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'EU aid funds PA incitement'


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
A British taxpayer watchdog group unveiled two reports on Monday detailing the role of European foreign aid in the transmission of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic narratives in Palestinian Authority schools and media in Jerusalem.

The reports, “Palestinian Hate Education Since Annapolis” and “Funding Hate Education,” detail what the Taxpayers’ Alliance refers to as a campaign of “demonizing Israel” largely funded by European taxpayers, a policy it says diminishes long-term hopes for peace.

The Taxpayers’ Alliance said it has taken up the issue of incitement against Israel in the Palestinian territories because it believes there must be greater scrutiny of aid programs for the PA, so that taxpayer money from the UK and the EU no longer funds programs that harm the peace process and the national interests of British and EU citizens.

Matthew Sinclair, research director for the Taxpayers’ Alliance, said at a press briefing in Jerusalem, held with Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon, that in Palestinian society, “we’re looking at a population where 42 percent are under the age of 15. You have a huge younger generation whose views are going to shape the situation for a long time.

“Peace lies in the hearts and minds of people and it’s vital that the right attitudes are encouraged in people and the right conditions are created for peace,” Sinclair continued.

“It’s rare we see it [foreign aid] doing as much harm to the British taxpayers as we do in this case,” he said.

According to the Taxpayers’ Alliance, European foreign aid provided to the PA, including €420 million and £63.6m. in 2007 alone, “create a responsibility to ensure that the Palestinian Authority does not misuse its budget.”

'EU aid funds PA incitement'
A British taxpayer watchdog group unveiled two reports on Monday detailing the role of European foreign aid in the transmission of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic narratives in Palestinian Authority schools and media in Jerusalem.

The reports, “Palestinian Hate Education Since Annapolis” and “Funding Hate Education,” detail what the Taxpayers’ Alliance refers to as a campaign of “demonizing Israel” largely funded by European taxpayers, a policy it says diminishes long-term hopes for peace.

The Taxpayers’ Alliance said it has taken up the issue of incitement against Israel in the Palestinian territories because it believes there must be greater scrutiny of aid programs for the PA, so that taxpayer money from the UK and the EU no longer funds programs that harm the peace process and the national interests of British and EU citizens.

Matthew Sinclair, research director for the Taxpayers’ Alliance, said at a press briefing in Jerusalem, held with Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon, that in Palestinian society, “we’re looking at a population where 42 percent are under the age of 15. You have a huge younger generation whose views are going to shape the situation for a long time.

“Peace lies in the hearts and minds of people and it’s vital that the right attitudes are encouraged in people and the right conditions are created for peace,” Sinclair continued.

“It’s rare we see it [foreign aid] doing as much harm to the British taxpayers as we do in this case,” he said.

According to the Taxpayers’ Alliance, European foreign aid provided to the PA, including €420 million and £63.6m. in 2007 alone, “create a responsibility to ensure that the Palestinian Authority does not misuse its budget.”

'EU aid funds PA incitement'

There was no mention about what incitement they were talking about. Also there was no mention as to what anti-Israel and anti-Semitic narratives they were talking about. This is very vague and meaningless. Where are the details?
A British taxpayer watchdog group unveiled two reports on Monday detailing the role of European foreign aid in the transmission of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic narratives in Palestinian Authority schools and media in Jerusalem.

The reports, “Palestinian Hate Education Since Annapolis” and “Funding Hate Education,” detail what the Taxpayers’ Alliance refers to as a campaign of “demonizing Israel” largely funded by European taxpayers, a policy it says diminishes long-term hopes for peace.

The Taxpayers’ Alliance said it has taken up the issue of incitement against Israel in the Palestinian territories because it believes there must be greater scrutiny of aid programs for the PA, so that taxpayer money from the UK and the EU no longer funds programs that harm the peace process and the national interests of British and EU citizens.

Matthew Sinclair, research director for the Taxpayers’ Alliance, said at a press briefing in Jerusalem, held with Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon, that in Palestinian society, “we’re looking at a population where 42 percent are under the age of 15. You have a huge younger generation whose views are going to shape the situation for a long time.

“Peace lies in the hearts and minds of people and it’s vital that the right attitudes are encouraged in people and the right conditions are created for peace,” Sinclair continued.

