EU: Israel settlement approval illegal


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012
" The European Union has warned that the Israeli regime’s decision to approve the construction of some 1,200 settlement units in the occupied Palestinian territories was “illegal.” The warning was made on Monday by Michael Mann, the spokesman for EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton.*"Israeli settlements in the West Bank are illegal under international law and threaten to make a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict impossible," Mann said." PressTV - EU: Israel settlement approval illegal Illegal settlements continue, that threaten to derail peace talks and continue to constitute gross violations of international law. They violate provisions of The Fourth Geneva Convention and The Hague Convention and its provisions regarding Occupations and the powers granted to Occupiers. I will address those provisions in more detail in a subsequent post. Sherri
" The European Union has warned that the Israeli regime’s decision to approve the construction of some 1,200 settlement units in the occupied Palestinian territories was “illegal.” The warning was made on Monday by Michael Mann, the spokesman for EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton.*"Israeli settlements in the West Bank are illegal under international law and threaten to make a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict impossible," Mann said." PressTV - EU: Israel settlement approval illegal Illegal settlements continue, that threaten to derail peace talks and continue to constitute gross violations of international law. They violate provisions of The Fourth Geneva Convention and The Hague Convention and its provisions regarding Occupations and the powers granted to Occupiers. I will address those provisions in more detail in a subsequent post. Sherri

Don't bother. Israel's presence there is absolutely and totally legal.
" The European Union has warned that the Israeli regime’s decision to approve the construction of some 1,200 settlement units in the occupied Palestinian territories was “illegal.” The warning was made on Monday by Michael Mann, the spokesman for EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton.*"Israeli settlements in the West Bank are illegal under international law and threaten to make a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict impossible," Mann said." PressTV - EU: Israel settlement approval illegal Illegal settlements continue, that threaten to derail peace talks and continue to constitute gross violations of international law. They violate provisions of The Fourth Geneva Convention and The Hague Convention and its provisions regarding Occupations and the powers granted to Occupiers. I will address those provisions in more detail in a subsequent post. Sherri

Don't bother. Israel's presence there is absolutely and totally legal.

INTERNATIONAL legal authorities have a higher credibility then a Zionist poster on a discussion board who cannot even provide any legal support whatsoever for her positions.
" The European Union has warned that the Israeli regime’s decision to approve the construction of some 1,200 settlement units in the occupied Palestinian territories was “illegal.” The warning was made on Monday by Michael Mann, the spokesman for EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton.*"Israeli settlements in the West Bank are illegal under international law and threaten to make a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict impossible," Mann said." PressTV - EU: Israel settlement approval illegal Illegal settlements continue, that threaten to derail peace talks and continue to constitute gross violations of international law. They violate provisions of The Fourth Geneva Convention and The Hague Convention and its provisions regarding Occupations and the powers granted to Occupiers. I will address those provisions in more detail in a subsequent post. Sherri

Get yourself a good Jewish lawyer and sue the bastards.
What does the law say about the establishment of settlements in occupied territory?

05-10-2010 FAQ

"It is unlawful under the Fourth Geneva Convention for an occupying power to transfer parts of its own population into the territory it occupies. This means that international humanitarian law prohibits the establishment of settlements, as these are a form of population transfer into occupied territory. Any measure designed to expand or consolidate settlements is also illegal. Confiscation of land to build or expand settlements is similarly prohibited."*What does the law say about the establishment of settlements in occupied territory? - ICRC
" The European Union has warned that the Israeli regime’s decision to approve the construction of some 1,200 settlement units in the occupied Palestinian territories was “illegal.” The warning was made on Monday by Michael Mann, the spokesman for EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton.*"Israeli settlements in the West Bank are illegal under international law and threaten to make a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict impossible," Mann said." PressTV - EU: Israel settlement approval illegal Illegal settlements continue, that threaten to derail peace talks and continue to constitute gross violations of international law. They violate provisions of The Fourth Geneva Convention and The Hague Convention and its provisions regarding Occupations and the powers granted to Occupiers. I will address those provisions in more detail in a subsequent post. Sherri

Get yourself a good Jewish lawyer and sue the bastards.

I am not a party with standing to sue illegal settlers.
What does the law say about the establishment of settlements in occupied territory?

05-10-2010 FAQ

"It is unlawful under the Fourth Geneva Convention for an occupying power to transfer parts of its own population into the territory it occupies. This means that international humanitarian law prohibits the establishment of settlements, as these are a form of population transfer into occupied territory. Any measure designed to expand or consolidate settlements is also illegal. Confiscation of land to build or expand settlements is similarly prohibited."*What does the law say about the establishment of settlements in occupied territory? - ICRC

Who had the land known as the West Bank before the Israelis and who did they capture it from, and how long did they hold on to it for?
What does the law say about the establishment of settlements in occupied territory?

