Utility bills are too high

You'll need a magnifying glass to see what share of the national wealth belongs to 50% of the US population. That red bar at the bottom is their share. It's the same in all capitalist countries.


Now do one for Russia!!
I know a lot of people saying utilities are too high this summer. I mean water is very high, over 200 dollars. But what is really killing Americans wallets is the electricity bills. I have heard that some Hawaiians and Californians are getting electric bills up to a thousand bucks. Meanwhile here in South Carolina electric bills run 400, 500 dollars. I say that the utility companies are price gouging. It forces folks to spend money on the other stuff the need like food. It is honestly gotten ridiculous.
In the last thirty years, our utilities have been privatized and prices shot up, with less customer service. These companies should be publicly owned, and all of the profits should be reinvested into the company. Utilities shouldn't be for profit, but to provide the public with electricity, water, gas..etc. that they need to live.
Now show the cartoon for Russia!
I can explain it to you without cartoons for USSR at the time of this cartoon:
Free education from kindergarten to university.
Free health care from a pricked finger to heart surgery.
Free housing - there are no homeless people and there can't be.
“There are not and cannot be under capitalism real “freedoms” for the exploited, if only because the premises, printing presses, paper warehouses, etc., necessary for the utilization of “freedoms” are the privilege of the exploiters.
There is not and cannot be under capitalism a real participation of the exploited masses in the government of the country, if only because under the most democratic orders under capitalism, governments are not put in place by the people, but by the Rothschilds and the Stinnes, the Rockefellers and the Morgans.
Democracy under capitalism is capitalist democracy, the democracy of the exploiting minority, resting on the restriction of the rights of the exploited majority and directed against this majority.”
- Joseph Stalin

“Real freedom exists only where exploitation has been destroyed, where there is no oppression of some people by others, where there is no unemployment and poverty, where man does not tremble for the fact that tomorrow he may lose his job, his home, his bread.”
- Joseph Stalin
I know a lot of people saying utilities are too high this summer. I mean water is very high, over 200 dollars. But what is really killing Americans wallets is the electricity bills. I have heard that some Hawaiians and Californians are getting electric bills up to a thousand bucks. Meanwhile here in South Carolina electric bills run 400, 500 dollars. I say that the utility companies are price gouging. It forces folks to spend money on the other stuff the need like food. It is honestly gotten ridiculous.
I just paid $197.00 for electric Bill. In 2019 ,I paid $78 for the same time period.
“There are not and cannot be under capitalism real “freedoms” for the exploited, if only because the premises, printing presses, paper warehouses, etc., necessary for the utilization of “freedoms” are the privilege of the exploiters.
There is not and cannot be under capitalism a real participation of the exploited masses in the government of the country, if only because under the most democratic orders under capitalism, governments are not put in place by the people, but by the Rothschilds and the Stinnes, the Rockefellers and the Morgans.
Democracy under capitalism is capitalist democracy, the democracy of the exploiting minority, resting on the restriction of the rights of the exploited majority and directed against this majority.”
- Joseph Stalin

“Real freedom exists only where exploitation has been destroyed, where there is no oppression of some people by others, where there is no unemployment and poverty, where man does not tremble for the fact that tomorrow he may lose his job, his home, his bread.”
- Joseph Stalin

“There are not and cannot be under capitalism real “freedoms” for the exploited,

If a worker feels exploited, they can leave that employer and work for another.

Communism and communists were failures. Russia is still a shithole.

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