European diplomats: Trump a 'laughing stock' who is 'obsessed with Obama'

dean....quit your whining,every time you do a whine thread you attract all the other whiners......
Can you laugh and whine at the same time? Cause right wingers make me laugh. The things they believe and promote. It writes itself. I never could have imagined it.
European Diplomats are a laughing stock.

And, anyone who holds them up as any kind of standard to be looked to by real Americans is a fool.

Spot on, Mac!

And, it wasn't as though those vaunted 'European Diplomats' hadn't been warned of the results we see today.

Perhaps you've read this...
...way back in 1973, Jean Raspail published The Camp of the Saints, in which millions of immigrants traveled from the Ganges to France. An all-powerful, multiculturally correct intelligentsia that has taught Europe that it must atone for its racist, colonial guilt welcomes the invasion. European culture is destroyed. Prescient.

...he imagined the third world invading Europe. 20 years ago....a Third Armada of starving hordes intent upon the death of the West.

And aided by the Fifth Column: the Left Wing coalition of revolutionary, Marxist,nihilist, anti-racist, anti-colonial movements....and the West's own humanitarian sentiments.

The Liberals mob simply could not defend its own survival.

The nightmare has come to pass.

You understand that is a novel, right? A fictional story, published in 75.
European diplomats reportedly consider Trump a 'laughing stock' who is 'obsessed with Obama'

The diplomats' views of Trump reflect the opinions of European citizens, 79% of whom said in a Pew Research Center poll released in June that they have "no confidence" in the new US president.

"It's his only real position," one official said. "He will ask: 'Did Obama approve this?' And if the answer is affirmative, he will say: 'We don't.'"

The official added: "He won't even want to listen to the arguments or have a debate. He is obsessed with Obama."

A small group of European diplomats have reportedly been playing word Bingo with Trump's oft-repeated adjectives

Trump has reportedly "openly mocked his own aides, contradicting and arguing with them in front of other leaders,"

"We can hear everything," said one diplomat. "It's weird."


Wow, a "laughingstock".

Obsessed with Obama.


I wonder why that is? Trump called himself the fittest president ever. Trump looks like a quarter ton of "fit". Don't tell me Trump lied.

They say that even is Obama held a position that the US has held for decades, Trump would decide he didn't like it if Obama did.

I care more about what the American Citizen voter thinks of Trump vs. what the Europeans think of Trump; or what the Europeans think of US for that matter. Since the founding of US all the Europeans do is wag their finger at US. Sure, an appeasing, capitulating president to their views and agenda is going to appeal to them more. However, when disaster and terror strikes, who does the Europeans and the rest of the world look to clean it up and make things better? US.
European diplomats reportedly consider Trump a 'laughing stock' who is 'obsessed with Obama'

The diplomats' views of Trump reflect the opinions of European citizens, 79% of whom said in a Pew Research Center poll released in June that they have "no confidence" in the new US president.

"It's his only real position," one official said. "He will ask: 'Did Obama approve this?' And if the answer is affirmative, he will say: 'We don't.'"

The official added: "He won't even want to listen to the arguments or have a debate. He is obsessed with Obama."

A small group of European diplomats have reportedly been playing word Bingo with Trump's oft-repeated adjectives

Trump has reportedly "openly mocked his own aides, contradicting and arguing with them in front of other leaders,"

"We can hear everything," said one diplomat. "It's weird."


Wow, a "laughingstock".

Obsessed with Obama.


I wonder why that is? Trump called himself the fittest president ever. Trump looks like a quarter ton of "fit". Don't tell me Trump lied.

They say that even is Obama held a position that the US has held for decades, Trump would decide he didn't like it if Obama did.

I care more about what the American Citizen voter thinks of Trump vs. what the Europeans think of Trump; or what the Europeans think of US for that matter. Since the founding of US all the Europeans do is wag their finger at US. Sure, an appeasing, capitulating president to their views and agenda is going to appeal to them more. However, when disaster and terror strikes, who does the Europeans and the rest of the world look to clean it up and make things better? US.

True. Europeans love to talk trash about America, but when bad actors start acting naughty, who do they look to immediately to solve the problem? Europe's guard dog, the USA.

We're damned if we do, damned if we don't. Go in against a dictator? "Oh my God, US aggression, military-industrial complex." Stay out of a civil war? "Oh my God, poor Syrians, US heartless, won't even do anything."

Not that the Iraq invasion was a good idea, but where was Europe while Syria was destroyed? I saw a lot of thumb-twiddling, but not much else. They just kept staring at us, wondering why we weren't moving.
European diplomats reportedly consider Trump a 'laughing stock' who is 'obsessed with Obama'

The diplomats' views of Trump reflect the opinions of European citizens, 79% of whom said in a Pew Research Center poll released in June that they have "no confidence" in the new US president.

"It's his only real position," one official said. "He will ask: 'Did Obama approve this?' And if the answer is affirmative, he will say: 'We don't.'"

The official added: "He won't even want to listen to the arguments or have a debate. He is obsessed with Obama."

