EU to Israel: Don't use EU funds in settlements

The boycott will keep growing world-wide because of the immoral position of the Israeli State...

Some simple 'cooking of the books' within Israel should neutralize this Boycott Absurdity in a heartbeat...
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Boycott Israel Campaign 2012

Last Updated 4th June 2012

The boycott of Israeli products and companies supporting Israel is a peaceful means of putting international pressure on apartheid Israel and follows in the footsteps of the successful boycott against South African apartheid. Help end Palestinian suffering by boycotting Israel today!

The guilty companies (Boycott Israel card [front])

The guilty companies (Boycott Israel card [back])

Why are these companies on the boycott list?

Summary of how each company on the boycott list is supporting Israel:

Since you want us to believe that you are this great humanitarian, Phillip, why don't you start a boycott of Chinese goods. After all, China has occupied Tibet for a long, long time, and we all know what is happening to the Tibetan people. Oh, I forgot -- the Jews are not involved with the Chinese in Tibet so you really don't care what is happening to the people there. Maybe Phillip can inform us a to why the EU doesn't condemn the Chinese occupation of Tibet. Do you have any theories, Phillip, which you can share with this forum?
The bit about the McDonad's 'boycott' struck me as hilarious.

The company has had a 'settlement zone' policy for years now, if I recall that junkyard-memory nugget correctly, so I'm not sure what the big deal is.

And, of course, refusing to erect another of their chain-stores in some flyspeck West Bank town is really a blessing in disguise...

That many fewer obese Israeli kids... ;-)

Gotta stay in fighting-trim, to ensure that they'll continue to be able to beat the crap outta their cream-puff bad-guy adversaries...
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first McDnalds and now the EU.

things are looking up for palestine!!!
One man owns the McDonald's franchise in Israel so he can do what he wants. (By the way, another hamburger store is moving there instead). Meanwhile, why not try to convince the owner of a McDonald's franchise in America who is going to stop serving Halal chicken at his establishment -- to the detriment of his Muslim customers -- that he shouldn't do this. Of course, I think the viewers are smart enough to realize that people like Gardener don't care about this because it doesn't involve the Jews or Israel. Meanwhile, all those high tech companies moving into Israel. Maybe Gardener should buy some Israeli stock if he has a few bucks.
Hoss, the link doesn't work, got another one ?
I'd like to read the article
Here's the site again. If you can't read it, I will send you the entire article. Let me point out one paragraph. Perhaps those who are against Israel can answer as to why so many atrocities are ignored.
If this is how the EU chooses to spend its limited diplomatic and political resources "to help" the Middle East, then its moral compass is badly broken. The EU still hasn't even mustered the clarity or courage to join the USA, Canada, and six Gulf states (led by Bahrain) in designating Hezbollah a terrorist organization, even though Hezbollah has committed terrorist acts on EU soil that killed an EU citizen, and has supported Basher Assad's butchery in Syria. The EU has also failed to take any decisive action to address the urgent crises in Lebanon, Syria, and Iran (which marches ever closer to nukes and imports ore -- for armor and missile production -- from Germany and France). And where is the EU's boycott of Mideast governments that persecute women, execute homosexuals, and condone the slaughter of Christians?

The EU's Broken Mideast Compass - Israel Today | Israel News

The boycott will keep growing world-wide because of the immoral position of the Israeli State...

Some simple 'cooking of the books' within Israel should neutralize this Boycott Absurdity in a heartbeat...
AOL Search

Boycott Israel Campaign 2012

Last Updated 4th June 2012

The boycott of Israeli products and companies supporting Israel is a peaceful means of putting international pressure on apartheid Israel and follows in the footsteps of the successful boycott against South African apartheid. Help end Palestinian suffering by boycotting Israel today!

The guilty companies (Boycott Israel card [front])

The guilty companies (Boycott Israel card [back])

Why are these companies on the boycott list?

