Debate Now ETUFO's

Have aliens from other worlds visited Earth?

  • No way, physically impossible

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • Ummm... I don't know

    Votes: 12 44.4%
  • Yes way, physically possible

    Votes: 12 44.4%

  • Total voters
Have there been visitors from other planets buzzing the Earth throughout history?

Or is it a cultural phenomenon that started in the modern age and fed by cold-war hysteria?

First, the term "UFO" going forward will mean spacecraft piloted or controlled by extra-terrestrials, so I don't have to type "ETUFO" every time. The term "unknown flying object" can be anything. So "UFO" means an alien spacecraft in this discussion going forward.

Second, ridicule is not a means to dismiss this argument. I will use only high-level modern day witnesses, historical witnesses, and logic in my arguments.

I look forward to an intelligent discussion.

So since I'm in Phoenix now, I'll start with the Phoenix Lights in 1997.

#1: The Phoenix Lights
Thousands of people reported a very large V-shaped UFO that was witnessed across the state. Soon thereafter, the local Air Force base dropped a series of flares to confuse the public, and they are what most people see in the well-known circular-light videos. However, those flares were not what was reported by the eyewitnesses, including the then-Governor, Fife Symington, who has testified to what he saw. At first, he used ridicule to dismiss it to avoid public panic. But he has since been very straight-forward as to what he saw and why he ridiculed it, and is a staunch UFO-advocate.

Many other people also collaborate the huge V-shaped craft that hovered and also flew very rapidly across the state north-to-south. And it was seen in Phoenix around 8:30pm. The Air Force response was that they dropped flares as a routine exercise around Phoenix at around 10:00pm and claim that is what the eyewitnesses saw.

So, to me, it is either a UFO (meaning aliens), or a very secret government vehicle that they don't want people to know about and has never been used since.

But if they didn't want people to know about it, why did they fly it across the state and over the 6th largest city in the country, unbeknownst and to the dismay to government officials, and then cover it up by dropping flares over Phoenix? They could have easily avoided such speculation by taking a less visible route, and also not risk a malfunction over a heavily populated city by flying over non-populated areas.

So the evidence, and the government response to it, points to a technology that was not in our control and had to be covered-up to avoid public scrutiny. So if not ours, whose?
As far as the deltoid shaped craft over Arizona, that is most likely a military LAV. The DoD has been experimenting with these triangle shaped blimps since the 1970s. And like other blimps they don't make a lot of noise while in flight.

That's not what the Governor and other people witnessed. Unless that dirigible was capable of taking off at high speeds.

The Governor never made any mention of what he saw "taking off at high speeds". (what ever that is).

It was just another triangle as seen from ground level.

Like I've already mentioned, the military has been making them for decades.

I still want to hear from you, you religious shill.... Are you serious?? Can you provide any evidence of V-shaped, or triangular blimps being tested over the US at any time in the last 60 years? You can't just come here and say crazy stuff and not get called out on it.

"the military has been making them for decades"

Please show me proof, and then we will have words...
Airship Technology

The Deltoid Pumpkin Seed

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Have there been visitors from other planets buzzing the Earth throughout history?

Or is it a cultural phenomenon that started in the modern age and fed by cold-war hysteria?

First, the term "UFO" going forward will mean spacecraft piloted or controlled by extra-terrestrials, so I don't have to type "ETUFO" every time. The term "unknown flying object" can be anything. So "UFO" means an alien spacecraft in this discussion going forward.

Second, ridicule is not a means to dismiss this argument. I will use only high-level modern day witnesses, historical witnesses, and logic in my arguments.

I look forward to an intelligent discussion.

So since I'm in Phoenix now, I'll start with the Phoenix Lights in 1997.

#1: The Phoenix Lights
Thousands of people reported a very large V-shaped UFO that was witnessed across the state. Soon thereafter, the local Air Force base dropped a series of flares to confuse the public, and they are what most people see in the well-known circular-light videos. However, those flares were not what was reported by the eyewitnesses, including the then-Governor, Fife Symington, who has testified to what he saw. At first, he used ridicule to dismiss it to avoid public panic. But he has since been very straight-forward as to what he saw and why he ridiculed it, and is a staunch UFO-advocate.

