European countries and Mexico do not want Americans visiting because of Trump's mismanagement of COVID-19

Yet another consequence of Trump’s incompetence.
Mexico, the terrorist narco state, the gateway for Central American invasions of tens of thousands of
people with their hands out looking for Uncle Scam to make their lives easier, Mexico the source of
millions of illegals immigrants scamming the US and ripping us off,
Mexico complaining about our diseases impacting them?

Well that's an ironic turn, isn't it.
The issue is what he is doing to our country. His management of COVID-19 and Black Lives Matter has been abhorrent. He is bringing down our country like no other President in history. It is getting worse every day.

Elmer, the Federal Government has no legitimate powers related to medical issues. That belongs to the Ststes. The few things he has done relative to the fake pandemic would be the right things to do... closing borders, stopping travel, etc...

I do agree with you in BLM. His lack of movement to mobilize US Military units to stop the protests, riots, looting, CHOP, etc... sets a very poor example. All it would have taken is ONE gun run down the street from an A-10 Warthog with its 30mm chain gun and the crap would have been over IMMEDIATELY.
The issue is what he is doing to our country. His management of COVID-19 and Black Lives Matter has been abhorrent. He is bringing down our country like no other President in history. It is getting worse every day.

Elmer, the Federal Government has no legitimate powers related to medical issues. That belongs to the Ststes. The few things he has done relative to the fake pandemic would be the right things to do... closing borders, stopping travel, etc...

I do agree with you in BLM. His lack of movement to mobilize US Military units to stop the protests, riots, looting, CHOP, etc... sets a very poor example. All it would have taken is ONE gun run down the street from an A-10 Warthog with its 30mm chain gun and the crap would have been over IMMEDIATELY.
Why is it up to the President? I thought Congress and Senate Democrats should of stepped up and told their voters to knock it off, but typical of spineless democrat pussies, they just shut their pie holes, and prayed that the people wouldnt notice how quiet those fucks are.
They don't want Muricans visiting because they're prissy little socialist snivelers.
Canada will not let us in either.

Trump has been successful in making the USA such a mess no one wants to come here but they also do not want us to come to their countries.

Great job Donald.
See: socialist snivelers.
I do not like Socialist snivelers but Trump is making, a group as bad as socialist snivelers, look good.
And you are looking worse and worse as a Trump minion supporter.
We get it, you hate Trump....That doesn't automatically mean those who call out your blind hatred are Trumpsters, Chumlee.
It is not my total disrespect of Trump that is the main issue.
The issue is what he is doing to our country.
His management of COVID-19 and Black Lives Matter has been abhorrent. He is bringing down our country like no other President in history. It is getting worse every day.
He isn't doing dick to the country.

Covid was mismanaged by CDC bureaucrats and Fauci far more than by him...He turned over nearly all the early decision making to them, and they fucked it up bigtime...And it's now the democrat govenors who are the ones slow walking the re-openings.

The people letting BLM and Pantifa run wild are democrats.

You just hate Trump and are willing to go to any length to blame a bad cup of coffee at Starschmucks on him.
Fauci and the democrat governors are the entire source of much of our Covid problems.
Shut up, put on your masks, stay in your homes, leave us alone, we'll let you know when it's safe to walk around again (after we elect that imbecile Biden, most likely).

That's the mantra.
Because of the US not controlling their COVID-19 pandemic European countries and Mexico do not want Americans visiting.

The irony of all irony is Mexico does not want Americans visiting because they could bring COVID-19. A Trump led USA has so mismanaged the COVID-19 pandemic so badly, Mexico want us to stay away.

So according to liberal logic, those countries are racist or prejudiced. -oops.:salute::salute:
Because of the US not controlling their COVID-19 pandemic European countries and Mexico do not want Americans visiting.

The irony of all irony is Mexico does not want Americans visiting because they could bring COVID-19. A Trump led USA has so mismanaged the COVID-19 pandemic so badly, Mexico want us to stay away.

We have half the death rate of most European nations, and that is what they are going with to shut down US fliers?

roflmao, the Europeans were never very bright.
Trump has been successful in making the USA such a mess no one wants to come here but they also do not want us to come to their countries.
Witht he highest number of tests done, and one of the lowest death rates, are you mad because you want more Democrat Zombie voters?
Huge Covid-19 spike in Oklahoma thanks to Trump having his Trumptard followers not wearing mask when packed together indoors. This is now the "Trumpvirus"! Trump is the reason this country is the most infected country on the planet, in depression with high unemployment & widespread riots!