“It’s rare we see it [foreign aid] doing as much harm to the British taxpayers as we do in this case,” he said.

According to the Taxpayers’ Alliance, European foreign aid provided to the PA, including €420 million and £63.6m. in 2007 alone, “create a responsibility to ensure that the Palestinian Authority does not misuse its budget.”

'EU aid funds PA incitement'

There was no mention about what incitement they were talking about. Also there was no mention as to what anti-Israel and anti-Semitic narratives they were talking about. This is very vague and meaningless. Where are the details?

Funding Hate Education shows that part of the £47.5 million of British aid to Palestine is supporting:

Textbooks that praise insurgents in Iraq, argue for the execution of apostates and idealise martyrdom.

Television broadcasts, many aimed at children, that urge violence against non-Muslims and promote the view that Israel should not exist.

The TaxPayers' Alliance - Campaign: How British taxpayers are funding hate education and violence in the Middle East

For starters.

Here is the full report:


Check out the exhibits at the end of the reports for more examples, and the text will place them in context. There are also other goodies such as:

Exhibit 2.8: Ahmad Bahar, Acting Speaker of Palestinian Legislative Council,
Palestinian Authority TV, 20 April 2007 23

“Our people was afflicted by the cancerous lump, that is the Jews, in the
heart of the Arab nation… America is on its way to disappear, America is
wallowing [in blood] today in Iraq and Afghanistan, America is defeated
and Israel is defeated, and was defeated in Lebanon and Palestine… Make
us victorious over the infidel people… Allah, take hold of the Jews and
their allies, Allah, take hold of the Americans and their allies… Allah, count
them and kill them to the last one and don’t leave even one.”
Who is behind the Taxpayers' Alliance?

Who is behind the Taxpayers' Alliance? | Politics | The Guardian

Who really wrote this piece? The translations were provided by PMW an arm of Israeli propaganda.

PMW - Palwatch.org

Who’s who at PMW
Itamar Marcus, Director
Itamar Marcus, Founder and Director of Palestinian Media Watch, is one of the foremost authorities on Palestinian ideology and policy. Mr. Marcus was appointed by the Israel Government to represent Israel in negotiations with the Palestinian Authority on Incitement.

This looks more like a hit piece than actual reporting.
It is undoubted that Palestinian education demonizes Israel and teaches that Jews are the source of all problems.
It is undoubted that the PA gets unprecedented funding from the EU.

So which part of the report is false?
Reports on Palestinian kids’ hatred grossly exaggerated
by Len Traubman

"Where do persistent reports of incitement in Palestinian textbooks come from?" asks Nathan Brown, a Jewish professor of political science at George Washington University.

"Virtually all can be traced back to the work of a single organization, the 'Center for Monitoring the Impact of Peace,'" founded by Israeli Itamar Marcus. Those involved "rely on misleading and tendentious reports to support their claim of incitement," writes Brown, in a 2001 report delivered at Israel's Adam Institute for Democracy and Peace.

Reports on Palestinian kids' hatred grossly exaggerated | j. the Jewish news weekly of Northern California

Itamar Marcus (just in case someone out there doesn't know) is an extremist Israeli settler who is on a mission to convince the world that Palestinians are a subhuman death cult who only produce children in order to indoctrinate them to become suicide bombers.

Marcus lives in the illegal squatter camp of Efrat (established in 1980 deep in the Palestinian West Bank between Bethlehem and Hebron.) His goal is to inflame Islamophobia in the Western world, to demonize and delegitimatize Muslims in general and Palestinians in particular.

Marcus is the hate-monger behind both "Palestinian Media Watch" and the "Center for Monitoring the Impact of Peace," his personal anti-Palestinian propaganda factories. Marcus is also the featured looney-tune in such Islamophobic garbage as “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War with the West.”

Just for kicks, let's look at what Israeli textbooks teach their kids, according to Israeli scholars:

"The Arab Image in Hebrew School Textbooks" by professor Dan Bar-Tal of the Tel Aviv University makes a study of 124 textbooks used in Israeli schools and reports that "over the years, generations of Israeli Jews were taught a negative and often delegitimizing view of Arabs." The two main traits of Arabs in the textbooks are "primitiveness, inferiority in comparison to Jews" and "their violence, to characteristics like brutality, untrustworthiness, cruelty, fanaticism, treacherousness and aggressiveness."

