Even if you want to fault WHO 100% and Trump 0% for the virus spread, do you not see how moronic it is to cut off funding?

The WHO did fuck up. They definitely downplayed the spread in the beginning but SO DID TRUMP. That doesn’t somehow justify cutting off the program in the middle of a pandemic. What the fuck would cutting their funding even accomplish? How can anyone justify doing that NOW?

it’s bewildering anyone would fault the WHO while PRETENDING Trump didn’t play a role with his pathetic response.

Start a Go Fund Me
The WHO did fuck up. They definitely downplayed the spread in the beginning but SO DID TRUMP. That doesn’t somehow justify cutting off the program in the middle of a pandemic. What the fuck would cutting their funding even accomplish? How can anyone justify doing that NOW?

it’s bewildering anyone would fault the WHO while PRETENDING Trump didn’t play a role with his pathetic response.

I agree!

CDC Director Distances From Trump, Says Relationship With WHO Has Been ‘Productive’
The culture at the WHO will not change on its own...hey liberals...China's fuck up has killed 30,000 of your fellow citizens and counting...and the WHO tried to cover for them adding to the numbers of dead and infected world wide....keep blaming Trump and Biden won't get a single vote in November....

Dem's are desperate to blame Trump for something, even a global pandemic caused by China and the WHO. Their blatantly obvious attempts are pathetic.
No one is blaming Trump for the start of the virus or even that it spread to the US. The criticism is obviously about how he handled it.
You know how to do it better, amirite? Dipshit?
About 10 days ago I gave BillyIQ000 and all the rest of the board Dimsocialists a great opportunity to tell us what their plan was for the Chinese Virus, or to link us up to what their Dimsocialist leaders have proposed to stem the spread...................this is what I got.......


Well see, there isn’t one. No American political ideology has a solution. The solution is to listen to non-partisan EXPERTS in the field. We then make policy based on their recommendations. We don’t listen to the moron in the White House.
You mean like Fauci who worked on Obama’s team?
Let China make up the $500 million we pay. Fuck China and fuck the WHO. We shouldn’t be paying 25% of the WHO budget. We aren’t 25% of the world. We aren’t better than anyone else!
It is way past time that we stop using our credit to finance every country and every institution. We have past the point where we can't continue.
So Billy argument is Trump failed to listen to the experts but when pointed out the CDC changed it guidelines and recommendations after the WHO changed their findings.

Billy want us to believe that WHO failure should not cause us to pause and think before listening to them and because the WHO messed up and got thousands killed we should just blame Trump.

Billy also stated he does not care what Bill de Blasio said and believe de Blasio stupidity is not important.

Billy believe Trump can shut a Republic down without understanding State rights, so it make me wonder does Billy live in China?
I love these assholes who are so willing to spend other people’s money.

We pay 25% of the WHO budget. We are not 25% of the world population nor are we 25% of the world GNP nor are we better than any other country. Let other nations pony up more cash.

Seems to me China should be paying a shitload to the WHO.
The WHO did fuck up. They definitely downplayed the spread in the beginning but SO DID TRUMP. That doesn’t somehow justify cutting off the program in the middle of a pandemic. What the fuck would cutting their funding even accomplish? How can anyone justify doing that NOW?

it’s bewildering anyone would fault the WHO while PRETENDING Trump didn’t play a role with his pathetic response.
What did funding them accomplish? We still had a pandemic didn’t we? Yes or no?
Yep. And WHO made it massively worse.
Mark my words...within days we will find out that the virus was intentionally allowed to leave China.....
Such is indisputable, all actions taken by CCP and their ally the WHO, were predicated upon willful deceptions, and an organized campaign of disinformation aimed directly at the United States and its CDC/NIH experts! They knew as they were doing this just what was coming, they knew its virulence and they knew its lethality! As WHO was succeeding in blinding both CDC & NIH, as they were engaged in that espionage, China was quietly buying the entire world supply of medical PPE, such is now perceived as a two pronged initiative, corner the market on these items, and deny aid & comfort to the targets of their hostility!
The WHO did fuck up. They definitely downplayed the spread in the beginning but SO DID TRUMP. That doesn’t somehow justify cutting off the program in the middle of a pandemic. What the fuck would cutting their funding even accomplish? How can anyone justify doing that NOW?

it’s bewildering anyone would fault the WHO while PRETENDING Trump didn’t play a role with his pathetic response.
What did funding them accomplish? We still had a pandemic didn’t we? Yes or no?
Is WHO supposed to just magically solve the problem and not governments? Good god. You people make me cringe lol. This is a brand new virus and because false speculation was made, you pretend they are all incompetent. It’s so dumb.
They covered up at the direction of the Chicoms. Get a clue you fucking moron.

The evidence is overwhelming.
The WHO did fuck up. They definitely downplayed the spread in the beginning but SO DID TRUMP. That doesn’t somehow justify cutting off the program in the middle of a pandemic. What the fuck would cutting their funding even accomplish? How can anyone justify doing that NOW?

it’s bewildering anyone would fault the WHO while PRETENDING Trump didn’t play a role with his pathetic response.
WHO also fd up ebola

Tell us what does the WHO do that the USA can not do better for the same money
The culture at the WHO will not change on its own...hey liberals...China's fuck up has killed 30,000 of your fellow citizens and counting...and the WHO tried to cover for them adding to the numbers of dead and infected world wide....keep blaming Trump and Biden won't get a single vote in November....

Dem's are desperate to blame Trump for something, even a global pandemic caused by China and the WHO. Their blatantly obvious attempts are pathetic.
No one is blaming Trump for the start of the virus or even that it spread to the US. The criticism is obviously about how he handled it.
You know how to do it better, amirite? Dipshit?
About 10 days ago I gave BillyIQ000 and all the rest of the board Dimsocialists a great opportunity to tell us what their plan was for the Chinese Virus, or to link us up to what their Dimsocialist leaders have proposed to stem the spread...................this is what I got.......


