Even if you want to fault WHO 100% and Trump 0% for the virus spread, do you not see how moronic it is to cut off funding?

The culture at the WHO will not change on its own...hey liberals...China's fuck up has killed 30,000 of your fellow citizens and counting...and the WHO tried to cover for them adding to the numbers of dead and infected world wide....keep blaming Trump and Biden won't get a single vote in November....

Dem's are desperate to blame Trump for something, even a global pandemic caused by China and the WHO. Their blatantly obvious attempts are pathetic.
No one is blaming Trump for the start of the virus or even that it spread to the US. The criticism is obviously about how he handled it.
You know how to do it better, amirite? Dipshit?
About 10 days ago I gave BillyIQ000 and all the rest of the board Dimsocialists a great opportunity to tell us what their plan was for the Chinese Virus, or to link us up to what their Dimsocialist leaders have proposed to stem the spread...................this is what I got.......


Well see, there isn’t one. No American political ideology has a solution. The solution is to listen to non-partisan EXPERTS in the field. We then make policy based on their recommendations. We don’t listen to the moron in the White House.

Like the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible?

You mean those in the field we took advice from?
They didn’t say it was impossible you dipshit. They said it was unlikely. I mean for fuck sake. This is a brand new virus. It’s not like scientists have some intuitive understanding of it. They aren’t incompetent just because they made a wrong prediction. Your armchair criticism of them is so incredibly lame. It’s not like YOU understand anything about this virus. God republicans are stupid.

Wow, did I touch a nerve you worthless hack?

Isn't funny when I pointed out their mistake how you scream like a little bitch and yet believe you are correct on your opinion of Trump and the CDC.

It was the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible based on faulty intel your beloved Chinese Government gave them.

The CDC has followed the WHO recommendations from the start, so yes the WHO own their failure and the CDC listened to those experts you are saying we should listen to.

So blame the WHO little boy...

Now can you explain when the CDC did not change their guidelines and recommendations after the WHO changed their recommendations and findings?
Uh no they said it was unlikely. Either way, it’s not like the rest of the experts agreed. Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do. Now we have learned things about it. We should be listening to experts who understand viruses and past research on containment measures.

You do know the retard in the WH downplayed this shit from the beginning right?
Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do.

And yet you and your ilk are trying to blame Trump for how it spread.

And the hilarious thing about that is that you are too fucking stupid to see your own massive hypocrisy.
Here’s the obvious difference: once we knew human to human transmission was a thing, Trump still did NOTHING.

What should Trump have done and when? Lay out your specific timeline.

Dates and actions:
Uh he should have reacted immediately once new cases spread. He should have taken action to inform the public of the danger instead of denying it’s very existence and to make sure the US had adequate testing to SLOW the spread.
Uh he should have reacted immediately once new cases spread.

Trump put the China travel ban in a few days after the first diagnosis in the US, Moron.
What good did that ultimately do? Lol. So once the virus reached the American soil, Trump simply banned travel from China? That is somehow supposed to curb the spread after the fact? lol you people are comical.

Wait, you are saying he should have done something before the WHO changed their findings?

So tell the board which month do you think Trump should have reacted?



As for January the CDC was offered to help as of January 6th 2020 and when the WHO changed their findings the CDC updated it guidelines and restrictions, so tell the board what you believe Trump should have done before the WHO changed their findings?

Remember it is YOU that said we must listen to the WHO and it has been shown the CDC was following the WHO findings, so come on Billy show us what you believe should have been done in November and December so I can mock you even more!
The culture at the WHO will not change on its own...hey liberals...China's fuck up has killed 30,000 of your fellow citizens and counting...and the WHO tried to cover for them adding to the numbers of dead and infected world wide....keep blaming Trump and Biden won't get a single vote in November....

Dem's are desperate to blame Trump for something, even a global pandemic caused by China and the WHO. Their blatantly obvious attempts are pathetic.
No one is blaming Trump for the start of the virus or even that it spread to the US. The criticism is obviously about how he handled it.
You know how to do it better, amirite? Dipshit?
About 10 days ago I gave BillyIQ000 and all the rest of the board Dimsocialists a great opportunity to tell us what their plan was for the Chinese Virus, or to link us up to what their Dimsocialist leaders have proposed to stem the spread...................this is what I got.......


Well see, there isn’t one. No American political ideology has a solution. The solution is to listen to non-partisan EXPERTS in the field. We then make policy based on their recommendations. We don’t listen to the moron in the White House.

Like the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible?

You mean those in the field we took advice from?
They didn’t say it was impossible you dipshit. They said it was unlikely. I mean for fuck sake. This is a brand new virus. It’s not like scientists have some intuitive understanding of it. They aren’t incompetent just because they made a wrong prediction. Your armchair criticism of them is so incredibly lame. It’s not like YOU understand anything about this virus. God republicans are stupid.

Wow, did I touch a nerve you worthless hack?

Isn't funny when I pointed out their mistake how you scream like a little bitch and yet believe you are correct on your opinion of Trump and the CDC.

It was the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible based on faulty intel your beloved Chinese Government gave them.

The CDC has followed the WHO recommendations from the start, so yes the WHO own their failure and the CDC listened to those experts you are saying we should listen to.

So blame the WHO little boy...

Now can you explain when the CDC did not change their guidelines and recommendations after the WHO changed their recommendations and findings?
Uh no they said it was unlikely. Either way, it’s not like the rest of the experts agreed. Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do. Now we have learned things about it. We should be listening to experts who understand viruses and past research on containment measures.

You do know the retard in the WH downplayed this shit from the beginning right?
Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do.

And yet you and your ilk are trying to blame Trump for how it spread.

And the hilarious thing about that is that you are too fucking stupid to see your own massive hypocrisy.
Here’s the obvious difference: once we knew human to human transmission was a thing, Trump still did NOTHING.
That is a bald faced lie, who supplies you with these obvious lies, the CCP? Do you understand that the sainted Dr Anthony Fauci was selling the "its harmless to America" story as late as January 24th, did you know that? Trump is not prescient, he relies upon experts and adviser's in making his decisions, and might I add that many of those so-called experts and adviser's are actually deep state protagonists in the ongoing treason against the president to this very moment, and that such has rightfully served to retard any decisions the president makes, you understand this fact do you not, I believe you enemies of America refer to this as the "resistance!"
I’m sorry January 24th? Even if that were true, we should have just listened to him then and ignore the exponential progression of the virus after the fact? How dumb would that be? Who cares what he said about it from fucking three months ago. Trump downplayed this shit all of February.
The culture at the WHO will not change on its own...hey liberals...China's fuck up has killed 30,000 of your fellow citizens and counting...and the WHO tried to cover for them adding to the numbers of dead and infected world wide....keep blaming Trump and Biden won't get a single vote in November....