In the 1980s and 1990s, "Geography books for the elementary and junior high schools stereotype Arabs negatively, as primitive, dirty, agitated, aggressive, and hostile to Jews … history books in the elementary schools hardly mention Arabs … history textbooks of the high schools, the majority of which cover the Arab-Jewish conflict, stereotype the Arabs negatively. Arabs are presented as intransigent and uncompromising.

"The parents and the grandparents of the present generation," says Bar-Tal, "were provided with the same negative image of the Arabs in their school textbooks as we see today, within the context of the prolonged Jewish-Arab conflict. One might add that it takes many years to rewrite school textbooks and a few generations to change the societal beliefs about the stereotyping and delegitimization of the Arabs."

Palestine - Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture

Israeli writer/researcher Adir Cohen, in his book "Ugly Face in the Mirror," examines the nature of children's upbringing in Israel.

One section of the book was based on the results of a survey taken of a group of 4th to 6th grade Jewish students at a school in Haifa. The pupils were asked five questions about their attitude toward Arabs, how they recognize them and how they relate to them. The results were as shocking as they were disturbing:

Seventy five percent of the children described the “Arab” as a murderer, one who kidnaps children, a criminal and a terrorist. Eighty percent said they saw the Arab as someone dirty with a terrifying face. Ninety percent of the students stated they believe that Palestinians have no rights whatsoever to the land in Israel or Palestine

Cohen also researched 1,700 Israeli children’s books published after 1967. He found that 520 of the books contained humiliating, negative descriptions of Palestinians. He also took pains to break down the descriptions:

Sixty six percent of the 520 books refer to Arabs as violent; 52 percent as evil; 37 percent as liars; 31 percent as greedy; 28 percent as two-faced; 27 percent as traitors, etc.

Cohen points out that the authors of these children’s books effectively instill hatred toward Arabs by means of stripping them of their human nature and classifying them in another category. In a sampling of 86 books, Cohen counted the following descriptions used to dehumanize Arabs: Murderer was used 21 times; snake, 6 times; dirty, 9 times; vicious animal, 17 times; bloodthirsty, 21 times; warmonger, 17 times; killer, 13 times; believer in myths, 9 times; and a camel’s hump, 2 times.

Cohen’s study concludes that such descriptions of Arabs are part and parcel of convictions and a culture rampant in Hebrew literature and history books. He writes that Israeli authors and writers confess to deliberately portraying the Arab character in this way, particularly to their younger audience, in order to influence their outlook early on so as to prepare them to deal with Arabs.

Israeli Textbooks and Children’s Literature Promote Racism and Hatred Toward Palestinians and Arabs

As far as the "cancer" quote, I'd like to see it in the original Arabic. I suspect he may have been referring to the illegal Israeli settlements, but it's hard to say without the actual quote. Even so, it wouldn't be without precedent:

"Q: There is something surprising in the fact that you see the Palestinian threat as an existential threat.

"A: The characteristics of that threat are invisible, like cancer. When you are attacked externally, you see the attack, you are wounded. Cancer, on the other hand, is something internal. Therefore, I find it more disturbing, because here the diagnosis is critical. If the diagnosis is wrong and people say it's not cancer but a headache, then the response is irrelevant. But I maintain that it is cancer. My professional diagnosis is that there is a phenomenon here that constitutes an existential threat.

"Q: Does that mean that what you are doing now, as chief of staff, in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, is applying chemotherapy?

A: There are all kinds of solutions to cancerous manifestations. Some will say it is necessary to amputate organs. But at the moment, I am applying chemotherapy, yes."

-Israeli Chief of Staff Moshe Ya’alon, interview with Haaretz, “The Enemy Within,” August 30 2002

The enemy within - Haaretz - Israel News

And of course in 2001, Rehavam Zeevi, Israel’s "Minister of Tourism,” referred to Palestinians working or living illegally in Israel as “lice” and a “cancer.”