Well see, there isn’t one. No American political ideology has a solution. The solution is to listen to non-partisan EXPERTS in the field. We then make policy based on their recommendations. We don’t listen to the moron in the White House.

Like the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible?

You mean those in the field we took advice from?
They didn’t say it was impossible you dipshit. They said it was unlikely. I mean for fuck sake. This is a brand new virus. It’s not like scientists have some intuitive understanding of it. They aren’t incompetent just because they made a wrong prediction. Your armchair criticism of them is so incredibly lame. It’s not like YOU understand anything about this virus. God republicans are stupid.

Wow, did I touch a nerve you worthless hack?

Isn't funny when I pointed out their mistake how you scream like a little bitch and yet believe you are correct on your opinion of Trump and the CDC.

It was the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible based on faulty intel your beloved Chinese Government gave them.

The CDC has followed the WHO recommendations from the start, so yes the WHO own their failure and the CDC listened to those experts you are saying we should listen to.

So blame the WHO little boy...

Now can you explain when the CDC did not change their guidelines and recommendations after the WHO changed their recommendations and findings?
Uh no they said it was unlikely. Either way, it’s not like the rest of the experts agreed. Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do. Now we have learned things about it. We should be listening to experts who understand viruses and past research on containment measures.

You do know the retard in the WH downplayed this shit from the beginning right?
Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do.

And yet you and your ilk are trying to blame Trump for how it spread.

And the hilarious thing about that is that you are too fucking stupid to see your own massive hypocrisy.
Is WHO supposed to just magically solve the problem and not governments?
They lied....they are not suppose to lie...lives are on the line....
God you are painfully stupid lol

No, the stupid one is someone that defends the WHO failure that killed thousands while trying to claim the CDC was not following the WHO recommendations and Trump was downplaying the virus when he order travel bans when those like you, de Blasio and Biden were calling it racist and the E.U. was bitching.

You look at Trump moronic words and ignore the actions that were taken...
Lol i already said they made mistakes. The point is, they still know a hell of a lot more than you and I which means we shouldn’t be such defeatist pussies and ignore what they say from now on.

They made mistakes because China told them what to say, so we should listen to the puppets of a Communist Regime?

Also the CDC has been following the WHO findings and have been issuing restrictions and guidelines accordingly.

Trump can not shut States down nor can he open them up, so if that is your argument you should learn about State rights.
It is way past time that we stop using our credit to finance every country and every institution. We have past the point where we can't continue.

We need to pull back a shitload of our foreign spending.

I bet we could save a nearly a trillion.

Pull out of all foreign wars and pull all foreign aid and let these nations pull their own weight. We have our own shit to worry about!
The culture at the WHO will not change on its own...hey liberals...China's fuck up has killed 30,000 of your fellow citizens and counting...and the WHO tried to cover for them adding to the numbers of dead and infected world wide....keep blaming Trump and Biden won't get a single vote in November....

Dem's are desperate to blame Trump for something, even a global pandemic caused by China and the WHO. Their blatantly obvious attempts are pathetic.
No one is blaming Trump for the start of the virus or even that it spread to the US. The criticism is obviously about how he handled it.
You know how to do it better, amirite? Dipshit?
About 10 days ago I gave BillyIQ000 and all the rest of the board Dimsocialists a great opportunity to tell us what their plan was for the Chinese Virus, or to link us up to what their Dimsocialist leaders have proposed to stem the spread...................this is what I got.......


Well see, there isn’t one. No American political ideology has a solution. The solution is to listen to non-partisan EXPERTS in the field. We then make policy based on their recommendations. We don’t listen to the moron in the White House.

Like the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible?

You mean those in the field we took advice from?
They didn’t say it was impossible you dipshit. They said it was unlikely. I mean for fuck sake. This is a brand new virus. It’s not like scientists have some intuitive understanding of it. They aren’t incompetent just because they made a wrong prediction. Your armchair criticism of them is so incredibly lame. It’s not like YOU understand anything about this virus. God republicans are stupid.
Your armchair criticism of them is so incredibly lame.

Can we assume by this post you will no longer be making "armchair criticisms" of Trump, or will you continue to be a ginormous hypocritical asshat?
Trump is a goddamn retard. No expertise is needed to see that.
So you will double down on your ginormous hypocrisy.

I expected nothing less from you, Window Licker.
The fact of the matter is, the key International agencies of the world are tainted and operate contrary to Western ideals and certainly U.S principles. This has been called out when FIFA was caught being bribed by the FBI, now slowly other agencies being exposed: W.T.O, U.N, W.H.O.

Ultimately and sadly, due to communists buying their way into influence and representing the greatest threat to Western civilization in a long term and irreversible way (unlike traditional war which lasts a few years and then abruptly ends), there needs to be changes.

It's either, you're with America and the West, capitalism and civil liberties, or, you are with China, communism and human right abuses. We can't pretend this party is going to change, it will not and we can't make them. This, we have to shut them out and limit the damage.
Take the world’s population by nation, divide it by the budget of the WHO, and that’s what everyone should pay.

It’s pretty motherfucking simple.

China should be paying 3 times MORE than us, not 10 times LESS.
The WHO did fuck up. They definitely downplayed the spread in the beginning but SO DID TRUMP. That doesn’t somehow justify cutting off the program in the middle of a pandemic. What the fuck would cutting their funding even accomplish? How can anyone justify doing that NOW?

it’s bewildering anyone would fault the WHO while PRETENDING Trump didn’t play a role with his pathetic response.

What good is the WHO doing? With the Chinese, they are responsible for tens of thousands of deaths.

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