05-10-2010 FAQ

"It is unlawful under the Fourth Geneva Convention for an occupying power to transfer parts of its own population into the territory it occupies. This means that international humanitarian law prohibits the establishment of settlements, as these are a form of population transfer into occupied territory. Any measure designed to expand or consolidate settlements is also illegal. Confiscation of land to build or expand settlements is similarly prohibited."*What does the law say about the establishment of settlements in occupied territory? - ICRC

Who had the land known as the West Bank before the Israelis and who did they capture it from, and how long did they hold on to it for?

No relevance to the issue of Israel occupying East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza today. I am not wasting my time discussing irrelevant issues. That International Red Cross article I provided a link for shows a photo of illegal Jewish settlements in Hebron. IT is Israels present Occupation of lands in the OPT and illegal Jewish settlements that are the issue in the Israeli Palestinian conflict of today. Sherri
What does the law say about the establishment of settlements in occupied territory?

05-10-2010 FAQ

"It is unlawful under the Fourth Geneva Convention for an occupying power to transfer parts of its own population into the territory it occupies. This means that international humanitarian law prohibits the establishment of settlements, as these are a form of population transfer into occupied territory. Any measure designed to expand or consolidate settlements is also illegal. Confiscation of land to build or expand settlements is similarly prohibited."*What does the law say about the establishment of settlements in occupied territory? - ICRC

Who had the land known as the West Bank before the Israelis
and who did they capture it from,
and how long did they hold on to it for?

No relevance to the issue of Israel occupying East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza today. I am not wasting my time discussing irrelevant issues. That International Red Cross article I provided a link for shows a photo of illegal Jewish settlements in Hebron. IT is Israels present Occupation of lands in the OPT and illegal Jewish settlements that are the issue in the Israeli Palestinian conflict of today. Sherri

Oh, yes, it is very relevant. Once again I ask:
Who had the land known as the West Bank before the Israelis
and who did they capture it from,
and how long did they hold on to it for​
"72. By resolution 62 (1948) of 16 November 1948, the Security Council decided that "an armistice shall be established in all sectors of Palestine" and called upon the parties directly involved in the conflict to seek agreement to this end. In conformity with this decision, general armistice agreements were concluded in 1949 between Israel and the neighbouring States through mediation by the United Nations. In particular, one such agreement was signed in Rhodes on 3 April 1949 between Israel and Jordan. Articles V and VI of that Agreement fixed the armistice demarcation line between Israeli and Arab forces (often later called the "Green Line" owing to the colour used for it on maps; hereinafter the "Green Line"). Article III, paragraph 2, provided that "No element of the . . . military or para military forces of either Party . . . shall advance beyond or pass over for any purpose whatsoever the Armistice Demarcation Lines . . ." It was agreed in Article VI, paragraph 8, that these provisions would not be "interpreted as prejudicing, in any sense, an ultimate political settlement between the Parties". It was also stated that "the Armistice Demarcation Lines defined in articles V and VI of [the] Agreement [were] agreed upon by the Parties without prejudice to future territorial settlements or boundary lines or to claims of either Party relating thereto". The Demarcation Line was subject to such rectification as might be agreed upon by the parties." Study Guide: legal status of territories and Jerusalem. That is what The International Court of Justice says about what was happening in Palestine between 1948 and 1967.
Who had the land known as the West Bank before the Israelis
and who did they capture it from,
and how long did they hold on to it for?

No relevance to the issue of Israel occupying East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza today. I am not wasting my time discussing irrelevant issues. That International Red Cross article I provided a link for shows a photo of illegal Jewish settlements in Hebron. IT is Israels present Occupation of lands in the OPT and illegal Jewish settlements that are the issue in the Israeli Palestinian conflict of today. Sherri

Oh, yes, it is very relevant. Once again I ask:
Who had the land known as the West Bank before the Israelis and who did they capture it from, and how long did they hold on to it for
and who did they capture it from,
and how long did they hold on to it for​

Now for the third time I am asking:
1.Who had the land known as the West Bank before the Israelis
2. Who did they capture it from, and
3. How long did they hold on to it for?

The reason I ask is because it will show your claims are untrue. So if you don't answer then we all will suspect you are simply not interested in the matter and are spamming us all with facts that are not relevant.
"73. In the 1967 armed conflict, Israeli forces occupied all the territories which had constituted Palestine under British Mandate (including those known as the West Bank, lying to the east of the Green Line)." "78.The territories situated between the Green Line (see paragraph 72 above) and the former eastern boundary of Palestine under the Mandate were occupied by Israel in 1967 during the armed conflict between Israel and Jordan. Under customary international law, these were therefore occupied territories in which Israel had the status of occupying Power. Subsequent events in these territories, as described in paragraphs 75 to 77 above, have done nothing to alter this situation. All these territories (including East Jerusalem) remain occupied territories and Israel has continued to have the status of occupying Power." Study Guide: legal status of territories and Jerusalem. Israel began her Occupation of East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza in 1967., as we see is a finding if The International Court Of Justice, the highest international legal court in our world.
"73. In the 1967 armed conflict, Israeli forces occupied all the territories which had constituted Palestine under British Mandate (including those known as the West Bank, lying to the east of the Green Line)." "78.The territories situated between the Green Line (see paragraph 72 above) and the former eastern boundary of Palestine under the Mandate were occupied by Israel in 1967 during the armed conflict between Israel and Jordan. Under customary international law, these were therefore occupied territories in which Israel had the status of occupying Power. Subsequent events in these territories, as described in paragraphs 75 to 77 above, have done nothing to alter this situation. All these territories (including East Jerusalem) remain occupied territories and Israel has continued to have the status of occupying Power." Study Guide: legal status of territories and Jerusalem. Israel began her Occupation of East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza in 1967., as we see is a finding if The International Court Of Justice, the highest international legal court in our world.