Summary of how each company on the boycott list is supporting Israel:

Since you want us to believe that you are this great humanitarian, Phillip, why don't you start a boycott of Chinese goods. After all, China has occupied Tibet for a long, long time, and we all know what is happening to the Tibetan people. Oh, I forgot -- the Jews are not involved with the Chinese in Tibet so you really don't care what is happening to the people there. Maybe Phillip can inform us a to why the EU doesn't condemn the Chinese occupation of Tibet. Do you have any theories, Phillip, which you can share with this forum?
My theory is that you bring up extraneous examples because you have nothing to say about the OP except your Horseshit clearly brought on by genetic engineering specific to by gawd West Virgini!

The boycott will keep growing world-wide because of the immoral position of the Israeli State...

AOL Search

Boycott Israel Campaign 2012

Last Updated 4th June 2012

The boycott of Israeli products and companies supporting Israel is a peaceful means of putting international pressure on apartheid Israel and follows in the footsteps of the successful boycott against South African apartheid. Help end Palestinian suffering by boycotting Israel today!

The guilty companies (Boycott Israel card [front])

The guilty companies (Boycott Israel card [back])

Why are these companies on the boycott list?

Summary of how each company on the boycott list is supporting Israel:

Since you want us to believe that you are this great humanitarian, Phillip, why don't you start a boycott of Chinese goods. After all, China has occupied Tibet for a long, long time, and we all know what is happening to the Tibetan people. Oh, I forgot -- the Jews are not involved with the Chinese in Tibet so you really don't care what is happening to the people there. Maybe Phillip can inform us a to why the EU doesn't condemn the Chinese occupation of Tibet. Do you have any theories, Phillip, which you can share with this forum?
My theory is that you bring up extraneous examples because you have nothing to say about the OP except your Horseshit clearly brought on by genetic engineering specific to by gawd West Virgini!
Sorry, I thought was addressing a broadminded and perceptive person. Comparison has no meaning to a narrowminded twerp, does it?

The boycott will keep growing world-wide because of the immoral position of the Israeli State...

AOL Search

Boycott Israel Campaign 2012

Last Updated 4th June 2012

The boycott of Israeli products and companies supporting Israel is a peaceful means of putting international pressure on apartheid Israel and follows in the footsteps of the successful boycott against South African apartheid. Help end Palestinian suffering by boycotting Israel today!

The guilty companies (Boycott Israel card [front])

The guilty companies (Boycott Israel card [back])

Why are these companies on the boycott list?

Summary of how each company on the boycott list is supporting Israel:

Since you want us to believe that you are this great humanitarian, Phillip, why don't you start a boycott of Chinese goods. After all, China has occupied Tibet for a long, long time, and we all know what is happening to the Tibetan people. Oh, I forgot -- the Jews are not involved with the Chinese in Tibet so you really don't care what is happening to the people there. Maybe Phillip can inform us a to why the EU doesn't condemn the Chinese occupation of Tibet. Do you have any theories, Phillip, which you can share with this forum?
My theory is that you bring up extraneous examples because you have nothing to say about the OP except your Horseshit clearly brought on by genetic engineering specific to by gawd West Virgini!
Really, Phillip??? It looks like you still haven't picked up your head from your proctologist yet. Seems that the Boston Idiot, has no answer as to why the EU doesn't call for a boycott against China. Remember, folks, Phillip gets his jollies when he says "Horseshit."
Cooking the books is the answer to this latest anti-Israeli economics outburst by the anti-Israeli or anti-Jewish or busybody contingent in the EU...

Can't use EU funds for the settlements in 'disputed areas'?


Use the EU funds solely for work in 'un-disputed' areas.

Take the funds that would otherwise have gone to the 'un-disputed' areas and use those funds for the settlements, instead.

It's the old shell-game.

Shift the money from Shell A to B.

So the that the EU can point to the audits and say: 'See. We forced them to use our money only for stuff that we wanted them to use it for.'

Suddenly, the busybody contingent in the EU has nothing to bitch about.

And, of course, the US will make-up any slight variances, here and there, openly, or otherwise...
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Well...well...well ..... :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Germany distances itself from the "controversial European Union guidelines" banning cooperation with Israeli entities beyond the Green Line, a foreign policy spokesman in the Bundestag announced on Friday.