A small group of European diplomats have reportedly been playing word Bingo with Trump's oft-repeated adjectives

Trump has reportedly "openly mocked his own aides, contradicting and arguing with them in front of other leaders,"

"We can hear everything," said one diplomat. "It's weird."


Wow, a "laughingstock".

Obsessed with Obama.


I wonder why that is? Trump called himself the fittest president ever. Trump looks like a quarter ton of "fit". Don't tell me Trump lied.

They say that even is Obama held a position that the US has held for decades, Trump would decide he didn't like it if Obama did.

Just watch the 2011 White House Correspondent's Dinner, the one Trump was too cowardly to attend this year. Obama drops nuke after nuke on Trump and Trump is seen fuming in the audience the whole time.

Who watches those things?

Obama's jokes, and all his other efforts, didn't keep Trump from becoming the next president. Who's fuming now?
dean....quit your whining,every time you do a whine thread you attract all the other whiners......
Can you laugh and whine at the same time? Cause right wingers make me laugh. The things they believe and promote. It writes itself. I never could have imagined it.
thats true dean a lot of things they promote are pretty pathetic and laughable,but how come you never laugh at some of the bullshit the left promotes,like this shit in Oregon about getting rid of the name Lynch out of their schools?...thats pretty pathetic and laughable too.....political hypocrisy and stupidity is abundant in both sides.....but you can only see one side,and we all know why.....
European diplomats reportedly consider Trump a 'laughing stock' who is 'obsessed with Obama'

The diplomats' views of Trump reflect the opinions of European citizens, 79% of whom said in a Pew Research Center poll released in June that they have "no confidence" in the new US president.

"It's his only real position," one official said. "He will ask: 'Did Obama approve this?' And if the answer is affirmative, he will say: 'We don't.'"

The official added: "He won't even want to listen to the arguments or have a debate. He is obsessed with Obama."

A small group of European diplomats have reportedly been playing word Bingo with Trump's oft-repeated adjectives

Trump has reportedly "openly mocked his own aides, contradicting and arguing with them in front of other leaders,"

"We can hear everything," said one diplomat. "It's weird."


Wow, a "laughingstock".

Obsessed with Obama.


I wonder why that is? Trump called himself the fittest president ever. Trump looks like a quarter ton of "fit". Don't tell me Trump lied.

They say that even is Obama held a position that the US has held for decades, Trump would decide he didn't like it if Obama did.

Just watch the 2011 White House Correspondent's Dinner, the one Trump was too cowardly to attend this year. Obama drops nuke after nuke on Trump and Trump is seen fuming in the audience the whole time.

Who watches those things?

Obama's jokes, and all his other efforts, didn't keep Trump from becoming the next president. Who's fuming now?
Obama is black. Trump is a white racist. Trump was elected with rabid support from the Alt Right, the GOP, the KKK, the Aryan Nation and White Nationalists. All racist and terrorist organizations.
I think Trump has done more to damage America's reputation and status in the past 6 months than any other president has.
thats because the guy doesnt know when to shut the fuck up.....
Why would you want him to shut up? We need to know who he is and what he represents. For that, I'm thankful.
didnt say i want him too.....but then him saying himself what he thinks,instead of going through a spokesperson, like all the other presidents seemed to do,kinda makes him more transparent than the other presidents before him,doesnt it?....
I think Trump has done more to damage America's reputation and status in the past 6 months than any other president has.
thats because the guy doesnt know when to shut the fuck up.....
Why would you want him to shut up? We need to know who he is and what he represents. For that, I'm thankful.
didnt say i want him too.....but then him saying himself what he thinks,instead of going through a spokesperson, like all the other presidents seemed to do,kinda makes him more transparent than the other presidents before him,doesnt it?....
No, not really. After George W. Bush and the secrecy with the many times male prostitute Jeff Gannon spent the night in the White House. The logs of who signed him in and where he slept were never made public.


Under President Obama, White House logs were made public. We knew who visited the White House, who signed them in, the reason for the visit and when they left.

Under Trump, the White House logs have once again been blocked from the Public. We have had foreign leaders visit the White House and our press didn't even know about it until it was reported in foreign papers.

Why the fuk doesn't Trump's minions know what he is doing??????????? What is wrong with these people???????? Anyone??????
I think Trump has done more to damage America's reputation and status in the past 6 months than any other president has.
thats because the guy doesnt know when to shut the fuck up.....
Why would you want him to shut up? We need to know who he is and what he represents. For that, I'm thankful.
didnt say i want him too.....but then him saying himself what he thinks,instead of going through a spokesperson, like all the other presidents seemed to do,kinda makes him more transparent than the other presidents before him,doesnt it?....
No, not really. After George W. Bush and the secrecy with the many times male prostitute Jeff Gannon spent the night in the White House. The logs of who signed him in and where he slept were never made public.


Under President Obama, White House logs were made public. We knew who visited the White House, who signed them in, the reason for the visit and when they left.