Dem's are desperate to blame Trump for something, even a global pandemic caused by China and the WHO. Their blatantly obvious attempts are pathetic.
No one is blaming Trump for the start of the virus or even that it spread to the US. The criticism is obviously about how he handled it.
You know how to do it better, amirite? Dipshit?
About 10 days ago I gave BillyIQ000 and all the rest of the board Dimsocialists a great opportunity to tell us what their plan was for the Chinese Virus, or to link us up to what their Dimsocialist leaders have proposed to stem the spread...................this is what I got.......


Well see, there isn’t one. No American political ideology has a solution. The solution is to listen to non-partisan EXPERTS in the field. We then make policy based on their recommendations. We don’t listen to the moron in the White House.

Like the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible?

You mean those in the field we took advice from?
They didn’t say it was impossible you dipshit. They said it was unlikely. I mean for fuck sake. This is a brand new virus. It’s not like scientists have some intuitive understanding of it. They aren’t incompetent just because they made a wrong prediction. Your armchair criticism of them is so incredibly lame. It’s not like YOU understand anything about this virus. God republicans are stupid.

Wow, did I touch a nerve you worthless hack?

Isn't funny when I pointed out their mistake how you scream like a little bitch and yet believe you are correct on your opinion of Trump and the CDC.

It was the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible based on faulty intel your beloved Chinese Government gave them.

The CDC has followed the WHO recommendations from the start, so yes the WHO own their failure and the CDC listened to those experts you are saying we should listen to.

So blame the WHO little boy...

Now can you explain when the CDC did not change their guidelines and recommendations after the WHO changed their recommendations and findings?
Uh no they said it was unlikely. Either way, it’s not like the rest of the experts agreed. Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do. Now we have learned things about it. We should be listening to experts who understand viruses and past research on containment measures.

You do know the retard in the WH downplayed this shit from the beginning right?
Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do.

And yet you and your ilk are trying to blame Trump for how it spread.

And the hilarious thing about that is that you are too fucking stupid to see your own massive hypocrisy.
Here’s the obvious difference: once we knew human to human transmission was a thing, Trump still did NOTHING.

What should Trump have done and when? Lay out your specific timeline.

Dates and actions:
Uh he should have reacted immediately once new cases spread. He should have taken action to inform the public of the danger instead of denying it’s very existence and to make sure the US had adequate testing to SLOW the spread.
Uh he should have reacted immediately once new cases spread.

Trump put the China travel ban in a few days after the first diagnosis in the US, Moron.
What good did that ultimately do? Lol. So once the virus reached the American soil, Trump simply banned travel from China? That is somehow supposed to curb the spread after the fact? lol you people are comical.
Hey Moron, you claimed he did "nothing".

Keep digging.:dig:
That’s right. Over 20,000 people are now dead in the US. So yeah, he did nothing.
The culture at the WHO will not change on its own...hey liberals...China's fuck up has killed 30,000 of your fellow citizens and counting...and the WHO tried to cover for them adding to the numbers of dead and infected world wide....keep blaming Trump and Biden won't get a single vote in November....

Dem's are desperate to blame Trump for something, even a global pandemic caused by China and the WHO. Their blatantly obvious attempts are pathetic.
No one is blaming Trump for the start of the virus or even that it spread to the US. The criticism is obviously about how he handled it.
You know how to do it better, amirite? Dipshit?
About 10 days ago I gave BillyIQ000 and all the rest of the board Dimsocialists a great opportunity to tell us what their plan was for the Chinese Virus, or to link us up to what their Dimsocialist leaders have proposed to stem the spread...................this is what I got.......


Well see, there isn’t one. No American political ideology has a solution. The solution is to listen to non-partisan EXPERTS in the field. We then make policy based on their recommendations. We don’t listen to the moron in the White House.

Like the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible?

You mean those in the field we took advice from?
They didn’t say it was impossible you dipshit. They said it was unlikely. I mean for fuck sake. This is a brand new virus. It’s not like scientists have some intuitive understanding of it. They aren’t incompetent just because they made a wrong prediction. Your armchair criticism of them is so incredibly lame. It’s not like YOU understand anything about this virus. God republicans are stupid.

Wow, did I touch a nerve you worthless hack?

Isn't funny when I pointed out their mistake how you scream like a little bitch and yet believe you are correct on your opinion of Trump and the CDC.

It was the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible based on faulty intel your beloved Chinese Government gave them.

The CDC has followed the WHO recommendations from the start, so yes the WHO own their failure and the CDC listened to those experts you are saying we should listen to.

So blame the WHO little boy...

Now can you explain when the CDC did not change their guidelines and recommendations after the WHO changed their recommendations and findings?
Uh no they said it was unlikely. Either way, it’s not like the rest of the experts agreed. Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do. Now we have learned things about it. We should be listening to experts who understand viruses and past research on containment measures.

You do know the retard in the WH downplayed this shit from the beginning right?
Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do.

And yet you and your ilk are trying to blame Trump for how it spread.

And the hilarious thing about that is that you are too fucking stupid to see your own massive hypocrisy.
Here’s the obvious difference: once we knew human to human transmission was a thing, Trump still did NOTHING.

What should Trump have done and when? Lay out your specific timeline.

Dates and actions:
Uh he should have reacted immediately once new cases spread. He should have taken action to inform the public of the danger instead of denying it’s very existence and to make sure the US had adequate testing to SLOW the spread.
Uh he should have reacted immediately once new cases spread.

Trump put the China travel ban in a few days after the first diagnosis in the US, Moron.
What good did that ultimately do? Lol. So once the virus reached the American soil, Trump simply banned travel from China? That is somehow supposed to curb the spread after the fact? lol you people are comical.
Hey Moron, you claimed he did "nothing".

Keep digging.:dig:
That’s right. Over 20,000 people are now dead in the US. So yeah, he did nothing.
The culture at the WHO will not change on its own...hey liberals...China's fuck up has killed 30,000 of your fellow citizens and counting...and the WHO tried to cover for them adding to the numbers of dead and infected world wide....keep blaming Trump and Biden won't get a single vote in November....

Dem's are desperate to blame Trump for something, even a global pandemic caused by China and the WHO. Their blatantly obvious attempts are pathetic.
No one is blaming Trump for the start of the virus or even that it spread to the US. The criticism is obviously about how he handled it.
You know how to do it better, amirite? Dipshit?
About 10 days ago I gave BillyIQ000 and all the rest of the board Dimsocialists a great opportunity to tell us what their plan was for the Chinese Virus, or to link us up to what their Dimsocialist leaders have proposed to stem the spread...................this is what I got.......


