- those chances are just gonna slip away and die..

None of that has anything to do with Israel's ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

Of course it has EVERYTHING to do with the disposition of the "occupied territories". The Palis have pissed on DOZENS of opportunities to form a nation. And the reason this is STILL an occupation after 60 years is that there is no leadership formed to set down with and negotiate.

Your head is not engaged in solving any Palestinian problems. You have just made this into Israel's problem. When in reality -- the treatment and status of Palestinians in other neighboring countries is not truly any better.

Read my post again and explain to me how none of that matters..
The Palis have pissed on DOZENS of opportunities to form a nation.​

No they haven't. The only offers have been for them to cede land.

HUH?? You mean like Israel granting Palestinian terrorist requests for a Jew free Gaza?
So again - the reason that the Palestinians are still homeless in Holy Land after 65 years is not because they've chosen faulty leadership -- not because that leadership became more well known for hijacking Airlines and getting tossed out of Jordan and Lebanon, then for nation-building -- not because when they had a chance to have a real representative govt and statemanship, they chose to war with each and kill each other in the WBank and Gaza -- not because they continue to irritate and attack Israel with ineffective methods for 65 years ---------

But it's all Israel's fault for getting on with life when then there is not a respectable partner to negotiate with on the settlement of the "occupation".. Can't wait forever for that chance to discuss terms. And if you insist on getting Pali kids killed endlessly in futile Intifadas -- instead of becoming Zionists with a passion for a Homeland -- those chances are just gonna slip away and die..

None of that has anything to do with Israel's ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

Of course it has EVERYTHING to do with the disposition of the "occupied territories". The Palis have pissed on DOZENS of opportunities to form a nation. And the reason this is STILL an occupation after 60 years is that there is no leadership formed to set down with and negotiate.

Your head is not engaged in solving any Palestinian problems. You have just made this into Israel's problem. When in reality -- the treatment and status of Palestinians in other neighboring countries is not truly any better.

Read my post again and explain to me how none of that matters..
The Palis have pissed on DOZENS of opportunities to form a nation.​

No they haven't. The only offers have been for them to cede land.

Of course they have. What was the PLO best known for worldwide? Why were they kicked out of Jordan?
Why did they fight each other recently for control of the PA?

Please answer those. And explain to me WHEN the Palestinians ever seriously applied themselves to forming a nation..

What you see as "cleansing" -- is just that the world is not gonna wait another 100 yrs for the Palis to mature socio-politically and organize for nationhood. Balls in their court -- for the past 50 years....
Why were they kicked out of Jordan?​

Better question. Why were they in Jordan?

Why did they fight each other recently for control of the PA?​

The Gaza Bombshell

I've told you several times why they were kicked out of Jordan. Don't you remember? They pissed off the government CONTINUALLY there with their emphasis on violence and resistance instead of nation-building. It was up to Jordan at the time (about 30 years) to implement a Palestinian Homeland out of the TransJordan mandate (WEST BANK and East Jerusalem). Jordan couldn't find rational and responsible leadership to negotiate with. PLO was way too busy hijacking airplanes and shooting up Olympics.. All culminated in the PLO marching on the capitol with commandeered tanks and trying to topple the govt of Jordan.. And Hussein ordering them to leave Jordan.

Had they made a deal with the King of Jordan THEN -- they likely would have had the ENTIRE West Bank and possibly more. But they pissed away that opportunity.

Of course you want to blame the Hamas/Fatah fighting on the US. Must not have been a lot of support because they killed each other with RUSSIAN weapons and equipment (largely). And of course the US would support the PA as it had been constructed when Hamas took a militant stand. That''s all understandable. And the killing and the dissolution of the PA would have happen if the USA did nothing.

You make too many excuses for the Palis,. And refuse to acknowledge the very long chain of mistakes and bad choices that they made. You are clinically co-dependent when it comes to your "caring" about Pali welfare.
What they NEED is recognize that nations are not built or GIVEN on FORCE and RESISTANCE only. That it takes far more dedication and organization and planning than suicidal rock throwing or knifings or amatuer rocket attacks..
Last edited:

None of that has anything to do with Israel's ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

Of course it has EVERYTHING to do with the disposition of the "occupied territories". The Palis have pissed on DOZENS of opportunities to form a nation. And the reason this is STILL an occupation after 60 years is that there is no leadership formed to set down with and negotiate.