I have asked questions that need answers, then we can carry on a debate.
No relevance to the issue of Israel occupying East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza today. I am not wasting my time discussing irrelevant issues. That International Red Cross article I provided a link for shows a photo of illegal Jewish settlements in Hebron. IT is Israels present Occupation of lands in the OPT and illegal Jewish settlements that are the issue in the Israeli Palestinian conflict of today. Sherri

Oh, yes, it is very relevant. Once again I ask:
Who had the land known as the West Bank before the Israelis and who did they capture it from, and how long did they hold on to it for
and who did they capture it from,
and how long did they hold on to it for​

Now for the third time I am asking:
1.Who had the land known as the West Bank before the Israelis
2. Who did they capture it from, and
3. How long did they hold on to it for?

The reason I ask is because it will show your claims are untrue. So if you don't answer then we all will suspect you are simply not interested in the matter and are spamming us all with facts that are not relevant.

I cited the Opinion of The International Court of Justice that addresses your questions. CAN you read? I have an Opinion of the highest legal authority telling me Israel occupies East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza and the Opinion also tells me the settlements are unlawful . I need nothing else to prove my case. The law is 100% clear here. Other Arab nations may or may not have been Occupiers under intl law for periods between 1948 and 1967. As for the substantive question as to why Israel is an Occupier, it all goes back to the fact that sovereignty rights in the land of Palestine lie with the indigenous Palestinian people and these sovereignty rights in East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza have never been transferred to Israel. And the UN Charter makes the acquisition of land by military conquest unlawful. Winning battles gives noone sovereignty rights in land under intl law.
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Oh, yes, it is very relevant. Once again I ask:
Who had the land known as the West Bank before the Israelis and who did they capture it from, and how long did they hold on to it for
and who did they capture it from,
and how long did they hold on to it for​

Now for the third time I am asking:
1.Who had the land known as the West Bank before the Israelis
2. Who did they capture it from, and
3. How long did they hold on to it for?

The reason I ask is because it will show your claims are untrue. So if you don't answer then we all will suspect you are simply not interested in the matter and are spamming us all with facts that are not relevant.

I cited the Opinion of The International Court of Justice that addresses your questions. CAN you read? I have an Opinion of the highest legal authority telling me Israel occupies East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza and the Opinion also tells me the settlements are unlawful . I need nothing else to prove my case. The law is 100% clear here. Other Arab nations may or may not have been Occupiers under intl law for periods between 1948 and 1967. As for the substantive question as to why Israel is an Occupier, it all goes back to the fact that sovereignty rights in the land of Palestine lie with the indigenous Palestinian people and these sovereignty rights in East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza have never been transferred to Israel. And the UN Charter makes the acquisition of land by military conquest unlawful. Winning battles gives noone sovereignty rights in land under intl law.

BS and you know it. Read my posts to show you why Israel is entitled to the land in the West Bank. Don't give us no cut and paste rubbish.
Time for debating the issues of Israel occupying the OPT has passed. THE HIGHEST court has spoken, Israel is the Occupier of East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza. That means that their legal relationship and legal rights in the land are defined by their status as an Occupier under intl law.
That is your opinion, but not valid. You full well know it too. Never mind - you live in your daydreams, the rest of us believe in reality.
"120. As regards these settlements, the Court notes that Article 49, paragraph 6, of the Fourth Geneva Convention provides: "The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies." That provision prohibits not only deportations or forced transfers of population such as those carried out during the Second World War, but also any measures taken by an occupying Power in order to organize or encourage transfers of parts of its own population into the occupied territory.In this respect, the information provided to the Court shows that, since 1977, Israel has conducted a policy and developed practices involving the establishment of settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, contrary to the terms of Article 49, paragraph 6, just cited." Study Guide: Settlements are illegal. Here, the Court addresses illegal settlements, finding they all violate provisions of The Fourth Geneva Convention.
That is your opinion, but not valid. You full well know it too. Never mind - you live in your daydreams, the rest of us believe in reality.

I fully agree with and accept the validity of the legal Opinion of The International Court of Justice, which has held Israel occupies East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza and the settlements are unlawful. We have had no changes in the law since that Opinion was rendered, the findings stand.

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