Well see, there isn’t one. No American political ideology has a solution. The solution is to listen to non-partisan EXPERTS in the field. We then make policy based on their recommendations. We don’t listen to the moron in the White House.

Like the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible?

You mean those in the field we took advice from?
They didn’t say it was impossible you dipshit. They said it was unlikely. I mean for fuck sake. This is a brand new virus. It’s not like scientists have some intuitive understanding of it. They aren’t incompetent just because they made a wrong prediction. Your armchair criticism of them is so incredibly lame. It’s not like YOU understand anything about this virus. God republicans are stupid.

Wow, did I touch a nerve you worthless hack?

Isn't funny when I pointed out their mistake how you scream like a little bitch and yet believe you are correct on your opinion of Trump and the CDC.

It was the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible based on faulty intel your beloved Chinese Government gave them.

The CDC has followed the WHO recommendations from the start, so yes the WHO own their failure and the CDC listened to those experts you are saying we should listen to.

So blame the WHO little boy...

Now can you explain when the CDC did not change their guidelines and recommendations after the WHO changed their recommendations and findings?
Uh no they said it was unlikely. Either way, it’s not like the rest of the experts agreed. Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do. Now we have learned things about it. We should be listening to experts who understand viruses and past research on containment measures.

You do know the retard in the WH downplayed this shit from the beginning right?
Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do.

And yet you and your ilk are trying to blame Trump for how it spread.

And the hilarious thing about that is that you are too fucking stupid to see your own massive hypocrisy.
Here’s the obvious difference: once we knew human to human transmission was a thing, Trump still did NOTHING.

What should Trump have done and when? Lay out your specific timeline.

Dates and actions:
Uh he should have reacted immediately once new cases spread. He should have taken action to inform the public of the danger instead of denying it’s very existence and to make sure the US had adequate testing to SLOW the spread.
Uh he should have reacted immediately once new cases spread.

Trump put the China travel ban in a few days after the first diagnosis in the US, Moron.
What good did that ultimately do? Lol. So once the virus reached the American soil, Trump simply banned travel from China? That is somehow supposed to curb the spread after the fact? lol you people are comical.
Hey Moron, you claimed he did "nothing".

Keep digging.:dig:

Billy has dug a hole to China with this thread...

Let say Trump had issued a National Shutdown in November or December or requested America to stop for fifteen days during the House investigation and Impeachment, well you damn well know Billy would be screaming how Trump was lying about the virus...

Billy is losing because his nonsense does not jive with the dates and now Billy is telling all of us how stupid we must be...
The culture at the WHO will not change on its own...hey liberals...China's fuck up has killed 30,000 of your fellow citizens and counting...and the WHO tried to cover for them adding to the numbers of dead and infected world wide....keep blaming Trump and Biden won't get a single vote in November....

Dem's are desperate to blame Trump for something, even a global pandemic caused by China and the WHO. Their blatantly obvious attempts are pathetic.
No one is blaming Trump for the start of the virus or even that it spread to the US. The criticism is obviously about how he handled it.
You know how to do it better, amirite? Dipshit?
About 10 days ago I gave BillyIQ000 and all the rest of the board Dimsocialists a great opportunity to tell us what their plan was for the Chinese Virus, or to link us up to what their Dimsocialist leaders have proposed to stem the spread...................this is what I got.......


Well see, there isn’t one. No American political ideology has a solution. The solution is to listen to non-partisan EXPERTS in the field. We then make policy based on their recommendations. We don’t listen to the moron in the White House.

Like the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible?

You mean those in the field we took advice from?
They didn’t say it was impossible you dipshit. They said it was unlikely. I mean for fuck sake. This is a brand new virus. It’s not like scientists have some intuitive understanding of it. They aren’t incompetent just because they made a wrong prediction. Your armchair criticism of them is so incredibly lame. It’s not like YOU understand anything about this virus. God republicans are stupid.

Wow, did I touch a nerve you worthless hack?

Isn't funny when I pointed out their mistake how you scream like a little bitch and yet believe you are correct on your opinion of Trump and the CDC.

It was the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible based on faulty intel your beloved Chinese Government gave them.

The CDC has followed the WHO recommendations from the start, so yes the WHO own their failure and the CDC listened to those experts you are saying we should listen to.

So blame the WHO little boy...

Now can you explain when the CDC did not change their guidelines and recommendations after the WHO changed their recommendations and findings?
Uh no they said it was unlikely. Either way, it’s not like the rest of the experts agreed. Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do. Now we have learned things about it. We should be listening to experts who understand viruses and past research on containment measures.

You do know the retard in the WH downplayed this shit from the beginning right?
Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do.

And yet you and your ilk are trying to blame Trump for how it spread.

And the hilarious thing about that is that you are too fucking stupid to see your own massive hypocrisy.
Here’s the obvious difference: once we knew human to human transmission was a thing, Trump still did NOTHING.

What should Trump have done and when? Lay out your specific timeline.

Dates and actions:
Uh he should have reacted immediately once new cases spread. He should have taken action to inform the public of the danger instead of denying it’s very existence and to make sure the US had adequate testing to SLOW the spread.
Uh he should have reacted immediately once new cases spread.

Trump put the China travel ban in a few days after the first diagnosis in the US, Moron.
What good did that ultimately do? Lol. So once the virus reached the American soil, Trump simply banned travel from China? That is somehow supposed to curb the spread after the fact? lol you people are comical.
Hey Moron, you claimed he did "nothing".

Keep digging.:dig:
That’s right. Over 20,000 people are now dead in the US. So yeah, he did nothing.

Dude, please. Stop. Use your brain. You are embarrassing yourself because of your TDS. It’s amazing you are trying to blame Trump over China.

You are a bitch and you know it. Why won’t you lay out the specific actions and dates Trump should have acted? We are all Obama, I mean, Ears.
The culture at the WHO will not change on its own...hey liberals...China's fuck up has killed 30,000 of your fellow citizens and counting...and the WHO tried to cover for them adding to the numbers of dead and infected world wide....keep blaming Trump and Biden won't get a single vote in November....

Dem's are desperate to blame Trump for something, even a global pandemic caused by China and the WHO. Their blatantly obvious attempts are pathetic.
No one is blaming Trump for the start of the virus or even that it spread to the US. The criticism is obviously about how he handled it.
You know how to do it better, amirite? Dipshit?
About 10 days ago I gave BillyIQ000 and all the rest of the board Dimsocialists a great opportunity to tell us what their plan was for the Chinese Virus, or to link us up to what their Dimsocialist leaders have proposed to stem the spread...................this is what I got.......


Well see, there isn’t one. No American political ideology has a solution. The solution is to listen to non-partisan EXPERTS in the field. We then make policy based on their recommendations. We don’t listen to the moron in the White House.