(Zeevi was the founder of the extremist Moledet party, which enthusiastically advocated the expulsion of all Arabs living in the West Bank and Gaza. Zeevi urged that this could be easily accomplished by such various means as military force, or cutting electricity and water to force Palestinians to leave their land... he called this “volunteer” transfer.)
It is undoubted that Palestinian education demonizes Israel and teaches that Jews are the source of all problems.
It is undoubted that the PA gets unprecedented funding from the EU.

So which part of the report is false?

On the "Funding Hate Proof" from the TPA


On page 24 they state: Exhibit A1: Palestinian Authority map of Palestine without Israel

The Palestinian Authority may be pursuing peace at the negotiating table but if they continue to use their education system to teach hate to future generations of Palestinians they sow the seeds of future conflict. At the same time they promote the view, among Palestinians, that Israel’s existence is not a given. A map of Israel and Palestine with the entire area covered in the Palestinian flag was shown on Palestinian Authority TV the very day after the leadership pledged to negotiate towards a peaceful settlement by the end of next year at the Annapolis peace conference.

By teaching hate they mean that Palestine displays their flag. The flag they display is the actual map of Palestine within its legal borders. Why would this be considered teaching hate? PMW has a whole page demonizing Palestine for actually telling the truth.

Maps & Symbols | PMW
Last edited:
It seems that something is missing from all of these maps:


Road map purchased in Israel


Inset from road map purchased in Israel


Map from book purchased in Israel titled "Places in History: Israel"


Map puchased at bookstore at Ben-Gurion airport


Map from book purchased in Israel titled "A Quick Guide to Customs and Etiquette: Israel"


Postcard purchased in Jerusalem


Refrigerator magnet purchased in hotel gift shop in Jerusalem


T-shirt purchased in Jerusalem
It seems that something is missing from all of these maps:


Road map purchased in Israel


Inset from road map purchased in Israel


Map from book purchased in Israel titled "Places in History: Israel"


Map puchased at bookstore at Ben-Gurion airport


Map from book purchased in Israel titled "A Quick Guide to Customs and Etiquette: Israel"


Postcard purchased in Jerusalem


Refrigerator magnet purchased in hotel gift shop in Jerusalem


T-shirt purchased in Jerusalem

Since Israel has no borders, they just use Palestine's.
It seems that something is missing from all of these maps:


Road map purchased in Israel


Inset from road map purchased in Israel


Map from book purchased in Israel titled "Places in History: Israel"


Map puchased at bookstore at Ben-Gurion airport

And what would that be?
It seems that something is missing from all of these maps:

And what would that be?

They are missing even the slightest hint of the fact that the West Bank (including the cities noted such as Bethlehem, Hebron, Jericho, Nablus, etc.) and the Golan Heights are not part of the State of Israel at all. And only one of the maps bothers to show that Gaza is not Israeli territory.
Reports on Palestinian kids’ hatred grossly exaggerated
by Len Traubman

"Where do persistent reports of incitement in Palestinian textbooks come from?" asks Nathan Brown, a Jewish professor of political science at George Washington University.

"Virtually all can be traced back to the work of a single organization, the 'Center for Monitoring the Impact of Peace,'" founded by Israeli Itamar Marcus. Those involved "rely on misleading and tendentious reports to support their claim of incitement," writes Brown, in a 2001 report delivered at Israel's Adam Institute for Democracy and Peace.

Reports on Palestinian kids' hatred grossly exaggerated | j. the Jewish news weekly of Northern California

Itamar Marcus (just in case someone out there doesn't know) is an extremist Israeli settler who is on a mission to convince the world that Palestinians are a subhuman death cult who only produce children in order to indoctrinate them to become suicide bombers.

Marcus lives in the illegal squatter camp of Efrat (established in 1980 deep in the Palestinian West Bank between Bethlehem and Hebron.) His goal is to inflame Islamophobia in the Western world, to demonize and delegitimatize Muslims in general and Palestinians in particular.

Marcus is the hate-monger behind both "Palestinian Media Watch" and the "Center for Monitoring the Impact of Peace," his personal anti-Palestinian propaganda factories. Marcus is also the featured looney-tune in such Islamophobic garbage as “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War with the West.”

