Europe vs USA


Jul 20, 2014
Don't like our foreign policy ?
you can go fuck yourself.

Our foreign policy isn't going to change from justice... to

"Israel is guilty because Europe said so"
"Israel is guilty because Europe said so"
"Israel is guilty because Europe said so"

"Hamas is innocent because Europe said so"
"Hamas is innocent because Europe said so"
"Hamas is innocent because Europe said so"

That isn't going to happen.

We're the world power and NOT the fucking eurotrash... and the fucking eurotrash isn't going to get whatever the fuck they want, whenever they want.

We're the world power not them, we're calling the plays not them, we wear the pants in the world, not them.

We make the decisions in the world, not them.

Europe and the USA are not equals in the world, and the USA is the boss, not them.

As for being number 1, the USA is number one in everything, period.
Otherwise we wouldn't be the world power as far in advance as we are.

The UN can say whatever they want, assholes who just want more money for their paychecks can say whatever the fuck they want.. doesn't make it the facts.

The fact is the USA is the world power so we're doing something right, that's how you get here.

And that's how it is, and that's how it is going to stay.

And if Europe don't like it, Europe better get the fuck used to it and shut the fuck up about their history.

If their history was all that great they would be the world power themselves, and everything that exists today, would have existed over 300 years ago.
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Absolutely agree. Our national policy should not be dictated by a few edgy Euroscum hipsters making antisemitic remarks. We should stand with our ally, Israel, through thyck and thyn.
Don't like our foreign policy ?
you can go fuck yourself.

Our foreign policy isn't going to change from justice... to

"Israel is guilty because Europe said so"
"Israel is guilty because Europe said so"
"Israel is guilty because Europe said so"

"Hamas is innocent because Europe said so"
"Hamas is innocent because Europe said so"
"Hamas is innocent because Europe said so"

That isn't going to happen.

We're the world power and NOT the fucking eurotrash... and the fucking eurotrash isn't going to get whatever the fuck they want, whenever they want.

We're the world power not them, we're calling the plays not them, we wear the pants in the world, not them.

We make the decisions in the world, not them.

Europe and the USA are not equals in the world, and the USA is the boss, not them.

As for being number 1, the USA is number one in everything, period.
Otherwise we wouldn't be the world power as far in advance as we are.

The UN can say whatever they want, assholes who just want more money for their paychecks can say whatever the fuck they want.. doesn't make it the facts.

The fact is the USA is the world power so we're doing something right, that's how you get here.

And that's how it is, and that's how it is going to stay.

And if Europe don't like it, Europe better get the fuck used to it and shut the fuck up about their history.

If their history was all that great they would be the world power themselves, and everything that exists today, would have existed over 300 years ago.

America's position as world superpower will be eclipsed by China before most of us are in the ground; and I don't think Holocaust guilt carries as much weight in the Far East as it does in the West. When world power shifts to Beijing, Israel will find itself in a much tighter spot than it is now, and the wolves will truly be at their door.

Furthermore, although it was expected that settlers in the New World would eventually begin forming their own culture, this antipathy towards Europe has always been a worrying sign of how much some of you have been brainwashed. Afterall, most of the posters on USMB are ethnically European. It's just a shame a lot of you have chosen to abandon the heritage your ancestors celebrated, acknowledged and drew upon for inspiration. Think about it for a minute. The word Europeanisation is often said or used as a way of tacitly implying that something or someone isn't masculine enough, or is weak. But the history of Europe is drenched in blood, honour and many lessons learnt, and not based almost entirely of a piece of paper.
Absolutely agree. Our national policy should not be dictated by a few edgy Euroscum hipsters making antisemitic remarks. We should stand with our ally, Israel, through thyck and thyn.

And our national policy should not be dictated by European grape farmers and breweries either.
good, im glad we abandoned the eurotrash filth.

You sound like a Jew. Or do you just worship them because you're secretly afraid of being accused of anti-Semitism if you don't, like so many retards in your so-called conservative movements?

and you sound like a retarded eurotrash, stuck up piece of faggot shit who worships the government over there.
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Absolutely agree. Our national policy should not be dictated by a few edgy Euroscum hipsters making antisemitic remarks. We should stand with our ally, Israel, through thyck and thyn.

And our national policy should not be dictated by European grape farmers and breweries either.

How do you feel about your national policy being dictated to by AIPAC, an oganisation that blatantly represents a foreign interest?
Absolutely agree. Our national policy should not be dictated by a few edgy Euroscum hipsters making antisemitic remarks. We should stand with our ally, Israel, through thyck and thyn.

And our national policy should not be dictated by European grape farmers and breweries either.

How do you feel about your national policy being dictated to by AIPAC, an oganisation that blatantly represents a foreign interest?

I really don't care.
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Israel is our best ally in the mideast(.) Only true ally actually. We need to remind Europeans of how they benefit from the USA.
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