Like the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible?

You mean those in the field we took advice from?
They didn’t say it was impossible you dipshit. They said it was unlikely. I mean for fuck sake. This is a brand new virus. It’s not like scientists have some intuitive understanding of it. They aren’t incompetent just because they made a wrong prediction. Your armchair criticism of them is so incredibly lame. It’s not like YOU understand anything about this virus. God republicans are stupid.

Wow, did I touch a nerve you worthless hack?

Isn't funny when I pointed out their mistake how you scream like a little bitch and yet believe you are correct on your opinion of Trump and the CDC.

It was the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible based on faulty intel your beloved Chinese Government gave them.

The CDC has followed the WHO recommendations from the start, so yes the WHO own their failure and the CDC listened to those experts you are saying we should listen to.

So blame the WHO little boy...

Now can you explain when the CDC did not change their guidelines and recommendations after the WHO changed their recommendations and findings?
Uh no they said it was unlikely. Either way, it’s not like the rest of the experts agreed. Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do. Now we have learned things about it. We should be listening to experts who understand viruses and past research on containment measures.

You do know the retard in the WH downplayed this shit from the beginning right?
Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do.

And yet you and your ilk are trying to blame Trump for how it spread.

And the hilarious thing about that is that you are too fucking stupid to see your own massive hypocrisy.
Here’s the obvious difference: once we knew human to human transmission was a thing, Trump still did NOTHING.

What should Trump have done and when? Lay out your specific timeline.

Dates and actions:
Uh he should have reacted immediately once new cases spread. He should have taken action to inform the public of the danger instead of denying it’s very existence and to make sure the US had adequate testing to SLOW the spread.
Uh he should have reacted immediately once new cases spread.

Trump put the China travel ban in a few days after the first diagnosis in the US, Moron.
What good did that ultimately do? Lol. So once the virus reached the American soil, Trump simply banned travel from China? That is somehow supposed to curb the spread after the fact? lol you people are comical.
Hey Moron, you claimed he did "nothing".

Keep digging.:dig:
That’s right. Over 20,000 people are now dead in the US. So yeah, he did nothing.

Tell us what you wanted him to do Billy?
The culture at the WHO will not change on its own...hey liberals...China's fuck up has killed 30,000 of your fellow citizens and counting...and the WHO tried to cover for them adding to the numbers of dead and infected world wide....keep blaming Trump and Biden won't get a single vote in November....

Dem's are desperate to blame Trump for something, even a global pandemic caused by China and the WHO. Their blatantly obvious attempts are pathetic.
No one is blaming Trump for the start of the virus or even that it spread to the US. The criticism is obviously about how he handled it.
You know how to do it better, amirite? Dipshit?
About 10 days ago I gave BillyIQ000 and all the rest of the board Dimsocialists a great opportunity to tell us what their plan was for the Chinese Virus, or to link us up to what their Dimsocialist leaders have proposed to stem the spread...................this is what I got.......


Well see, there isn’t one. No American political ideology has a solution. The solution is to listen to non-partisan EXPERTS in the field. We then make policy based on their recommendations. We don’t listen to the moron in the White House.

Like the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible?

You mean those in the field we took advice from?
They didn’t say it was impossible you dipshit. They said it was unlikely. I mean for fuck sake. This is a brand new virus. It’s not like scientists have some intuitive understanding of it. They aren’t incompetent just because they made a wrong prediction. Your armchair criticism of them is so incredibly lame. It’s not like YOU understand anything about this virus. God republicans are stupid.

Wow, did I touch a nerve you worthless hack?

Isn't funny when I pointed out their mistake how you scream like a little bitch and yet believe you are correct on your opinion of Trump and the CDC.

It was the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible based on faulty intel your beloved Chinese Government gave them.

The CDC has followed the WHO recommendations from the start, so yes the WHO own their failure and the CDC listened to those experts you are saying we should listen to.

So blame the WHO little boy...

Now can you explain when the CDC did not change their guidelines and recommendations after the WHO changed their recommendations and findings?
Uh no they said it was unlikely. Either way, it’s not like the rest of the experts agreed. Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do. Now we have learned things about it. We should be listening to experts who understand viruses and past research on containment measures.

You do know the retard in the WH downplayed this shit from the beginning right?
Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do.

And yet you and your ilk are trying to blame Trump for how it spread.

And the hilarious thing about that is that you are too fucking stupid to see your own massive hypocrisy.
Here’s the obvious difference: once we knew human to human transmission was a thing, Trump still did NOTHING.

What should Trump have done and when? Lay out your specific timeline.

Dates and actions:
Uh he should have reacted immediately once new cases spread. He should have taken action to inform the public of the danger instead of denying it’s very existence and to make sure the US had adequate testing to SLOW the spread.
Uh he should have reacted immediately once new cases spread.

Trump put the China travel ban in a few days after the first diagnosis in the US, Moron.
What good did that ultimately do? Lol. So once the virus reached the American soil, Trump simply banned travel from China? That is somehow supposed to curb the spread after the fact? lol you people are comical.
Hey Moron, you claimed he did "nothing".

Keep digging.:dig:
That’s right. Over 20,000 people are now dead in the US. So yeah, he did nothing.

Tell us what you wanted him to do Billy?

He won’t because he knows he is full of shit. I think the guy is a troll. No one can be this stupid.
The culture at the WHO will not change on its own...hey liberals...China's fuck up has killed 30,000 of your fellow citizens and counting...and the WHO tried to cover for them adding to the numbers of dead and infected world wide....keep blaming Trump and Biden won't get a single vote in November....

Dem's are desperate to blame Trump for something, even a global pandemic caused by China and the WHO. Their blatantly obvious attempts are pathetic.
No one is blaming Trump for the start of the virus or even that it spread to the US. The criticism is obviously about how he handled it.
You know how to do it better, amirite? Dipshit?
About 10 days ago I gave BillyIQ000 and all the rest of the board Dimsocialists a great opportunity to tell us what their plan was for the Chinese Virus, or to link us up to what their Dimsocialist leaders have proposed to stem the spread...................this is what I got.......


Well see, there isn’t one. No American political ideology has a solution. The solution is to listen to non-partisan EXPERTS in the field. We then make policy based on their recommendations. We don’t listen to the moron in the White House.

Like the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible?

You mean those in the field we took advice from?
They didn’t say it was impossible you dipshit. They said it was unlikely. I mean for fuck sake. This is a brand new virus. It’s not like scientists have some intuitive understanding of it. They aren’t incompetent just because they made a wrong prediction. Your armchair criticism of them is so incredibly lame. It’s not like YOU understand anything about this virus. God republicans are stupid.

Wow, did I touch a nerve you worthless hack?