Your head is not engaged in solving any Palestinian problems. You have just made this into Israel's problem. When in reality -- the treatment and status of Palestinians in other neighboring countries is not truly any better.

Read my post again and explain to me how none of that matters..
The Palis have pissed on DOZENS of opportunities to form a nation.​

No they haven't. The only offers have been for them to cede land.

Of course they have. What was the PLO best known for worldwide? Why were they kicked out of Jordan?
Why did they fight each other recently for control of the PA?

Please answer those. And explain to me WHEN the Palestinians ever seriously applied themselves to forming a nation..

What you see as "cleansing" -- is just that the world is not gonna wait another 100 yrs for the Palis to mature socio-politically and organize for nationhood. Balls in their court -- for the past 50 years....
Why were they kicked out of Jordan?​

Better question. Why were they in Jordan?

Why did they fight each other recently for control of the PA?​

The Gaza Bombshell

I've told you several times why they were kicked out of Jordan. Don't you remember? They pissed off the government CONTINUALLY there with their emphasis on violence and resistance instead of nation-building. It was up to Jordan at the time (about 30 years) to implement a Palestinian Homeland out of the TransJordan mandate (WEST BANK and East Jerusalem). Jordan couldn't find rational and responsible leadership to negotiate with. PLO was way too busy hijacking airplanes and shooting up Olympics.. All culminated in the PLO marching on the capitol with commandeered tanks and trying to topple the govt of Jordan.. And Hussein ordering them to leave Jordan.

Had they made a deal with the King of Jordan THEN -- they likely would have had the ENTIRE West Bank and possibly more. But they pissed away that opportunity.

Of course you want to blame the Hamas/Fatah fighting on the US. Must not have been a lot of support because they killed each other with RUSSIAN weapons and equipment (largely). And of course the US would support the PA as it had been constructed when Hamas took a militant stand. That''s all understandable. And the killing and the dissolution of the PA would have happen if the USA did nothing.

You make too many excuses for the Palis,. And refuse to acknowledge the very long chain of mistakes and bad choices that they made. You are clinically co-dependent when it comes to your "caring" about Pali welfare.
What they NEED is recognize that nations are not built or GIVEN on FORCE and RESISTANCE only. That it takes far more dedication and organization and planning than suicidal rock throwing or knifings or amatuer rocket attacks..

While king Hussein was negotiating for peace with Arafat the Palestinians hijacked two commercial airliners & landed them in Ammon. It's called Palestinian mentality.
The Arabs tried and failed to ethnically cleanse Jews from Palestine in 1948.

Israel is not concerned about what fringe elements think.

The Arab neighbors attempted to prevent the ethnic cleansing of the non-Jews by the European Zionists under their Plan Dalet. After all, the Jews were European colonizers.
Of course it has EVERYTHING to do with the disposition of the "occupied territories". The Palis have pissed on DOZENS of opportunities to form a nation. And the reason this is STILL an occupation after 60 years is that there is no leadership formed to set down with and negotiate.

Your head is not engaged in solving any Palestinian problems. You have just made this into Israel's problem. When in reality -- the treatment and status of Palestinians in other neighboring countries is not truly any better.

Read my post again and explain to me how none of that matters..
The Palis have pissed on DOZENS of opportunities to form a nation.​

No they haven't. The only offers have been for them to cede land.

Of course they have. What was the PLO best known for worldwide? Why were they kicked out of Jordan?
Why did they fight each other recently for control of the PA?

Please answer those. And explain to me WHEN the Palestinians ever seriously applied themselves to forming a nation..

What you see as "cleansing" -- is just that the world is not gonna wait another 100 yrs for the Palis to mature socio-politically and organize for nationhood. Balls in their court -- for the past 50 years....
Why were they kicked out of Jordan?​

Better question. Why were they in Jordan?

