Even After Losing The Election Trump Still Winning - Negotiates Another Deal Dems Said We Would Never See In Our Lifetime


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
LOL!!..check back in about three years and tell us how it all worked out. The real story is in the details..wonder what we agreed to in order to get this 'fabulous deal'. Oh and when you said Trump you obviously meant Jared. Trump has been to busy golfing to negotiate anything.
Trump White House brokers deal to end Mideast feud further isolating Iran

Trump White House brokers deal to end Mideast feud further isolating Iran

STILL Winning! Trump remains the most successful President in DECADES, in some cases EVER!

Nobody cares
Sure. Whatever. Get back to me when he's solved the Palestinian state issue. Then I'll do a happy dance. Billionaires arguing over their oil fields doesn't move my needle.
Sure. Whatever. Get back to me when he's solved the Palestinian state issue. Then I'll do a happy dance. Billionaires arguing over their oil fields doesn't move my needle.

That's because you have no needle to move, Jack. It withered and fell off. You wouldn't do a happy dance if Trump ended world hunger. Trump's already gotten 10X more done over there than your choom smoking Obumma and coke snorting Willy ever put together in their 16 years.
Sure. Whatever. Get back to me when he's solved the Palestinian state issue. Then I'll do a happy dance. Billionaires arguing over their oil fields doesn't move my needle.

That's because you have no needle to move, Jack. It withered and fell off. You wouldn't do a happy dance if Trump ended world hunger. Trump's already gotten 10X more done over there than your choom smoking Obumma and coke snorting Willy ever put together in their 16 years.

Sure. You run with that. If Trump really did accomplish 10X more, he'd have been re-elected easily. But, he's out. And he'll be remembered as the worst President this country ever elected. Again, after all his carnage of the last four years, it couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Feel free to continue with your ODS. A couple of rich, oil producing nations settling a squabble that they should have been able to accomplish on their own..isn't an accomplishment.
Trump White House brokers deal to end Mideast feud further isolating Iran

Trump White House brokers deal to end Mideast feud further isolating Iran

STILL Winning! Trump remains the most successful President in DECADES, in some cases EVER!

Its because Trump likes to sell weapons to Muslims

LOL!!..check back in about three years and tell us how it all worked out. The real story is in the details..wonder what we agreed to in order to get this 'fabulous deal'. Oh and when you said Trump you obviously meant Jared. Trump has been to busy golfing to negotiate anything.

The details are Biden is still a pedo working for the CCP
Sure. Whatever. Get back to me when he's solved the Palestinian state issue. Then I'll do a happy dance. Billionaires arguing over their oil fields doesn't move my needle.

That's because you have no needle to move, Jack. It withered and fell off. You wouldn't do a happy dance if Trump ended world hunger. Trump's already gotten 10X more done over there than your choom smoking Obumma and coke snorting Willy ever put together in their 16 years.

You're right. Neither President achieved the unemployment numbers, the loss of GDP, or the food lineups that we've seen from Trump. Neither President saw the race riots, or locked up 40,000 non-criminal immigrants either.
Neither of them allowed 350,000 Americans to die in a pandemic either. Thank God that neither Obama or Clinton did ANY of the things Trump did.
LOL!!..check back in about three years and tell us how it all worked out. The real story is in the details..wonder what we agreed to in order to get this 'fabulous deal'. Oh and when you said Trump you obviously meant Jared. Trump has been to busy golfing to negotiate anything.

The details are Biden is still a pedo working for the CCP

The details are you're still an idiot posting Russian propaganda and lies. Why do you lie Frank? What's in it for you? Why do you betray your own country in this way? Shameful!
LOL!!..check back in about three years and tell us how it all worked out. The real story is in the details..wonder what we agreed to in order to get this 'fabulous deal'. Oh and when you said Trump you obviously meant Jared. Trump has been to busy golfing to negotiate anything.

The details are Biden is still a pedo working for the CCP

The details are you're still an idiot posting Russian propaganda and lies. Why do you lie Frank? What's in it for you? Why do you betray your own country in this way? Shameful!

Take your meds. I'm not kidding. They are for your own good.

Sure. You run with that.
Who needs to run with anything? I can document every single thing Trump has done.

If Trump really did accomplish 10X more, he'd have been re-elected easily.
No Jack. If the dishonest media had reported Trump's 900% performance instead of hiding it while printing scandalous lies painting him as -1,899% UNDERperforming, he would have been reelected.

Had normal election laws been followed instead of the democrats scurrying for a year before the election to get passed all kinds of illegal election law changes in obscurity then finding millions of printed ballots at 4AM and counting them all with no one else around to oversee, Trump would have been reelected.

Trump got 74 million votes, honest votes, poll votes, more than the first time, 5 million more than rock and roll star Barry got in his first, BETTER election! Trump got more votes for him than ANY OTHER PRESIDENT IN HISTORY.

Except the loser do nothing nobody Joe Biden who barely made #3 in the primaries and never got more than 1.5% of the vote in his other two tries.

There is simply no sane way any honest, rational, intelligent, informed person can explain that.

Guess that leaves you out.
The details are you're still an idiot posting Russian propaganda and lies. Why do you betray your own country in this way?
Take your meds. I'm not kidding. They are for your own good.

Dungeonlady is WAY past that candy store mix, Frank!

As her doctor, I would order her on a mix of Mellaril, Etrafon Forte, and Dilaudid. Heavy does 4X a day.
Neither President achieved the unemployment numbers,
the loss of GDP,
or the food lineups that we've seen from Trump.
Neither President saw the race riots,
or locked up 40,000 non-criminal immigrants either.
Neither of them allowed 350,000 Americans to die in a pandemic either.

Sweet jesus what a freeking psycho LIAR you are. Everything you mention above was the result of a global pandemic which no other comparable major country has done better with, all the while facilitated by the DEMOCRATS.

Most of the above was driven by the Democrat-led shutdowns ans support FOR those riots.

Don't try to pass your lunatic fringe psychobabble on me.

Media-elect Joe will have the reigns in just TWO WEEKS: I can't wait for him to show us how much better a job he'll get done! :21:
LOL!!..check back in about three years and tell us how it all worked out. The real story is in the details..wonder what we agreed to in order to get this 'fabulous deal'. Oh and when you said Trump you obviously meant Jared. Trump has been to busy golfing to negotiate anything.

Looks to me like you think quid pro joe will fuck things up. You're probably right.

LOL!!..check back in about three years and tell us how it all worked out. The real story is in the details..wonder what we agreed to in order to get this 'fabulous deal'. Oh and when you said Trump you obviously meant Jared. Trump has been to busy golfing to negotiate anything.

Looks to me like you think quid pro joe will fuck things up. You're probably right.


No doubt about it. He will undo everything Trump did and we will have four years of misery. The American tax payer will get hosed to pay for his stupid shit.
LOL!!..check back in about three years and tell us how it all worked out. The real story is in the details..wonder what we agreed to in order to get this 'fabulous deal'. Oh and when you said Trump you obviously meant Jared. Trump has been to busy golfing to negotiate anything.
Even if the peace does not last, President Trump has already accomplished what Democrats claimed never could happen.

Oh the jealousy and irrational hatred is eating you snowflakes alive. STILL WINNING! Most successful President in DECADES, in some cases EVER! If you feel the need to weep or run out into the street and scream ... AGAIN ... go for it.

Yes so many lives saved... nobody stops wars that aren’t happening like trump.

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