EV fires


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
When a fire department puts water on a lithium battery fire the water and lithium produce hydrogen gas.
It just makes it worse.
Smothering the fire might be a better way

Smothering a fire works by cutting off oxygen to the fire. However, lithium ion battery fires generate their own oxygen. They don't need oxygen from an outside source.
EV's and the global climate change agenda will be laughed at by our future earthlings....
You have to have specialized chemical foams to put out a lithium fire. Spraying anything else on it is just adding gas to the flame.

Baking soda works on all kinds of fires, but I don't know that they can make a spray foam out of baking soda.


According to a 2023 report from the MSB, electric vehicles (EVs) have averaged around 20 fires per year over the past three years, out of about 611,000 vehicles. This compares to about 3,400 fires for fuel-powered cars, which number around 4.4 million.

Some say that EVs are actually less likely to catch fire than gasoline or diesel vehicles. For example, a 2023 study from the National Transportation Safety Board and the Bureau of Transportation Statistics found that pure electric vehicles were involved in 25 fires per 100,000 sold, while gasoline-powered cars were involved in 1,530 per 100,000. Research from EV Fire Safe also suggests that passenger electric vehicle batteries have a 0.0012% chance of catching fire, while internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles have a 0.1% chance.


Gas fueled engines that catch fire can be put out easily and safely and do not emit deadly/toxic fumes.

Battery operated vehicles that catch fire burn hot, intensly, and completely. This emits extremely deadly fumes that can linger for a long time, and the burning chemicals that seep into the ground its on, make the soil unusable for centuries.

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