Even Eric Holder's Wife Got Fast And Furious Executive Privilege!!!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018

As the Democrat Lilliputians try to make Atty. Gen. William Barr the second cabinet officer to be held in contempt of Congress, it is serves us well to remember that Democrats didnā€™t quite have the same attitude toward a President protecting his administrative turf when the first, Eric Holder, was under President Obamaā€™s executive privilege umbrella during the Fast and Furious scandal (sorry, Joe).

Unlike the current ā€œcollusion delusionā€, Holder/Obamaā€™s Fast and Furious gun-running operation involved real crimes, real dead bodies, and real obstruction of justice as administration officials colluded with Mexican drug cartels to supply them with high-powered semi-automatic weapons, one of which was used to murder Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. As PJ Media notes:

What happens when you send two thousand firearms across the border, lose hundreds of them, and then a border agent is killed with one of those guns? You lie, stonewall, and obstruct the investigation. At least, thatā€™s what the Obama administration did. Attorney General Eric Holder falsely claimed to have no knowledge of the operation, and Obama personally obstructed the investigation by claiming executive privilege over documents requested by Congress. The obstruction by the Obama administration was so egregious that Attorney General Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress, in a bipartisan vote, for refusing to cooperate with their investigation.That executive privilege claim was even shamelessly extended to Holderā€™s wife. This shows how desperate the Obama-Biden administration was to hide any memo, file, report, email or communication documenting Obama and Holderā€™s actions during Fast and Furious.
ATF Special Agent John Dodson attempted to spread the truth on the Obama administrationā€™s effort to supply Mexican drug lords with semiautomatic weapons:

ATF Special Agent John Dodson is a national hero who in 2011 blew the whistle on Operation Fast and Furious, the Obama administration's gun-running operation to Mexico.
Testifying before Congress, he disclosed that his supervisors had authorized the flow of semiautomatic weapons into Mexico instead of interdicting them, weapons that found their way into the hands of Mexican drug cartels with deadly results.

Dodson has put his intimate Fast and Furious knowledge into a book titled "The Unarmed Truth." It provides the first inside account of how the Obama administration permitted and helped sell some 2,000 guns to Mexican drug cartels, guns used in the murder of two federal agents and hundreds of Mexican citizens.. ā€¦

The operation was exposed when Brian was killed in December 2010 by an illegal immigrant working for the Sinaloa Cartel near Nogales, Ariz., just 10 miles from Mexico. Two Fast and Furious weapons were found at the murder scene.

Two such weapons also were used to murder Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agent Jaime Zapata in Mexico on Feb. 15, 2011, came from suspects who were under ATF watch but not arrested at the timeā€¦.

"Allowing loads of weapons that we knew to be destined for criminals, this was the plan. It was so mandated," Dodson, then attached to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' (ATF) Phoenix office, testified before Rep. Darrell Issa's House Government Reform and Oversight Committee on June 15, 2011..

"Rather than conduct enforcement actions, we took notes, we recorded observations, we tracked movements of these individuals for a short time after their purchases, but nothing more," Dodson testified.

"Knowing all the while, just days after these purchases, the guns that we saw these individuals buy would begin turning up at crime scenes in the United States and Mexico, we still did nothing."

Democrats did their best to hide the truth about Fast and Furious, with AG Holder, the only Cabinet member ever to be held in contempt of Congress, arguably lying to Congress about his knowledge and involvement and repeatedly saying he ā€œdidnā€™t get the memo.ā€ American citizens and Mexican nationals to this day are in jeopardy from criminals using weapons the Obama administration funneled to them. As Fox News reported about Mexican drug kingpin ā€œEl Chapoā€:

(Excerpt) Read more at Floppingaces.net...


Suck on this for awhile ABNORMALS.......

Don Jr. ( who I want for president in 24) will be granted executive privilege just like she was granted it. He will also be granted immunity from this anarchy.....book it!

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