Many other people also collaborate the huge V-shaped craft that hovered and also flew very rapidly across the state north-to-south. And it was seen in Phoenix around 8:30pm. The Air Force response was that they dropped flares as a routine exercise around Phoenix at around 10:00pm and claim that is what the eyewitnesses saw.

So, to me, it is either a UFO (meaning aliens), or a very secret government vehicle that they don't want people to know about and has never been used since.

But if they didn't want people to know about it, why did they fly it across the state and over the 6th largest city in the country, unbeknownst and to the dismay to government officials, and then cover it up by dropping flares over Phoenix? They could have easily avoided such speculation by taking a less visible route, and also not risk a malfunction over a heavily populated city by flying over non-populated areas.

So the evidence, and the government response to it, points to a technology that was not in our control and had to be covered-up to avoid public scrutiny. So if not ours, whose?
As far as the deltoid shaped craft over Arizona, that is most likely a military LAV. The DoD has been experimenting with these triangle shaped blimps since the 1970s. And like other blimps they don't make a lot of noise while in flight.

That's not what the Governor and other people witnessed. Unless that dirigible was capable of taking off at high speeds.

The Governor never made any mention of what he saw "taking off at high speeds". (what ever that is).

It was just another triangle as seen from ground level.

Like I've already mentioned, the military has been making them for decades.

I still want to hear from you, you religious shill.... Are you serious?? Can you provide any evidence of V-shaped, or triangular blimps being tested over the US at any time in the last 60 years? You can't just come here and say crazy stuff and not get called out on it.

"the military has been making them for decades"

Please show me proof, and then we will have words...
Airship Technology

The Deltoid Pumpkin Seed

cover up story for the aliens in the basement


Have there been visitors from other planets buzzing the Earth throughout history?

Or is it a cultural phenomenon that started in the modern age and fed by cold-war hysteria?

First, the term "UFO" going forward will mean spacecraft piloted or controlled by extra-terrestrials, so I don't have to type "ETUFO" every time. The term "unknown flying object" can be anything. So "UFO" means an alien spacecraft in this discussion going forward.

Second, ridicule is not a means to dismiss this argument. I will use only high-level modern day witnesses, historical witnesses, and logic in my arguments.

I look forward to an intelligent discussion.

So since I'm in Phoenix now, I'll start with the Phoenix Lights in 1997.

#1: The Phoenix Lights
Thousands of people reported a very large V-shaped UFO that was witnessed across the state. Soon thereafter, the local Air Force base dropped a series of flares to confuse the public, and they are what most people see in the well-known circular-light videos. However, those flares were not what was reported by the eyewitnesses, including the then-Governor, Fife Symington, who has testified to what he saw. At first, he used ridicule to dismiss it to avoid public panic. But he has since been very straight-forward as to what he saw and why he ridiculed it, and is a staunch UFO-advocate.

Many other people also collaborate the huge V-shaped craft that hovered and also flew very rapidly across the state north-to-south. And it was seen in Phoenix around 8:30pm. The Air Force response was that they dropped flares as a routine exercise around Phoenix at around 10:00pm and claim that is what the eyewitnesses saw.

So, to me, it is either a UFO (meaning aliens), or a very secret government vehicle that they don't want people to know about and has never been used since.

But if they didn't want people to know about it, why did they fly it across the state and over the 6th largest city in the country, unbeknownst and to the dismay to government officials, and then cover it up by dropping flares over Phoenix? They could have easily avoided such speculation by taking a less visible route, and also not risk a malfunction over a heavily populated city by flying over non-populated areas.

So the evidence, and the government response to it, points to a technology that was not in our control and had to be covered-up to avoid public scrutiny. So if not ours, whose?
As far as the deltoid shaped craft over Arizona, that is most likely a military LAV. The DoD has been experimenting with these triangle shaped blimps since the 1970s. And like other blimps they don't make a lot of noise while in flight.

