Even Democrat Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA now admit..“As painful as it is for me to say, if Donald Trump was right"

There's a lot of brown covered shit that comes out of Trump's mouth but when you wash the outside layer away you find out that Trump was right about a lot of things.
No question. Trump WAS NOT a politician nor was he as most politicians, an ass-kisser. He just called them as he saw them as an "ass-kicker" and occasionally we were offended as it is with all humans by the way.
The BIG difference I would ignore those so called "shitty" was because unless I heard it exactly what Trump said, I ignored the biased MSM for the following REASON!
In addition to the attached description of the below donations,
The three broadcast networks,ABC,CBS,NBC donated $400 million in free advertising by providing in 3 months or 32.7 hours of coverage, by TV standards an eternity of news time.
The new study analyzed all coverage of the two contenders on ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts from July 29 through October 20.
"Over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history —92% negative, vs. just 8% positive from July 29 through October 20
Now how I came to $400 million donations...
The average TV advertising cost to run a 30-second commercial on a national network is $104,700 times 3,924 commercials-[32.7 hours equals 3,924 commercials running 30 seconds ] or over $410 million in NEWS time taken to make negative news about President Trump.


  • MSMdonations.png
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Nope, that's not how it works. Only one instance of the law or a regulation being applied unequally is enough to get a case thrown out. Oh, and BTW, "regulating itself properly" does NOT mean attempting to squash conservative voices while championing liberal causes, no matter how hard you stomp your feet.

I love it. Why doesn't USMB do this? Let us say whatever we want?

CEO Parag Agrawal and Chief Financial Officer Ned Segal, apparently believe they will take Musk for golden parachutes worth a combined $122 million
No question. Trump WAS NOT a politician nor was he as most politicians, an ass-kisser. He just called them as he saw them as an "ass-kicker" and occasionally we were offended as it is with all humans by the way.
The BIG difference I would ignore those so called "shitty" was because unless I heard it exactly what Trump said, I ignored the biased MSM for the following REASON!
In addition to the attached description of the below donations,
The three broadcast networks,ABC,CBS,NBC donated $400 million in free advertising by providing in 3 months or 32.7 hours of coverage, by TV standards an eternity of news time.
The new study analyzed all coverage of the two contenders on ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts from July 29 through October 20.
"Over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history —92% negative, vs. just 8% positive from July 29 through October 20
Now how I came to $400 million donations...
The average TV advertising cost to run a 30-second commercial on a national network is $104,700 times 3,924 commercials-[32.7 hours equals 3,924 commercials running 30 seconds ] or over $410 million in NEWS time taken to make negative news about President Trump.
I posted this once a long time ago:

In their defense, when the MSM put on 20 minutes of anti-Trump and anti-Republican news and devote 10 minutes of time to weather related stories, there simply isn't enough time left to say anything good about Trump or the Republicans.
I posted this once a long time ago:

In their defense, when the MSM put on 20 minutes of anti-Trump and anti-Republican news and devote 10 minutes of time to weather related stories, there simply isn't enough time left to say anything good about Trump or the Republicans.
That's no defense as the news is NOT suppose to be biased and it sounds like your interpretation is they are for Democrats.
A stopped clock is right twice a day

Still pretty useless
That's no defense as the news is NOT suppose to be biased and it sounds like your interpretation is they are for Democrats.
No interpretation about it. It's just a fact. All of the below and many more have a left bias.

And the list goes on and on. And, before you say anything, yes, Fox News and the like have a right bias. These above media are ones the left claim have no bias.
Please... THERE NEVER WAS A NEED for Obamacare...

