Even Democrat Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA now admit..“As painful as it is for me to say, if Donald Trump was right"

Yes and Musk isn't going to let all the liars on the left or right who were banned back. There are still righties and lefties not allowed back on twitter. You guys act like only right wing liars were banned..

Sorry there aren't that many liars on the left to ban.
Your imagination is vivid, that's for sure.
You mean when twiiter was regulating free speech, benefitting democrats.
Twitter was banning antisemites like Kanye, and various other types of fascist dregs.

Yes, that did hurt Nazi sympathizers, and benefit moral people. Normal people consider that to be a _good_ thing. Good luck with your "STOP OPPRESSING THE ANTISEMITES!" crusade. I'm sure advertisers are lining up to jump on that bandwagon.

As the porn, pedo and violence content of Twitter keeps increasing, will you stick with your "NO MODERATION OF ANY SORT IS ALLOWED!" policy? I don't see this turning out well for conservatives. Liberals are stockpiling the popcorn here.
Twitter was banning antisemites like Kanye, and various other types of fascist dregs.

Yes, that did hurt Nazi sympathizers, and benefit moral people. Normal people consider that to be a _good_ thing. Good luck with your "STOP OPPRESSING THE ANTISEMITES!" crusade. I'm sure advertisers are lining up to jump on that bandwagon.

As the porn, pedo and violence content of Twitter keeps increasing, will you stick with your "NO MODERATION OF ANY SORT IS ALLOWED!" policy? I don't see this turning out well for conservatives. Liberals are stockpiling the popcorn here.
Yet antifa got to spew their hate, until now.
You mean when twiiter was regulating free speech, benefitting democrats. You were okay with that. But now they let the truth be told, you want it regulated. Further shows, liberalism is a lie.
Yer trying to argue with an Illogician.Someone or
ones who consider themself as if the New Magic act in town.
As if Who the heck was Harry Houdini.
These are diehard leftist.The live to Not Debate but
Lie and cause mayhem which pleases them no end.
Take for example the crowd of Protesters at Charlie Kirk's
University of New Mexico appearance.Trying to give a speech.
Where tens of radical Protestors wearing mostly all Black
cussed Kirk and those trying to enter the hall where he
was about to give a lecture.Kirk accurately yelling down
from a Balcony :
" They're So tolerant,as you can see!."
Trump wasn't always wrong but Trump had absolutely zero ability to get anything done. He thought he should be able to call someone a name and they should simply bend to his will.

He was too lazy and too mentally stunted to put in the work.
what a crock

Trump worked his ass off, usually slept no more than 4 hours a day.

Liberals are so dishonest. They just say any old thing and expect people to believe it just because they said it.
Republicans had both Houses for two years.
Stop with your LIES fool. You know full well Dems had and used the filibuster in the Senate. Why do you stupid shit left wingers LIE so much when it's so easy to slap you around on your LIES?
Stop with your LIES fool. You know full well Dems had and used the filibuster in the Senate. Why do you stupid shit left wingers LIE so much when it's so easy to slap you around on your LIES?

Nothing I said was a lie. Your meds are obviously not working.
Here’s something you rarely hear a Democratic senator say: “Donald Trump was right.”

But that’s what Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) is saying now, and it’s all because of TikTok, the popular video app that Trump tried to ban in the waning months of his presidency.
“As painful as it is for me to say, if Donald Trump was right and we could’ve taken action then, that’d have been a heck of a lot easier than trying to take action in November of 2022,” Warner told Recode. “The sooner we bite the bullet, the better.”
Experts ramp up TikTok warnings after top Dem admits Trump was right: 'This is a Chinese spying app'
Kara Frederick warned TikTok poses an "absolutely massive" security threat
Kara Frederick, a former counterterrorism analyst for the Defense Department, issued a sobering warning against using TikTok on "Fox & Friends" Tuesday.

Yea but Trump is not politically correct. He's not liked by a lot of people. All true... Trump is an ass-kicker, not an ass-licker!

Only partisan idiots allow their emotions to cloud sanity and sound judgement.

Tik Tok, drones the Dept of the Defense was buying from China, selling farm land (and food resources) right next to extremely important military bases....seeing and understanding what China, an enemy of tve US, is doing is not and never was 'rocket science'
Trump wasn't always wrong but Trump had absolutely zero ability to get anything done. He thought he should be able to call someone a name and they should simply bend to his will.

He was too lazy and too mentally stunted to put in the work.
If Trump had zero ability to get things done, then the Moonbats wouldn't have gone so batshit crazy trying every cockamamie thing they could conjure up to try to discredit or disqualify him. His policies were starting to work and a criminal network of globalists were starting to sweat about it because the empire that they spent 30 years building was actually being threatened for the first time.

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