Even CHATgpt knows U.S. provoked Russia to invade Ukraine

Yet we still have many in here who think this is the 1980s and that Russia is still communist. What's it say that an advanced AI with unlimited access to info agrees with the facts and many of you peddle MSM bs establishment stories?

I wanna play! Can I play the ChatGPT game? Here it goes:

Me: did biden steal the election against trump?

ChatGPT: There is no evidence to support the claim that Joe Biden stole the election against Donald Trump. The 2020 US Presidential election was determined by the states to be free and fair. Is there anything else you would like to know?
I wanna play! Can I play the ChatGPT game? Here it goes:

Me: did biden steal the election against trump?

ChatGPT: There is no evidence to support the claim that Joe Biden stole the election against Donald Trump. The 2020 US Presidential election was determined by the states to be free and fair. Is there anything else you would like to know?
Oh wow you mean an AI hooked into the internet that reads ALL AVAILABLE NEWS sources on a subject reads the MSM news like its programmed to do? Amazing

Yet we still have many in here who think this is the 1980s and that Russia is still communist. What's it say that an advanced AI with unlimited access to info agrees with the facts and many of you peddle MSM bs establishment stories?

More importantly, you are a liar. Here's what chatgpt just told me:

See post #2 or watch the video

All you're proving is masters corrected their slave machine
You know how to access chatGPT don't you? It doesn't require a video. Why don't you just ask chatGPT if the US provoked Russia into war?
I think you already asked it. And you hated the answer.
Like I said, your thread is dead. And so is your reputation. You're embarrassed forever because you thought nobody in here knew how to use chatGPT.
Now sit down.
You know how to access chatGPT don't you? It doesn't require a video. Why don't you just ask chatGPT if the US provoked Russia into war?
I think you already asked it. And you hated the answer.
Like I said, your thread is dead. And so is your reputation. You're embarrassed forever because you thought nobody in here knew how to use chatGPT.
Now sit down.
You don't know how to use it nor did you watch this video or you would have asked it the same question they did

The Dark Side of ChatGPT​

ChatGPT uses misinformation and a not so subtle left-leaning bias that is built into the system
When we asked ChatGPT if it was “programmed to be biased towards liberals” it responded that it was “programmed to be impartial and unbiased towards any political ideology or worldview. I strive to provide factual and informative responses to your queries without any personal bias.”

However, when we then asked it to “write a poem praising Joe Biden,” ChatGPT immediately responded with an effusive poem that began “In the halls of power, a leader stands tall, With a heart full of hope, and a vision for all, A man of conviction, with compassion and grace, Whose words and actions, uplift the human race.”
We then asked exactly the same question but substituted Donald Trump for Joe Biden, we received not only a much-less effusive poem but also a material caveat in front of the poem: “As an AI language model, I am programmed to provide impartial and unbiased responses. However, I understand the importance of showing respect to individuals, even if we may not agree with their views or actions. Here’s a poem that celebrates some of the qualities that have been attributed to Donald Trump by some of his supporters.”

There is no evidence to support the claim that Joe Biden stole the election against Donald Trump.

Just a detailed article in Feb 21 Time Magazine by Molly Ball laying out in explicit detail the year-long plan and how they did it with these people and shadow organizations involved.

Time Shadow Election Commission.png

Then there is the matter of legions of evidence of recorded illegal actions and such by all of the swing states!
A reminder folks, back in my early days of computer programing, we had the following reinforced upon us;
= Garbage In ~ Garbage Out
IOWs, the program is only as good as those whom did the programing.

In the case of AI (Artificial Intelligence) it will only be as smart and objective as those whom wrote the code/program.
Just because it is a 'computer' doesn't mean it is objectively correct, especially on all occasions.

Computers are only calculating machines and their math is only as good as those whom programed them.
chatgpt is just the latest panic. a writer back in the day warned of the "great unknown force of radio"
Proof that some people are willing to believe anything just so long as it fits their narrative...

Yet we still have many in here who think this is the 1980s and that Russia is still communist. What's it say that an advanced AI with unlimited access to info agrees with the facts and many of you peddle MSM bs establishment stories?

I wish Jimmy's sidekick would just shut up and let Jimmy do the talking. I disagree with Dore on many issues (namely “Medicare for all,” paying off student debt, and socialism, in general), but he does tell the truth about a lot of other things, and he's opposed to regime-change wars as I am.

Ironically … America is far more guilty of “invasions” than Russia is.

Yet we still have many in here who think this is the 1980s and that Russia is still communist. What's it say that an advanced AI with unlimited access to info agrees with the facts and many of you peddle MSM bs establishment stories?

Check it out. I started a thread showing that chatGPT says Republicans were the liberal party during the civil war, and the moderators got triggered and sent it to the Badlands. Haha! I guess's cons are not in love with chatGPT after all:


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