Obama said "46 million uninsured" but what constituted these "uninsured"?
  • Illegals are not eligible because they are illegal .... 10 million (when I wrote this originally there were 10 million illegals but because BIDEN has urged a "surge to the border"... There are now...11,047,000 illegals!
  • 14 million Americans didn't know they were eligible for Medicaid and that again was proven Gruber and his coauthors, using data from the Census Bureau, estimate that Medicaid “produced 63% of the gains [in coverage] that we identified” for 2014. They also found that much of this gain was attributable to the enrollment in Medicaid of people who were eligible for the program under criteria that preceded the ACA’s Medicaid expansion:
  • New Gruber Study Raises Major Questions About Obamacare's Medicaid Expansion
So between 10 million illegals and 14 million eligible but didn't KNOW or were not allowed and right there of the
46 million Obama bragged... it is reduced to 22 million...not 46!
FACTS:population of USA as of 2019 (date of the below article) was 328,239,523
  • --- More than half of the population had employer-sponsored coverage (55.1 percent), or 180,859,977 Americans
  • --- followed by Medicaid (17.9 percent), or 58,754,875 Americans
  • --- Medicare (17.8 percent), or 58,426,635 Americans
  • --- individual market coverage (10.8 percent), or 35,449,868 Americans and
  • --- military coverage (3.6 percent). 11,816,623 Americans.... hmmm that adds up to 345,307,978 Americans!
Strange isn't it. Supposedly 46 million uninsured Americans YET when counting the military etc. ZERO uninsured!
Please explain where 46 million uninsured comes from???
And this was the major single statistic Obamacare was passed on.
By the way here is the most recent evaluation of Obamacare...

ObamaCare: 10 years of distress and disappointment​

First, then-candidate Barack Obama said his namesake act would
“cut the cost of a typical family’s premiums by up to $2,500 a year.”

In reality, the opposite has occurred. According to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), “premiums have doubled for individual health insurance plans since 2013, the year before many of Obamacare’s regulations and mandates took effect.”

Even more shocking, HHS reports, “Average individual market premiums more than doubled from $2,784 per year in 2013 to $5,712 on Healthcare.gov in 2017—an increase of $2,928 or 105%.” Needless to say, ObamaCare has fallen woefully short in its grand ambition to slice health insurance premiums by $2,500 per year.

President Obama repeatedly assured voters, “If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period.” After ObamaCare was enacted, millions of Americans were unable to keep their pre-ObamaCare health insurance plan.
According to a report by The Heritage Foundation, “Obamacare has significantly disrupted the market for those who buy coverage on their own by imposing new coverage and benefit mandates, causing a reported 4.7 million health insurance cancelations of an existing policy in 32 states.”
It was a gigantic experiment in how best to discombobulate
the American People.And you are right to provide proof that
much of ObamaCare was actually use of Medicaid which most poor
were never properly explained as to how to apply.It was available in
most all Big Citys for applying.More proof ... In my state of Kentucky
the Governor { Big Liberal } Steve Beshear,father of current Governor,
Andy Beshear was trotted out like a Kentucly Derby winner by the
Obama Adm. every time it was necessary to Brag how great
ObamaCare was.Steve Delighted in that role,being a Lifer Liberal.
What wasn't reported was the simplest of facts.Many of those ObamaCare
new applicants were c/o Medicaid.Which has been around a long time.
But then consider how big a swath of Kentucky { eastern } is chock full
of dirt poor Appalchian Whites.The ones who were far removed from
Society and often meaner than Rattlers.The same folk who grew
loads of Marijuana and made Hooch.
I doubt they even bothered to register to vote.But somehow they
got their Medicaid thanks to Wiley Steve Beshear.His son/Governor
Andy is just as fickle-fingered.Maybe worse.
Last edited:
Um ... right about what.You mean 2 seconds a day's worth.
Just a minute.
Did you take in consideration this fact?
Over millions of years, Earth's rotation has been slowing down due to friction effects associated with the tides driven by the Moon. That process adds about about 2.3 milliseconds to the length of each day every century. A few billion years ago an Earth day was only about 19 hours.
For example (and this is not accurate as my math is poor!)
12:00 Noon to 12:01 Noon is the next day due to Earth's rotation slowing down (see above) to actually 12:00 to 12:01:00:000023
Did you take in consideration this fact?
Over millions of years, Earth's rotation has been slowing down due to friction effects associated with the tides driven by the Moon. That process adds about about 2.3 milliseconds to the length of each day every century. A few billion years ago an Earth day was only about 19 hours.
For example (and this is not accurate as my math is poor!)
12:00 Noon to 12:01 Noon is the next day due to Earth's rotation slowing down (see above) to actually 12:00 to 12:01:00:000023
Um ... Time waits for No one.Not even a Pope using the Men's
room !.
Did you take in consideration this fact?
Over millions of years, Earth's rotation has been slowing down due to friction effects associated with the tides driven by the Moon. That process adds about about 2.3 milliseconds to the length of each day every century. A few billion years ago an Earth day was only about 19 hours.
For example (and this is not accurate as my math is poor!)
12:00 Noon to 12:01 Noon is the next day due to Earth's rotation slowing down (see above) to actually 12:00 to 12:01:00:000023
So then forget all about some Big Bang theory.What pray tell has
history accepted as how old the Earth be.
Again no need to mention Father Time.
Facebook regulates itself properly.

