If trump wins here is a list of countries that will not let him enter

Trump has long raged over "criminal" mexicans entering the US. Will he soon deny that he did so ? Maybe some of these countries will let him in on a reciprocal basis.​

Full list of countries that restrict visits from felons

  1. Argentina
  2. Australia
  3. Brazil
  4. Cambodia
  5. Canada
  6. Chile
  7. China
  8. Cuba
  9. Dominican Republic
  10. Egypt
  11. Ethiopia
  12. Hong Kong
  13. India
  14. Indonesia
  15. Iran
  16. Ireland
  17. Israel
  18. Japan
  19. Kenya
  20. Malaysia
  21. Macau
  22. Mexico
  23. Morocco
  24. Nepal
  25. New Zealand
  26. Peru
  27. Philippines
  28. Singapore
  29. South Africa
  30. South Korea
  31. Taiwan
  32. Tanzania
  33. Tunisia
  34. Turkey
  35. Ukraine
  36. United Arab Emirates
  37. United Kingdom
  38. Donald Trump now banned from countries including Canada and UK as convicted felon
/——-/ They wouldn’t dare. And once acquired he will no longer be a felon.
He is not a convicted felon.
His felonious nature will be determined after appeal .
Not how any of this works.
He became a felon with the first guilty verdict.
Then he became a felon 33 more times.
Right now he has a guilty verdict with final outcome pending appeal
The final outcome has been determined.
His appeal MIGHT get a hearing by early 2026 but statistically he doesn't have much chance overturning the verdicts in the appellate courts OR the NYSC.
Once he has lost all the way up through the New York Supreme Court he will undoubtably make a bunch of noise about wanting to appeal to the SCOTUS (if he's not broke by then) but it won't take the case.
He's done. Toast.
The fat lady is singing.
Lib loons don’t use correct definition and are so childishly enamored with name calling and labels in their giggly excitement

He is not a convicted felon.
His felonious nature will be determined after appeal . Right now he has a guilty verdict with final outcome pending appeal
Lib loons don’t use correct definition and are so childishly enamored with name calling and labels in their giggly excitement
No. He is convicted. Period.
An appeal could overturn it but it’s not likely.

Most convicts file their appeals from prison while serving their sentences.

Trump has long raged over "criminal" mexicans entering the US. Will he soon deny that he did so ? Maybe some of these countries will let him in on a reciprocal basis.​

Full list of countries that restrict visits from felons

  1. Argentina
  2. Australia
  3. Brazil
  4. Cambodia
  5. Canada
  6. Chile
  7. China
  8. Cuba
  9. Dominican Republic
  10. Egypt
  11. Ethiopia
  12. Hong Kong
  13. India
  14. Indonesia
  15. Iran
  16. Ireland
  17. Israel
  18. Japan
  19. Kenya
  20. Malaysia
  21. Macau
  22. Mexico
  23. Morocco
  24. Nepal
  25. New Zealand
  26. Peru
  27. Philippines
  28. Singapore
  29. South Africa
  30. South Korea
  31. Taiwan
  32. Tanzania
  33. Tunisia
  34. Turkey
  35. Ukraine
  36. United Arab Emirates
  37. United Kingdom
  38. Donald Trump now banned from countries including Canada and UK as convicted felon
Cool by me.

America First.
He is not a convicted felon.
His felonious nature will be determined after appeal . Right now he has a guilty verdict with final outcome pending appeal
Lib loons don’t use correct definition and are so childishly enamored with name calling and labels in their giggly excitement

Read it any way you want to but his conviction is complete. He's now a convicted Felon. The most he can get done is to have one or two of the charged taken out and shorten or lighten his penalty. He lost the absolute immunity case already.