Just for kicks, let's look at what Israeli textbooks teach their kids, according to Israeli scholars:

"The Arab Image in Hebrew School Textbooks" by professor Dan Bar-Tal of the Tel Aviv University makes a study of 124 textbooks used in Israeli schools and reports that "over the years, generations of Israeli Jews were taught a negative and often delegitimizing view of Arabs." The two main traits of Arabs in the textbooks are "primitiveness, inferiority in comparison to Jews" and "their violence, to characteristics like brutality, untrustworthiness, cruelty, fanaticism, treacherousness and aggressiveness."

In the 1980s and 1990s, "Geography books for the elementary and junior high schools stereotype Arabs negatively, as primitive, dirty, agitated, aggressive, and hostile to Jews … history books in the elementary schools hardly mention Arabs … history textbooks of the high schools, the majority of which cover the Arab-Jewish conflict, stereotype the Arabs negatively. Arabs are presented as intransigent and uncompromising.

"The parents and the grandparents of the present generation," says Bar-Tal, "were provided with the same negative image of the Arabs in their school textbooks as we see today, within the context of the prolonged Jewish-Arab conflict. One might add that it takes many years to rewrite school textbooks and a few generations to change the societal beliefs about the stereotyping and delegitimization of the Arabs."

Palestine - Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture

Israeli writer/researcher Adir Cohen, in his book "Ugly Face in the Mirror," examines the nature of children's upbringing in Israel.

One section of the book was based on the results of a survey taken of a group of 4th to 6th grade Jewish students at a school in Haifa. The pupils were asked five questions about their attitude toward Arabs, how they recognize them and how they relate to them. The results were as shocking as they were disturbing:

Seventy five percent of the children described the “Arab” as a murderer, one who kidnaps children, a criminal and a terrorist. Eighty percent said they saw the Arab as someone dirty with a terrifying face. Ninety percent of the students stated they believe that Palestinians have no rights whatsoever to the land in Israel or Palestine

Cohen also researched 1,700 Israeli children’s books published after 1967. He found that 520 of the books contained humiliating, negative descriptions of Palestinians. He also took pains to break down the descriptions:

Sixty six percent of the 520 books refer to Arabs as violent; 52 percent as evil; 37 percent as liars; 31 percent as greedy; 28 percent as two-faced; 27 percent as traitors, etc.

Cohen points out that the authors of these children’s books effectively instill hatred toward Arabs by means of stripping them of their human nature and classifying them in another category. In a sampling of 86 books, Cohen counted the following descriptions used to dehumanize Arabs: Murderer was used 21 times; snake, 6 times; dirty, 9 times; vicious animal, 17 times; bloodthirsty, 21 times; warmonger, 17 times; killer, 13 times; believer in myths, 9 times; and a camel’s hump, 2 times.

Cohen’s study concludes that such descriptions of Arabs are part and parcel of convictions and a culture rampant in Hebrew literature and history books. He writes that Israeli authors and writers confess to deliberately portraying the Arab character in this way, particularly to their younger audience, in order to influence their outlook early on so as to prepare them to deal with Arabs.

Israeli Textbooks and Children’s Literature Promote Racism and Hatred Toward Palestinians and Arabs

As far as the "cancer" quote, I'd like to see it in the original Arabic. I suspect he may have been referring to the illegal Israeli settlements, but it's hard to say without the actual quote. Even so, it wouldn't be without precedent:

"Q: There is something surprising in the fact that you see the Palestinian threat as an existential threat.

"A: The characteristics of that threat are invisible, like cancer. When you are attacked externally, you see the attack, you are wounded. Cancer, on the other hand, is something internal. Therefore, I find it more disturbing, because here the diagnosis is critical. If the diagnosis is wrong and people say it's not cancer but a headache, then the response is irrelevant. But I maintain that it is cancer. My professional diagnosis is that there is a phenomenon here that constitutes an existential threat.

"Q: Does that mean that what you are doing now, as chief of staff, in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, is applying chemotherapy?

A: There are all kinds of solutions to cancerous manifestations. Some will say it is necessary to amputate organs. But at the moment, I am applying chemotherapy, yes."

-Israeli Chief of Staff Moshe Ya’alon, interview with Haaretz, “The Enemy Within,” August 30 2002

The enemy within - Haaretz - Israel News

And of course in 2001, Rehavam Zeevi, Israel’s "Minister of Tourism,” referred to Palestinians working or living illegally in Israel as “lice” and a “cancer.”