Isn't funny when I pointed out their mistake how you scream like a little bitch and yet believe you are correct on your opinion of Trump and the CDC.

It was the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible based on faulty intel your beloved Chinese Government gave them.

The CDC has followed the WHO recommendations from the start, so yes the WHO own their failure and the CDC listened to those experts you are saying we should listen to.

So blame the WHO little boy...

Now can you explain when the CDC did not change their guidelines and recommendations after the WHO changed their recommendations and findings?
Uh no they said it was unlikely. Either way, it’s not like the rest of the experts agreed. Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do. Now we have learned things about it. We should be listening to experts who understand viruses and past research on containment measures.

You do know the retard in the WH downplayed this shit from the beginning right?
Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do.

And yet you and your ilk are trying to blame Trump for how it spread.

And the hilarious thing about that is that you are too fucking stupid to see your own massive hypocrisy.
Here’s the obvious difference: once we knew human to human transmission was a thing, Trump still did NOTHING.

What should Trump have done and when? Lay out your specific timeline.

Dates and actions:
Uh he should have reacted immediately once new cases spread. He should have taken action to inform the public of the danger instead of denying it’s very existence and to make sure the US had adequate testing to SLOW the spread.
Uh he should have reacted immediately once new cases spread.

Trump put the China travel ban in a few days after the first diagnosis in the US, Moron.
What good did that ultimately do? Lol. So once the virus reached the American soil, Trump simply banned travel from China? That is somehow supposed to curb the spread after the fact? lol you people are comical.
Hey Moron, you claimed he did "nothing".

Keep digging.:dig:
That’s right. Over 20,000 people are now dead in the US. So yeah, he did nothing.

Tell us what you wanted him to do Billy?
lol Christ I already explained that in an earlier post. Try and keep up.
The culture at the WHO will not change on its own...hey liberals...China's fuck up has killed 30,000 of your fellow citizens and counting...and the WHO tried to cover for them adding to the numbers of dead and infected world wide....keep blaming Trump and Biden won't get a single vote in November....

Dem's are desperate to blame Trump for something, even a global pandemic caused by China and the WHO. Their blatantly obvious attempts are pathetic.
No one is blaming Trump for the start of the virus or even that it spread to the US. The criticism is obviously about how he handled it.
You know how to do it better, amirite? Dipshit?
About 10 days ago I gave BillyIQ000 and all the rest of the board Dimsocialists a great opportunity to tell us what their plan was for the Chinese Virus, or to link us up to what their Dimsocialist leaders have proposed to stem the spread...................this is what I got.......


Well see, there isn’t one. No American political ideology has a solution. The solution is to listen to non-partisan EXPERTS in the field. We then make policy based on their recommendations. We don’t listen to the moron in the White House.

Like the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible?

You mean those in the field we took advice from?
They didn’t say it was impossible you dipshit. They said it was unlikely. I mean for fuck sake. This is a brand new virus. It’s not like scientists have some intuitive understanding of it. They aren’t incompetent just because they made a wrong prediction. Your armchair criticism of them is so incredibly lame. It’s not like YOU understand anything about this virus. God republicans are stupid.

Wow, did I touch a nerve you worthless hack?

Isn't funny when I pointed out their mistake how you scream like a little bitch and yet believe you are correct on your opinion of Trump and the CDC.

It was the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible based on faulty intel your beloved Chinese Government gave them.

The CDC has followed the WHO recommendations from the start, so yes the WHO own their failure and the CDC listened to those experts you are saying we should listen to.

So blame the WHO little boy...

Now can you explain when the CDC did not change their guidelines and recommendations after the WHO changed their recommendations and findings?
Uh no they said it was unlikely. Either way, it’s not like the rest of the experts agreed. Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do. Now we have learned things about it. We should be listening to experts who understand viruses and past research on containment measures.

You do know the retard in the WH downplayed this shit from the beginning right?
Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do.

And yet you and your ilk are trying to blame Trump for how it spread.

And the hilarious thing about that is that you are too fucking stupid to see your own massive hypocrisy.
Here’s the obvious difference: once we knew human to human transmission was a thing, Trump still did NOTHING.

What should Trump have done and when? Lay out your specific timeline.

Dates and actions:
Uh he should have reacted immediately once new cases spread. He should have taken action to inform the public of the danger instead of denying it’s very existence and to make sure the US had adequate testing to SLOW the spread.
Uh he should have reacted immediately once new cases spread.

Trump put the China travel ban in a few days after the first diagnosis in the US, Moron.
What good did that ultimately do? Lol. So once the virus reached the American soil, Trump simply banned travel from China? That is somehow supposed to curb the spread after the fact? lol you people are comical.
Hey Moron, you claimed he did "nothing".

Keep digging.:dig:
That’s right. Over 20,000 people are now dead in the US. So yeah, he did nothing.

Tell us what you wanted him to do Billy?

He won’t because he knows he is full of shit. I think the guy is a troll. No one can be this stupid.

If Billy believe Trump could have ordered a National Shutdown then Billy has no clue about State rights.

If Billy believed Trump should have done something in November or December then Billy has to show where the WHO said the virus was a threat on the international level...

If Billy is going off Trump comments, well CDC actions speak louder than Trump words!!!

So what is it that Billy want that Trump could have done?

My bet nothing because as Billy stated he does not care what Democrats said or did back in January and only cares about Trump and what he believe is a failure on Trump part...
The culture at the WHO will not change on its own...hey liberals...China's fuck up has killed 30,000 of your fellow citizens and counting...and the WHO tried to cover for them adding to the numbers of dead and infected world wide....keep blaming Trump and Biden won't get a single vote in November....

Dem's are desperate to blame Trump for something, even a global pandemic caused by China and the WHO. Their blatantly obvious attempts are pathetic.
No one is blaming Trump for the start of the virus or even that it spread to the US. The criticism is obviously about how he handled it.
You know how to do it better, amirite? Dipshit?
About 10 days ago I gave BillyIQ000 and all the rest of the board Dimsocialists a great opportunity to tell us what their plan was for the Chinese Virus, or to link us up to what their Dimsocialist leaders have proposed to stem the spread...................this is what I got.......


Well see, there isn’t one. No American political ideology has a solution. The solution is to listen to non-partisan EXPERTS in the field. We then make policy based on their recommendations. We don’t listen to the moron in the White House.

Like the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible?

You mean those in the field we took advice from?
They didn’t say it was impossible you dipshit. They said it was unlikely. I mean for fuck sake. This is a brand new virus. It’s not like scientists have some intuitive understanding of it. They aren’t incompetent just because they made a wrong prediction. Your armchair criticism of them is so incredibly lame. It’s not like YOU understand anything about this virus. God republicans are stupid.

