Ethnic Studies Outlawed in AZ

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Arizona Governor bans ethnic studies program

Brewer approved a bill late Tuesday, promoted by the state's schools boss, Tom Horne, who has said that the program run by the Tucson school district promotes a "destructive ethnic chauvinism."

Tucson school officials have insisted the program only aims to provide students with courses about the role of minorities in historical events such as the Vietnam war or literature courses featuring Latino authors.

The bill signed by Brewer on Tuesday prohibits any classes which promote the overthrow of the United States government, promote resentment toward a race or class of people, or are tailored for pupils from a particular racial group.


Of course, if minority studies are allowed, then so are WHITE studies, right?

The left wants to have it both ways: ethnocentric is fine for blacks and Hispanics, but bad when whites do it. This bill at least denies them that.
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Arizona Governor bans ethnic studies program

Brewer approved a bill late Tuesday, promoted by the state's schools boss, Tom Horne, who has said that the program run by the Tucson school district promotes a "destructive ethnic chauvinism."

Tucson school officials have insisted the program only aims to provide students with courses about the role of minorities in historical events such as the Vietnam war or literature courses featuring Latino authors.

The bill signed by Brewer on Tuesday prohibits any classes which promote the overthrow of the United States government, promote resentment toward a race or class of people, or are tailored for pupils from a particular racial group.


Of course, if minority studies are allowed, then so are WHITE studies, right?

The left wants to have it both ways: ethnocentric is fine for blacks and Hispanics, but bad when whites do it. This bill at least denies them that.

Whites are denied 'white studies'? I didn't know until now. I always thought school was race/ethnicity neutral. Just because we studied presidents, industrialists, explorers, inventors, authors and such and they were all white, that's just the way it was. I remember some black guy invented the cotton gin, or maybe sloe gin, I really don't recall, but we did learn about that black guy.
It's not as if non whites actually did anything (well other than felonies), right?
Arizona Governor bans ethnic studies program

Brewer approved a bill late Tuesday, promoted by the state's schools boss, Tom Horne, who has said that the program run by the Tucson school district promotes a "destructive ethnic chauvinism."

Tucson school officials have insisted the program only aims to provide students with courses about the role of minorities in historical events such as the Vietnam war or literature courses featuring Latino authors.

The bill signed by Brewer on Tuesday prohibits any classes which promote the overthrow of the United States government, promote resentment toward a race or class of people, or are tailored for pupils from a particular racial group.


Of course, if minority studies are allowed, then so are WHITE studies, right?

The left wants to have it both ways: ethnocentric is fine for blacks and Hispanics, but bad when whites do it. This bill at least denies them that.

Whites are denied 'white studies'? I didn't know until now. I always thought school was race/ethnicity neutral. Just because we studied presidents, industrialists, explorers, inventors, authors and such and they were all white, that's just the way it was. I remember some black guy invented the cotton gin, or maybe sloe gin, I really don't recall, but we did learn about that black guy.
It's not as if non whites actually did anything (well other than felonies), right?

If you seriously thought public schools are "race/ethnicity neutral", that's only because your head is demonstrably up your sphincter. And the fact that you didn't actually LEARN anything in school doesn't mean it wasn't taught. It just means . . . well, refer back to the whole "head/sphincter" paradigm.
Arizona Governor bans ethnic studies program

Brewer approved a bill late Tuesday, promoted by the state's schools boss, Tom Horne, who has said that the program run by the Tucson school district promotes a "destructive ethnic chauvinism."

Tucson school officials have insisted the program only aims to provide students with courses about the role of minorities in historical events such as the Vietnam war or literature courses featuring Latino authors.

The bill signed by Brewer on Tuesday prohibits any classes which promote the overthrow of the United States government, promote resentment toward a race or class of people, or are tailored for pupils from a particular racial group.


Of course, if minority studies are allowed, then so are WHITE studies, right?

The left wants to have it both ways: ethnocentric is fine for blacks and Hispanics, but bad when whites do it. This bill at least denies them that.

Whites are denied 'white studies'? I didn't know until now. I always thought school was race/ethnicity neutral. Just because we studied presidents, industrialists, explorers, inventors, authors and such and they were all white, that's just the way it was. I remember some black guy invented the cotton gin, or maybe sloe gin, I really don't recall, but we did learn about that black guy.
It's not as if non whites actually did anything (well other than felonies), right?

If you seriously thought public schools are "race/ethnicity neutral", that's only because your head is demonstrably up your sphincter. And the fact that you didn't actually LEARN anything in school doesn't mean it wasn't taught. It just means . . . well, refer back to the whole "head/sphincter" paradigm.

lol, you take your ideology and yourself way to seriously. I suggest you try a little sloe gin and soda and read my post again. Or not, and enjoy your self righteous arrogance.
Of course I believe ethnic studies serve a purpose, and this new movement creates more hate and fear, but that's the intent, isn't it?
Sounds like they are trying to eliminate "hate and fear".