That's not what the Governor and other people witnessed. Unless that dirigible was capable of taking off at high speeds.

The Governor never made any mention of what he saw "taking off at high speeds". (what ever that is).

It was just another triangle as seen from ground level.

Like I've already mentioned, the military has been making them for decades.

I still want to hear from you, you religious shill.... Are you serious?? Can you provide any evidence of V-shaped, or triangular blimps being tested over the US at any time in the last 60 years? You can't just come here and say crazy stuff and not get called out on it.

"the military has been making them for decades"

Please show me proof, and then we will have words...
Airship Technology

The Deltoid Pumpkin Seed

Where has anybody reported that as an UFO?

I can understand if some crazy mutant butt cheeks were reported in the sky, but it has never happened.

Which UFO reports I have provided does that craft disprove? Present and past...
I can do better than that...

Have there been visitors from other planets buzzing the Earth throughout history?

Or is it a cultural phenomenon that started in the modern age and fed by cold-war hysteria?

First, the term "UFO" going forward will mean spacecraft piloted or controlled by extra-terrestrials, so I don't have to type "ETUFO" every time. The term "unknown flying object" can be anything. So "UFO" means an alien spacecraft in this discussion going forward.

Second, ridicule is not a means to dismiss this argument. I will use only high-level modern day witnesses, historical witnesses, and logic in my arguments.

I look forward to an intelligent discussion.

So since I'm in Phoenix now, I'll start with the Phoenix Lights in 1997.

#1: The Phoenix Lights
Thousands of people reported a very large V-shaped UFO that was witnessed across the state. Soon thereafter, the local Air Force base dropped a series of flares to confuse the public, and they are what most people see in the well-known circular-light videos. However, those flares were not what was reported by the eyewitnesses, including the then-Governor, Fife Symington, who has testified to what he saw. At first, he used ridicule to dismiss it to avoid public panic. But he has since been very straight-forward as to what he saw and why he ridiculed it, and is a staunch UFO-advocate.

Many other people also collaborate the huge V-shaped craft that hovered and also flew very rapidly across the state north-to-south. And it was seen in Phoenix around 8:30pm. The Air Force response was that they dropped flares as a routine exercise around Phoenix at around 10:00pm and claim that is what the eyewitnesses saw.

So, to me, it is either a UFO (meaning aliens), or a very secret government vehicle that they don't want people to know about and has never been used since.

But if they didn't want people to know about it, why did they fly it across the state and over the 6th largest city in the country, unbeknownst and to the dismay to government officials, and then cover it up by dropping flares over Phoenix? They could have easily avoided such speculation by taking a less visible route, and also not risk a malfunction over a heavily populated city by flying over non-populated areas.

So the evidence, and the government response to it, points to a technology that was not in our control and had to be covered-up to avoid public scrutiny. So if not ours, whose?
As far as the deltoid shaped craft over Arizona, that is most likely a military LAV. The DoD has been experimenting with these triangle shaped blimps since the 1970s. And like other blimps they don't make a lot of noise while in flight.

That's not what the Governor and other people witnessed. Unless that dirigible was capable of taking off at high speeds.

The Governor never made any mention of what he saw "taking off at high speeds". (what ever that is).

It was just another triangle as seen from ground level.

Like I've already mentioned, the military has been making them for decades.

I still want to hear from you, you religious shill.... Are you serious?? Can you provide any evidence of V-shaped, or triangular blimps being tested over the US at any time in the last 60 years? You can't just come here and say crazy stuff and not get called out on it.

"the military has been making them for decades"

Please show me proof, and then we will have words...
Airship Technology

The Deltoid Pumpkin Seed

And FYI, your pic and your link are two different things. The pic is not of a triangular or V-shaped blimp. And the link for the deltoid pumpkin is a fictional short-story about something totally unrelated.

What exactly are you trying to do with such nonsense? You think I won't check it?