Trump has long raged over "criminal" mexicans entering the US. Will he soon deny that he did so ? Maybe some of these countries will let him in on a reciprocal basis.​

Full list of countries that restrict visits from felons

  1. Argentina
  2. Australia
  3. Brazil
  4. Cambodia
  5. Canada
  6. Chile
  7. China
  8. Cuba
  9. Dominican Republic
  10. Egypt
  11. Ethiopia
  12. Hong Kong
  13. India
  14. Indonesia
  15. Iran
  16. Ireland
  17. Israel
  18. Japan
  19. Kenya
  20. Malaysia
  21. Macau
  22. Mexico
  23. Morocco
  24. Nepal
  25. New Zealand
  26. Peru
  27. Philippines
  28. Singapore
  29. South Africa
  30. South Korea
  31. Taiwan
  32. Tanzania
  33. Tunisia
  34. Turkey
  35. Ukraine
  36. United Arab Emirates
  37. United Kingdom
  38. Donald Trump now banned from countries including Canada and UK as convicted felon
Watch how fast they make exceptions to those rules. And Trump can do anything he wants from the WH.
Read it any way you want to but his conviction is complete. He's now a convicted Felon. The most he can get done is to have one or two of the charged taken out and shorten or lighten his penalty. He lost the absolute immunity case already.
No he hasn't.
Biden took inappropriate showers with his daughter. Fact.
What were inappropriate about them exactly? Do you even know? Fact: Donald has said over and over again how hot Ivanka is. Starting when she was a teenager. Oh and he was accused of raping a girl when she was 13. He was also friends with Epstein and said about him “he likes women on the younger side like me.”

Gee why am I not surprised that none of
that bothers you?

And again, that picture showing .Biden is obviously besides the point. You people are such idiots. Regardless of who the man is in that picture it’s absolutely disgusting. If you actually wanted to condemn pedophilia, you would take issue with it.

Trump has long raged over "criminal" mexicans entering the US. Will he soon deny that he did so ? Maybe some of these countries will let him in on a reciprocal basis.​

Full list of countries that restrict visits from felons

  1. Argentina
  2. Australia
  3. Brazil
  4. Cambodia
  5. Canada
  6. Chile
  7. China
  8. Cuba
  9. Dominican Republic
  10. Egypt
  11. Ethiopia
  12. Hong Kong
  13. India
  14. Indonesia
  15. Iran
  16. Ireland
  17. Israel
  18. Japan
  19. Kenya
  20. Malaysia
  21. Macau
  22. Mexico
  23. Morocco
  24. Nepal
  25. New Zealand
  26. Peru
  27. Philippines
  28. Singapore
  29. South Africa
  30. South Korea
  31. Taiwan
  32. Tanzania
  33. Tunisia
  34. Turkey
  35. Ukraine
  36. United Arab Emirates
  37. United Kingdom
  38. Donald Trump now banned from countries including Canada and UK as convicted felon
You do understand that he is running fro presiedent of the US not soem other shit hole nation like all of the ones on your list??????
That’s what you were told anyway. Weren’t you told that he wouldn’t be convicted because it was fake as well?
No that's what I SAW. No crime identified, unconstitutional treatment of a defendant, illegal gag orders, a prosecution liar for a witness, a biased judge and a biased DA. You were TOLD Trump is a criminal when there is no real evidence. The jury did not even have to provide a unified decision. They basically nullified the Bill of Rights.

Trump has long raged over "criminal" mexicans entering the US. Will he soon deny that he did so ? Maybe some of these countries will let him in on a reciprocal basis.​

