Europe and wind: at last, the consensus is cracking


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
On the way to the Dark Tower.
Europe and wind: at last, the consensus is cracking
What “targets” was he referring to? He couldn’t possibly have meant the EU target which commits us to producing 32 per cent of our electricity from renewables within eight years. Technically, this is out of the question: it would require us to spend £100 billion on another 24,000 giant turbines, at a rate of nearly 10 a day, in addition to the 4,500 we’ve already got (which produce between them less electricity than the 2,200 megawatt gas-fired power station that opened in Wales in September, at only a fraction of the cost). We may, he implied, be unable to stop the 3,500 turbines already under construction or with planning permission, but as to what comes after that, we must have a serious national debate.​

Wind is simply not an economical form of energy production.

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