The new bill would make it illegal for a school district to teach any courses that promote the overthrow of the U.S. government, promote resentment of a particular race or class of people, are designed primarily for students of a particular ethnic group or "advocate ethnic solidarity instead of the treatment of pupils as individuals." - Arizona Legislature Passes Bill to Curb 'Chauvanism' in Ethnic Studies Programs

so you can't teach what we did to the american indians because it could bring resentment against the US white folk?

you can't teach about slavery cuz that could bring resentment against the US white folk??

i guess i have not had enough coffee.....

seems like pansy ass censoring to me....
Native American studies are still permitted and I'm fairly certain the slavery issue is covered in U.S. History. Just a hunch. :eusa_whistle:

couldn't those 2 subjects fall in to this ''being sensitive stuff''...this ''promote resentment of a particular race'' in the clip of the article you posted? Teaching truth about slavery could bring resentment towards whites....teaching truth on our treatment of American indians, could promote resentment towards whites....

or is it all fluff being taught in school on those subjects?

Let me start again....

What is it that they are concerned with, regarding...''promotes resentment of a particular race'' not being permitted to be taught....? example pretty please and i promise to chug some coffee right now, as well....
Native American studies are still permitted and I'm fairly certain the slavery issue is covered in U.S. History. Just a hunch. :eusa_whistle:
U.S. History is the study of an ethnic group - Americans.

That now seems to be illegal in Arizona.
Native American studies are still permitted and I'm fairly certain the slavery issue is covered in U.S. History. Just a hunch. :eusa_whistle:

couldn't those 2 subjects fall in to this ''being sensitive stuff''...this ''promote resentment of a particular race'' in the clip of the article you posted? Teaching truth about slavery could bring resentment towards whites....teaching truth on our treatment of American indians, could promote resentment towards whites....

or is it all fluff being taught in school on those subjects?

Let me start again....

What is it that they are concerned with, regarding...''promotes resentment of a particular race'' not being permitted to be taught....? example pretty please and i promise to chug some coffee right now, as well....
What about teaching that women once weren't allowed to vote...doesn't that also promote hatred against both a race and a gender?
Sounds like they are trying to eliminate "hate and fear".

The new bill would make it illegal for a school district to teach any courses that promote the overthrow of the U.S. government, promote resentment of a particular race or class of people, are designed primarily for students of a particular ethnic group or "advocate ethnic solidarity instead of the treatment of pupils as individuals." - Arizona Legislature Passes Bill to Curb 'Chauvanism' in Ethnic Studies Programs

Are you sure you're a teacher? Scary thought. Have you ever taken an ethnic studies course? If so you (would if you had) and ought to know if you've not, that promotion of the overthrow of the U.S. Government ain't part of the approved course of study. What an individual teacher with an 'agenda' may do aside from what is approved, is a different story and an issue of academic freedom, school policy and (potentially) community outrage.
Most institutions and most administrators (imho) would fire or not renew the contract of anyone who engaged in seditious behavior. To suggest an entire course of study must be eliminated as is (apparently) being done or considered in Arizona is outrageous and any educator would be offended. Any educator, however, without an agenda.
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For years now I have heard this nonsense back and forth about how bad our history is in reference to ethnic issues. Yes, like almost every nation on earth the United States has had a past history of less than stellar treatment of ethnic minorities , take your pick from the Irish to the Itailians, to the Blacks, to the Chinese, to the Native Americans, and to hispanics as well. While it is the very nature of a person to take pride in their own heritage I might point out that this nation is for the most part composed of the legacy of all those groups once seen as outcasts. IMHO, the Arizona Law in this case seeks to end public schools as the breeding ground for the seperation of Americans based on that ethnic heritage and resentment of our history. Ratherr, I would hope a public school would mold young minds to vow to work together to form that more perfect union that we all have been a part of for over 200 plus years. When we seperate and look to other nations as our home and this nation as the Empire all the while enjoying this nations benefits then the whole purpose of teaching young people that we are all equal becomes self defeating, and breaks down into national and ethnic lines. There is no nation on earth ,save for the very poor and this one that does not protect it's own heritage bad or good, and it's own borders and does so for the benefit of it's own people. Perhaps it's time we stopped all this I'm white, I'm hispanic, I'm black and started saying I'M American!
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Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to fund race-based education. It's not as if people are barred from whatever information they'd like to learn on their own. WE just shouldn't be required to pay for it.

"Multiculturalism" is not what's in the best interest of this country. That's not to say that other cultures shouldn't be appreciated, rather... that they shouldn't be prioritized ahead of being American.

The salad bowl model can cause nothing but division and strife. The melting pot is best. It allows us to have more in common with one another than what we have that's different. English language is part of that. It homogenizes us into a cohesive society and allows us to communicate readily with one another.

Ethnicity is a divider. And while it shouldn't be swept under the rug, it needs to be treated as secondary to our more common priorities.
Heaven forbid a public school might actually start teaching History again.

Which version?

The non-redacted version , put simply, the non- politcially correct version. For example, I rather doubt that few young people have ever heard of Dorrie Millier, or Crispus Addux or perhaps Ben. O. Davis. Americans all, but the problem is that they have become lost like many others in those politcial science classes you speak of and in doing so is a disservice to us all. So yes, tell it all in history, the good and the bad, and let young people come to know the whole story of our nation and not a politically correct version of it or a redacted version, because someone somepalace might get their feelings hurt. IMHO, not telling the whole story basically says to young people they no longer have the ability to make up their own minds and it must be made up for them, and I would like to have a little more faith in young people than that.
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