Full list of countries that restrict visits from felons

  1. Argentina
  2. Australia
  3. Brazil
  4. Cambodia
  5. Canada
  6. Chile
  7. China
  8. Cuba
  9. Dominican Republic
  10. Egypt
  11. Ethiopia
  12. Hong Kong
  13. India
  14. Indonesia
  15. Iran
  16. Ireland
  17. Israel
  18. Japan
  19. Kenya
  20. Malaysia
  21. Macau
  22. Mexico
  23. Morocco
  24. Nepal
  25. New Zealand
  26. Peru
  27. Philippines
  28. Singapore
  29. South Africa
  30. South Korea
  31. Taiwan
  32. Tanzania
  33. Tunisia
  34. Turkey
  35. Ukraine
  36. United Arab Emirates
  37. United Kingdom
  38. Donald Trump now banned from countries including Canada and UK as convicted felon
What a shock, you loons are still scared shitless.
Those countries don’t need our aid. But we need their intelligence sources for planned terrorists attacks. They can also hurt the economy just by all of them together just refusing 3% of total exports, and countries like South Korea can do even more damage by halting chip and electronics impots.

You trumptards aren’t real bright.

But you’re Trumptards so…
Link us up to how Iran, China, Ethiopia, etc....are feeding us Intel on planned terrorist attacks, moron.

Trump has long raged over "criminal" mexicans entering the US. Will he soon deny that he did so ? Maybe some of these countries will let him in on a reciprocal basis.​

Full list of countries that restrict visits from felons

  1. Argentina
  2. Australia
  3. Brazil
  4. Cambodia
  5. Canada
  6. Chile
  7. China
  8. Cuba
  9. Dominican Republic
  10. Egypt
  11. Ethiopia
  12. Hong Kong
  13. India
  14. Indonesia
  15. Iran
  16. Ireland
  17. Israel
  18. Japan
  19. Kenya
  20. Malaysia
  21. Macau
  22. Mexico
  23. Morocco
  24. Nepal
  25. New Zealand
  26. Peru
  27. Philippines
  28. Singapore
  29. South Africa
  30. South Korea
  31. Taiwan
  32. Tanzania
  33. Tunisia
  34. Turkey
  35. Ukraine
  36. United Arab Emirates
  37. United Kingdom
  38. Donald Trump now banned from countries including Canada and UK as convicted felon

Talk about Fake news. All of these countries will let Trump in. He'll be the POTUS. A lot of those countries get money from us.

LMAO.. You really think Israel is going to stop Trump from visiting?
"Yeah, and I told him, you got 15 minutes to let me in your country or you're not getting the billion..."

"Well sonofabitch, they let me in and showered me with underaged prostitutes...."

You're too easy to make fun of, you flaccid fuck.... feels like I'm kicking someone in a wheelchair. 🤮

View attachment 956409

It's boiled down to a north eastern democrat con man. (Trump) and a vegetable.

It has to do with that riddiculous statement
I don't care what country a felon is from. I do not hold it against any country, barring them entry. I think sneaking across the border contravening our official legal regulation of our border should be a felony, resulting in expulsion (no matter if had legit humanitarian need to leave their country or not) and a bar from re-entry. Breaking our laws and regulations is no way to start a friendly, respectful relationship. Fuck them. Just sayin...:dunno:

Trump has long raged over "criminal" mexicans entering the US. Will he soon deny that he did so ? Maybe some of these countries will let him in on a reciprocal basis.​

Full list of countries that restrict visits from felons

  1. Argentina
  2. Australia
  3. Brazil
  4. Cambodia
  5. Canada
  6. Chile
  7. China
  8. Cuba
  9. Dominican Republic
  10. Egypt
  11. Ethiopia
  12. Hong Kong
  13. India
  14. Indonesia
  15. Iran
  16. Ireland
  17. Israel
  18. Japan
  19. Kenya
  20. Malaysia
  21. Macau
  22. Mexico
  23. Morocco
  24. Nepal
  25. New Zealand
  26. Peru
  27. Philippines
  28. Singapore
  29. South Africa
  30. South Korea
  31. Taiwan
  32. Tanzania
  33. Tunisia
  34. Turkey
  35. Ukraine
  36. United Arab Emirates
  37. United Kingdom
  38. Donald Trump now banned from countries including Canada and UK as convicted felon
Yet something else rendering Trump unfit to be president.

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