Have you checked my evidence? I hope you do...
Can either of you two provide any input besides jokes?

I love that Two Thumbs "liked" it...
So an alien spaceship lands on this husband and wife's property.

They walk out into their yard to see what it is.

Out come two aliens, a male and a female.

The husband and wife greet them, invite them in, and after a few hours of conversation and drinks, decide it would be kind of kinky to have sex with them, being the swingers that they are.

So they go into seperate bedrooms to have some fun.

When the male alien drops his pants, his penis is tiny and pencil thin. The wife rides him but complains it is too small. The alien simply says to turn his ear. Frustrated, she turns his right ear and his penis gets very plump. She turns his left ear and his penis gets very long!!! They have a really fun time that night.

The next morning, the aliens are gone, and the husband asks his wife how her night was. She says "It was great! It was incredible!! How was yours?"

The husband says, "It was ok, but she kept twisting my ears..."
Have there been visitors from other planets buzzing the Earth throughout history?

Or is it a cultural phenomenon that started in the modern age and fed by cold-war hysteria?

First, the term "UFO" going forward will mean spacecraft piloted or controlled by extra-terrestrials, so I don't have to type "ETUFO" every time. The term "unknown flying object" can be anything. So "UFO" means an alien spacecraft in this discussion going forward.

Second, ridicule is not a means to dismiss this argument. I will use only high-level modern day witnesses, historical witnesses, and logic in my arguments.

I look forward to an intelligent discussion.

So since I'm in Phoenix now, I'll start with the Phoenix Lights in 1997.

#1: The Phoenix Lights
Thousands of people reported a very large V-shaped UFO that was witnessed across the state. Soon thereafter, the local Air Force base dropped a series of flares to confuse the public, and they are what most people see in the well-known circular-light videos. However, those flares were not what was reported by the eyewitnesses, including the then-Governor, Fife Symington, who has testified to what he saw. At first, he used ridicule to dismiss it to avoid public panic. But he has since been very straight-forward as to what he saw and why he ridiculed it, and is a staunch UFO-advocate.

Many other people also collaborate the huge V-shaped craft that hovered and also flew very rapidly across the state north-to-south. And it was seen in Phoenix around 8:30pm. The Air Force response was that they dropped flares as a routine exercise around Phoenix at around 10:00pm and claim that is what the eyewitnesses saw.

So, to me, it is either a UFO (meaning aliens), or a very secret government vehicle that they don't want people to know about and has never been used since.

But if they didn't want people to know about it, why did they fly it across the state and over the 6th largest city in the country, unbeknownst and to the dismay to government officials, and then cover it up by dropping flares over Phoenix? They could have easily avoided such speculation by taking a less visible route, and also not risk a malfunction over a heavily populated city by flying over non-populated areas.

So the evidence, and the government response to it, points to a technology that was not in our control and had to be covered-up to avoid public scrutiny. So if not ours, whose?

So, you two...

If you happen to take the time to read the report, and listen to the audio as it happened (and make sure you listen to the end because I will test you)...

Do you still want to attribute it to the "butt blimp"?
This blimp is definitely not triangular, V-shaped, or circular. And cannot move suddenly at high speeds.

You might as well put up a picture of the Goodyear blimp...

Why would you even post that picture as an explanation??? Look at it... fer crying out loud...

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Lets use some logic.

The distance between us and the next nearest system is light generations away. so that would require an absurdly long living creature that wouldn't go mad with boredom.

So a piloted craft is out

OUR satellites are so good they can be used to read the paper, so there's no need for a craft to come within our own eye sight.

There is nothing here that is not out there unless they are coming here to eat. And since no one has been eaten and no vast regions of crops destroyed....

Two dimensional thinking has been the downfall of many. Just because we do not know how to travel to other star systems in a timely manner, does not mean others can't do it. I am not saying yea or nay, just that we don't know what's out there. Do you know how big the galaxy we reside in is? I don't either, but they say our entire solar system (which by the way is HUGE!) exists in one tiny speck of it.