Wow, did I touch a nerve you worthless hack?

Isn't funny when I pointed out their mistake how you scream like a little bitch and yet believe you are correct on your opinion of Trump and the CDC.

It was the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible based on faulty intel your beloved Chinese Government gave them.

The CDC has followed the WHO recommendations from the start, so yes the WHO own their failure and the CDC listened to those experts you are saying we should listen to.

So blame the WHO little boy...

Now can you explain when the CDC did not change their guidelines and recommendations after the WHO changed their recommendations and findings?
Uh no they said it was unlikely. Either way, it’s not like the rest of the experts agreed. Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do. Now we have learned things about it. We should be listening to experts who understand viruses and past research on containment measures.

You do know the retard in the WH downplayed this shit from the beginning right?
Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do.

And yet you and your ilk are trying to blame Trump for how it spread.

And the hilarious thing about that is that you are too fucking stupid to see your own massive hypocrisy.
Here’s the obvious difference: once we knew human to human transmission was a thing, Trump still did NOTHING.

What should Trump have done and when? Lay out your specific timeline.

Dates and actions:
Uh he should have reacted immediately once new cases spread. He should have taken action to inform the public of the danger instead of denying it’s very existence and to make sure the US had adequate testing to SLOW the spread.
Uh he should have reacted immediately once new cases spread.

Trump put the China travel ban in a few days after the first diagnosis in the US, Moron.
What good did that ultimately do? Lol. So once the virus reached the American soil, Trump simply banned travel from China? That is somehow supposed to curb the spread after the fact? lol you people are comical.
Hey Moron, you claimed he did "nothing".

Keep digging.:dig:
That’s right. Over 20,000 people are now dead in the US. So yeah, he did nothing.

Tell us what you wanted him to do Billy?

He won’t because he knows he is full of shit. I think the guy is a troll. No one can be this stupid.
I already said this. He should have informed the American public of the danger Instead of denying its very existence and to make sure we had adequate testing early on. Duh.
The culture at the WHO will not change on its own...hey liberals...China's fuck up has killed 30,000 of your fellow citizens and counting...and the WHO tried to cover for them adding to the numbers of dead and infected world wide....keep blaming Trump and Biden won't get a single vote in November....

Dem's are desperate to blame Trump for something, even a global pandemic caused by China and the WHO. Their blatantly obvious attempts are pathetic.
No one is blaming Trump for the start of the virus or even that it spread to the US. The criticism is obviously about how he handled it.
You know how to do it better, amirite? Dipshit?
About 10 days ago I gave BillyIQ000 and all the rest of the board Dimsocialists a great opportunity to tell us what their plan was for the Chinese Virus, or to link us up to what their Dimsocialist leaders have proposed to stem the spread...................this is what I got.......


Well see, there isn’t one. No American political ideology has a solution. The solution is to listen to non-partisan EXPERTS in the field. We then make policy based on their recommendations. We don’t listen to the moron in the White House.

Like the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible?

You mean those in the field we took advice from?
They didn’t say it was impossible you dipshit. They said it was unlikely. I mean for fuck sake. This is a brand new virus. It’s not like scientists have some intuitive understanding of it. They aren’t incompetent just because they made a wrong prediction. Your armchair criticism of them is so incredibly lame. It’s not like YOU understand anything about this virus. God republicans are stupid.

Wow, did I touch a nerve you worthless hack?

Isn't funny when I pointed out their mistake how you scream like a little bitch and yet believe you are correct on your opinion of Trump and the CDC.

It was the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible based on faulty intel your beloved Chinese Government gave them.

The CDC has followed the WHO recommendations from the start, so yes the WHO own their failure and the CDC listened to those experts you are saying we should listen to.

So blame the WHO little boy...

Now can you explain when the CDC did not change their guidelines and recommendations after the WHO changed their recommendations and findings?
Uh no they said it was unlikely. Either way, it’s not like the rest of the experts agreed. Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do. Now we have learned things about it. We should be listening to experts who understand viruses and past research on containment measures.

You do know the retard in the WH downplayed this shit from the beginning right?
Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do.

And yet you and your ilk are trying to blame Trump for how it spread.

And the hilarious thing about that is that you are too fucking stupid to see your own massive hypocrisy.
Here’s the obvious difference: once we knew human to human transmission was a thing, Trump still did NOTHING.

What should Trump have done and when? Lay out your specific timeline.

Dates and actions:
Uh he should have reacted immediately once new cases spread. He should have taken action to inform the public of the danger instead of denying it’s very existence and to make sure the US had adequate testing to SLOW the spread.
Uh he should have reacted immediately once new cases spread.

Trump put the China travel ban in a few days after the first diagnosis in the US, Moron.
What good did that ultimately do? Lol. So once the virus reached the American soil, Trump simply banned travel from China? That is somehow supposed to curb the spread after the fact? lol you people are comical.
Hey Moron, you claimed he did "nothing".

Keep digging.:dig:
That’s right. Over 20,000 people are now dead in the US. So yeah, he did nothing.

Tell us what you wanted him to do Billy?
lol Christ I already explained that in an earlier post. Try and keep up.

Well you also said that we should listen to the WHO and when I pointed out we have been you just keep on lying, so what did you want Trump to do back in December or November seeing the WHO had no findings until December 31st when their masters in China told them there was a issue???
The culture at the WHO will not change on its own...hey liberals...China's fuck up has killed 30,000 of your fellow citizens and counting...and the WHO tried to cover for them adding to the numbers of dead and infected world wide....keep blaming Trump and Biden won't get a single vote in November....

Dem's are desperate to blame Trump for something, even a global pandemic caused by China and the WHO. Their blatantly obvious attempts are pathetic.
No one is blaming Trump for the start of the virus or even that it spread to the US. The criticism is obviously about how he handled it.
You know how to do it better, amirite? Dipshit?
About 10 days ago I gave BillyIQ000 and all the rest of the board Dimsocialists a great opportunity to tell us what their plan was for the Chinese Virus, or to link us up to what their Dimsocialist leaders have proposed to stem the spread...................this is what I got.......


Well see, there isn’t one. No American political ideology has a solution. The solution is to listen to non-partisan EXPERTS in the field. We then make policy based on their recommendations. We don’t listen to the moron in the White House.

Like the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible?

You mean those in the field we took advice from?
They didn’t say it was impossible you dipshit. They said it was unlikely. I mean for fuck sake. This is a brand new virus. It’s not like scientists have some intuitive understanding of it. They aren’t incompetent just because they made a wrong prediction. Your armchair criticism of them is so incredibly lame. It’s not like YOU understand anything about this virus. God republicans are stupid.

Wow, did I touch a nerve you worthless hack?