Maybe Shell Oil doesn't need to be as regulated as BP oil. Maybe Shell regulates itself better.

It's only when Twitter or Tiktok become a problem that we will regulate them.
You mean when twiiter was regulating free speech, benefitting democrats. You were okay with that. But now they let the truth be told, you want it regulated. Further shows, liberalism is a lie.
You mean when twiiter was regulating free speech, benefitting democrats. You were okay with that. But now they let the truth be told, you want it regulated. Further shows, liberalism is a lie.
The truth be told? Twitter was regulating liars. Now Musk is letting the liars back in. Truth be told? You're a fool.
The truth be told? Twitter was regulating liars. Now Musk is letting the liars back in. Truth be told? You're a fool.
You mean like calling the Hunter Biden laptop story, Russian misinformation? Biden more than likely wouldn't have won if the story was properly reported. Yes we know, liberals want their lies to be known as truth, but it is not.
You mean like calling the Hunter Biden laptop story, Russian misinformation? Biden more than likely wouldn't have won if the story was properly reported. Yes we know, liberals want their lies to be known as truth, but it is not.
What is this all about? the charge is Hunter used his father's influence to rake the bucks.

Trump sold the Saudi's nuclear technology while he was President. Then Jared got $2 billion dollars from the Saudi's. Are you kidding me?

What do you have on Hunter? That he was paid $1 million dollars a year? That may sound like a lot of money to poor Americans like you but Republicans in government know that's nothing. Lots of politicians help get their kids great jobs. My politician friend (republican) is probably going to help my nephew get a great job once he's done with law school. He has connections. You Republicans want to break up this good old boys network? Are you sure? It's mostly your sons who benefit from it.
What is this all about? the charge is Hunter used his father's influence to rake the bucks.

Trump sold the Saudi's nuclear technology while he was President. Then Jared got $2 billion dollars from the Saudi's. Are you kidding me?

What do you have on Hunter? That he was paid $1 million dollars a year? That may sound like a lot of money to poor Americans like you but Republicans in government know that's nothing. Lots of politicians help get their kids great jobs. My politician friend (republican) is probably going to help my nephew get a great job once he's done with law school. He has connections. You Republicans want to break up this good old boys network? Are you sure? It's mostly your sons who benefit from it.
Like I said that lie influenced an election.
Facebook regulates itself properly.

Maybe Shell Oil doesn't need to be as regulated as BP oil. Maybe Shell regulates itself better.

It's only when Twitter or Tiktok become a problem that we will regulate them.
Only because Facefuck censors out ALL Conservative media, dumbass!
Oh, is THAT what you thought they were doing?
Yes and Musk isn't going to let all the liars on the left or right who were banned back. There are still righties and lefties not allowed back on twitter. You guys act like only right wing liars were banned..

Sorry there aren't that many liars on the left to ban.
When did anyone ever say Trump wasn't right about tiktok?


It lets people share and view 15-second videos easily. It's mostly used by kids. If China wants to monitor kids talking about K-pop bands, let 'em. The kids will troll China, just like they keep trolling Trump. That's what has Trump upset. Kids used the app to coordinate pranking the Trump campaign, such as making many thousands of fake reservations for his Tulsa rally.

Most other social media apps gather the same data that TikTok gathers. So if someone wants to be paranoid, they should be paranoid about everything.

Trump is a moron, yes. Cancel culture eh Mr. Trump?

Record deficits, wars still raging. The country as divided as it's been in a long time. Covid raging, unemployment over 10% and Trump is concerned over some goofy website.

That's very Hosni Mubarak of him

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