European Banks To Discover Christian Currency Values After All!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Taxing The Rich is everywhere humanitarian, even among the rich. Because they are not taxed--to pay for basic services such as water and electricty--even the rich in India have been known to riot. With all that money, the air conditioning still doesn't work, most hours of the day. "Wealthy Of The World Unite! You Have Nothing To Lose But your Persperation Stains!"

The rich with the Cypriot bank deposits are now being set to a similar tune(?). In the United States, when the poor could not pay the mortgages, then the rich houses all came tumbling on down. When the rich in India do not support basic services, for all their nationals: Then all their wealth doesn't help them very much. In Cyprus, the rich depositors will fork over $4.0 bil. Euros. A Credit Market Crisis now gets averted. Cyprus is still in recession, but has a chance.

Then the Dutch Finance Minister, prominent among all Euro-nations: Either sees a template, or maybe just a temple. . . .or cathedral, or something else(?). It is not clear, for example, if there really are any Mormons in Europe. Mostly. . .the Jews were gone decades ago. The tourist industry thrived as an outcome(?)!

Dutch Finance Minister Loves Raiding Savings Accounts | Economy

Business is after all, business in Europe! (Probably there is a template(?)!)

Since it slowly, then, dawns on the rich that they are in fact dependent on viable lower income strata--then even Marx is surperfluous. Property is clearly shown hooey, and dewy and really even lou-ney(?)!

Mostly, of course, RNC and the Libertarians have yet to notice any of that, at all. The rich Communist property holders are more likely thought to be the cause of it all--even under Putin(?)---even then.

In Matthew 25:14-30, after the servant with the one talent gets cast out into foreclosure, then the next servant on the bloack(?) actually earned the other two talents.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(So, "Beware of the Blob, It Leaps, and Creeps, and Glides and Slides Across the floor--right through the door--and Mainly made McQueen, a star(?). . . ." Hollywood understands about the Christian values(?). . .as best as it is able to do!)
I doubt the rich in Cyprus will pay anything. London branches of the "closed" banks in Cyprus have been open. All a billionaire had to do was fly to London and pull his money out. There's a good chance that there's not enough money in Cyprus for a depositor led bail out
You never know when a government might or might not "sequester" things. It may or may not even happen in America(?). You never know when a government might or might not shut down the central systems of an institution, take over business, and find another institution to take the failed institution over. It may or may not even happen in America(?)!

The concept of a credit market requires accounting and access to records. If those don't happen, or exist, then the basis confidence in the process collapses, along with the credit market. So likely the reports of pay-ins are accurate.

Anyone has to reflect that Europe is a civilization(?). Africa, by comparison, really is not(?)--except to people along the Mediterranean, or near Antarctica. To see the comparison, just look at how Europe performed in just the 20th century(?)! Her Majesty's government actually has a sitting monarch, for example, who appears to have lost her virginity during that century. Africa has to be considered mesmerized by an event such as that(?)! Other civilizations are likely amazed and astonished even now: At such sophistication! Probably China is awestruck at the apparent occurance of that event!

Likely Las Vegas is simply amazed! Actually, the kid(?) may be thought to be something, otherwise foaled from a goat after all(?)! The Royals are likely thought to be sophisticated, even worldwide!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(And so, what happens in a Cypriot bank, likely stays in Cypriot bank--especially among the rich! This is all about serious advanced civilization, stuff--anyone has to notice!)
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