(Zeevi was the founder of the extremist Moledet party, which enthusiastically advocated the expulsion of all Arabs living in the West Bank and Gaza. Zeevi urged that this could be easily accomplished by such various means as military force, or cutting electricity and water to force Palestinians to leave their land... he called this “volunteer” transfer.)

Pestilinians are subhuman. They are trash.
When were the maps made? Because at a certain point they were at least under Israeli control.

I would hazard a guess that these maps were all created after the early 1980s, as they do not attempt to depict the Sinai as part of Israel.

As for "Israeli control" (or what is more accurately termed Israeli occupation) - this does not confer to Israel any legal sovereignty over, or any sort of territorial claim to, the occupied lands. International law is quite clear on the matter - it explicitly prohibits the acquisition of territory by force, or the transfer of the occupying power's population into that occupied territory.

So under internationally recognized laws and the Geneva Convention (to which Israel is a signatory) the West Bank, Gaza, the Golan Heights and Shebaa Farms (as well as occupied Jerusalem) are not part of Israel's territory. Under international law, Israel's continued occupation and colonization of these lands is absolutely illegal.

In fact, even the Israeli government will not make official claims that the entire West Bank and Gaza are part of The State of Israel, as that would compel it to grant citizenship to the approximately 4.75 million Palestinian residents of these areas (or else be acknowledged even by its BFF the U.S. as an Apartheid regime.)

Accepting nearly 5 million non-Jewish citizens is of course unthinkable in Zionist ideology, as it would mean the immediate end of Israel's artificially-created Jewish majority (a forced demographic produced by a combination of mass ethnic cleansing of the "undesired" native Arab population, and mass immigration of foreign Jews.)

Certainly the Israeli government covets this land and has been attempting to annex it for decades. But there's one problem: it does not want to absorb the millions of non-Jewish people who happen to live there. So the Israeli government has devised various strategies to drive Palestinians out of their land piece by piece. Then it simply appropriates each piece in turn as it is ethnically cleansed. It's an ongoing process.
Alternatively, Israel doesn't want the land but doesnt have much choice. They tried returning it to the Jordanians. But strangely the Jordanians aren't any more eager to absorb millions of their Arab brothers than Israelis are. Does Black September ring any bells?
And Israel has tried turning it over to the PA. The result was a victory by Hamas and virtual civil war, with Hamas operatives machine gunning Fatah loyalists in the streets. I can't understand why anyone wouldn't want such fine upstanding citizens.

Please, your Pali talking points are getting old. Post them on al Jazeera or something.
Alternatively, Israel doesn't want the land but doesnt have much choice. They tried returning it to the Jordanians. But strangely the Jordanians aren't any more eager to absorb millions of their Arab brothers than Israelis are. Does Black September ring any bells?
And Israel has tried turning it over to the PA. The result was a victory by Hamas and virtual civil war, with Hamas operatives machine gunning Fatah loyalists in the streets. I can't understand why anyone wouldn't want such fine upstanding citizens.

Please, your Pali talking points are getting old. Post them on al Jazeera or something.

Black September was an Israeli gig. It would not have happened if those people were still at home.

There was no civil war. That was a US/Israel attack on Palestine.
Black September was an Israeli gig. It would not have happened if those people were still at home.

There was no civil war. That was a US/Israel attack on Palestine.

Dummy, open a history book. Black September was King Hussein murdering, wounding and expelling 80,000 Pestilinians.

Even the fucking towel heads hate the Pallies.
Black September was an Israeli gig. It would not have happened if those people were still at home.

There was no civil war. That was a US/Israel attack on Palestine.

Dummy, open a history book. Black September was King Hussein murdering, wounding and expelling 80,000 Pestilinians.

Even the fucking towel heads hate the Pallies.

From where?
Black September was an Israeli gig. It would not have happened if those people were still at home.

There was no civil war. That was a US/Israel attack on Palestine.

Dummy, open a history book. Black September was King Hussein murdering, wounding and expelling 80,000 Pestilinians.

Even the fucking towel heads hate the Pallies.

From where?

Come on, Marc. The standard journalist questions about Black September: Who, what, when, where, and why?

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