These drawings out in South America, are indeed a mystery, as are many ancient remains of things. How did the ancients create and move precisely cut 50 ton pieces of rock? I don't know that either, but they or someone did it. The evidence is there.

There are many theories floating around that suggest, while the speed of light may be an unsurpassable constant, other forms of locomotion may be possible. One such possible means is wormhole travel. Einstein himself expounded upon this is his treatise on the Einstein-Rosen bridge. Also, "they" seem to think that some form of inter-dimensional travel is possible.

One theory I have heard about where these aliens come from is the moon. Yes, the moon. The theory suggests that the reason we didn't ever go back to the moon is that we found structures there, and that is where the little grey aliens come from. This sounds like a nutter theory, but hey, is it really anymore far out then FTL travel and aliens watching us for the last 200,000 years? Not hardly.

BTW, if aliens have been watching and studying us for hundreds of centuries, WTF are they waiting for? :) I mean how long do you have to study something before you go down and say, "Hey, take me to your leader!" also, what we may be seeing is our own miltary playing around with newly developed craft that are uber-top top top secret. Some people say that we have craft right now that we have used to go to Mars, and made the round trip visit in less than 2 weeks!

But they are rumors and such. Let me tell you about rumors. One year at the prison we had all heard that come the new year, the prisons contract was going to change and among the many many changes, we would be getting new, more with the times, uniforms. I hated the old ones that were white shirts and blue pants. Suck-o! Well the assistant warden had a meeting one day and was telling us all about the changes. I said when do we get the new uniforms? She says, "What new uniforms"? LMAO.

So much for rumors.

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The stealth bomber cannot hover, fly slowly, take off suddenly, or account for the sizes of the crafts reported. Or explain past up-close eye-witness reports from highly credible people such as Gordon Cooper prior to its development.

Keep trying... (waiting for ball-lightning and swamp gas)
Here is exploration team alpha's discussion with the supreme commander, upon concluding an exhaustive study of us.

"They're made out of meat."


"Meat. They're made out of meat."


"There's no doubt about it. We picked up several from different parts of the planet, took them aboard our recon vessels, and probed them all the way through. They're completely meat."

"That's impossible. What about the radio signals? The messages to the stars?"

"They use the radio waves to talk, but the signals don't come from them. The signals come from machines."

"So who made the machines? That's who we want to contact."

"They made the machines. That's what I'm trying to tell you. Meat made the machines."

"That's ridiculous. How can meat make a machine? You're asking me to believe in sentient meat."

"I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. These creatures are the only sentient race in that sector and they're made out of meat."

"Maybe they're like the orfolei. You know, a carbon-based intelligence that goes through a meat stage."

"Nope. They're born meat and they die meat. We studied them for several of their life spans, which didn't take long. Do you have any idea what's the life span of meat?"

"Spare me. Okay, maybe they're only part meat. You know, like the weddilei. A meat head with an electron plasma brain inside."

"Nope. We thought of that, since they do have meat heads, like the weddilei. But I told you, we probed them. They're meat all the way through."

"No brain?"

"Oh, there's a brain all right. It's just that the brain is made out of meat! That's what I've been trying to tell you."

"So ... what does the thinking?"

"You're not understanding, are you? You're refusing to deal with what I'm telling you. The brain does the thinking. The meat."

"Thinking meat! You're asking me to believe in thinking meat!"

"Yes, thinking meat! Conscious meat! Loving meat. Dreaming meat. The meat is the whole deal! Are you beginning to get the picture or do I have to start all over?"

"Omigod. You're serious then. They're made out of meat."

"Thank you. Finally. Yes. They are indeed made out of meat. And they've been trying to get in touch with us for almost a hundred of their years."

"Omigod. So what does this meat have in mind?"

"First it wants to talk to us. Then I imagine it wants to explore the Universe, contact other sentiences, swap ideas and information. The usual."

"We're supposed to talk to meat."

"That's the idea. That's the message they're sending out by radio. 'Hello. Anyone out there. Anybody home.' That sort of thing."