In a statement issued by MP Philipp Missfedler, the Bundestag spokesman for German chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union party and its coalition partner the Bavarian Christian Social Union, he stated the guidelines are “pure ideology and symbolic politics” and will not contribute to finding a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Germany backs away from EU settlement directives | JPost | Israel News
We call it "the band-aid effect" here, in Israel. Happens whenever those who committed wrongs against the people of Israel turn out to be the saviors at occasions.

First started out in the Carmel deadly fire in Chanukkah, few years ago, the first ones to offer aid were the Greeks:)

Anyway, nice of Germany.
Well...well...well ..... :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Germany distances itself from the "controversial European Union guidelines" banning cooperation with Israeli entities beyond the Green Line, a foreign policy spokesman in the Bundestag announced on Friday.

In a statement issued by MP Philipp Missfedler, the Bundestag spokesman for German chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union party and its coalition partner the Bavarian Christian Social Union, he stated the guidelines are “pure ideology and symbolic politics” and will not contribute to finding a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Germany backs away from EU settlement directives | JPost | Israel News
One thing which seems to have been forgotten in all this is that the Arabs working in the West Bank would lose their jobs (and their income). No doubt they enjoy making a living.

"SodaStream" Israeli Company with 900 Arab Employees
Well...well...well ..... :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Germany distances itself from the "controversial European Union guidelines" banning cooperation with Israeli entities beyond the Green Line, a foreign policy spokesman in the Bundestag announced on Friday.

In a statement issued by MP Philipp Missfedler, the Bundestag spokesman for German chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union party and its coalition partner the Bavarian Christian Social Union, he stated the guidelines are “pure ideology and symbolic politics” and will not contribute to finding a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Germany backs away from EU settlement directives | JPost | Israel News
One thing which seems to have been forgotten in all this is that the Arabs working in the West Bank would lose their jobs (and their income). No doubt they enjoy making a living.

"SodaStream" Israeli Company with 900 Arab Employees
BDS movement not going as planned.

Now even the Palestinians are fighting back against the decision by the European Union to boycott any Israeli businesses with a presence in the so-called "occupied territories."

A senior Palestinian Authority official who spoke on condition of anonymity told Israeli media that the European decision was not all that popular in Ramallah, despite ostensibly being made in service to the Palestinian nationalist cause.

"We have a number of officials at the European Union who are trying to reverse the decision," the unnamed source said.

Even Palestinians oppose new EU sanctions on Israel - Israel Today | Israel News
Well...well...well ..... :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Germany distances itself from the "controversial European Union guidelines" banning cooperation with Israeli entities beyond the Green Line, a foreign policy spokesman in the Bundestag announced on Friday.

In a statement issued by MP Philipp Missfedler, the Bundestag spokesman for German chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union party and its coalition partner the Bavarian Christian Social Union, he stated the guidelines are “pure ideology and symbolic politics” and will not contribute to finding a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Germany backs away from EU settlement directives | JPost | Israel News
And Germany is the most stable European country with the greatest clout that happens to also be funding the EU and saving countries like Greece.

The Jews control Germany too!
Well...well...well ..... :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Germany distances itself from the "controversial European Union guidelines" banning cooperation with Israeli entities beyond the Green Line, a foreign policy spokesman in the Bundestag announced on Friday.

In a statement issued by MP Philipp Missfedler, the Bundestag spokesman for German chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union party and its coalition partner the Bavarian Christian Social Union, he stated the guidelines are “pure ideology and symbolic politics” and will not contribute to finding a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Germany backs away from EU settlement directives | JPost | Israel News
One thing which seems to have been forgotten in all this is that the Arabs working in the West Bank would lose their jobs (and their income). No doubt they enjoy making a living.

"SodaStream" Israeli Company with 900 Arab Employees
BDS movement not going as planned.

Now even the Palestinians are fighting back against the decision by the European Union to boycott any Israeli businesses with a presence in the so-called "occupied territories."

A senior Palestinian Authority official who spoke on condition of anonymity told Israeli media that the European decision was not all that popular in Ramallah, despite ostensibly being made in service to the Palestinian nationalist cause.

"We have a number of officials at the European Union who are trying to reverse the decision," the unnamed source said.

Even Palestinians oppose new EU sanctions on Israel - Israel Today | Israel News

Ending slavery in the US threw a lot of people out of work.

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