European Socialist Austerity (2013) V. GOP Refusal To Pay Social Bills


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Gauche becomes Republican National Committee.

Tucked in one of the paragraphs in the attachment is the essence of European Austerity. (1) They will freeze government payrolls. (2) They will cut back the relative largesse of their pensions, and other programs. The Civil Right to a Pittance is singularly American--excepting Kenya and Haiti--and Bangladesh. Afghanistan is even better off(?), even under the famous U. S. foreign policy initiative, "Betrayus, Obombus: Please!" Anyone notices what RNC has in mind!

Budget cuts in the euro area: Nip and tuck | The Economist

In contrast, GOP has the time-honored tradition of lay-offs to cut costs. The Manzanar Model was even celebrated by their famous California Senator Hayakawa! Neither party seems able to create the concept of government payroll roll-backs instead. The outcome is that Effectively: RNC is opposed to the use of money, by anyone alive, to pay down bills, and the Democrats are into, "What?! Me Worry!" They even send generals into far-off lands with that concept of bliss, U. S.A.

RNC will suggest that tax cuts are in fact a stimulus, but that any government spending of money is not a stimulus(?)! Socialists are not that crazy! The Europeans will freeze the insanity, and scale-down the largesse. Again, RNC will propose a cut in revenue. RNC will then also propose a decrease in spending. Bills will magically get paid, in that manner, without money(?). RNC will even explain that state and local governments don't need any money! That was even in the bill they killed, just last week.

Worldwide, There is a Great Socialist Credit Market to tap into, now! The Europeans are scheduled to commence taxing banks, even soon. The banks can even spot where the credit market is located. The Conservatives of London have already spotted it first. Mainly at Soccer: They are second to even the Germans. There will be money, and bills and deficits can be paid. The European Stimulus will start to phase out in 2013, even in Germancy.

Real Life is Like that. "Bedtime for Bonzo" was not about that! (That was a famous part of the "Reagan Trajectory," which Ron called "acting."

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Southwestern Hunting Grounds now heading South! RNC maybe claim Great Hand of Entrepreneurial Spirt at work, and south-heading everyone must face, and go! Presbyterians think like that, a lot!)
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So another Socialist/Progressive Democrat doesn't like Republicans. I think we get that. lol! Sorry but your "point" was way too convoluted and partisan. Try again.
So In RNC-Land, Taxes get cut, spending gets cut, and so stimulus happens(?)! RNC says that Business happens when taxes get cut, even though business fails to happen: When spending gets cut.

That is freaky, admittedly: And is RNC!

"Betrayus, Obombus, Please!" Is actually not a winning way to engage in foreign pollicy, even when the Democrats do it(?)!

The meanings of concepts are so are vastly different--Between RNC and the rest of the planet--as to be worth noting, in their entirety: Which I did.

Republicans are incapable of even simple management! Bush said, "Lend!" after TARP, and the banks all froze in their tracks!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Trail of Cheney even, carries strong scent of spoor from henhouse--where the "evidence" of Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction was alleged to be located!)
Ok ok,we get it. You're a Socialist/Progressive Democrat who really really really hates Republicans. That's the only real "point" you made in your rant. The rest was just partisan hyperbole and conjecture. Try again.
Ok ok,we get it. You're a Socialist/Progressive Democrat who really really really hates Republicans. That's the only real "point" you made in your rant. The rest was just partisan hyperbole and conjecture. Try again.

I have to agree with libocalypse on this one.
Historially, The Party of Lincoln can't manage even a simple disturbance at a Fort in South Carolina.

Currently, the Republican Concept of paying the deficits, or the grocery bills, is to not use money. The unemployment benefits were cut off, and the State and Local funding was cut off.

Now there is the cosequence of "No money" From the "Party of No!" And so since there is no money, then there is alarm over the deficit!

There anyone sees how the teachers show concepts in the schools! Clearly, Teaching is not possible, at any grade level, without the doctoral degree: Unless it is believed that some kinds are better than other kids, and that all the other kids aren't worth the extra effort!

No Terry Schiavos can have any money! No U. S. War Vets can have any money! No Postal Workers can have any money! No Medicaid Providers can have any money! No health care providers can have any money! No state and local governments can have any money!

The austerity socialists are not doing that! The Party of "No" Got started with the "no" to even health care, and then continued with "no" just last week!

Libocalypse poster, and Plymco_Pilgrim are clearly on record with no rebutall to how the Republicans were even attempting to stave off all of the lay-offs, provide for state and local governments, commence any public works spending(?), or provide the "Cash for Clunkers," or "Refundable Tax Credits:" Only advocated and provided from the Obama Adminsitration and the Democrats!

To all that they said, "No!" and continue now to even say, "No!"

Now they even mean "No Money At All To Pay Down Debts!" No Republican is for deficit reduction. Spending money doing that is off the table!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Tongue of Snake can take away the deficit reduction money, and spend no money at the very same time! Socialists will tax from the Credit Market, and reduce largesse, the absurdity of wealth through government payrolls, and reduce the relative deficits: All at once. The Republicans are clearly not following that path--with too many forks for just one tongue(?)!)
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Clearly, Republicans don't listen to themselves, and can't even think in terms of money and credit!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Laker Basketball Created Disturbance At Staples Center! Republicans see no war delcared, and now accuse Obama of being weak on defense(?)!)

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