"They actually do talk, then. They use words, ideas, concepts?"
"Oh, yes. Except they do it with meat."

"I thought you just told me they used radio."

"They do, but what do you think is on the radio? Meat sounds. You know how when you slap or flap meat, it makes a noise? They talk by flapping their meat at each other. They can even sing by squirting air through their meat."

"Omigod. Singing meat. This is altogether too much. So what do you advise?"

"Officially or unofficially?"


"Officially, we are required to contact, welcome and log in any and all sentient races or multibeings in this quadrant of the Universe, without prejudice, fear or favor. Unofficially, I advise that we erase the records and forget the whole thing."

"I was hoping you would say that."

"It seems harsh, but there is a limit. Do we really want to make contact with meat?"

"I agree one hundred percent. What's there to say? 'Hello, meat. How's it going?' But will this work? How many planets are we dealing with here?"

"Just one. They can travel to other planets in special meat containers, but they can't live on them. And being meat, they can only travel through C space. Which limits them to the speed of light and makes the possibility of their ever making contact pretty slim. Infinitesimal, in fact."

"So we just pretend there's no one home in the Universe."

"That's it."

"Cruel. But you said it yourself, who wants to meet meat? And the ones who have been aboard our vessels, the ones you probed? You're sure they won't remember?"

"They'll be considered crackpots if they do. We went into their heads and smoothed out their meat so that we're just a dream to them."

"A dream to meat! How strangely appropriate, that we should be meat's dream."

"And we marked the entire sector unoccupied."

"Good. Agreed, officially and unofficially. Case closed. Any others? Anyone interesting on that side of the galaxy?"

"Yes, a rather shy but sweet hydrogen core cluster intelligence in a class nine star in G445 zone. Was in contact two galactic rotations ago, wants to be friendly again."

"They always come around."

"And why not? Imagine how unbearably, how unutterably cold the Universe would be if one were all alone ..."
FTL communication has already been shown with quantum mechanics experiments, which show that two particles can communicate over a large area, faster than light can get there. Regardless, space travel doesn't need to be that fast, if it can bend space-time as needed. A wormhole is how it is popularly explained, but all they need to do is bring the point to them and cross it, and snap back. And that explains the abrupt changes in direction that these crafts have been witnessed to do. That would otherwise kill anything inside due to the G's and physics involved.

The stealth bomber cannot hover, fly slowly, take off suddenly, or account for the sizes of the crafts reported. Or explain past up-close eye-witness reports from highly credible people such as Gordon Cooper prior to its development.

Keep trying... (waiting for ball-lightning and swamp gas)
You wanted to see a triangular aircraft and I showed you an example. So you have nothing to bitch and whine about.

What you do not seem to comprehend is what an incredible leap of logic it is to come to the conclusion that some flying object that is unidentified by an observer is piloted by an ET from another planet.
You showed a butt blimp, and then the obvious stealth bomber. Neither of which explain what has been seen by hundreds of thousands of people in the modern age, and countless others in the past. Nor do they even slightly resemble anything I have brought up so far in this thread.

You're just regurgitating obvious debunker arguments, and then making jokes of any points I bring up.

There are only two people so far who have voted that alien UFO's are physically impossible. And I have to think you and your friend are those two people. And you have behaved like Beavis and Butthead so far, making silly jokes and laughing at it among yourselves. But you haven't brought anything to the table besides a butt-blimp and a stealth bomber.

Honestly, I think you were both born into fundamentalist religious families. And you realized those ideas were wrong. So you leaped onto the science bandwagon and took a mental snapshot, and you're stuck on that mental snapshot of science that is no longer up to date.

You jumped out of one box (religion), and into another (scientific religion). And you got stuck there.

You have no ability to see outside of your boxes. To see other possibilities. I'm trying to help by explaining other alternative realities that have definite possibilities.

You just need to peek outside of your box once in a while...
Oh, and you pasted a link to a fictional short-story as evidence...

Jus sayin...

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