Isn't funny when I pointed out their mistake how you scream like a little bitch and yet believe you are correct on your opinion of Trump and the CDC.

It was the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible based on faulty intel your beloved Chinese Government gave them.

The CDC has followed the WHO recommendations from the start, so yes the WHO own their failure and the CDC listened to those experts you are saying we should listen to.

So blame the WHO little boy...

Now can you explain when the CDC did not change their guidelines and recommendations after the WHO changed their recommendations and findings?
Uh no they said it was unlikely. Either way, it’s not like the rest of the experts agreed. Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do. Now we have learned things about it. We should be listening to experts who understand viruses and past research on containment measures.

You do know the retard in the WH downplayed this shit from the beginning right?
Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do.

And yet you and your ilk are trying to blame Trump for how it spread.

And the hilarious thing about that is that you are too fucking stupid to see your own massive hypocrisy.
Here’s the obvious difference: once we knew human to human transmission was a thing, Trump still did NOTHING.
That is a bald faced lie, who supplies you with these obvious lies, the CCP? Do you understand that the sainted Dr Anthony Fauci was selling the "its harmless to America" story as late as January 24th, did you know that? Trump is not prescient, he relies upon experts and adviser's in making his decisions, and might I add that many of those so-called experts and adviser's are actually deep state protagonists in the ongoing treason against the president to this very moment, and that such has rightfully served to retard any decisions the president makes, you understand this fact do you not, I believe you enemies of America refer to this as the "resistance!"
I’m sorry January 24th? Even if that were true, we should have just listened to him then and ignore the exponential progression of the virus after the fact? How dumb would that be? Who cares what he said about it from fucking three months ago. Trump downplayed this shit all of February.
Dear God, are you ever an intellectual abortion, all of Feb? He declared a public health emergency on Jan 31st, then restricted all travel to and from China on the 2nd of Feb!
The WHO did fuck up. They definitely downplayed the spread in the beginning but SO DID TRUMP. That doesn’t somehow justify cutting off the program in the middle of a pandemic. What the fuck would cutting their funding even accomplish? How can anyone justify doing that NOW?

it’s bewildering anyone would fault the WHO while PRETENDING Trump didn’t play a role with his pathetic response.

ok genius, so what exactly are we getting for our money?


  • 87A80CBB-38A2-466C-B5D8-D54F842434A3.jpeg
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The culture at the WHO will not change on its own...hey liberals...China's fuck up has killed 30,000 of your fellow citizens and counting...and the WHO tried to cover for them adding to the numbers of dead and infected world wide....keep blaming Trump and Biden won't get a single vote in November....

Dem's are desperate to blame Trump for something, even a global pandemic caused by China and the WHO. Their blatantly obvious attempts are pathetic.
No one is blaming Trump for the start of the virus or even that it spread to the US. The criticism is obviously about how he handled it.
You know how to do it better, amirite? Dipshit?
About 10 days ago I gave BillyIQ000 and all the rest of the board Dimsocialists a great opportunity to tell us what their plan was for the Chinese Virus, or to link us up to what their Dimsocialist leaders have proposed to stem the spread...................this is what I got.......


Well see, there isn’t one. No American political ideology has a solution. The solution is to listen to non-partisan EXPERTS in the field. We then make policy based on their recommendations. We don’t listen to the moron in the White House.

Like the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible?

You mean those in the field we took advice from?
They didn’t say it was impossible you dipshit. They said it was unlikely. I mean for fuck sake. This is a brand new virus. It’s not like scientists have some intuitive understanding of it. They aren’t incompetent just because they made a wrong prediction. Your armchair criticism of them is so incredibly lame. It’s not like YOU understand anything about this virus. God republicans are stupid.

Wow, did I touch a nerve you worthless hack?

Isn't funny when I pointed out their mistake how you scream like a little bitch and yet believe you are correct on your opinion of Trump and the CDC.

It was the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible based on faulty intel your beloved Chinese Government gave them.

The CDC has followed the WHO recommendations from the start, so yes the WHO own their failure and the CDC listened to those experts you are saying we should listen to.

So blame the WHO little boy...

Now can you explain when the CDC did not change their guidelines and recommendations after the WHO changed their recommendations and findings?
Uh no they said it was unlikely. Either way, it’s not like the rest of the experts agreed. Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do. Now we have learned things about it. We should be listening to experts who understand viruses and past research on containment measures.

You do know the retard in the WH downplayed this shit from the beginning right?
Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do.

And yet you and your ilk are trying to blame Trump for how it spread.

And the hilarious thing about that is that you are too fucking stupid to see your own massive hypocrisy.
Here’s the obvious difference: once we knew human to human transmission was a thing, Trump still did NOTHING.

What should Trump have done and when? Lay out your specific timeline.

Dates and actions:
Uh he should have reacted immediately once new cases spread. He should have taken action to inform the public of the danger instead of denying it’s very existence and to make sure the US had adequate testing to SLOW the spread.
Uh he should have reacted immediately once new cases spread.

Trump put the China travel ban in a few days after the first diagnosis in the US, Moron.
What good did that ultimately do? Lol. So once the virus reached the American soil, Trump simply banned travel from China? That is somehow supposed to curb the spread after the fact? lol you people are comical.
Hey Moron, you claimed he did "nothing".

Keep digging.:dig:
That’s right. Over 20,000 people are now dead in the US. So yeah, he did nothing.

Tell us what you wanted him to do Billy?

He won’t because he knows he is full of shit. I think the guy is a troll. No one can be this stupid.
I already said this. He should have informed the American public of the danger Instead of denying its very existence and to make sure we had adequate testing early on. Duh.

CDC was issuing warnings in late January and de Blasio was mocking those worried about the possible threat of the disease...

Oh, January 14th the WHO did not believe the threat was possible from Human to Human, so was Trump ignorant for following the WHO recommendations at that time?
The culture at the WHO will not change on its own...hey liberals...China's fuck up has killed 30,000 of your fellow citizens and counting...and the WHO tried to cover for them adding to the numbers of dead and infected world wide....keep blaming Trump and Biden won't get a single vote in November....

Dem's are desperate to blame Trump for something, even a global pandemic caused by China and the WHO. Their blatantly obvious attempts are pathetic.
No one is blaming Trump for the start of the virus or even that it spread to the US. The criticism is obviously about how he handled it.
You know how to do it better, amirite? Dipshit?
About 10 days ago I gave BillyIQ000 and all the rest of the board Dimsocialists a great opportunity to tell us what their plan was for the Chinese Virus, or to link us up to what their Dimsocialist leaders have proposed to stem the spread...................this is what I got.......


Well see, there isn’t one. No American political ideology has a solution. The solution is to listen to non-partisan EXPERTS in the field. We then make policy based on their recommendations. We don’t listen to the moron in the White House.