Under Trump, the White House logs have once again been blocked from the Public. We have had foreign leaders visit the White House and our press didn't even know about it until it was reported in foreign papers.

Why the fuk doesn't Trump's minions know what he is doing??????????? What is wrong with these people???????? Anyone??????
dean im willing to bet that your hero obama kept many things from the public....there were quit a few threads in here saying that his administration wasnt as transparent as he said it would be,and there you were giving us your best excuse as to why it needed to be kept behind the curtain....
How long has it been since we had a president as obese as Donald Trump?
I was going to say him:

but he looks pretty classy in a suit, plus I couldn't imagine Trump doing this:

he'd get thrown off probably.
European diplomats reportedly consider Trump a 'laughing stock' who is 'obsessed with Obama'

The diplomats' views of Trump reflect the opinions of European citizens, 79% of whom said in a Pew Research Center poll released in June that they have "no confidence" in the new US president.

"It's his only real position," one official said. "He will ask: 'Did Obama approve this?' And if the answer is affirmative, he will say: 'We don't.'"

The official added: "He won't even want to listen to the arguments or have a debate. He is obsessed with Obama."

A small group of European diplomats have reportedly been playing word Bingo with Trump's oft-repeated adjectives

Trump has reportedly "openly mocked his own aides, contradicting and arguing with them in front of other leaders,"

"We can hear everything," said one diplomat. "It's weird."


Wow, a "laughingstock".

Obsessed with Obama.


I wonder why that is? Trump called himself the fittest president ever. Trump looks like a quarter ton of "fit". Don't tell me Trump lied.

They say that even is Obama held a position that the US has held for decades, Trump would decide he didn't like it if Obama did.

Just watch the 2011 White House Correspondent's Dinner, the one Trump was too cowardly to attend this year. Obama drops nuke after nuke on Trump and Trump is seen fuming in the audience the whole time.

Who watches those things?

Obama's jokes, and all his other efforts, didn't keep Trump from becoming the next president. Who's fuming now?
Obama is black. Trump is a white racist. Trump was elected with rabid support from the Alt Right, the GOP, the KKK, the Aryan Nation and White Nationalists. All racist and terrorist organizations.
Trump wasn't a racist until he became president. Deceased Hillary voters probably outnumber the members of the Alt-right, KKK, Aryan Nation and White Nationalists. The Alt-right and White Nationalists are pretty recent media creations.
In reality: Obama was a laughing stock who did whatever they wished, and is now obsessed with Trump.

Can Obama already get the memo that he isn't president anymore? Now it's America first.

Really scared that most of America wish for Obama back.... Even the GOP is wishing for a day when there party is not ripped apart...
European diplomats reportedly consider Trump a 'laughing stock' who is 'obsessed with Obama'

The diplomats' views of Trump reflect the opinions of European citizens, 79% of whom said in a Pew Research Center poll released in June that they have "no confidence" in the new US president.

"It's his only real position," one official said. "He will ask: 'Did Obama approve this?' And if the answer is affirmative, he will say: 'We don't.'"

The official added: "He won't even want to listen to the arguments or have a debate. He is obsessed with Obama."

A small group of European diplomats have reportedly been playing word Bingo with Trump's oft-repeated adjectives

Trump has reportedly "openly mocked his own aides, contradicting and arguing with them in front of other leaders,"

"We can hear everything," said one diplomat. "It's weird."


Wow, a "laughingstock".

Obsessed with Obama.


I wonder why that is? Trump called himself the fittest president ever. Trump looks like a quarter ton of "fit". Don't tell me Trump lied.

They say that even is Obama held a position that the US has held for decades, Trump would decide he didn't like it if Obama did.

Just watch the 2011 White House Correspondent's Dinner, the one Trump was too cowardly to attend this year. Obama drops nuke after nuke on Trump and Trump is seen fuming in the audience the whole time.

Who watches those things?

Obama's jokes, and all his other efforts, didn't keep Trump from becoming the next president. Who's fuming now?
Obama is black. Trump is a white racist. Trump was elected with rabid support from the Alt Right, the GOP, the KKK, the Aryan Nation and White Nationalists. All racist and terrorist organizations.
Trump wasn't a racist until he became president. Deceased Hillary voters probably outnumber the members of the Alt-right, KKK, Aryan Nation and White Nationalists. The Alt-right and White Nationalists are pretty recent media creations.

White Nationalist is the sanitized word for NAZIs....

Give some actual proof on deceased voters for Clinton... Awaiting Crickets...
European Diplomats are a laughing stock.

And, anyone who holds them up as any kind of standard to be looked to by real Americans is a fool.

Lets me tell you... European Politicians flaws and all, are still a hell of lot more popular that Trump...

Trump in European is consider a bad joke.. Get this through to your head, if US goes to war tomorrow, no European country is going with ye... The voters of Europe who kick any leader out in a week who dared do that...

Trump has killed a generation of soft power in Europe in a matter of months.. That is unbelieveable, it took GW Bush years and he got no where near Trump...

The man is considered a buffoon in Europe, even visiting Americans disown him...

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