Why did they fight each other recently for control of the PA?​

The Gaza Bombshell

I've told you several times why they were kicked out of Jordan. Don't you remember? They pissed off the government CONTINUALLY there with their emphasis on violence and resistance instead of nation-building. It was up to Jordan at the time (about 30 years) to implement a Palestinian Homeland out of the TransJordan mandate (WEST BANK and East Jerusalem). Jordan couldn't find rational and responsible leadership to negotiate with. PLO was way too busy hijacking airplanes and shooting up Olympics.. All culminated in the PLO marching on the capitol with commandeered tanks and trying to topple the govt of Jordan.. And Hussein ordering them to leave Jordan.

Had they made a deal with the King of Jordan THEN -- they likely would have had the ENTIRE West Bank and possibly more. But they pissed away that opportunity.

Of course you want to blame the Hamas/Fatah fighting on the US. Must not have been a lot of support because they killed each other with RUSSIAN weapons and equipment (largely). And of course the US would support the PA as it had been constructed when Hamas took a militant stand. That''s all understandable. And the killing and the dissolution of the PA would have happen if the USA did nothing.

You make too many excuses for the Palis,. And refuse to acknowledge the very long chain of mistakes and bad choices that they made. You are clinically co-dependent when it comes to your "caring" about Pali welfare.
What they NEED is recognize that nations are not built or GIVEN on FORCE and RESISTANCE only. That it takes far more dedication and organization and planning than suicidal rock throwing or knifings or amatuer rocket attacks..

While king Hussein was negotiating for peace with Arafat the Palestinians hijacked two commercial airliners & landed them in Ammon. It's called Palestinian mentality.

Didn't realize the relationship between the Pali Black September org that shot up the Munich Olympics. But the PLO named it after the September expulsion of 1000s of Palestinians from Jordan by King Hussein. It was formed to get vengeance against Jordan primarily..

Now THERE is some "ethnic cleansing" for ya. Killing or expelling THOUSANDs of Palis from Jordan and then having the King just wave his hands and turn the claim to the West Bank totally over to Israel. Guy didn't screw around..
The Palis have pissed on DOZENS of opportunities to form a nation.​

No they haven't. The only offers have been for them to cede land.

Of course they have. What was the PLO best known for worldwide? Why were they kicked out of Jordan?
Why did they fight each other recently for control of the PA?

Please answer those. And explain to me WHEN the Palestinians ever seriously applied themselves to forming a nation..

What you see as "cleansing" -- is just that the world is not gonna wait another 100 yrs for the Palis to mature socio-politically and organize for nationhood. Balls in their court -- for the past 50 years....
Why were they kicked out of Jordan?​

Better question. Why were they in Jordan?

Why did they fight each other recently for control of the PA?​

The Gaza Bombshell

I've told you several times why they were kicked out of Jordan. Don't you remember? They pissed off the government CONTINUALLY there with their emphasis on violence and resistance instead of nation-building. It was up to Jordan at the time (about 30 years) to implement a Palestinian Homeland out of the TransJordan mandate (WEST BANK and East Jerusalem). Jordan couldn't find rational and responsible leadership to negotiate with. PLO was way too busy hijacking airplanes and shooting up Olympics.. All culminated in the PLO marching on the capitol with commandeered tanks and trying to topple the govt of Jordan.. And Hussein ordering them to leave Jordan.

Had they made a deal with the King of Jordan THEN -- they likely would have had the ENTIRE West Bank and possibly more. But they pissed away that opportunity.

Of course you want to blame the Hamas/Fatah fighting on the US. Must not have been a lot of support because they killed each other with RUSSIAN weapons and equipment (largely). And of course the US would support the PA as it had been constructed when Hamas took a militant stand. That''s all understandable. And the killing and the dissolution of the PA would have happen if the USA did nothing.

You make too many excuses for the Palis,. And refuse to acknowledge the very long chain of mistakes and bad choices that they made. You are clinically co-dependent when it comes to your "caring" about Pali welfare.
What they NEED is recognize that nations are not built or GIVEN on FORCE and RESISTANCE only. That it takes far more dedication and organization and planning than suicidal rock throwing or knifings or amatuer rocket attacks..

