European diplomats: Trump a 'laughing stock' who is 'obsessed with Obama'

Trump has killed a generation of soft power in Europe in a matter of months.. That is unbelieveable, it took GW Bush years and he got no where near Trump...
A generation of soft power? Wasn't Bush POTUS 8 years ago when he destroyed soft power? Most of us do not have generations within 8 yeears. You and yours may be different,

The same soft power that has led to rampart terrorism in most of Europe, especially those who have a lot of members of the religion of peace? The same soft power that left Syria and Libya in shambles and gave rise to ISIS? The soft power which issued a million migrants into Germany allowing the rape of it's women?

That soft power?


I wonder why that is? Trump called himself the fittest president ever. Trump looks like a quarter ton of "fit". Don't tell me Trump lied.
That's not Trump, dumbass.
I think we are responsible for a lot of it after WWII. And yes Trump is regarded as a clown outside the US not just Europe.

European diplomats reportedly consider Trump a 'laughing stock' who is 'obsessed with Obama'

The diplomats' views of Trump reflect the opinions of European citizens, 79% of whom said in a Pew Research Center poll released in June that they have "no confidence" in the new US president.

"It's his only real position," one official said. "He will ask: 'Did Obama approve this?' And if the answer is affirmative, he will say: 'We don't.'"

The official added: "He won't even want to listen to the arguments or have a debate. He is obsessed with Obama."

A small group of European diplomats have reportedly been playing word Bingo with Trump's oft-repeated adjectives

Trump has reportedly "openly mocked his own aides, contradicting and arguing with them in front of other leaders,"

"We can hear everything," said one diplomat. "It's weird."


Wow, a "laughingstock".

Obsessed with Obama.


I wonder why that is? Trump called himself the fittest president ever. Trump looks like a quarter ton of "fit". Don't tell me Trump lied.

They say that even is Obama held a position that the US has held for decades, Trump would decide he didn't like it if Obama did.

I care more about what the American Citizen voter thinks of Trump vs. what the Europeans think of Trump; or what the Europeans think of US for that matter. Since the founding of US all the Europeans do is wag their finger at US. Sure, an appeasing, capitulating president to their views and agenda is going to appeal to them more. However, when disaster and terror strikes, who does the Europeans and the rest of the world look to clean it up and make things better? US.
Most European diplomats have promoted genocide against the natives there so they really should not be laughing. Unless they think what Hitler did was funny.
In reality: Obama was a laughing stock who did whatever they wished, and is now obsessed with Trump.

Can Obama already get the memo that he isn't president anymore? Now it's America first.

Obama was and is well respected and admired throughout the world. Trump has been disinvited to go to Great Britain. Even the Kennedy Centre doesn't want him to attend their Gala.

Your clown is an ugly man, inside and out.
Trump has killed a generation of soft power in Europe in a matter of months.. That is unbelieveable, it took GW Bush years and he got no where near Trump...
A generation of soft power? Wasn't Bush POTUS 8 years ago when he destroyed soft power? Most of us do not have generations within 8 yeears. You and yours may be different,

The same soft power that has led to rampart terrorism in most of Europe, especially those who have a lot of members of the religion of peace? The same soft power that left Syria and Libya in shambles and gave rise to ISIS? The soft power which issued a million migrants into Germany allowing the rape of it's women?

That soft power?

Rampart terrorism????


While US Police Killed 170 unarmed US Citizens last year...

The Counted: people killed by police in the United States – interactive

Be careful pointing fingers

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