Like the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible?

You mean those in the field we took advice from?
They didn’t say it was impossible you dipshit. They said it was unlikely. I mean for fuck sake. This is a brand new virus. It’s not like scientists have some intuitive understanding of it. They aren’t incompetent just because they made a wrong prediction. Your armchair criticism of them is so incredibly lame. It’s not like YOU understand anything about this virus. God republicans are stupid.

Wow, did I touch a nerve you worthless hack?

Isn't funny when I pointed out their mistake how you scream like a little bitch and yet believe you are correct on your opinion of Trump and the CDC.

It was the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible based on faulty intel your beloved Chinese Government gave them.

The CDC has followed the WHO recommendations from the start, so yes the WHO own their failure and the CDC listened to those experts you are saying we should listen to.

So blame the WHO little boy...

Now can you explain when the CDC did not change their guidelines and recommendations after the WHO changed their recommendations and findings?
Uh no they said it was unlikely. Either way, it’s not like the rest of the experts agreed. Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do. Now we have learned things about it. We should be listening to experts who understand viruses and past research on containment measures.

You do know the retard in the WH downplayed this shit from the beginning right?
Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do.

And yet you and your ilk are trying to blame Trump for how it spread.

And the hilarious thing about that is that you are too fucking stupid to see your own massive hypocrisy.
Here’s the obvious difference: once we knew human to human transmission was a thing, Trump still did NOTHING.

What should Trump have done and when? Lay out your specific timeline.

Dates and actions:
Uh he should have reacted immediately once new cases spread. He should have taken action to inform the public of the danger instead of denying it’s very existence and to make sure the US had adequate testing to SLOW the spread.
Uh he should have reacted immediately once new cases spread.

Trump put the China travel ban in a few days after the first diagnosis in the US, Moron.
What good did that ultimately do? Lol. So once the virus reached the American soil, Trump simply banned travel from China? That is somehow supposed to curb the spread after the fact? lol you people are comical.
Hey Moron, you claimed he did "nothing".

Keep digging.:dig:
That’s right. Over 20,000 people are now dead in the US. So yeah, he did nothing.

Tell us what you wanted him to do Billy?

He won’t because he knows he is full of shit. I think the guy is a troll. No one can be this stupid.
I already said this. He should have informed the American public of the danger Instead of denying its very existence and to make sure we had adequate testing early on. Duh.

CDC was issuing warnings in late January and de Blasio was mocking those worried about the possible threat of the disease...

Oh, January 14th the WHO did not believe the threat was possible from Human to Human, so was Trump ignorant for following the WHO recommendations at that time?

Billy is saying testing should have been done earlier, right?

Link shows the dates when things were being developed for testing and seeing a new test was needed and needed to be approved maybe Billy can tell us how he could have done it faster?
The culture at the WHO will not change on its own...hey liberals...China's fuck up has killed 30,000 of your fellow citizens and counting...and the WHO tried to cover for them adding to the numbers of dead and infected world wide....keep blaming Trump and Biden won't get a single vote in November....

Dem's are desperate to blame Trump for something, even a global pandemic caused by China and the WHO. Their blatantly obvious attempts are pathetic.
No one is blaming Trump for the start of the virus or even that it spread to the US. The criticism is obviously about how he handled it.
You know how to do it better, amirite? Dipshit?
About 10 days ago I gave BillyIQ000 and all the rest of the board Dimsocialists a great opportunity to tell us what their plan was for the Chinese Virus, or to link us up to what their Dimsocialist leaders have proposed to stem the spread...................this is what I got.......


Well see, there isn’t one. No American political ideology has a solution. The solution is to listen to non-partisan EXPERTS in the field. We then make policy based on their recommendations. We don’t listen to the moron in the White House.

Like the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible?

You mean those in the field we took advice from?
They didn’t say it was impossible you dipshit. They said it was unlikely. I mean for fuck sake. This is a brand new virus. It’s not like scientists have some intuitive understanding of it. They aren’t incompetent just because they made a wrong prediction. Your armchair criticism of them is so incredibly lame. It’s not like YOU understand anything about this virus. God republicans are stupid.

Wow, did I touch a nerve you worthless hack?

Isn't funny when I pointed out their mistake how you scream like a little bitch and yet believe you are correct on your opinion of Trump and the CDC.

It was the WHO that said Human to Human spread was not possible based on faulty intel your beloved Chinese Government gave them.

The CDC has followed the WHO recommendations from the start, so yes the WHO own their failure and the CDC listened to those experts you are saying we should listen to.

So blame the WHO little boy...

Now can you explain when the CDC did not change their guidelines and recommendations after the WHO changed their recommendations and findings?
Uh no they said it was unlikely. Either way, it’s not like the rest of the experts agreed. Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do. Now we have learned things about it. We should be listening to experts who understand viruses and past research on containment measures.

You do know the retard in the WH downplayed this shit from the beginning right?
Either way you armchair critic sack of shit, it’s a brand new virus. It’s not like ANYONE could have known how it would play out. Now we do.

And yet you and your ilk are trying to blame Trump for how it spread.

And the hilarious thing about that is that you are too fucking stupid to see your own massive hypocrisy.
Here’s the obvious difference: once we knew human to human transmission was a thing, Trump still did NOTHING.

What should Trump have done and when? Lay out your specific timeline.

Dates and actions:
Uh he should have reacted immediately once new cases spread. He should have taken action to inform the public of the danger instead of denying it’s very existence and to make sure the US had adequate testing to SLOW the spread.
Uh he should have reacted immediately once new cases spread.

Trump put the China travel ban in a few days after the first diagnosis in the US, Moron.
What good did that ultimately do? Lol. So once the virus reached the American soil, Trump simply banned travel from China? That is somehow supposed to curb the spread after the fact? lol you people are comical.
Hey Moron, you claimed he did "nothing".

Keep digging.:dig:
That’s right. Over 20,000 people are now dead in the US. So yeah, he did nothing.

Tell us what you wanted him to do Billy?

He won’t because he knows he is full of shit. I think the guy is a troll. No one can be this stupid.
I already said this. He should have informed the American public of the danger Instead of denying its very existence and to make sure we had adequate testing early on. Duh.

CDC was issuing warnings in late January and de Blasio was mocking those worried about the possible threat of the disease...

Oh, January 14th the WHO did not believe the threat was possible from Human to Human, so was Trump ignorant for following the WHO recommendations at that time?

Billy is saying testing should have been done earlier, right?

Link shows the dates when things were being developed for testing and seeing a new test was needed and needed to be approved maybe Billy can tell us how he could have done it faster?

Billy is just an asshole. He won’t give his own plan.

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