All Trump had to do was send every citizen a mask & mandate they wear it indoors at stores, schools, work, etc. Trump should have also mandated all parks & beaches remain open and everyone get 15+ minutes of sunlight every day to elevate their Vitamin D3 levels. Trump is a Hydroxychloroquine pill popping IDIOT!!!
The spike came after millions of Only Black Lives Matter wackos spilled into the streets
You Lie! The virus spread came from Trumptards!!!

Former presidential candidate Herman Cain, who attended Trump Tulsa rally, hospitalized for TrumpVirus

Huge TrumpVirus Spike in Tulsa, OK

Tulsa, OK now has over 3,544 TrumpVirus cases 25.1% of Oklahoma's Total!
I’m getting bored with the breathless lib daily wuflu score

when 2020 is in the books I predict the overall death count in America from all causes will be about the same as 2019, give or take a few black guys fighting with the cops
Almost no one in Europe is wearing masks.

And they had closed borders for a long time - from anywhere. This is a fake news TDS story.
This has gotta be a freaking joke set up by the Washington Post. Mexicans are desperate for the American dollar just like Americans are desperate to be able to make a living. The dirty little secret is that mainstream rag media like the Post and the Times would rather ruin the American and Mexican economy with bull shit propaganda if that's what it takes to get a brain damaged puppet for the crazy left elected.
The euros need Americans more than we need them
Actually we are all getting carried away

the US and all the western democracies need each other to withstand the chinese menace
This has gotta be a freaking joke set up by the Washington Post. Mexicans are desperate for the American dollar just like Americans are desperate to be able to make a living. The dirty little secret is that mainstream rag media like the Post and the Times would rather ruin the American and Mexican economy with bull shit propaganda if that's what it takes to get a brain damaged puppet for the crazy left elected.
You do know that Jeff Bezos the 100 billionaire, takes money from Amazon and funnels it to the Washington Compost to keep it open? Without Amazon that rag paper would be out of business...
Wasn't planning on going to either lots of great places to go visit right here in the United States. If I was going to visit another country I would want to go to Australia.
Huge Covid-19 spike in Oklahoma thanks to Trump having his Trumptard followers not wearing mask when packed together indoors. This is now the "Trumpvirus"! Trump is the reason this country is the most infected country on the planet, in depression with high unemployment & widespread riots!

All Trump had to do was send every citizen a mask & mandate they wear it indoors at stores, schools, work, etc. Trump should have also mandated all parks & beaches remain open and everyone get 15+ minutes of sunlight every day to elevate their Vitamin D3 levels. Trump is a Hydroxychloroquine pill popping IDIOT!!!
The spike came after millions of Only Black Lives Matter wackos spilled into the streets
Wrong. Testing after the demonstrations showed very little affect on COVID-19. They wore masks and the demonstrations were outside.
Unlike Trump's rally that was indoor without masks.
So outrageously a lie. NO ONE was tested after the rioters fled. God, it's pathetic how little you people think.
Dumb is dumb. Typical Trump supporter who researches nothing.
Do you have a real news source? Not some anti-Trump disinformation machine?
His management of COVID-19 and Black Lives Matter has been abhorrent
I can imagine what your demand is for the chinese disease

you want to stay home and collect a government check in the mail till they find a cure

even if it takes forever

but you’ll have to give me a hint about what trump should do to quell the marxist revolution in the streets

personslly I faver calling out the military to round them all up, fingerprint them, collect DNA samples, and assess a hefty fine for the damages they have caused

and naturally, shoot to kill if they resort to gunplay

but you?
Canada will not let us in either.

Trump has been successful in making the USA such a mess no one wants to come here but they also do not want us to come to their countries.

Excellent. That makes it easier to closer our borders Completely and permanently. One of the best things he’s done to date.
Lol..So you want us living in a make that a totalitarian state. No one can come in and no one can get out. Like North Korea. Yeah, it sounds like something Trumpers want for this country and it’s people.

He's not a Trump supporter...just a kookburger who dreams of North Korea.
He didn't mismanage the Chinese Flu, the democrat governors who forced nursing homes to take infected people killed 50% of all Chinese Flu have to hide that you keep lying.

The only thing Trump did wrong about COVID19 was believing a word the Chinese said.

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