While king Hussein was negotiating for peace with Arafat the Palestinians hijacked two commercial airliners & landed them in Ammon. It's called Palestinian mentality.

Didn't realize the relationship between the Pali Black September org that shot up the Munich Olympics. But the PLO named it after the September expulsion of 1000s of Palestinians from Jordan by King Hussein. It was formed to get vengeance against Jordan primarily..

Now THERE is some "ethnic cleansing" for ya. Killing or expelling THOUSANDs of Palis from Jordan and then having the King just wave his hands and turn the claim to the West Bank totally over to Israel. Guy didn't screw around..

And that is why today Jordan is at peace from Palestinians. When will Israel ever learn?
The Arabs tried and failed to ethnically cleanse Jews from Palestine in 1948.

Israel is not concerned about what fringe elements think.

The Arab neighbors attempted to prevent the ethnic cleansing of the non-Jews by the European Zionists under their Plan Dalet. After all, the Jews were European colonizers.

Yeah.. And their plan to ASSIST the Palis was to contain them in refugee camps and not attempt to absorb them into their general populations. That is --- If they weren't hunted down and booted out -- like in Jordan and Lebanon.
The Palis have pissed on DOZENS of opportunities to form a nation.​

No they haven't. The only offers have been for them to cede land.

Of course they have. What was the PLO best known for worldwide? Why were they kicked out of Jordan?
Why did they fight each other recently for control of the PA?

Please answer those. And explain to me WHEN the Palestinians ever seriously applied themselves to forming a nation..

What you see as "cleansing" -- is just that the world is not gonna wait another 100 yrs for the Palis to mature socio-politically and organize for nationhood. Balls in their court -- for the past 50 years....
Why were they kicked out of Jordan?​

Better question. Why were they in Jordan?

Why did they fight each other recently for control of the PA?​

The Gaza Bombshell

I've told you several times why they were kicked out of Jordan. Don't you remember? They pissed off the government CONTINUALLY there with their emphasis on violence and resistance instead of nation-building. It was up to Jordan at the time (about 30 years) to implement a Palestinian Homeland out of the TransJordan mandate (WEST BANK and East Jerusalem). Jordan couldn't find rational and responsible leadership to negotiate with. PLO was way too busy hijacking airplanes and shooting up Olympics.. All culminated in the PLO marching on the capitol with commandeered tanks and trying to topple the govt of Jordan.. And Hussein ordering them to leave Jordan.

Had they made a deal with the King of Jordan THEN -- they likely would have had the ENTIRE West Bank and possibly more. But they pissed away that opportunity.

Of course you want to blame the Hamas/Fatah fighting on the US. Must not have been a lot of support because they killed each other with RUSSIAN weapons and equipment (largely). And of course the US would support the PA as it had been constructed when Hamas took a militant stand. That''s all understandable. And the killing and the dissolution of the PA would have happen if the USA did nothing.

You make too many excuses for the Palis,. And refuse to acknowledge the very long chain of mistakes and bad choices that they made. You are clinically co-dependent when it comes to your "caring" about Pali welfare.
What they NEED is recognize that nations are not built or GIVEN on FORCE and RESISTANCE only. That it takes far more dedication and organization and planning than suicidal rock throwing or knifings or amatuer rocket attacks..

While king Hussein was negotiating for peace with Arafat the Palestinians hijacked two commercial airliners & landed them in Ammon. It's called Palestinian mentality.

Didn't realize the relationship between the Pali Black September org that shot up the Munich Olympics. But the PLO named it after the September expulsion of 1000s of Palestinians from Jordan by King Hussein. It was formed to get vengeance against Jordan primarily..

Now THERE is some "ethnic cleansing" for ya. Killing or expelling THOUSANDs of Palis from Jordan and then having the King just wave his hands and turn the claim to the West Bank totally over to Israel. Guy didn't screw around..

Praising a leader for killing and ethnic cleansing seems bizarre to me.

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